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Ava raised her hands defensively at the slander thrown towards her controller. "Please, I don't need a phob for this party." she said, reaching forward and unplugging it. "You could hand me the shittiest third party Mad Catz ass controller and I'd still beat anyone here." She wrapped the cord of her controller back around it and tucked it away in the case.

She leaned forward and grabbed a generic GameCube controller. "Now where's the copium?"

Abisu's attention was drawn away from the kegs by the new arrivals. "You know..." Abisu slid back down from the back of the couch and spun to the coffee table, covered as it were with lighters, plastic baggies, a large paper bag and a large, lit bong. He began rummaging through the paper bag, while clearing a space for a controller or console on the table. "I think I have those."

Eventually he produced a small plastic ziplock bag containing a set of small blue pills. "Copium."

Lying back he turned towards the tv and console then to Sterling. "You know, I'll play but I don't really have 'money.' You take weed?"

There was no mistaking that Abasi was already setup in the common room. It was plainly evident from the cloud of smoke that was emerging from the other side of the couch. There was also the fact that Funkadelic's One Nation Under a Groove was playing, albeit at a fairly sedate volume over the sound system.

Here's a chance to dance our way
Out of our constrictions
Gonna be freakin'
Up and down
Hang-up alley way
With the groove our only guide
We shall all be moved
Ready or not here we come
Gettin' down on

So there was no need to see Abasi to know he was there, even before the tell tale gurgling noise rolled through the hall and he peaked his head up over the couch. Abasi gave a little waive to Harper, sounding as he usually did, half-asleep when he spoke. "Need a hand with any of that?" Noticing Steve by the stairs he listed to Steve's side of the couch. "Hey Steve."
The question I ask myself is: does it create more and more varied content, and if the answer is 'yes' then go with it!
<Snipped quote by Tesserach>

Looks fine but can I recommend you change that 'specialty' to artifice? I set up the 'specialities' so you get some extra spells depending upon what you pick.

That was what I was going for just being more specific. Editing.

We are in the Harold and Kumar rather than Harry Potter extended universe. Though I can see the confusion.

It's never been firmly established that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter do not, in fact, take place in the same universe.
Hey! Very interested in this! I'll start working on an app either today or tomorrow, but could I ask what the age ranges are for freshman, sophmore, etc? I'm from Scotland so I'm not sure if your universities are the same ages! Also could I ask in the application it says if you are using a picture it should be something that looks 17th century? Is this set in modern times or in the 17th century?

Can you imagine trying to do this in the 17th century?

Finch: Pray, might I declare that you possess a most captivating countenance?

Stifler's Mom: Master Finch, are you endeavoring to allure me?

Finch: Indeed, madam, I am.
And posted as well. This is a good opportunity for everyone to post their introductions as sane affairs, or like you're doing a WWE walk-in... as I have done. Gates to the palace are stuck open, so pile in!
Aghilas Jêle Doeli

- Mina-Sahk

It had begun in one of the local taverns and was first heard from the palace as a distant thing, like a commotion from the market square or perhaps a coming storm. One by one, like a shambling horde of undead, limp figures began disentangling themselves from prostitutes, barmaids, local women - and men - along with one another, moaning and rubbing their red eyes and puffy faces. After collecting themselves they began finding their way back to life, finishing half-finished flagons of ale, dousing their faces with basin water before shambling out into the streets past the upended tables and chairs, over floors covered with broken glass and still sleeping women to squint with pained faces at the first touch of the forgotten light of day.

Curses and strange oaths rang out, like crows calling out to one another, or geese preparing to take flight. A grunt here. A squawk there. A monkey, hearing the call, emerges from between three sleeping figures and scrambles from body to body, leaping to perch in a window before joining the slowly gathering horde in the street. Swaying wildly, hardly capable of uttering worthy of being called words, they gather together in the square as though willed to life and animated by some unseen hivemind. Presiding over it all stands one among them. A massive man of corded muscle standing in the square, calling together his horde like an insane mad-piper by firing his flintlock pistol into the air and waiving his fine nimcha in the air while howling like a madman.

And then, once they assembled, the pirate pointed in the direction of the palace and like a great beast stirring and setting itself to motion, their calls become more insistent, more feverish until as one they surge forth like a flock of baying gulls, or a tidal wave, forcing their way up the main thoroughfare of Mina-Sakh. Their voices rising up in mad, gibbering, feverish intensity gathering life and strength and numbers as they go as others emerge from houses and taverns along the way, summoned by the gibbering madness.

Bleary-eyed they lend themselves to the bacchanalian march, set the cadence of incoherent singing still fueled by a drinking spree that had never truly ended since the crew of the Hamsat al Marid had made port some three weeks earlier. A number of prize ships the company of the al Marid had sailed into port with, each heavily laden with cargo, treasure, slaves and more. A small fortune for the company, yet after a refit and a truly legendary run of drunken revelry as even Mina-Sahk had scarcely known before, many were left with scarcely a pair of coppers to rub together.

Together they surged toward the Amir of Mina-Sahk's palace. Chants could be heard from its colonnaded halls, "Doel! Doel! Doel!" in honour of their Addonian captain, along with "To the Calarian Main!" accompanied by staccato expulsions of jubilant pistols directed to the heavens. Their path and progress was plainly evident from the palace, as dark clouds of black powder rose above the rooftops of Mina-Sahk and the acrid scent of black powder began wafting into the palace gates.

And suddenly the mass of pirates was upon them.

Bewildered palace guards found themselves confronted by heavily armed mob. Not merely the crew of the Hamsat al-Marid, swelled as they were with sailors fallen in with the pirates during their run of epic partying, and forth by the promise of greater prizes and feats of debauchery yet to come for any who joined them. Such that the handful of guards on watch found themselves, quite suddenly, awash in a sudden tempestuous flood of heavily armed and singing madmen. "Let us in, we're expected!"

Some small conflagration flared up, with shouts from alarmed palace guards that were quickly swallowed up by laughing voices as a hundred hands lifted and braced carts against the panicked closing of gates. The soldiers' shouts were lost as they were swept up in the surging river of singing, yelling bodies pouring forth through the gates into the courtyard.

Pirates fanning out, making camp in the palace courtyard. Breaking from the rest a party of a dozen or so marched up the steps towards the Palace Court and its elaborate colonnades. "Captain Aghilas Jêle Doeli has arrived!" A tall, scarred elgafolk sailor yelled over the chanting din of sailors, the elgafolk was clearly not the man himself.

Emerging from the parting clouds of pirates was Aghilas Jêle Doeli. Tall, broad of shoulder with nary an ounce of body fat on the man's body, the smiling ruddy faced pirate paused at the steps rising from the courtyard towards the colonnaded section where the naval officer and the woman and her lieutenants were situated. Sheathing his nimcha, Aghilas handed the now empty pistol in his hand off to a young boy who promptly replaced it with another and seemed to be following him for the explicit purpose.

"Be on your best behaviour, we've business!" The sun-baked Aghilas' smiling face announced. It was the voice of man used to shouting orders at sea and being heard as he began to summit the steps. Reaching the top his eyes scanned the woman and her crew standing to one side, the pirate's gleaming white teeth showing momentarily whiter through the bramble of his great beard, before shifting the the desk and the naval officer there. "I heard tale someone put out call for such salt encrusted corsairs as might strike terror into Calarian hearts. Well here we are!"

Aghilas' voice boomed, and he turned briefly towards the courtyard full of sailors and pirates, the performance clearly meant for their benefit. Indeed, they cheered and fired celebratory gunfire into the air in response.

This was, it seemed, their best behaviour.
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