Avatar of Azaria Blue
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 435 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Azaria Blue 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I really really want to do a like...dungeons and dragons roleplay with none of the dice. Just the roleplay. I guess that would be...just...telling a story.
4 yrs ago
"Too bad the black hasn't faded from my last mental breakdown" by Panic! At the Disco
5 yrs ago
I've never met Earl Grey but he seems nice
5 yrs ago
If playing The Sims for 13 hours straight isn't a productive weekend, then I don't know what is.
5 yrs ago
I would pay to become a mermaid no lie



INFJ - Libra

Time is EST. I prefer PM.

Public roleplays I've created (Old->New):
Third Rock High
Poseidon's Salty Saloon
Tourists of the Caribbean
Hollywood Show-Down
The Turkey was Pardoned

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Azaria Blue>

Nonsense. I arrived first.

Blatant lies! Once again you are spreading untruthfulness like the common cold!

Oh, and if anyone asks you to drop your soul into a certain box, just remember your priorities as a customer.

You've found no better place to sell your soul than here.

Out of the way, this one's mine.
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by Azaria Blue>

Oh, please. Haven't you heard the mortal obsession about numbers?

Polling numbers, economic numbers, number of gel brands stuck in one's hair, number of people you can sue in a year, number of typos a presidential candidate puts on his or her speech because of a lack of saying anything without the hypocrisy showing...

Precious, aren't they? All the obsessing over these made up things that signify almost nothing. Oh, do I adore their little habits.
@MissCapnCrunch I completely understand! As a first roleplay to GM as it's way better to have something manageable. Bigger ones can get out of hand quite quickly.

I was just offering if they'd like a bandit hunter to help keep the plot interesting etc mostly :) I certainly don't want to be an undue burdon.
Well from that blurb I can tell that you surely must be eccentric yourself. I mean that in the best way possible, of course. RPG has been open quite a while, even older than this specific site. We're a close-knit community and welcome you with open arms!

There's no need for telling us which site you heard about us from, we're just delighted you're here! If you ever need assistance don't hesitate to ask, there's plenty of people around who are happy to help. Happy roleplaying.

Oh, and if anyone asks you to drop your soul into a certain box, just remember your priorities as a customer.
@beyond visions We'll see if SingedWings is alright with it first, then we can see :)
Seems as if this is all we've got. Maybe another time my dearies :)
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by Azaria Blue>

Ah, from 0 to 50% retention rate? You're getting clever.

But it still stands to reason that we have the most customers, and it's not because they have any clauses keeping them from leaving.

Let's not babble about the numbers or popularity. We are together in a business and it's about the souls, not the numbers. Isn't that right? Just a bit of advertising from each of us.
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
<Snipped quote by Azaria Blue>

Ah, so you instead want to go from the deposit box everyone uses and thus has the most on the line for in terms of customers and instead divert people to the unknown box where souls have been known to simply vanish without a trace?

Gents, my box may have interest, but it's tried and true. 16? That's how many minutes you count before flipping a coin to see if you ever get your soul back.

Although we have had some troubles with missing souls I assure you any breaks in security have been fixed and the owners of said souls reimbursed! I will not stand for the outright demeaning of box 16! The percentages of missing souls has decreased by almost half, not only because of higher standards but it seems as if we were victims of double-depositing schemes!

Oh yes, members of 37 and other boxes have pulled the wool over our eyes and "deposited" their soul and to our dismay, it had gone missing! The owners of your souls are untrustable.
In Hey. 8 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
No no no, do not, under any circumstance, listen to @ArenaSnow! Soul deposit box 37 has all sorts of hidden fees and you never know the quality of care your soul goes under. Now, soul deposit box sixteen on the other hand is a delightful, safe place to store your soul with a steady, dependable interest.
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