Avatar of Blubaron45
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    1. Blubaron45 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
What is even the point of pineapples on pizza? You might as well throw strawberries or apples on it too. I mean that's what I would do if I knew I had shit taste lol.
6 yrs ago
It feels good to be back on this site after so many months. Military life is exhausting.
6 yrs ago
"Yeah man, I'm actually being smart with my scholarship money. I'm saving it instead of buying things out of impulse like other people." *buys a pair of Yeezys the next day*
6 yrs ago
I just want to be apart of an RP that actually ends. You know, without everyone dropping out.
7 yrs ago
Steam sale is here. There goes my wallet.


B L U B A R O N 4 5

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I allowed it since we don't have much people anyway. We don't have to be completely accurate to history since this is a semi-fantasy setting especially later (no spoilers) anyway.


You're accepted but you mind changing the profile picture or cropping only her face? That uniform looks a bit ahead of its time. Cool character though, she reminds me of this.
I didn't know this was opened yet. I'll write up something either tonight or tomorrow depending on how things go.

There's one more character to be written. That's a good idea, I was hoping to do that when I get home from a long journey from college. I'll PM you in a bit and tell you the whole spiel.
@Mag Lev

Damn, you guys write better characters than I do. Accepted.

Accepted. Welcome aboard.
"Give me some of your time when I'm lonely, you're my dear companion. Give me food when I am starved, you're my best friend. Give me shelter when I have none, you've become family to me. Give me sex after marriage, you're my cousin."
-Probably most of Pakistan
Volæria Lore Wiki

Map of Europe, 1922. Made by FoxFire.



There are four major cultural movements during the Age of Volæria, some of which being quite parallel to that of our own. Think of it as a Neo-Victorian-inspired setting for now, a world which has gotten stuck to this movement, but still undergoing some form of transition and social change. As the theme is for most Steampunk stories, most revolve around what is known as the Victorian Era though that term usually refers to the social movement of the United Kingdom that takes place roughly around the Romantic and Impressionistic Eras. The western world of Volæria in Europe and United States are in a mix of several cultures which include both Neo and Post Romanticism as well as Impressionism, often praising the works of early Romantic artists such as Eugene Delacroix, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, etc to also being introduced to Impressionistic artists such as Claude Debussy, Vincent van Gogh, Joseph Conrad, and many more. Many philosophers, writers, artists are all differentiating in their own subcultures, it's all roughly could be categorized as a late Neo-Romantic period all while common folk music is also rising in popularity as the invention of the Phonograph with people finding it simpler to listen to music rather than playing on their own.

The United States, as Mark Twain coined, called this era the Gilded Age as queen Victoria had no reign over America, which would technically defeat of purpose of being a Victorian-themed setting in that country. Nonetheless, these cultures should remain somewhat similar as they did mutually during that time period where industry was heavily leaning towards its technological peak and thus reaching a second Industrial Revolution. Volæria, in this case, is at a high peak of industrialization in our setting, even more so than in our world and since Volæria has the invention of Aerovehicles as well as other machinery, it obviously differentiates it from our own.

It is in this time that transcendentalists such as in the time of the early 19th century are being admired once more as access to buying your own air vessel was becoming notably tangible which subsequently began inspiring those who wanted the chance to explore the world and live a life of stoicism and self-sufficiency. The price of buying an Aethership was not nearly as expensive as originally thought as companies were building a notable amount of these vessels to fill the needs of many companies sought to use them for shipping purposes as Airplanes were not yet tested to travel long distances safely and Cargo airplanes not yet invented. Buying an moderately-sized Aethership was probably almost the amount for buying a large house and by 1907, there were many who lived in such "Cloudhouses" as later coined by the New York Times in 1909, and many more who would try to undergo adventure and choosing to live on the outskirts of civilization among the natural surroundings they believe to be a transcending experience and many of which would later take occupations as part-time cargo holders for companies.

Volæria shares almost the same artists, philosophers, historians, etc. at during the first half of the 20th century. Almost any man or woman of historical significance during those times is for the most part the same with of course the exception of a few additional members who helped pave the way for our setting as well as modifications to certain historical figures and how this setting changed their own experiences. In order to grasp a better understand, there will be a time-line provided below. It is not until the later half of the 1920's was when this story's history truly and significantly differs from that of our own. Volæria for the most part seems to be rather stuck during this time era through the many decades (and centuries) which then decided to take precedence after that time. Even the language relatively stayed the time, a tone and use of formality being the obvious indicator of this world.

