Avatar of BlueAjah
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  • Posts: 1237 (0.34 / day)
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    1. BlueAjah 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current I'm back! :D I'm really excited to get back into writing!
8 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman :(
9 yrs ago
That moment you get pied in the face for your school's Book Club XD
9 yrs ago
You know you're a nerd when you buy Harry Potter in Latin :P


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@Emma of course you can join! We would love to have you! It's nice seeing you and Snaggle again :D

To answer your question, all the elements are still currently available. We will let you know under the important announcements when an element becomes unavailable. The ratio is also just to let everyone know how many of females and males there are since we want to have an equal amount of both.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself as a Co-Gm and give you all the exciting news that the OOC is up! Please take the time to read the extra information we added and don't be afraid to ask any questions that you might have! Thank you all so much for the interest! :D

Location: Their Homes -> Ella’s Car -> Ace’s High Entrance -> Spades Cabins
Interacting with: | Each other | Their Parents |
[Collab with @smarty0114]

Snuggled deep within a ball on her rather puffy and soft bed, Ella Matthews dreamed blissfully as saliva started to slowly drip down her red face. Despite her alarm clock going off for the fourth time, Ella continued to stay in a slumberous state. It wasn’t until her rather frustrated mother began to shake Ella awake did her heavy eyelids finally crack open.

“Dear, Ella. You have ten minutes to get ready before we have to leave! Please, get up!” Anna Matthews hooted at her daughter. Blinking several times, Ella stared at her mother in a haze before giving out a loud yawn.

“Huh?” She mumbled and licked her rather dry lips.

Anna laughed at her daughter’s state. It was almost impossible to get the child out of bed before noon. Luckily, Ella’s things had all been packed and loaded in the car the night before per Anna’s request. All she had left to do was make herself presentable for the first day of camp. “Come on, dear, up, up! Today is your first day of camp, remember?”

Rubbing her eyes, Ella looked up at her mother again before snapping out of her sleepy state. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot.” Ella let out a chuckle before jumping out of bed. “Thanks, mom!” Cracking her knuckles, a habit that made her mother cringe every time, Ella playfully punched the air before yelling, “Teen Titans, go!”

Anna stood in awe as her daughter began to race around the room, quickly slipping on clothes, shoving a toothpaste down her mouth while brushing her hair at the same time. Somehow within just a few minutes, Ella was ready to go. No matter how many times Anna observed her daughter, she couldn’t get over how laid back she was. Even when Ella was a child, she rarely cried and would spend most of her time sleeping and giggling. It was both a blessing and a curse to her mother, as she would enjoy the rest but spend most of it worrying that Ella had died in her sleep. Still, Anna was proud of the young woman Ella had grown into.

“Are you excited?” Anna asked Ella honestly.

“Of course! I get to spend the whole summer with Noah, what else would I want to be doing?” Ella smiled before the doorbell went off. Letting her mother get the door, Ella skipped to the kitchen for some food. Sitting on the table waiting for her was her mother’s homemade egg sandwich, eggs, bacon, and cheese smashed between a buttered english muffin. On top of the sandwich were two glazed donuts and a glass of orange juice. A huge grin filled Ella’s face as she gratefully digged in. Despite her small size, Ella could eat everything and anything. She absolutely loved food. In fact, there were few things in the world that Ella loved more than food, one was her family and the other, a very incredible and revolutionary Noah Fairchild.

Noah Fairchild was many things. He was an artist, a good friend, and a great chess player. He also, was very certainly, a procrastinator. This is why Stefanie Fairchild, Noah’s mother, found him packing his bags the morning he was supposed to leave. ”Noah, you were supposed to have everything packed last night,” Stefanie chided, her lips pursed in the into a disapproving frown. Noah, looked up at his mom, his eyes jetting from one feature to another. Brown eyes, dark hair, she looked so much like him, like someone had taken a self portrait of himself and brought it to life, only like, as a mom. It was weird for Noah to see himself looking so angry.

Noah didn’t know what to say, he never really did. Not anymore at least. He and his mom, they used to be so in sync. They marched to their own beat, one only they seemed to be able to hear, much like him and Ella. She used to be the only person who got what his paintings meant, what they represented for him. Now days, he and his mom couldn’t seem to go a day without bickering, and his paintings seemed to have lost their meaning to her.

