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What if *I* was the small creature all along?
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V.1.26 (House of Caecilius Iucundus); 4091: Whoever loves, let him flourish. Let him perish who knows not love. Let him perish twice over whoever forbids love.


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Finn has done this whole party thing enough times to know what to do. Back at home, shaking hands was not much of a thing, and was in more rural villages even looked down upon as a "Vertirian" custom. In every foreign court he has visited, however, the gentlemen of the wider world seem to insist upon every seeing them to clasp palms. He almost wanted to greet this man the way his people did, in which two men meeting for the first time would shout at the top of their lungs at each other. Looking around, though, it was perhaps not the best idea. After all, wasn't the whole reason for his grand tour to absorb the mannerisms of the more "modern" cultures?

As quickly as Finn thought about it, it was done. The guests quickly began to mingle, as guests tended to do, far as Finn's limited experience with guests went. None of the men he saw were kinlords, chiefs, or lairds of any capacity. These were dukes and barons, and their way of doing things were, as many have said directly to his face, "more dignified". In a less formal setting, he might have laughed. He certainly wasn't in Caer Comarinn anymore. This was grand Vertiron, and he must do as the Vertirians do. He looked around the room, using his lankiness to full advantage, taking in the architecture and artistry. Who ought he talk with first?

A "baron" (or more derisively, a "robber baron") is also a colloquial term for a businessman who has such a powerful stranglehold on his field of industry that he has managed to create an effective monopoly or trust. Famous examples of such include Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Vanderbilt. Often, the barons are portrayed as having a large hand in government as well, buying off political leaders to further their profit and investing heavily on public infrastructure. I believe that was the idea the GMs were going for in the Triarchy.

@ayzrules Gotcha. I said "soul magic" because I had forgot both the name of the healing "goodly magic", and how to commence with the Herculean task of scrolling up. All of these issues are easily editable.

Update: All fixed! What say you?
CS is done and ready for inspection!
Hi! Is there still room in here? I'd very much like to join if there is!

Also, I don't mean to intrude or anything, but wouldn't "Aeronautic Legion" be a more fitting name?
"Certainly," Ardasa said. "This really is fascinating. Everything is so . . . historic. It really reminds me that my home was raised no longer ago than the last year. One day, I, or my children, shall have stories like those held within your walls. Let us hope for that."
It was late, and yet Rughoi was not asleep. Hard to be, when the emerging guilds and their masters are ceaseless in their demands, each less sufferable than the last.

"With all due respect, Your Might, I would rather these matters settled with Her Mercy," said one, a middle aged kobold missing a few fingers. He scratched at the loose scales hanging off his chin and neck. His words struck like a flung rock, and made Rughoi visibly twitch. The guild leaders seemed not to notice.

"I as well," said another, a youngster an uncomfortable shade of deep red. "Where has she gone? Why do you take her place?" He spoke with the accent of a southern tribesmen, lilting with sudden stops. Rughoi resisted the call of his anger, to wring the scrawny necks of everyone at the table, ending with himself.

"I have mentioned this," Rughoi said, slowly picking his words. "Ardasa is away, handling matters of diplomacy." Immediately, the guildmasters voices drowned him out, complaining and debating, some with him and some against. He buried his snout in his hands, willing with his soul for his bound one to suddenly burst through the door and send these merchants away. What made her so different from he, that he is cursed to watch her deal effortlessly with words and people where he struggle? What, were she here, would she do? Rughoi silently stood up, and drew his dagger. Instead of plunging it into flesh, he slammed it into the wood, jolting the guildmasters into silence. "Ardasa is not here. I am. The quicker we come to an agreement, the quicker you may return to your duties, and return a month hence to find her in the palace." Slowly, one kobold nodded, a grim tilt of his head. Others joined. For the first time in a long time, Rughoi let a grin split his face. "Excellent choice. Now, regarding the supply tax . . ."
"Eudoxus? Surely not that Eudoxus," Ardasa said. "My people's elderly and wise kept tales of our ancestor tribe, which they only remember as the Invincibles. My father and a select few others can claim descent from their remains. It was said that the Invincibles were impervious to swords, and raided great cities, plundering them of their gold and recruiting the kobolds into their ranks." She gazed intently at the statue, feeling somehow as if the image were somehow familiar. "The story goes that a vengeful tyrant by the name Eudokos, or Eudoxus, depending on which elder told it, raised an army of devil-folk and struck the Invincibles while they hid in their caves. The tribe was slaughtered nine kobolds of ten, and those left scattered, becoming chiefs in the neighboring tribes. Amazing, how legends can be."
@cerozer0 The first post said "Regency Era", which in our time was during the Napoleonic Wars. I think everybody has gunpowder.
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