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    1. Banzai Tracers 8 yrs ago


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Darn i wish i'd been here for the recruitment...

Whats the rough time period of the setting?
I also like this sort of thing. Whenever i make a character i generally cannot resist making a team for them, i enjoy making organisations almost as much as playing characters.

I like the option 2 "Eye of Odin" the best as i think it is the one that could conceal the most surprises and will allow allot of writing latitude to make your own universe.

Anyway here is a first draft of some characters that i might use. Think of it as a player resume.

Enter Professor Steven Pair, Professor of European history at Imperial College London. Outwardly, a historian of unremarkable stock, author of two books, both little known: 1.) Study of Aryan resistance movements to Nazism 1919-1945. 2.) Meta-analysis of Psychological Warfare In the Age of Sword. He is also the creator of the Society of Neoteric Historians, an invitation only secret society for those seeking out to experience history as it is being made.

Activities of the society are generally closely guarded secrets, but range from watching as the Brexit Referendum votes were televised in a function room, to being present at the 2002 Million man Hugo Chavez Resignation march in Venezuela. New members are generally proposed by Professor Pair and are then selected by committee of all the previous members. The prerequisites are "A proven love of history, a strong nerve and stiff upper lip." All candidates are thoroughly dox'd before approach, and usually have one of their university assignments or graduate thesis provided by Pair. The organisation is generally apolitical does not seek to preference any ideology for reasons of professional impartiality.

The dues paid to the society are small, generally grossing not much more than a few thousand pounds per year for book keeping. They also keep Ross Brand, an industrial saboteur, on retainer.

The current known members of the group are:
Addison Lewis, of London. BA in Italian History, studied under Pair. Dyslexic.

Jonas van Beyeren, of New York. A soft-spoken American who studied in London. BA in History and European studies. Always impeccably dressed. Excellent memory.

Ross Brand, of London. History largely falsified. Comes highly recommended. Industrial Saboteur / Private Investigator. Occasionally contacted.

Shelley Sanders, of Arizona. World class IPSC and 3 Gun shooter. Hot housed by father. Uses 1911 pistol. Occasionally contacted.

Jake "Satchel" Blaine, of New York. Parkour enthusiast, father was in Delta Force. Recorded document delivery, employed with Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz Law firm. Occasionally contacted.
I've been makeing a character for a few days. Ive got his background story and ive started on his jutsu. Though i feel as though he isnt strong enough. I hope i dont get called OP because he really isnt, i'll rank his jutsu fairly low so be sure to check out exactly what level something is before assuming its top level. He uses audio genjutsu and his chakra nature is fire. He also works with a ninnekko!
This sounds awesome, especially the part about determining your own missions. I also want to form my own village. Im interested in creating my own organisation and detailing each facet and department of it (these can be abstracted when not in use). Then determining goals and how to achive those.

I think that its a good move to remove some of the more powerful kekkei genkai, or at the very least ringfence them so that they exist as the top power tier, but arnt available to PCs. I think not having some of them would essentially de-fang the great villages but if they were too widespread then they'd be easy to learn.

Part of what interests me about Naruto is the possibility to create new ninja abilities. I dont know all of them because im still on shuppuden, but im more interested in creating than acquiring like some great eyeball quest. A long time ago i created 3 ninja for a poor village that had differing abilities, they were all really unique and i gave them to a GM i was co-gming with for a rival village squad. If you let me join you might see some of these. I suppose it also helps that i read a few books on ninjas aswell.

One thing i'd like to do in this game is not necessarily being evil, just independent, being calm and relaxed is much more conducive to success... and chakra control. I'll be employing my own philosophies for the organistion. However naturally i'm a team player and will work with my team to keep them happy.
@Polyphemus Well ive been searching for some time for a game that would let you essentially play as part of a very influential family and have to solve the various problems posed to the family as a whole.

I have gained through reading an understanding of the kinds of hurdles kings and nobles have to jump through, also an understanding of intelligence gathering. However i was even mulling over starting a game based on it, but i think i might make a much better player than a GM.

So basically a game which could be a mafia family or some other kind of noble family, preferably set in the modern world.
Ah, i'd be interested in playing a mafia game, but it would need to be more widely focussed than just at the wedding.

This is really good. But im intimidated by its advanced status.
@Banzai Tracers
Just so I know who are you in the discord?

Im Ace.
I like this idea.

Ive always wanted to wield powers and discover a new world... the one drawback, is i cant stand being in the middle ages. I cant stand being trapped in that time period.

I'd like a game that could start a completely new timeline. One thats advanced but not necessarily futuristic. The basis for all of our technologies today is electricity and atoms. If magic were to exist then whatever magical particle it uses would become the basis of technology.

I very much like the idea of being in a guild.
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