”Mom, I was mostly packed, I swe-” ”Noah. I’m done with the lies. Just get packed, Anna and Ella are waiting on you.” His mother left his room with a sigh, and he returned to packing his bag. His mom liked to bring up the lies a lot more now, seeing as how she’d caught him in so many. As if sending him off to some summer camp in the middle of nowhere wasn’t enough.

Once his oil paints were squared away and his notebooks tucked in, he zipped up his bag and walked downstairs to the entrance way of his spacious home. He took what felt like a last look at the paintings that lined the walls, and waited for his parents. His mom rushed in, sunglasses perched on her head, his dad following suit. He clapped his hand, a hand like a giant’s, onto Noah’s shoulder. When he was little, his dad seemed to move mountains for him. Now it seemed like his dad was the mountain. Noah looked into the stoney face of Everest, aka his father, and saw a look in his eyes he hadn’t seen before. Hurt. His dad didn’t want to do this, but it was like his mom had said. They were done with the lies.

What lies, you’re asking? Well really, one lie in particular. Noah had told his parents that he’d been over at Ella’s all day. In reality he’d been trekking halfway across the country, Greyhound to Greyhound. His parents had found him the next day, as angry as they’d ever been. They asked him why he left. He still didn’t have the answer.

After hugging his dad, Noah followed his mom next door to Ella’s where Stefanie rapped her boney fingers against the luxurious wooden door that separated the inside of Ella’s home from the outside. He’d painted that door so many times, on canvas, on paper, in oil and watercolor. He really loved that door, almost as much as he loved the people behind it.

Ella’s parents had always treated him like family, like another child. Their home had become a second home to him, hell, he even had an easel waiting here incase inspiration ever suddenly struck. And Ella, well Ella was some mix between his muse and his partner in crime. He’d do anything for her, anything. He was lucky to have a friend like her, he knew that much. Not many people would nix their summer plans just to follow their friend to summer camp, but she had, because, as Noah had seen time and time again, she was a good person. An honest to god, in the flesh, good person.

Licking the sweet and savoring glaze from the donuts off her fingers, Ella stood up from her chair and chugged the half full cup of orange juice before making her way toward the door. Standing there in wait was her mother, Stefanie Fairchild, and the one and only Noah. “Good morning!” Ella chirped to the entourage before clearing her throat. “As I was eating breakfast this morning, I thought of quite the funny joke. What do you call a pastry that is a priest?” Ella paused for a few moments, waiting for anyone to respond, before going on. “A holy donut!” Letting out a cackle that would probably startle anyone other than the people near her, Ella didn’t even notice that no one else was laughing. While Ella knew her jokes were the absolute definition of cringe and were the reason a lot of people were freaked out by her, she didn’t really care. She couldn’t get enough of them, and they made her laugh, why wouldn’t she keep doing them? As long as she had her incredible family and Noah by her side, it didn’t matter if her jokes were horrible.

Ella was so grateful to have someone like Noah to call her best friend. He was everything to her. From the moment the Fairchilds had moved in next door when they were toddlers, the two had become inseparable. Ella admired the incredible way Noah saw the world, and despite Noah’s reputation of being weird and insane, she knew there was no one more intelligent or understanding than him. They were the best of friends and Ella was more than willing to go off to some camp for the summer with him. What would she even do without him around?

While Ella was ready for their summer to officially begin, one look at Noah was enough to know her best friend didn’t share these feelings. Taking a step closer to him, Ella elbowed Noah playfully. There would be no sadness while she was around! Noah would have fun at this summer camp, Ella would make sure of it.

“Are you all ready to go?” Anna asked Noah and Stefanie.

Noah couldn’t help but smirk at Ella’s joke, despite it’s innate strangeness. He sometimes wished he could live in Ella’s world, a place where she could be whoever she wanted at any given moment, consequences be damned. She wasn’t afraid of much, and Noah envied that.

”Finally,” Stefanie said with a light chuckle. ”This one took forever to get packed!” Stefanie continued, laughing. Noah shrugged and flashed Ella a covert eye roll at his mother’s behavior, smirking ever so slightly. This summer was going to be hell, he was confident of that, but at least he had Ella with him. That would make it a little less hellish.

