• Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Avanhelisng
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6071 (1.60 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Avanhelsing 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Isn't it great when someone blames their Rp issues on you when it is truly their fault?
7 yrs ago
Note to self:Eating Blazing Wings from BWW is not a good idea if you don't want to feel like you are dying.
7 yrs ago
I'm sorry for not posting these last few days. I was dealing with some issues.
7 yrs ago
I have seen the signs and portents! I fear another guild crash is coming.
1 like
8 yrs ago
Always fun to have two 1x1 rps die before they even start. Gotta love being ignored.


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Most Recent Posts

You can start now if you wanna.
Honestly, I’m not really going to follow the game all that much. I’ve read almost all of the books and I barely understand it. I’m more using the lore and the setting. The gods are real, like all of them. And the titans are popping out of the woodwork. The kids of the gods are now bound to a war they had no part in. The guide is more for the relics and such. I found it was easier just to have examples for that and show which gods are acceptable.

Welcome to the plot! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Take your time, amigo. No rush on character creation.

I’m going to be adding more for the lore in a bit.

Scion: A modern Odyssey

A Guide to the setting

I am remaking this plot since I love Scion as a setting. If there is any interest in this, I would love to start it.
Bimp! Bump! Bumpo!
You know something. I was just thinking about this plot. Count me in! One question though, do the characters have to be straight?
I’m in the mood for more plots. So bump!
Hello all! I’m thinking of making a Judge since I’m not the best at team making. My game teams are usually just Pokémon who I think look cool and have good moves. Ivs and such scare me. So a Judge sounds like a good idea.

Probably gonna go with a Pokémon Stylist Judge with his best friend and assistant Levi the Leavanny. Or some other bug type. I haven’t decided yet.
I’m always looking. Send me a message and we can chat.
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