Language/Dialect for the most part stayed the same, or at least respective, with formality. It was during this time that a revival of form of 'formal speech' was implemented which was similar to that of the 1860's and during the time of transcendentalists. In essence, think of it as a similar dialect of movies such as Deadwood, The Age of Innocence, Pride and Prejudice, and other examples of movies portraying those eras - it is obvious that the language the writers have used is more of a modernized version of how people spoke during those times and the same could be said about the language used in Volæria. It is a language which had predominantly taken hold of the early 20th century and proceeded to stay for the rest of the time afterwards. Regardless of what age it is in Volæria, the culture relatively stayed the same, almost seemingly stuck in a trance of a Neo-Victorian/Romantic-Inspired setting, only differentiating slightly throughout with such social movements like the Early, Modern, Late, and Survival Volærian eras.

Early Volærian Culture, 1890 - 1930

It is not necessarily wrong for one to suggest that this era culturally resembles that of the 1860s as many of the early Volærian seek to revive an earlier era (being traditionalists) as well as mixed it with their own version of Impressionism. This was the first social movement of the Volærian Renaissance with the building of the Aethership, a vessel with much more capacity and efficiency their it's airship counterpart and thus changing the world forever. Technology during this time was rampantly changing and an era of science completely mystified those who lived during this time as many took to the skies in an age of wonder and ingenuity. Science fiction had now become a reality despite the only thing which seemed to not be able to evolve is fashion and style - this if of course with the exception of the Flapper, the modern woman of the 1920s. Boulder hats, high collars, ascot, cravats, and puff ties are still being worn through this time as it did during the ages past, at least with men. With the rise of the woman's rights suffrage movements as well as the rise of prohibition, the world seems to be rather parallel to that of our own if one were to completely ignore the other underlying presence of Aetherium-powered ships as well as the wars which took place during this time.

Volærian Modernism, 1932 - 1948

A strong culture rising from the precipice of disaster that abruptly plunged the entire world into economic catastrophe had taken a turn for the better. A new era had risen, a brave new world crafted from the corrosion of a former and strong culture that had been perpetrated by the Great Depression, an era which left many desperate and hungry for opportunity and survival.

More to be written soon...

Late Volærian Culture, 1948 - 1970

To be written soon...

Volærian Survivalism/Stoicism, 1970

To be written soon...


An Explanation

It would be almost unnecessary to write all of the countries which have ever existed in this world - it would take far too much of both of your time. So I've simply decided to spit up each country/nation/state and their status depending on their time of origin (ie the story they happen to be taking place in). I do apologize if it does not have much detail for I lack a bit of historical knowledge though given this is an alternative setting, it doesn't have to be precise anyway.

A Red Rose in November


April 20, 1725 - Sir Isaac Newton conducts research on Aetherium, though never being quite successful in his studies, Newton provided some insight on the substance itself to other scientists.

1820 - Sir Humphry Davy isolates Aetherium, being the first by record to do so and is later tasked with conducting research on this substance.

May 28, 1882 - The Age of Volæria begins when Italian inventor and engineer Vincenzo Buscemi later is able to construct the first known successful Aetherium-based platform later known as an 'Aeroplatform' though no real great inventions would come until years later.

January 2, 1883 - Ferdinand von Zeppelin comes in contact with Vincenzo Buscemi and begin collaborating on a project in order to create the first Airship without the need of hydrogen or helium.

January 2, 1888 - Ferdinand von Zeppelin and Vincenzo Buscemi create the first ever Airship without the need of hydrogen or helium and start a company known as "Aria" which would later assist countries from around the world build aircrafts similar to this one in order for combat purposes.

1890 - "The Hot Cold Rush" begins when nations become aware that Aetherium is mostly founded in South Africa and Antarctica. Mining soon begins thereafter.

May 11, 1891 - Italy is the first country to build a major mining colony on Antarctica known as the "Porta del Cielo", it facilitates around 5,000 inhabitants.