Once Stefanie and Anna had finished their brief chat, they packed Noah’s bag away in the Matthews’ car and then got in, beginning the long drive up to Aces High. Why they couldn’t fly, Noah wasn’t sure, but he’d stopped arguing with his mom about this trip a long time ago. While Stefanie and Anna chattered away, Noah turned to Ella and smirked. ”You ready for a summer of mosquitoes and zero wifi?” he asked.

From Noah’s secretive eye roll toward his mom, Ella knew his summer was already off to a bad start. She hated seeing her best friend so distraught and upset about the world. It wasn’t like him at all. For the past few months, Noah had been going through this strange rebellious phase that only seemed to get him hurt or in trouble. No one could pinpoint the problem and Noah refused to talk to anyone, even Ella. While she tried her best to make him happy, he just wouldn’t escape his funk. Thus the reason they’re spending their whole summer away from society at a camp. While Ella had failed to be there for her friend recently, she absolutely refuse to let him spend his summer sulking in his cabin. Noah Fairchild would return to his old, excited and inspiring self, if it was the last thing she did. Luckily, they had the entire summer.

Letting out a soft sigh, Ella followed everyone to the car. Ella’s mom and Stefanie started babbling about their lives while Noah and Ella sat comfortably in the back seat. Ella let her eyes flutter tiredly as she held back a yawn. She should have gotten more sleep last night instead of staying up late to rewatch episodes of Doctor Who. Shrugging, she simply smiled as Noah started a conversation. [color=FFFF99]“Hey, I don’t want to see that smirk!” [color]She giggled before continuing. “It’s going to be fun! Cheer up, we get to spend the entire summer together. It’ll be great!” She smiled, hoping he would see the brighter side of going.

It was a challenge to stay down around Ella, something Noah had born witness to time and time again. He couldn’t help the grin his mouth curled into in response to her cheeriness. As they began the rather long drive up to Northern California, Noah passed the time by sketching the light of the sun rise- they’d had to leave rather early to make it to camp in time- and playing a variety of road trip games with Ella.

By the time the lengthy drive was over, Noah’s legs were cramped, his pencils needed sharpening, and he had taken two naps. He was ready to be free of this moving prison. The car pulled up directly in front of the camp, where plenty of kids were waiting. Noah and Ella got out and grabbed their bags, hugged their parents goodbye and then turned to face their home for the summer. ”Well, it doesn’t look awful I guess,” Noah said, grinning ever so slightly.

After goofing off for a bit while they waited for to be welcomed into the camp, the bus pulled up and the director finally came to greet them. Noah made sure to point out Connor Hollingsworth to Ella. They’d met him in New York a few years back, while his and Ella’s parents had been doing business together. He was positively awful, so it figured he’d be present. Maggie Taylor, a girl who went to their school was there too. She wasn’t bad, though Noah wouldn’t really call her a friend.

After the director began calling kids up to grab their cards. Noah got his first, but he waited for Ella to open his. Once she’d gotten hers they tore open the envelopes. ”I’m Queen of Spades. You?”

Giving her mother a tight squeeze and promising she’d write, Ella turned to face where she would spend the rest of her summer. Dozens of kids were scattered around the area, chatting to each other or sulking about, everyone waiting for the camp to officially start. Ella was glad to see Noah had finally loosened up a bit, she could even see a slight smile on his face. Claiming it as a victory, Ella took the moment to dance her absolute favorite move, what some might identify as the famous Pumpkin Dance. She only danced, if you could call it that, for a few seconds so she wouldn’t completely terrify the rest of her fellow campers before camp had even started. Ella gave out a sharp shriek of laughter before taking a deep breath and settling down.

Noah and Ella chatted for a few moments before they realized they already knew not one but two of the campers already. One was the spoiled rich kid from New York, Connor Hollingsworth, someone Noah absolutely detested. Ella didn’t particularly dislike him but she also wasn’t a fan of him either. There were few people Ella had met who possessed such an inherently impolite and rude nature. Perhaps he would surprise both of them and show some kindness at the camp, Ella was always one to give people chances. The second was Maggie Taylor, one of the sweetest people at their school. While they had never really been close as friends, Maggie had never failed to treat both Noah and Ella with compassion and generosity. Clapping her hands with a squeal of happiness, Ella looked forward to spending time with Maggie and hopefully growing closer to her.

