Avatar of Blitzy
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    1. Blitzy 6 yrs ago


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@ElRey814 as much as I'd love to claim credit, I'm not much of an artist. It's all sourced from pinterest, I can link the page if you want. Theres like 500+ concept pieces that are all awesome.
First draft. Let me know what you think, and if I've gone overboard. There are a lot of augmentations, but he is a high-ranking member of the awakened. Still, if it's too far I can tone it down.

EDIT: Ok, call me keen, but I got struck by inspiration and I really can't chose between the Sculptors idea and the Awakened idea. So, I've whipped up a quick sheet for a Sculptor's character, still missing a bio (I don't wanna commit to writing that if the idea is gonna be dismissed instantly), augmentations, and affiliations. Let me know what you think, he's a much more sinister character, and personally I quite like both of these ideas so any advice on who to roll with would be much appreciated.

@ElRey814 got it. I assume from what I've read that I'll have a certain degree of flexibility in terms of fleshing out the faction a bit, adding a few relevant locations, characters, contacts etc.? I'm not planning to go overboard. I'm leaning on the idea of integrating either the doctor or gunrunner ideas into either gang. I think the idea of being someone important in charge of sourcing high-grade augs and fitting them for the Awakened, or the doctor type character who no-one knows works for the sculptors, and performs black market fittings and surgeries while simultaneously harvesting organs to sell into rings and gathering information to relay to the top. Thoughts on either of those?
So, I'm all caught up on the IC and have skimmed the OOC for relevant information (Hornet scooters look cool as fuck). The world you guys have created so far is awesome, it feels gritty and real. The characters are cool too, and with that in mind I have to say I'm struggling to come up with a character idea that is both unique and relevant to the story. So, I was wondering if you guys could feed back on a few ideas I had, help me adapt them, develop them etc., write off which ones won't work/are utter garbage (be brutal, I can take it), and ultimately settle on an idea that'll be a welcome addition to the cast.

The Doctor - I had a character in a cyberpunk themed RP on another site before who was heavily inspired by the ripperdoc character class from the original dice game. He basically ran a back alley surgery fronted by a bog standard high street business, where he would install implants and augmentations of extremely questionable legality for gangsters and well-known criminals who couldn't set foot in an actual clinic without being shot on sight. He was a tonne of fun to play, and in this setting would probably be easy to slide in with basically any gang background. I see two main issues; one is making him an actual player in this hunt for the golden disk since he would have minimal motive as a black market surgeon. The second is the crossover with 'the Florist', who seems to have this sort of role on lockdown anyway.

Information Broker - This character would be installed deep in a corporation, likely Osi-Corp itself. Whether he's high up in the company or just a common admin worker would be up for debate, but his skills would lie in anonymously accessing the Corp's information network and selling the information to crime lords, still anonymously, on the Warp. This could be anything from Peacekeeper patrol movements, to weapon and chemical shipments etc. Again the same issue exists as before. It's a general problem really, in that I'm not sure how to make this character into a real player in the game. Also, though I might have misinterpreted the CS and IC, this seems like a Corp version of what Miranda does.

Corporate Hitman - A gun for hire in the employ of Osi-Corp, a theoretical expendable who is an outlet for Osi-Corp to discretely be rid of people they need gone, without directly getting blood on their hands or involving Corp forces. Of course, if another bidder paid more for his services, he would take them up. He is, after all, a gun for hire.

Gunrunner - A man who has built a business empire by sourcing military and police grade weapons and augmentations, and selling them on the highest bidder. A difficult man to track down, he makes his deals through thralls under his direct cybernetic control rather than with his own physical form. He plays the various gangs of Arcadia off against one another, using them to run his prices up and make as much money as possible. This has, of course, left him quite unpopular amongst Arcadia's carious crime syndicates and made him a target for numerous hits over the years.

The Sculpters/Awakened Crime Boss - Both of these gangs fascinate me with how unique they are compared to the usual thugs you spot around. Taking on the role of one of the higher ranking members, perhaps the boss in a particular region or one of the leader's chief lieutenants could be great fun to play and pulls another faction into the melee for the Disk. I'm not sure exactly how I'd make the character yet but it's a concept that could be really fun to play around with.

Any and all feedback, criticism and comment is welcome. I'm really looking forward to getting a character up and ready so if anyone has any ideas to improve or maybe merge ideas here to create something cool and unique that'd be great.

@Ezekiel awesome. I'll get caught up then and see what I can piece together.
Are you guys still taking applications? I'd have some catchup reading to do before I could cobble together an application but I'd be keen to jump in if you guys are still accepting.
@Gcold not yet, busy week, sorry. All that needs touching up is the end of the background and reformatting the skills to your new layout. Should be easily achievable in the near future, I'll let you know once it's completely finished.
If anyone is going to be keeping this running I'd be interested.
Potentially very interested in this. Keen to see how the idea develops.
Tentatively interested, it looks awesome but I'm gonna hold off on fully committing for the time being. Definitely interested though.
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