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4 yrs ago
Current If you get a bigger bed you will have more bed room, but less bedroom
4 yrs ago
So you open the door and enter your bathroom,wash your hands for 20sec then close the door when u leave.Right, you touched the doorknob before and after the washing.The faucet too. It's all pointless.
4 yrs ago
Exactly. You should reply with "I'm very interested, let's move this over to skype ;)" Anything less and it shows you're not fully committed.
5 yrs ago
Huh...was just watching some hentai as per usual when,amidst all the moaning and squelching sounds"Anastasia - Once Upon a December"violin version started playing.Well it was kinda emotional decision.
1 like
5 yrs ago
I've read too many Isekai game-like novels. So I'm always spamming crappy jokes with the hope that with time my Humor Skill will level up and I'll start spitting good ones.


The only thing I'm "sad" about is that the way my life is going, it's going to be a hellride with a disappointing and unfulfilling end. My road is set ahead of me and I feel powerless to achieve what I desire or even have peace of mind. Time is taken from me whilst my by the day depleting will for change and something better is draining away with it.-Someone actually wrote that.

Most Recent Posts

All orcs are raiders and all dragons are mindless rampaging beasts!
Who was this asshole? Was he with the dragon? He must be, why else would be protect a beast of destruction then? Screams of panic could be heard outside, people running away in terror from the big flying lizzard.

"Move aside orc.."- the man now having stopped his charge and turning to face the orc, aiming his sword at him threateningly-"unless you want to join the dragon in its grave."

Maybe...No it couldn't be..But just maybe he was a dragon riding raider? He rode his pet dragon in to raid the town?
Whatever you find best for your character, i dont give much thought to this
Hhhh, i thought dragons spoke english lol, but I guess he could understand dragon speech like harry potter with snake hissing, dont know if id like to see him talk it though, all the screeching and growling i imagine. but as gord has not specified any information about dragons id guess u can set ur rules on your race and ill try to adapt.

so ill give it a yes, he can understand em
He climbed the stairs and entered his room, the image of the innkeeper still fresh in his mind telling him to vacate the room or pay for the previous day and this one, albeit said in less nicer words. He had also requested a bath to be drawn for him...the innkeeper gave him a look that said "you must be joking" before leaving the drunk.

Oh well, if they wouldn't draw a bath for him, he would invade another patrons' room to enjoy it. He hazily remembers the occupants next door to have requested such services.
It made a heavy sound as the door flew open, splinters of wood flying in all directions. A few seconds of pause insued derived from the shock of what had just happened. He was standing before 2 naked girls who wasted no more time to start screaming as they covered themselves, one even grabbing a knife.

"Ladies please, I mean no ha..*burp*..rm, I just need a bath."- he said in his drunken derilium as he kept walking towards them while talkin. Unshaven, dirty looking old man with stained clothes and a not so friendly attitude walking towards 2 naked girls....someone might, nay, will get the wrong impression if they happen about this scene.

But luckily a sudden tremor followed by a roar diffused the situation. Now he wasn't the biggest problem in the room. That roar, a roar he knew too well. Anger overtook him, the rush of adrenaline momentarily making him sober. He breifly entered his room to pick up his fighting sword, a sword which in the past weeks ,before this month, had slain more dragons than humans in the past year, and hurrying downstairs to put an end to it, his sworn enemy.

In his anger all he could see were memories of that dragon back then and although the size difference with the one before him was substantial to say the very least, alcohol still clouded his judgment although his motor skills were almost up to par with his normal form.

"DRAGON!!"-he spewed that word with such hate, leaving the impression that it was one of the highest forms of verbal offence the man could muster.

He had no real hate for the dragons as a race. It was even suspected that the dragon summoned during that battle wasn't even alive, just a big carcass from ages long forgotten. Even if he, in the past weeks before this month, had constantly and, funnily enough, religiously hunted dragons, finding a way to apply their weaknesses to the abomination that he faced that day, even then he held no hate for them. It was simply another job. But That dragon was something else entirely. Even the slightest memory of it made his soul tremble and during all his drunken crusade to drown it from his mind, the slightest trigger could set him off. The harder you try to consciously keep something out of your mind, the easier it is for it to suddenly burst through and flood it entirely.

Even if he realized that this dragon wasn't his Enemy, he was still another dragon endangering humans. And with that in mind, he charged forward with intent to cut the offending dragon up.
Well before that, unless it is included in the cs and/or isn't too much trouble, can u post the full list of Mega Attribute?
@GordothI love how youre still trying to get new members through the IC of an already started RP!

Did you open an interest check first? Before you made this thread?
"Numenor"- he replied in a serious tone. A name with a lot of history and reputation backing it up. A name which he took many jobs under but different from now, he was actually masked or on many more occasion he didn't even meet his employer, using third parties to arrange it. Now he was unmasked, unshaven and drunk in a tavern who knows where. Let's hope no one relevant heard him say that name.

"I'll pack up and we can leave immediately"- he said slowly in a steady voice making sure he pronounced every word correctly.

Not even noticing the man's outstretched hand, he finished the last of his drink, gently placed the cup on the table, maybe a little too quickly as it lost it's gentle effect entirely and in reality he slammed it, and made to get up. His legs felt wobbly and his balance was unsteady so he had to sit back down. Not succeeding the first time he got up again, using the table to take a few seconds to steady himself before making his way to the stairs, walking in zig zags.

A sudden nausea overcame him and he leaned on another patron as he threw up on his chest.

"Excuse me"-he blurted out as he made to leave for the stairs again.
"Hmmm..."- the drunk man started humming as his brain got to work. What's the lowest paying job he ever took? 2000 gold coins, but back then he had just started the trade. Since then his only targets had been high ranking officials, powerful men and their families. It had been a long time since he last worked by himself. Working with the army all these years, having a whole government back up all your operations...

If only he could find a way to deal with that wretched "dragon" - he blurted the word out without paying attention. But who would know about ancient dragons when even their own court wizard and keeper of knowledge lacked such information.

Anyway, back to the pricing. What was up north? Was he currently in the West or South part of the..thing...
A whole month spent in a drunken haze, clearing the top shelf of every inn along the way. How much coin was he left with now? He slightly remembers the inn keeper warning him to either pay or leave before the light of the next morning.

"24"-he said as clearly as he could muster in his ragged voice.
"24 thousand"- he added while turning to finally look the half elf straight in the eye.
"Gold coins..*burp*.."
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