Avatar of Belle
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  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1734 (0.56 / day)
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    1. Belle 8 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current To anyone who cares, I will be taking a break from rpg. I don’t know if I am coming back.
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6 yrs ago
Going to a dark place again... Trying to claw my way out is getting harder...
6 yrs ago
I am getting very tired of being blamed for things that are not my fault
7 yrs ago
When you are so emotional you are close to dropping from every rp you are in just so people won't have to deal with you anymore
8 yrs ago
When a character that meant something to you gets torn down and thrown away like trash... 😢


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@Kuro you’re right. I’ll remake it. I’ll post the link here when it’s done.
I’m back once again

This is Myst. I forgot that I abandoned that old account. When I was going through my old pms I realized why. I will be posting from this one from now on and will not be using my “Myst” account.
Hi everyone! It’s been over two years but I have finally returned!
I disappeared because of family issues, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer twice.
To those who knew me before, it’s great to be back and I hope to write with you again.
To those I haven’t met yet, I can’t wait to meet you!
After a lot of personal problems and rp problems I have returned to rpg to start rping again. Check out my list above or send me an idea. If it catches my interest I just might do it.

Amalia Solair

Bride of Wilhelm (@Saltwater Thief) and sister bride of Onyx (@Vesuvius00)

She saw red. Thick red blood soaking the ground. She saw the life leave her attacker’s eyes, draining into nothingness. Amalia’s eyes were large, her body shaking but not from cold.
She was in shock.

Others might have called her weak, but she had never experienced such things before. Watching the life leave someone... watching them die... seeing their life blood soaking the ground...
She trembled uncontrollably, staring sightlessly at the dead man before her.

A voice spoke to her. Her sister-bride Onyx. But she could barely understand the words. It took great effort to reply.

“On-nyx,” she stammered, reaching for her when the sound of metal severing flesh was heard again. Amalia put her hands over her ears, not wanting to hear any more of the horrid sounds of death. She closed her eyes, willing it all to go away, to not be real.

Wilhelm’s voice cut through like ice. Her gaze, wide-eyed, went to him. He asked about riding. Riding?
“I was... I was never al-lowed,” Amalia answered in a small voice.

Amalia Solair

Bride of Wilhelm (@Saltwater Thief) and sister bride of Onyx (@Vesuvius00)

”If you would have what is mine, then bare steel and come take it from me.”
The way the words were said chilled her to the bone, but also in a strange way made her feel a stirring in her heart. He would fight for them. It wasn’t love, but it was value at least. They must mean something for him to risk his life. Otherwise he would just hand them over and get other brides at a later time.

Amalia’s heart was in her throat as he was surrounded. There was nothing she could do without getting in the way...
A dirty hand suddenly shot into the carriage. She had been so focused on Wilhelm that she hadn’t seen the injured man coming towards them. She screamed as his hand latched onto her wrist, trying to pull her from the carriage. He snarled at her, yanking harder as she grabbed on to a piece of the carriage and held on. He yanked her free and spun her to face him, his arm going around her waist to attempt to toss her over his shoulder. In a rush of panic Amalia struck with her other hand, her nails scratching his face.

In more shock than pain, not expecting a Gem to fight back, the man loosened his grip on her wrist to touch his face. Amalia shoved him, trying anything to get away. She scrambled back into the carriage only to have him grab her ankle, jerking her back towards him.
“Bitch cunt!” He shouted angrily.

Amalia screamed again, kicking at him, fighting like a wildcat. She managed to land a kick in his injured shoulder, making him howl in pain.
Suddenly the man stopped. The only thing that Amalia could register was the blood.
So much blood...

Amalia Solair

Bride of Wilhelm (@Saltwater Thief) and sister bride of Onyx (@Vesuvius00)

It was a while before the door opened again. It was their husband. He did not look happy and, despite his earlier praise, made Amalia nervous.
The way was blocked? He suspected treachery? The icy fingers of fear dances down her spine, making her shiver. What if they were attacked and her husband killed? What would become of her and Onyx? She didn’t want to think of such things.

The ride was silent and bumpy. She was half afraid one of the wheels would sink into the marsh and they would be stuck. But the driver was very cautious and trusted the horses’ instincts on where to place their feet.

The smell became worse and Amalia covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve, coughing quietly. She didn’t complain. It wasn’t Wilhelm’s fault they’d come this way. He’d had no choice.

It was eerily quiet. Amalia could feel the nervousness of the horses, wishing she could comfort them. It would have been a comfort to herself as well. She had wished for plants but the trees she saw were black and twisted. Like everything in Drakka. Why was everything in this land so... poisoned? Even the water looked fetid and vile. Her imagination created fearsome creatures that she swore she could see moving under the dark water.

The carriage slowed even more as the horses picked their way over a particularly muddy patch of ground, to the point where it was like they were sitting still.
Staring out of the window of the carriage Amalia spotted a quick movement out of the corner of her eye. It was a shadow, but of man or beast?
Standing and moving to the door, Amalia opened it and leaned her head out.

“My lord?” She called, her voice questioning. Any reply was cut off but a fast moment by her head. There was a sharp pain as an arrow nicked her ear as it shot past her, embedding itself into the carriage wall behind her. Amalia fell backwards to the floor of the carriage.

Amalia screamed in alarm, feeling her ear and pulling her hand back to show blood.

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