Avatar of Belle
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1734 (0.56 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Belle 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current To anyone who cares, I will be taking a break from rpg. I don’t know if I am coming back.
1 like
6 yrs ago
Going to a dark place again... Trying to claw my way out is getting harder...
6 yrs ago
I am getting very tired of being blamed for things that are not my fault
7 yrs ago
When you are so emotional you are close to dropping from every rp you are in just so people won't have to deal with you anymore
8 yrs ago
When a character that meant something to you gets torn down and thrown away like trash... 😢


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Most Recent Posts

I will be posting tonight
@Ellion waiting for people to interact with me

@Tracyarmav *shares cookies*
*sits in the corner waiting...*
Go for it! 😁

Please post whenever you are able
GM post on Sunday

Things are going to happen so make sure you reply everything you want to react to before the Sun or else something may happen that you do not want.
Well Elsa is just pissing everyone off isn’t she? Lol guess she’ll just have to wing it from now on to avoid annoying people.
Being an adult is when you start agreeing with the parents in a Disney movie...

“I’m 16! I’m not a child!
Me - yes you are sit down
“Daddy I love him!”
Me - girl you haven’t even spoken to the guy
“You don’t even know him!”
Neither do you! He could be a raging ass for all you know!


Wife of Wilhelm @Saltwater Thief, Sister-Wife of Onyx @Vesuvius00
Interacting with Wilhelm @Saltwater Thief

His finger on her chin was cold, to match his disposition it seemed. But she didn't mind cold. Cold could mean indifference which meant he wouldn't pay much attention to her. And maybe being cold meant he didn't have an explosive temper? She could only hope.

"My name is Amalia milord. I was born at Solair Keep on the Emerald Coast of Gemmia. It was a beautiful place, the gardens rich and the sea seemed to sparkle in the sunlight."

A true smile came to Amalia's face as she spoke of the sea. After a moments pause she continued quickly. "I am an Earth Gem. I can help things grow, manipulate small quantities of various kinds of earth and animals are calm around me. I mean, I seem to just... know what they need and they are drawn to me. Forgive my reaction to you milord. After what we have seen I was apprehensive. Oh, I'm so sorry," Amalia said suddenly and cast her eyes down. "I am rambling. I do not mean to cause offense.

Her eyes would show uncertainty. For that was what she truly feared : the unknown. If one knew what to expect they could adjust their behavior accordingly for a better outcome. But the unknown meant you could not predict what may happen, which actions were right and which would cause offense. Amalia had found that out the hard way. Her feet still pained her from the punishment for an action that she thought was right.

She could only pray that Wilhelm, her lord husband, was more patient and reasonable than the Drakken she had met so far. His words were articulate and showed intelligence. His clothing showed an attention to detail and an appreciation for cleanliness. In a strange way, such things gave her hope.

GM Post

The calm of the crystal water was shattered by the gun shots from the boat. Various sea life scattered at the hot lead shooting through the water. Most were lucky.

One was not.

A young female bottlenose dolphin, her first calf barely a few days old beside her, had swum underneath the boat when the shots began. The female never knew what struck her as several bullets entered her body. The calf, also a female, squealed in alarm.
After the gunfire ceased the little calf swam towards her mother, watching her sink slowly towards the bottom. She nudged her mother. She tried calling to her, whistling loudly.
There was no reply.

Her mother was gone...


Slate raced around the pen, jumping repeatedly out of the water. His belly was full and he wanted to play. His brother Copper laid in the shallows, resting and recovering. He was in too much pain to play. The skin around his wound was firey red and extremely tender to the touch. The beginnings of a fever were starting to show.


Charlie looked down into the Turtle pool. Triton was swimming in strong even strokes around the pool. He was healthy, that was certain.
Carrying a large plastic tub Charlie set it on the ground near the pool at grabbed her radio.

"Charlie to whoever has a free hand, I need help getting Triton into the go-tub in prep for release."
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