Avatar of Beliael
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 37 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Beliael 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Finished a grant propsal and got my research for the next semester green lighted, so I should be much more active now.
7 yrs ago
So many replies to write, so little time!
7 yrs ago
It feels so good to reply to all your RPs but then you just sit there wondering... well, now what?
7 yrs ago
My immune system sucks so bad that I got the flu -- in July.
7 yrs ago
I feel like garbage and I'm on both NyQuil and Benadryl so I can't write for shit right now. Sorry everyone, hoping to be functional soon!


It's Nikki! Or Beliael. Whatever floats your fantasy boat. Why Beliael? It's an adaptation of Belial/Beliar, a fallen angel whose name means "without worth". It is both edgy and apt. Oh, they are also cited as being the true ruler of the world and an angel of lawlessness. Like I said, edgy.

My avatar was initially a tardigrade, but I noticed I was unsettled by people's avatars when they were that abstract, which gave me no idea of their personality and/or appearance. So... have a very edited, ghostly image of my face. I'd post a normal one, but some of y'all are creepy.

I have a Discord (same username and icon) so if you'd rather chat on there, let me know! ^.^

Some Fast Facts About Moi
☼ 18 years old
☼ Female
☼ I live in the Midwestern United States/Central time zone (think Children of the Corn but way more boring)
☼ Enginerd, but a bioengineer, so slightly less cringy than some other enginerds(?)
☼ "Oh Nikki, you're such a typical Libra" ~ one of my friends who then proceeded to tell me my dog was so interesting because she's a Sagittarius, so... yeah, you decide how much stock to put in that.
☼ INTJ, if you'd rather put your trust in a psychology
☼ Starving bibliophile
☼ Working weird hours during the day, will mostly be on at night

I'm a total newbie to roleplay, long story short. I'm hoping to meet some cool people and learn how to become the best roleplayer I possibly can, though!

Preferably, I'd like to do 1x1s with a partner who is willing to critique me and help me grow as a writer and partner. Think of me as a blank slate that you can mold into your perfect partner!

Most Recent Posts

@Cyndyr Thank you very much! That guide was very helpful! I'll be sure to message you with any questions!
@Otaku95 Me too! My mom read the Chronicles of Narnia to my sister and I as bedtime stories, and I was so obsessed with The Inheritance Cycle and anything by Tolkien in middle school that I filled multiple notebooks trying to learn the various languages.
Crichton is a newer interest of mine, but I've read most of his stuff over the last few years.
@Otaku95 I'm all over the place when it comes to my media consumption. My favorite books tend to defy genres, like The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. It's got a little bit of everything: sci-fi edged with realism, creeping dread, crippling guilt, a dash of hope, and a fair dose of questioning religious bodies. All that good stuff!

I also enjoy listening to podcasts like Welcome to Night Vale. I suppose, for me, it's more about the characters than the setting or theme, so I'm pretty open minded! I do want to stay away from fandom roleplays, as I don't think they would challenge me to improve as a writer or roleplayers, especially if I wasn't creating/using my own OCs.

I'm new to the world of roleplay. Very new. No OCs, no plot ideas, and not a single clue what exactly I'm doing.

That being said, I'm a quick learner, open to constructive criticism, and I think my enthusiasm makes up for any of those other issues! I've been exploring the casual roleplay interest checks, but many of the groups are large and feel chaotic to me. I think 1x1 would help me develop my skills and become a better roleplayer, and suits my personality better. One day I'd like to be an advanced roleplayer, but I'd label myself as "casual" right now.

So, what's in it for you? Think of me as a blank slate, a lump of clay. You can mold me into your ideal roleplay partner, in theory. I'm a pretty eclectic person, so I'm up for just about anything plot wise.

Feel free to post here or shoot me a PM if you're interested!
I'd love to be a part of this! It's a very interesting concept.
@Hank Thank you for the advice! That does seem like a good place to start.

I had a two classmates named Nick, one who went by Nicole, and then myself. Drove our teachers absolutely nuts trying to get the right person's attention. I guess people with Nic- names tend to group together!
All, right so here it goes:

Hello! My (screen)name is Beliael, but you can also call me Nikki. I'm an eighteen-year-old living in a flyover Midwestern state. Not much, to say, really. I love reading and I used to write frequently, but I've fallen out of the habit since I graduated. I've never roleplayed before, but one of my friends used to and told me I should find a forum and try it out. I really would like to start writing more and need to find a way to fill my empty evening/night hours, so here I am!

Truly, I'm the biggest newbie anyone could possibly be. I've read a lot of stuff online about roleplaying and think 1x1s would suit me best, but other than that I've got nothing. I know I definitely want to become a "literate" roleplayer, but I know that probably won't happen over night.

Oh! I forgot this the first time I wrote this: please send any roleplaying advice you have to me! I've done a lot of reading but that obviously doesn't compare to a conversation with someone who knows what they're doing.

I guess my only real expectation is to learn, grow, and meet some awesome people to help me make it through this summer with my sanity intact!

/end of awkward introduction
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