June 3, 1892 - The United States pays 20 million dollars for Italian and Spanish Engineers to work in America. The New York Times dubs Italy as the "Flying Empire" due to being the most technologically advanced nation in the world on terms of aviation with Spain being at number 2.

July 16, 1892 - New York Times releases a figure of the health and well being of miners and estimates that one of twenty people who mine and colonize in Antarctica die from either hunger, hypothermia, or other health related issues. Regardless of this fact, thousands begin to pour into the job sites as the pay rate is hardly anything to pass. As revenue expands however, colonies become more sophisticated and safer for miners.

April 21, 1898 - The Spanish-American War begins, being the first war to ever make use of aircrafts designed for tactical purposes.

August 10, 1900 - The Spanish-American War is brought to an swift end with an American win, leaving 27,000 casualties.

July, 1900 - The Luftschiff Zeppelin LZ1 makes its first flight, being the first Airship to fly without the need of Aetherium. Its demand, however, cannot compete with the Aetherium-based Aircrafts and is thus not as in demand. Zeppelin then coins the term "Aethership" in contrast to "Airship" which mostly consists without the need of Aetherium. Some today however, still often confuse both terms and are at times traded and/or confused with one another.

December 12, 1901 - Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic wireless signals.

April 22, 1902 - It is now estimated that now one in thirty people miners die in Antarctica due to hazards.

February 8, 1904 - The start of the Russo Japanese War begins.

December 17, 1903 - The Wright brothers invent the first ever self-sufficient flying engine that does no require any use of Aetherium, making it faster than any other aircraft in existence. This invention would be later known as the "Aeroplane".

February 26, 1906 - Upton Sinclair writes his book, "The Jungle", a book depicting the poor environments of the food industry, the FDA is formed thereafter.

March 11, 1906 - The Russian Empire wins the Russo-Japanese War and Manchuria is thereby annexed by the Russian Empire.

April 18, 1906 - The famous 1906 San Francisco Earthquake occurs, leaving around 3,000 causalities. with recent contributions to technology, the city is rebuilt and restored in a relatively short amount of time. Nikola Tesla, famous inventor and engineer reinvents the aeroplatform, though being modified for lifting tall buildings from the ground. This would later attract many visitors towards San Francisco and became an iconic city soon thereby being the pinnacle of technology (as seen here). It is then that San Francisco's population booms in the later coming decades, becoming as equally as populated as Los Angeles and is known as the "City of Aether."

August 10, 1911 - J. Frank and Charles Duryea, along with Nikola Tesla build the first successful, electric-powered hover car known at that time as a 'wheel-less carriage'.

September 17, 1915 - Austro-Hungary declares a war on Serbia, just after a second assassination attempt on Franz Ferdinand who was riding in a aeromobile. This would later cause global tensions across Europe.

January 17, 1916 - The Schlieffen Plan goes entirely successful with Paris now under German occupation.

February 1917 - The February Revolution occurs as Finland dives into a civil war for independence from the Russian Empire.

February 17, 1917 - Italy joins the Central Powers and invades French Tunisia.

April to October 1917 - A significant number of French troops defect to Germany during this time period as morale spirals down with Germany's victory over the French. This time period was known to the French as "La Grande Trahison."

March 1917 - Russian Provisional Government is formed shortly after Tsar Nicholas II's abdication from Russian Bolsheviks.

April 1917 - The United States joins the Allied Forces.

October 25, 1917 - The start of the Russian Civil War commences as Bolsheviks attempt to take Petrograd (modern day Saint Petersburg) in what was later known as The October Revolution.

November 7, 1917 - The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic is formed.

December, 1917 - Finland declares independence from Russia, thereby starting the Finnish Civil War.

January 1917 - December 1920 - The Spanish Flu.

March 1918 - 1919 - The Berbers Famine occurs, resulting in the deaths of millions of native born North Africans, many believe this to have been a deliberate plan by colonists to replace the North African populations. Spain, Italy, Great Britain, and France all state that the war had a significant impact on the food shortages. Constant rioting ensues while communist indoctrinators infiltrate the region, attempting to spark a revolution and tensions rise thereafter.

July 11, 1919 - After years of bloodshed, all countries during participating in World War 1 call a cease fire and thus ended the war in a stalemate with an estimated 55 million causalities.

