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Hm, well, I honestly had some doubts of whether I'd be able to join in this epic 40k tale (since I'm juggling school and work practice along with some writing, as well as a couple other roleplaying threads) but I have decided to join in this, and think that my character page will come in either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

The character concept comes somewhere in the middle of my two earlier ideas: a noble boy with plans for diplomacy, with latent psychic abilities - not enough to sling warp-blasts around or anything that dramatic, - but good at telling others' feelings (helps in diplomacy, but nothing beyond what a highly empathetic non-Psyker would be capable of) but gets more vulnerable to nasty Warp-phenomena in exchange.
The ability to vaguely sense emotions in others would also explain his empathy: feeling some of the joys and pains of others will have an effect on a person, for good or ill... or both.
That sound like an okay character concept?
Sounds fine by me, @ALonelyParrot. From what I can tell, there is a nine-hour difference between where we live, and by that time in the evening, I'll be home and still quite energetic and vigorous. Looking forward to glorious worldbuilding. I hope you'll have the time to join us, @AXIS.
Interesting and evocative. I guess the context is something that will be worked out gradually one goes along and participates in the story? The forest, the child's description and the fallen wolf gives it a bit of a fairy tale-esque feel that I like.
Okay, got it. Looking forward for the world-building fun. Nothing makes me feel more alive.
Username: Bifflechump.

Character Name: Jan van Boschterp.

Race/Species: Human.

Gender: Boy (but insists on being seen as a “man”).

Age: 18.

Career (former) Student. Skills: painting, poetry, rhetoric, fencing, accounting, law, pistols, disguises.

Weapons: Rapier, parrying dagger, repeater pistol, six reserve daggers hidden in his clothing.

Attire: Broad-brim hat decorated with a blue and yellow feather, a blue coat, black hoses (and a pair of white trousers in reserve), gloves, tall and excessively polished boots.
A ragged jacket is used for disguises, along with a pair of worn boots.

Equipment/Other: painting colours, a journal, a pack of gunpowder and obsessively hoarded jerky, a set of cosmetics for use in disguises.

Physical Description: tall, slim, and somewhat lanky. A narrow bloodless face with a somewhat beaky nose, light blue eyes and shoulder-length curly blond hair.

Mental Description/Personality: Artistic, ambitious and outwardly rather merry. Being raised with good manners makes him used to knowing what polite society expects of him, though he inwardly rankles at it. He is somewhat unstable, easily bored, and given to extremes. He is fond of indulging in the good things in life. He is troubled by strange dreams, but has not entrusted them to anyone.

Background/History: Jan van Boschterp is a callow youth of much ambition and a smidgeon of wit, but little foresight.
He was born in Marienburg, the least of many siblings, to a minor family of bureaucrats in service to the great merchant houses of the city.

His early years were concerned with learning the manners and culture of a well-off middle class, and while he was not directly abused, he was rather often overlooked in favour of his older siblings, and he was haunted – for a time – by strange and dark visions.
When Jan came of age, he was sent to the Empire to study in the great University of Nuln. Now that he has (mostly successfully) graduated, he is expected to return to serve his family’s interests, but he chose otherwise. He finds the old life with his family much too stifling, and could not envision himself to a calm and settled life – at least not until he has increased with earthly fame and possession a hundredfold and left a legacy to proud of.

His plan is to find excitement and adventure, composing paintings and poetic epics when possible, and use his university-granted power over the spoken word to justify his actions to the authorities - when he has to.

He is schooled in rhetoric and law (all the better to exploit loopholes in laws), and has some skill in fencing, painting, and composing poetry. He has just enough skill at riding to stay in the saddle as long his horse does not hasten beyond a steady trot.
Recently, his strange visions have returned. He has not been able to decode any rhyme or reason from them, but they worry him, and they have grown in intensity over the past year. Some of these dreams are pleasant, but most are not.

Jan is not even sure himself of whether he could call himself a romantic. He has some ambitions and believes on some level that fortune favours the bold and that only by great deeds can one aspire to heroism - though his motivations are less than “heroic”, at least according to standards of more well-adjusted people.
Well... I happen to have a pretty solid idea for a character concept who I think would be ideal for a Magical Girl campaign, but I just hope I haven't tried joining the fun too late.

Thought of a character based on Alice in Wonderland, prone to flights of fancy and having abilities like "Down the Rabbit Hole" (short range teleportation), "white rabbit dream familiar" (dreams forth a small familiar, too weak for frontline combat, but useful for spying ahead), and "dance of the mad hatter" (traps the opponent in quasi-real hallucinatory visions born from their fears, causing physical and mental damage.
Ah, @ALonelyParrot, the best times I can think are about 10:00 to perhaps 12:00 or so during Saturday and/or Sunday evenings (that would be 3:00 - 5.00 in the afternoon for someone living in Texas). That okay for you?
All right. Which edition of WHRP do we play with? I'm most accustomed to the rules of 2E.

The two character concepts that I've been weighing between are the foppish Marienburger with unwholesome hobbies or an overenthusiastic priest (or maybe even a pit fighter) to whom the concept of an "indoor voice" is an alien notion. Hamtastic to the max, "JUSTICE!" and all that.

The latter might be more appropriate to a Witch hunter's crew, though a morbid fop could make for an entertaining clash of philosophies.

Additional note: Will send the character in on the evening of the 18th. Am currently writing his equipment, description, and backstory. His Characteristics, career, and weaponry have been decided.
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