Avatar of boomlover
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    1. boomlover 9 yrs ago


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roleplayerguild.com/topics/1.. sci fi rp casual.
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roleplayerguild.com/topics/1.. mechs and a gm who knows his shit.
8 yrs ago


hi everyone who is reading this im boomlover and i have decided to join the rp guild
i like sci fi and fantasy

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Wasnt the cargoship the only craft that eas damaged? Cause im on that one.
@Hawlin nope. Though i do hope some of my attempts at comedy made you laugh.
Posted. Not the best not the worst. The makeup of the post is crap. But i'm still happy what i made.
There was darkness. Nothing but the infinite black. Only the sound of a cargo cranes moving precious cargo and the faint sounds of people talking and laughing . In this darkness of the cargo crate sat Pip Bernadotte. A man so deadly that even the tiniest alien isn't safe from his sword. The biggest mech will fall before his epic power. Now you might be wondering what our super awesome bad ass was doing in a place like this? Was he planning to destroy the ship he was one. Was he thinking up a way to eliminate the entire crew without being seen ? Or was he simply planning to move unseen between the shadows. He wasn't doing any of those things however. As Pip Bernadotte, the most bas ass motherfucker in the galaxy was.. he was emm.. *sigh* He was sleeping. Really you can't blame a man from catching some sleep can you? I mean when your cramped inside a cargo container the size of a goddamn bathtub waiting till your on the ship that holds your objective. you cant really blame a man from catching some shut eye. Then again he was rather behind schedule. He should have finished this like 7 hours ago. But apparently sleep is more important than your goddamn objective ! " ZZZZ" The sound of him sleeping was muffled by his mask. Otherwise the pirate would have heard his snoring hours ago. Then, there was a loud sound as the ship itself was pulled out of warp. There were alarms going off and muffled voices could be heard. " What's happening!?" A panicked female sounding voice screamed. " Someone is boarding the ship! Get to your stations dammit" A gruff mans voice replied. Then the sound of explosions could be heard and the ship started to shake. Pip simply mumbled something under his breath saying. " Ugh just five more minuets mom." And he continued to sleep.

After five hours of screaming gunshots and explosions later Pip finally opens his eyes looking about the darkness he is in. He yawns and tries to stretch but is unable too. He curses under his breath and tries to open the pod. However as he tried to open the hatch a small password code pops up stating. " Please insert code." Pip thinks for a minute and then types in his first guess. 1112. A large bleep is sounded and the now annoying voice states. "access denied." Pip sighs and types in the best password he can think of. 11113. Once again the bleep sounds and the voice states the same message. " Ok then time for plan B" He though to himself as he drew his sword. now mind you drawing the sword was hard as all hell. considering he was in a very small space. but after some cursing and bending his body in ways he would rather not repeat the sword was finally ready to initiate plan b. After a few stabs and slashes later he was finally outside the pod and decided to stretch. Not that it really did anything as he was mostly made out of steel and cybernetic parts. But it's a habit for some reason. He then looked around scanning his surroundings. Currently he was standing in a cargo bay filled with rows of cargo pods and containers. Now he knew what the objective was. Apparently it was a small purple finger sized crystal. What did it do and why was it so important that a top level assassin had to steal it ? Pip really had no idea but it was shiny so at-least that was a bonus.

Pip scanned the area and was surprised to see that he didn't see anyone. Like you would expect that some tech monkey or at least some random bloke walking about he could interrogate. But it was silent expect for the the cranes moving and some people laughing. Not the good kind of laughing mind you. More the evil version. Pip looked at were the sound was coming from but there was a small wall of containers in the way. So Pip having magnetic boots activates them and starts to walk up the wall. A few short seconds and almost falling off later pip stands atop and looks around. He sees some crates more crates some cargo pods, Cargo cranes and pile of corpses. " Yeah that's a bad sign." He then hears the laughing again even louder this time he looks about and finally spots a group of tough looking men. Now these men could either be a bunch of mercs or pirates. But considering there standing around laughing to stupid jokes they are probably pirates.
After a quick head count there only seem to be three of them. " Take out two leave one for questioning." Pip says to himself as he draws his guns. He runs to the edge of the wall jumps off and starts shooting. The pirates, being complete amateurs and not knowing what to do do the one thing they could thing off. Spray and pray. Bullets flew every where as pip zigzagged towards the pirates. He hit the first one in the chest killing him and quickly shot the other one in the head. He then looked at the last pirate and smiled. The pirate knowing that something bad is about to happend tried to go for his comm device to his ear and tries calling for help. Pip throws a knife at the moving hand hitting it. The man cries out in pain falling on his knees whimpering like a child. As he looks up he feels the cold steel og a knife pressed against his troat and a voice casually stating. " My name is is Pip and your not supposed to be here."

" w-hat.." The pirate exclaims still in incredible pain.

Pip shrugs and stabs his other knife in the mans hand pining this one into the steel floor. " Sorry just woke up let me rephrase my answer. What are a bunch of pirates doing on a cargo ship."

" We t took the ship. It was all on its own we just boarded it and stuff ya know ?" The pirate says blue sweat dripping of his bibbering skin.

" wait a second. Are you telling me you guys boarded a ship probably blew some stuff up killed all of the crew... And yet i didnt wake up !"

The pirate looks at Pip incredibly confused. " what are you..." But before the pirate can continue Pip walks around him angerly talking to himself. " Screw it next time i meet dad i'm asking him to put a fucking alarm clock in this damn thing!" He then looks at the pirate and asks." hey buddy know where i can find a crystal its purple and it shines very brightly."
The pirate gulps the pain becoming less and says still bibbering. " leave cargo bay go to floor two third room on your right. We havent been able to disable security yet we need an eye scanner and our hackers cant crack it." Pip looks at the pirate pats him on the shoulder pulls out one of the knives and slits the pirates neck in a simple swing." thank you kindly buddy of mine." He then walks to the pile of bodies and starts looking for people that have more important ranks. Finding said bodies he starts cutting out the eye balls and starts walking towards his objective. He gets himself to the second floor not finding anyone the entire way. He makes his way over to the room. He sees the crystal defend a bunch of turrets and lazers. That and a dead body on the floor which appears to be one of the hackers. After trying the captains eye ball and having success. He grabs the tiny little crystal and puts it in a small compartment. He then hears an alarm as the ship shakes.

" attention you slimy pieces of shit ! We just caught another ship ready for looting. But just in case prepare yourself in case shit gets dicey."

Pip grins as he says to himself." Another ship huh? Well looks like a i found my ticket out of here." With that said Pip starts making his way towards the bridge. readying himself for his exit.
@Dr Catfish oh don't worry man. im probably like a million times worse than you are. and thats after like years of writing. Then again your new so you can get away with it :)
*Runs past while on fire*


why you gotta be on fire mate :(
i love how we dont do the stupid introduction thing. always slows the rp way the hell down. Welp i hope you guyd know what time it is !! ITS RPING TIME !
I,ll help with dissecting.
<Snipped quote by Hawlin>

*innocent smiling* whatever do u mean? Of course I'll keep up with reliabl e post rates! Doth u take me for some scoundrel?!

i mean the picture of the cowboy isnt giving reassurance ;)
@Hawlin so give him poisoned chocolate to kill him. got it ! nah, i won't don't worry. I do look forward to us having conversation. It will be glorious i can assure you.

@Dr Catfish hey man i like to know my victims weakspot. uuhh.. i mean id like to know weakspots so i can cover them !! ( yup thats it)
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