Avatar of auspiciousPetal
  • Last Seen: 8 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 275 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. auspiciousPetal 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Distractions.
7 yrs ago
"Hate me so you can finally see what's good for you.."
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7 yrs ago
"Don't you want me baby? Don't you want me, oh?"
7 yrs ago
"Why don't you love me baby? Open up your heart tonight 'cause I could be all that you need."
7 yrs ago
"I would burn in the fire to see you on the other side, put my heart in your hands, to be beside you!"
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The Land Of Music And Sunlight, LOMAC for short, was BORING. There was practically no imps here, much to your utter despair. To your knowledge, everyone else had imps. Both your moirail Katana and your matesprit Coboli reported that their lands were overrun with the little monsters, but you had yet to find one single thing you could kill.

That did nothing to dampen your permanent optimism, however, and you gleefully wondered through your land before coming across your first temple. Finally! Something exciting. According to the others, there should be puzzles and treasure within it's deep recesses. With a big smile and your trademark giggle, you made your way inside.

It was there that you discovered three ogres, each the size of the staircase that your server player had built for you to reach your gate. In other words, tall and fucking monstrous. They occupied the entirety of the main room, one level down from where you've entered. You had a feeling they must have eaten a good portion of the smaller shale imps who you should have been fighting all along.

A wicked smile plays over your lips as you summon your FLOWER POWER SCALEMATE POUNDER from your Strife Specibus! You wasted no time in charging in, leaping off the high platform that was the entrance, your hammer raising high as you prepared to strike. You practically oozed excitement and fucking optimism as you began to utterly DESTROY those ogres, all the while giggling like a lovestruck school girl.

You finished them off with a squeal of excitement as you landed in the middle of the grist piles. "Hell f-f-fucking yes!!"

You are Poppii Dweler, and you just Fucked. Them. Up.

Well, hi there!

As you can clearly tell, if you've read this far, I started this off with a Homestuck style character introduction, and a small bit of my typically writing. There isn't that much to say about me, honestly.

Most people refer to me as Stitches. This is the first site where I haven't based my username around some form of Stitches or Threads.

I identify as Rainbow Dragon Kitty, pronouns be fucking damned.

As of this September of 2016, I shall be twenty-one years of age.

I mostly enjoy writing Fantasy, Science Fiction (to a degree), and Slice of Life roleplays, though I can be convinced to try anything at LEAST once.

I've been writing, in roleplay style, for roughly six years. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but I pride myself on the quality of my posts, even if it occasionally takes me FOR-FUCKING-EVER to respond.

Other than writing, my hobbies include traditional and digital art (both realism and anime styles. It depends on my mood), video games of the mostly RPG nature and an occasional FPS, and music. Music is kind of the THE REASON FOR MY FUCKING EXISTENCE ON THIS MISERABLE AND FORSAKEN PLANET the reason I live.

When it comes to music, I am eclectic to the max. My playlist includes everything from Maroon 5 to Silversun Pickups to Editors to Avenged Sevenfold to Nightwish and all the way to Enya. It would be pointless to try to list all of the music I listen to. There are not enough available characters on this bio left.

I am also an avid reader, and I am particularly fond of Laini Taylor, James Patterson, Terry Pratchet, Neil Gaiman, and Cassandra Clare.

My favorite movies are The Crow, The Labyrinth, Stardust, and literally anything Marvel.

I am part of several fandom's, the most prominent being Homestuck, Marvel, DC, and The Black Jewels series.

Most Recent Posts

@KiltmanBagz We can either pm, or if you DONT mind waiting until the evening, we can use Pesterchum/TROLLIAN.

I assume we should collaborate on working out interrelations between ancestors, considering the importance of that.

This is definitely a good idea.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'll be posting this evening. It's mostly written, I just have adulting. This week was hellish.
I'll have a post up today. This week was busy.
@AnnasielThat was a beautifully clean post. I loved it. I'm going to enjoy reading about her so much.

Also " I do not Vrite smut, you insuVVerable tVatmuVVin" is going to be my new tagline.
<Snipped quote by auspiciousPetal>

Swoot, Leshas already has one that will actually be referenced in either mine or artersf's next post. Who ever gets around to it first I suppose. I'll just have to build one for Zarkal I suppose...

Do we need to run details on them by you or other GMs?

I'd love to have everyone attatch a short bit about their ancestor on their CS. If you feel it needs to be run by one of us for certainty that there's nothing wrong with them, feel free to.
Hey everyone! Guess what! You all have to design and develop an ancestor for each of your characters. No dancestors though. But you NEED an ancestor. It is VITAL. They don't have to be super important characters, and SOME canonical reference is allowed.
@Annasiel Arasol. XD

And, so far approved! Dear god, she's as awful as you made her out to be.

Everyone. Annasiel will be taking up the place of the thirteenth player. It is necessary for it to be thirteen. You'll eventually see why. She'll join as soon as she can. (PS, she's an amazing writer.)
@Smystar99 No rush! It's not like the rest of us are posting too much. >.> The two of us both appear to be struggling to power through writer's block. But I will have a post up soon too.
In Masked 8 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Alyssa "Alice" Johnson

Aka, Witch

Age: 26

Abilities: Witch's powers are Telepathy and Empathic Matter Manipulation. Her general use for her telepathy is to coordinate attacks with Sally. Empathic Matter manipulation, or the power to manipulate matter with emotions, is her primary battle power. It is generally used to do things similar to that of someone with telekinesis. Levitation, binding, psychic strength, and teleportation are her typically used tactics.

Weapon: Her only weapon she carries is a single ninja star, which she generally uses only in non lethal ways.

Appearance: Of native american descent, with long black hair and russet tinted skin. Her dark brown eyes usually carry a reassuring warmth. She stands at 5'9", making her tall for a woman, and has a slender, graceful figure.

Her Super outfit consists of a short black dress, slit up the sides to her hips for maneuverability, a pair of sheer grey tights, a strappy grey vest, and black boots. Her mask is a shimmery grey, with tassels in the back where it ties. It has a choppy edge, like butterfly wings.

Personality: Though some might say that Alice is too soft to be a Super, she is anyway. She usually tells them to shut the fuck up, anyway. She always has some witty remark to throw out, but is genuinely kind and forgiving.

Backstory: Alice's first sign of powers came when she was ten. She and her friends had been playing on the third story terrace of her family's apartment when her then best friend tripped and tumbled over the low railing. With a scream that echoed through everyone in the nearby apartment's heads, her friend was engulfed by a shadow and was dropped back onto the terrace, safe. Her parents pulled her out of school and moved them to New York overnight. There, they took her to a Super tutor they knew from her mother's days as a hero, before an accident that diluted her abilities.

Over the following decade, Alice learned in secret how to control her emotions and how to manipulate her abilities. She learned how to speak directly to people, rather than broadcasting her thoughts. Shortly after she turned 21, her teacher told her there was nothing else he could teach her. She bid goodbye to both him and her family and moved to Chicago after seeing a few news broadcasts about a teenage superheroine who manipulated heat and fire. She quickly befriended the girl and the two became partners in the Justice faction.

Little Fact: Shortly after joining the Justice faction, she was evaluated by the head Super and Mutant. They called her the most powerful matter manipulator they had ever encountered. Not like there's many for reference.

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