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    1. Badarby 24 days ago
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23 days ago
Current A foolish man is lactose intolerant. A wise man learns to tolerate it.


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<Snipped quote by Dyelli Beybi>

It's never been firmly established that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter do not, in fact, take place in the same universe.

I believe that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter share the same planet.
Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano soon found himself in the service of Alberto Grasso, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano soon found himself in the service of Alberto Grasso, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
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