September 20, 1919 - Leaders of Iceland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway form the Nordic Confederation as Social Democratic leaders fear the rising tide of communism. Finland abstains from the union yet remains an independent nation. Mining ports and trade rights between Canada and the newly formed Nordic Confederation shortly begins thereafter as large amounts of Aetherium is found in Canada's northern regions. America joins soon after. An alliance is formed between the British Empire and the Nordic Confederation.

October 1919 - The United States Congress signs National Prohibition Act and many other countries choose to follow the idea of banned liquor. This inevitably would lead to higher crime rates as the illegal importation of alcohol became all the more rampant.

November 3, 1919 - The Treaty of Versailles is signed, no reparations are needed from other countries as the war is declared a draw.

December 1919 - Social Democrats in Finland claim a unitary parliamentary republic and Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg is elected its first president after failure by the German Empire to install Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse as king of Finland.

1920 - Fascism in Italy and Spain is on the rise.

March 1920 - Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Jamaica contemplate a union between their countries and perhaps with Spain. Tensions between the United States and the Latin countries begin to rise.

April 1920 - The ABAAT experiments official begin around this time when 12 volunteers offer themselves.

March 1921 - Poland officially gains independence from the Soviets and form the Second Polish Republic.

November 1921 - The plot of the RP A Red Rose in November takes place during this time.

1937 - Possible setting for an alternative World War 2 RP.

Post 1960's - Possible setting for a Cold War apocalyptic story.

Post 2000's - Possible setting for a post-apocalyptic story.
The World of Volæria

RPs in this world: A Red Rose in November

O N T H E W O R L D O F V O L Æ R I A, A N I N T R O D U C T I O N

London, The British Empire, painted in 1923.

In an almost mirrored world surrounded by technological prowess and eye opening mysticism, the Age of Volæria serves as the version of how our own world would be like in a 'idea Steampunk-esque' setting. It is a fictional world which takes place in an alternate universe set in a 1920s Neo-Romantic Victorian Inspired setting during during the peak of a technological renaissance. The invention of the technology discovered during their time drastically having changed the culture to a much more conservative one with notions of nationalism and ethnic pride taking precedence over many countries around the civilized world.

As stated before, Volæria takes place in a Neo-Romantic and Victorian/Gilded Age inspired setting. Most of the major history events in their world have mostly also occurred from our own post World War 1 though with addition to the renaissance of technological development particularly in aircraft, the world of flight has slightly deviated from the histories of our two worlds. The might of craftsmanship as well as its innovators have conjured an era of mysticism becoming all the more distant and unrecognizable from that of our own as the dreams of many idealists who aspired of a grand future were finally coming true. As stated earlier, some of the major events during this world have significantly changed some its history, alternating it from ours and becoming a variation of the events which have already transpired in our own history as well as several other elements that will be added in this world later on in the story.

One of such discoveries changed their history is the elemental substance known as "Aetherium" an unobtainium that has many unexplainable, impossible abilities that have yet to be unraveled in the plot. Aetherium is so unknown and mysterious, that it cannot be placed on the elements chart and is unable of being properly calculated on a quantum level. The unknown element has many unexplainable effects one of which is producing a maglev effect that makes object hover when in the presence of high temperatures. The discovery of Aetherium would later help with the development with aviation technology as flying aircrafts would be forged by such a material. This era would be known as the "Sky Age" as stated by historians during this time or the "Age of Volæria" by J.R.R. Tolkien to which it would later be named.

The element, while unknown in its reasons for why or how it functions can be predominately found in portions of southern Africa, northern regions of Canada, Greenland, Siberia, and an even more overly-founded abundance of this commodity being also being located in Antarctica. Shortly after the discovery of using this material for aerial purposes, mining jobs began to sprout by the tens of thousands. Underground cities had also become prevalent, serving as warmer places in which heat is insulated from the outside cold. It was in this era which subsequently reopened the factory businesses and new regulations were set in place as working in such places became safer than before. Things like overtime and child labor however are still in effect though people have never been safer working under such conditions. Unless of course one is to find work in the Arctic which is notoriously known for being though well-paid, a dangerous place as a reportedly 1 in 5 miners would die of hypothermia around the years 1880-1882.