As Ella lost track of time conversing with Noah, she was surprised when the director came out to address the group of campers. Names were called and individually, they each went to grab envelopes that contained the cabins they would be staying in. Ella begged the heavens she would be in the same one as Noah. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to Aisling Hawthorne, thanked her, and returned back to Noah with the sealed envelope in her hand. Tearing it at the same time as Noah, a wave of relief instantly fell over her. “I’m King of Spades! Thank goodness!” Out of sheer excitement, Ella brought Noah in for a tight hug. While Noah wasn’t the biggest fan of hugs, Ella couldn’t help herself here and then. After a brief second, she pulled away and grinned at him. “Shall we?”

Noah couldn’t help the grin that crept across his face. He hooked his arm through Ella’s and looked over at her. ”We shall,” he said, before they jaunted on over to the Spades cabins, where they were forced to part ways. ”Meet back here in 30 for exploration?” Noah said, smiling for once.

Seeing Noah so full of energy and life minutes after the camp had started, Ella couldn’t have been happier. She couldn’t wait to see Noah return to his former glory, and Ella truly believed this camp would make it happen. “You bet!” She grinned and gave him an energetic wave before walking into her cabin, a place she would call home for the next several weeks. Cracking her knuckles again, Ella was officially ready for camp to begin.

♤ ♥ ♦ ♧ Ella Matthews ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣
"A life without laughter isn’t worth living"

Camp Registration 2022

║ Camper Name ║
Ella Renee Matthews

║ Birthday, Age, Gender ║
» June 20th
» 17
» Female

║ Address ║
6264 Golden Lily Way,
San Diego, CA 92130

║ Allergies ║
Like most people, Ella is allergic to pollen. It’s nothing too extreme, she just gets stuffy during allergy season.

║ Medications at Camp? ║
Ella was diagnosed with asthma as a child, and is required to have two inhalers. She takes a Symbicort inhaler (steroid inhaler) twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, but also carries a ventolin inhaler in case of emergencies. For the most part, Ella’s asthma is fairly mild and attacks are extremely rare as long as she takes her inhaler everyday.

║ Activity Restrictions? ║
Due to Ella’s asthma, she is not allowed to participate in camp events when she is feeling ill, has allergies, or the temperature is extremely high. She is also unable to participate in rigorous or demanding physical activities, such as hiking in high altitudes or running for excessive amounts of time.

║ Emergency Contact ║
Adam Matthews, Father, 619-770-0984
Anna Matthews, Mother, 619-456-0809
Alex Matthews, Brother, 619-223-6574
Stefanie Fairchild, Noah’s Mother, 619-765-8420
Martin Fairchild, Noah’s Father, 619-743-1058

This is Me

║ Nicknames ║
El, Ellie, Els

║ Sexual Orientation & Relationship Status ║
Pansexual - Single

║ Appearance ║
Coming up to a height of 5’3, Ella is relatively small for her age. Never one for exercise, Ella has absolutely no muscle on her already slim figure. Noah often teases her for being as weak as she is. While Ella’s dirty blonde hair and walnut brown eyes often get her called ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’, Ella’s favorite feature about herself is her eyebrows. Bushy and all, she refuses to get them waxed or plucked, despite her mother’s constant nagging.

When it comes to Ella’s style, she wears whatever feels most comfortable but still passes her mother’s expectations. Most of the time this translates into jeans and a t-shirt. She has over a hundred t-shirts with Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, and many other fandoms, filled within her closet. It’s honestly a little overwhelming at times. If she can get away with it, Ella loves her Hogwarts sweatpants and will often wear them to bed. Ella doesn’t bother much with her hair, typically just brushing it and calling it good. She owns little to no makeup, only some foundation and eyeshadow, which she rarely wears.

║ Personality ║
The Positive:
  • Caring
  • Generous
  • Genuine
  • Playful

The Negative:
  • Ignorant
  • Disruptive
  • Gullible
  • Clumsy

More in depth:
Some may call her downright stupid and obnoxious, but Ella likes to classify herself as a dork. Not only does she constantly giggle and laugh at her own jokes, she can be clumsy at the worst of times; she’ll even trip over her own feet. One of her main philosophies though is - if you’re not laughing, you’re not living. Even if she has to lose her own dignity, which she has many times, she’ll try her best to make those around her laugh. Sometimes (most of the time), she has terrible judgement and will do something weird at the most serious of times. Ella just hates being *Sirius and sad, so she avoids it at all cost.

