Avatar of Dyelli Beybi


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2 mos ago
Current I'll give you $1.50 for your soul. Still willing to pay, but it is slightly used.
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I am the walrus!

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"Skinning children?" Coralie sounded half-outrages, half-amused, "I've never skinned anything in my life! Not even a fish."

"He's a pirate," Coralie gave a slight grin, "And I only met him yesterday. I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him! But we've got got letters of marque from the Doel so that means we're on the same side for the next little while," she paused, giving Cricket a thoughtful glance before explaining what the letter meant in practical terms, "That means if we take a vessel we need to treat the crew with respect and then sail it to a Doel port and prove, in court, that we were legally entitled to seize it. Then, if we can prove we were, we can sell the ship legally. It's a bit of extra effort but worth it for the extra money you can make with a legally acquired vessel."

She beckoned for cricket to follow her then clambered by the ladder from the hold, blinking slightly in the brightness of the morning, "Captain Aghilas," Coralie greeted him, "You seem to be in fine spirits this morning... welcome to the Vengeance!"
"There are stories about me?" Coralie seemed surprised, "Ooh fun. I hope they exaggerate how pretty I am."

She didn't seem offput by the pistol for some reason "Now Cricket," she said, quite reasonably, "I obviously can't let you just hide in the hold here. Please have a little bit of faith in me, and come me. You won't regret that choice."

"I'm not going to go scampering over boxes trying to drag you out. I'm hung-over, tired and have a visitor. But I will send my crew to get you out. This isn't a very big ship, they will find you and they probably won't be as nice as me," she stood up, waiting for Cricket to join her, "So, are we going to meet our visitor?"
"Uurgh," Coralie grumbled, "I don't know how he manages to sound so chipper and loud after last night!"

She gave Cricket a thoughtful look, "That doesn't inspire me with confidence you have a plan! Now I'm going to go upstairs to meet the loud gentleman and I want you to come with me so I can tell them I'm looking after you for now. There are exactly three women, including you on this ship," she said, "And I want you to be safe. So, first, I'll need a name for you," she said as she pushed herself to her feet."

"And don't worry, the sea is a great place if you have 'complicated' history with your family," she added with a reassuring smile, "You've heard my accent. Privateering was not my first choice in life."

Beer Pong with Harper

They won with two cups to spare. It had been a fairly even game and everyone had missed a few throws Though by then, Harper was definitely feeling the four cups of beer she had drunk. She hopped up and down excitedly then, apparently forgetting they'd just met, hugged Helmut, "We did it!" she exclaimed, picking up one of the two remaining cups and draining it in celebration... though apparently her coordination was not what it should be and she ended up tipping half of it down her front. There was definitely no way she should be weilding a wand.

She giggled, "Whoops! I should probably change this! What are you guys up to next I'll come and meet you?"
D'Ambois was confused to find a child on the ship, in the rum barrel no less. The smell of more alcohol set her stomach churning, but she held back the urge to be sick giving the girl a reassuring smile. If it was an adult there would have been more questions but Coralie had a soft spot for children. What could her life have been like had her son lived? if she hadn't been forced to sea?

"Now I'm pretty sure I didn't recruit you to my ship, but I can't remember last night all that well so I might have," she said sitting back on the pile of sails, "If you came on here by accident, would you like me to turn the ship around? Were probably still in harbour and I can get you back to your parents. Im sure they'll be beside themselves if they knew you were on the Vengeance!" She would have been if it were her girl...

But given they'd just left Mina-Sakh there was also every chance the child was a runaway slave... "Or, if you'd rather not go back, I can drop you somewhere else if you like. My name is Coralie," she introduced herself informally, skipping over any titles.
Coralie noticed the noise and sat bolt upright, doing a reasonable job of looking like she had been awake and alert rather than trying to find somewhere to take a nap to sleep off her hangover. There didn't seem to be anyone there. Not obviously anyway, "Who's there?" she asked. If it was just a rat she'd feel like quite the fool...

The Captain had a Vichian accent with tones to her voice that spoke to an aristocratic upbringing. She didn't look particularly dangerous at the moment... uncertain and slightly ill, but not dangerous.
I'm interested: Looks like a thread with a lot of potential!
@Marybecker that's an IC setup for you btw
The following morning Coralie D'Ambois cracked an eye open. She pushed herself up from where she seemed to have decided to go to sleep, using some other pirate's back as a pillow. He was either drunk or dead, but she didn't try to check. Her head swam, the morning sunlight burned her eyes and she felt ever-so-slightly like she was going to be sick... and she didn't quite remember what she'd done. There had been a lot of drinking. She'd definitely kissed... someone. She couldn't remember who. Or if they'd been a man or a woman. She glanced around at the other comatose forms in the courtyard outside the palace. Probably a man, she decided, and probably someone she didn't want to remember.

She groaned as she staggered to her feet, feeling for her coin purse. That was there at least... and seemed fuller than yesterday. Had she robbed someone? Or sold something? Had she stolen something and sold it to someone else? She didn't remember. And decided she probably didn't want to know the answer to that either. The important thing was she had enough coin for a hair-of-the-dog remedy, in the form of a glass of arak and one of those greasy local meat-filled pastries.

She stepped over a fallen pirate, hurrying quietly in the direction of the ship. Where was Momin? She was sure she remembered him punching someone's teeth out...

... close to an hour later, Coralie found herself back on the deck of the Vengeance still feeling like she'd been strapped to a cart wheel and driven down a street. Though at least now it didn't feel like she'd been driven down a cobbled street... she glanced about the crew. Momin was there, leaning heavily against the mainmast. They looked ready to set sail, "Well, looks like you're ahead of me today!" she called jovially to the crew, pretending that raising her voice didn't feel like a Quinian piper was blasting in her ears, "I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting! Weigh anchor and hoist the sails! We sail to the Main!" There was a cheer that made her wince.

As the crew sprung into action with considerably more vigour than she would have been capable of, Coralie stepped over to Momin, "I'm just going to inspect the stores. Don't want to sail beyond Estornen without a full inventory."

Momin had a slight twinkle in his eye and she suspected she knew exactly why she wanted to 'inspect the stores' but he didn't say anything, just nodded, "Of course Captain. I'll take command as we put to sea."

So, on slightly wobbly legs, Coralie climbed down into the hull. It was full. Well supplied. She gave a slight groan, flopping back into a pile of sailcloth, closing her eyes and enjoying the gentle list of the ship.
Due to the fact there is still some interest in this thread I'm going to keep it going, but I'm going to run it as a quick, single arc rather than a longer story, but that's okay, because if you are attached to your character, their story will continue in a follow up thread!
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