The greatest country with the leading innovation of this technology is Italy whose inventor, Vincenzo Buscemi, was credited for inventing the Aeroplatform in 1885, a stable and floating platform that would withstand any weight put on it without the need for any form of air resistance or helium. Vincenzo Buscemi would later work with curious inventor Ferdinand von Zeppelin with the development of the Aeroship (sometimes called an Aethership), which was an Airship mostly hovered with the use of Aetherium. The result was a huge success as every country in the civilized world wanted to gain access to such a technology during the ever so growing age of Imperialism. The free market allowed for many companies to base their technology around such inventions and so the race for the skies began.

It was during this time of technological prowess that San Francisco would become nearly the size of Los Angeles, the time were people were lifted from poverty, and the first World War being fought from 1915 to 1919 with very different battles and ending in a practical stalemate without ending as severely towards the economy of the nations or reparations having been made though involved covering just as many casualties. Austria-Hungary lost a lot of his former territory in the south though still remained a powerful nation despite Yugoslavian Separatists gaining independence though who themselves struggle to maintain their new nation to the south in the Balkans. Peace for the time being is transparent, though the phrase "the war to end all wars" is soon beginning to become all the more fallacious as tensions are beginning to rise once more between nations.

Imperialism had still been alive and well but soon thereafter turning into Fascism as Italy is the first nation to begin becoming convinced of such ideas of national and ethnic pride. With the Bolsheviks taking control of Russia during the revolutions in 1917 and the complete overthrow of the Russian Provisional Government which inevitably led to the Russian Civil War, Democratic Socialists and Liberals from countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Finland are desperately severing themselves from the newly founded Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. The Nordic Confederation formed when Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland joined forces and started mines and trading rights with both Greenland and Canada, Finland choosing to abstain for the time being though remaining a close ally. And with the new era of prohibition opening another underground trade route, one more violent than the world has ever seen before, a new underground criminal organization began to rise. The world has changed significantly in just a few years and no man can truly tell how different things could be in the next ten. Only time will tell...


As you can tell, this world isn't yet fully developed due to the fact that we just began our very first RP which is set during this time. It all of course depends on how exactly the plot unravels during the events which pursue of it. As of right now (December 2017) the RP isn't yet finished but I will still be here developing the world as it's currently written. Another thing I added onto the timeline were possible settings for RPs I will also possibly develop later in time which will also add to more info on this world.
The Baron's Polyverse

A U T H O R ' S N O T E S


This is simply an idea that I stole from Dynamo Frokane since they had their own Multiverse Guide and because before that, I've contemplated the idea of having all of my writings being connected in some way. Since there are not any stories I have written other than two (one of which probably deserves to be put on here), this list will not be as lengthy as you'd might expect at first but in time I hope it becomes larger and filled with stories that have been successfully completed. Hopefully, I may even write a few books if I improve my writing skills.

Though it is, to get back on track, to connect everything all to a chain of universes thereby of course being my own. There will be very common themes throughout this 'chain of universes' that have all weaved and intertwined with one another, mostly because of a strange, unknown element and ancient alien species, they're knowledge far surpassing our own and who once lived during a time long before the existence of the human race. We will simply call this species 'the Ancients' for a better and simpler way of putting them and we will call the element, Aetherium (given that it sounds more professional). Of course these entities serving as the core reason for not only the alternative setting they project onto these worlds, but to how these universes are related to one another.

Without giving much away, the form entailed will give a detailed description of each world. The first thing you should be aware of is the table of contents so you don't have to scroll all the way down and find each world. I will do my best to cohesively transition each entry in a way that it easy to follow and not seem too tedious. There will be also a link of each world provided through a Google Drive Link, of course this being an even more intricate detail. Though due to lack of detail and input on my part recently, I will not post these links until I am done working in the matter of which I find sufficient for putting them down in the world place. They are not finished, but they will be put here shortly.


Okay, so I have one more confirmed person telling me that they're still interested so that makes about 5 of us. Good.

Also just letting you guys know ahead of time: I will be busy this weekend and we will most likely be doing character collabs (for how they all met each other) on Sunday depending how things end up and I might (maybe) start a discord for our RP. If anyone wants to write another character that's fine too for now. Otherwise I might just cut a few of the spots, make an additional character to fill in, or both.
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