Despite her cheeky qualities, Ella possess a kind soul. She is a true member of the Random Acts of Kindness club for she will go out of her way for others. Everyone deserves to be shown a smile every once and awhile. While she tends to think the best of others, she’s easily taken advantage of.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light - Albus Dumbledore

We Are Infinite

║ My Dreams ║
Ella loves helping people and would love a career where she can continue doing that, although she still hasn’t quite figured out what that is yet.

║ Fears ║
  • Losing hope or giving up
  • Sharks - Ella is absolutely terrified of them

║ Likes ║
  • Food
  • Video Games
  • Jokes
  • Bunnies
  • Doing the robot
  • British Shows (Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Sherlock, etc)
  • Music/Singing

║ Dislikes ║
  • Weeds
  • Frowns
  • People with too much pride
  • Cheese
  • When people put their hands over her food

║ Brief History ║
Like the sunny and bright city of San Diego she lives in, Ella Matthew’s childhood was full of happiness and excitement. Born to the loving parents of Adam Matthews and Anna Edwards, there wasn’t a moment in her life Ella wasn’t pampered or provided with love and care. From her essential needs to dreamed up wants, Ella was given it all. She was her parents little girl and they loved her dearly. Along with her older brother, Alex, the two were constantly taken out on family outings to the zoo, picnics (oh how her parents loved picnics), the pool, and many other family friendly places. It's a time Ella will always treasure and take with her, and the reason Ella has such a close bond with her parents and would do anything for them.

It was also in her childhood that Ella was introduced to a very special Noah Fairchild. No one could compare to Noah. Noah was, well as he liked to put it, revolutionary. From toddlers to teens, the two have grown up together and been through everything. There wasn’t another person who could understand Ella or she could understand more than him. Something about Noah’s wildly imaginative and unique visions just clicked with her. Most people only really saw Noah as wild or strange, but Ella had never met anyone more intelligent or kind. If one only dared enter his bubble of imagination, they’d realize the true depth of his creative and wonderful existence. Noah was her best friend, and there was no one she cared more for than him.

Both Ella and Noah never really fit in with the hierarchy of high school. From Ella’s extremely awful jokes to Noah’s unconventional ideas, they were seen as the wild children whose parents dropped them when they were young. It never really bothered her, she was fine as long as she had Noah and her family by her side, but it was what inspired her to create a Youtube channel. Noah and Ella had their fair share of favorite Youtubers, but it was Ella that confronted Noah about making a channel of their very own. She had brainstormed with Noah for names and eventually came up with NoEls. At first, it was just a good excuse to go on wild adventures with Noah, and Ella never imagined anyone would really watch them but after an entire year and a half of their weird vlogs, silly banters,and art crafts, they had reached 700,000 subscribers. Ella still can’t comprehend how many people actually look forward to see the two of them. It’s beyond real.

Glam as being Youtubers can be and all, Noah and Ella were still 17-year olds battling the struggles and stress of being high school students. Noah had started acting out, for what reason Ella still can’t figure out. From shoplifting to attending alcoholic parties, Ella was beginning to feel her best friend slip away. Ella didn’t know what to do except watch Noah sink further and further into emptiness. She tried her best to be there for him, and he seemed fine whenever she was in his company, but something was simply off. While she wanted to give him room to deal with his issues, she hated the route he was taking and hated even more that he wouldn’t talk to her about it.

Eventually, Noah’s parents couldn’t handle seeing their son ruin his life so they decided to send him off to a summer camp where he’d hopefully come back with his problems resolved. Ella refused to let Noah go through the camp alone so she asked her parents if she could attend the camp as well. Anna and Adam were slightly hesitant at first, due to Ella’s asthma, but eventually agreed to let her go.

Welcome to Aces High!

║ Suit Assignment ║
Fill this out when we give you a suit: Hearts, Clubs, Spades, Diamonds. That will determine your cabin assignments and teams for the ten weeks at camp

║ Do you want to be here? ║
While there are several things Ella would rather be doing during the summer before her senior year, she’s more than willing to be there for Noah.

║ Extra information ║
Kiernan Shipka, #FFFF99
Sorry it took so long but she's finally done!! :D

Hello! :D I am one of @Knight of Doom's friends. This looks super interesting and I would love to join! :D
I'm totally interested! :D I'm always up for a good Harry Potter Rp
This looks like fun, I'm definitely interested! :D As far as ideas go, I think the sidekick story would be really interesting. I would be willing to do all three though.
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