Avatar of Bornlucky
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    1. Bornlucky 10 yrs ago


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"Long ago, People lives in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everybody loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it to themselves. And then darkness was born in many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world was consumed. But like Dandelions in dead soil, small but bright fragments of light survived and sprouted in many places within the darkness... these children with lights still reminding in their hearts were appropriately named Dandelions. These children rebuilt the consumed world in many islands of light among the dark emptiness. But don't lose heart, the light that once bathed the world in its brilliant benevolence is still hidden away in the darkest depths of the darkness. This is why the islands of lights are scattered and detached from each other. But this great light will return to us one day, like the sunrise of every morning you wake up to. This long and dark night will come to pass. So as long as you remember the light even in the darkness, your heart will never drown in it, no matter how deep you find yourself in. So no matter what, my students, May your heart of light be your guiding key."
- Master Nixe

Hello! Lucky here! I hope I got your attention! I've been replaying the Kingdom hearts series again after a few years since last playing it Thank you, kingdom hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 So I've waited for a while to join a Kingdom hearts RP but none arose, so I'd better take the GM role for an RP in a setting I've been waiting to set foot in!

I'm looking for a smaller group of 4 to 6 + myself. I'm also looking for a CO-GM to help me with character plotting and to help run the RP in general.

As the little name attached on the wall of text means is that our characters will be the students of a Keyblade master named Nixe who was trained herself by one of the Dandelions. The students of Nixe are Keyblade wielders from other worlds who have founded their way to her and are currently training under. We can discuss the history of each character once we have a CS up. The main story will be training to become Keyblade masters or to assist your follow students to become Masters if they're too young to become one themselves, and with this being Kingdom hearts, shit will hit the fan right away.

Disclaimer, This RP should be considered an AU of the main series with only the events of Kingdom hearts: X Chi being Canon.

If you have any questions please don't be scared to ask!

I will post the CS soonish, definitely before the OOC is up.


As the pair of third years ran, the icy Samurai was out of sight, but not of mind. Ryoma hated running away instead of fighting, but his Persona's not meant to combat such a strong foe by itself. Ryoma let out a visible breath as he sighed at his lack of combat ability, but he knew his skills are useful but he needs others to work off of. Ryoma and Ai ran around a corner to a hallway, Ryoma could see that it either leads left or right. He has to deal with that as it comes.

Ai spoke, worry and adrenaline clear in her voice, her grip on his hand was still tight. "I have an idea." Ryoma responded, "We have to find others with a... Persona." Ryoma responded, he paused due to wondering where he heard that word from, he never heard of it nor has Anubis call themselves as such, but honestly, its nothing to worry about, just weird. But what out of this day isn't?

Ryoma and Ai made it to the T crossing, Ryoma looked both ways, to his left was the same dreary, blood covered wall, but to their right was a hallway with its floor and walls covered in snow and ice and suddenly as he gave it a second look, Ryoma let out a small gasp as he sees a human body in the middle of the floor of the hallway. Ryoma's grip on Ai's hand tighten.

Ryoma paused for a moment, Ryoma has never been one to handle violence a great deal, but he steeled himself and made his way to the crumpled body, Ryoma could see blood combined with the snow and ice surrounding the person. Before long Ryoma could make out the shirt and face of the person. It was Jin. Ryoma freezes in place. Ryoma could see the injuries on them and the blood around their form. Ryoma let out a shaken sigh as he tried to steel himself for the worst case scenario, but amazingly, Jin was still breathing and alive. Ryoma let out a relived sigh and finally talked, his previously stilled tongue was finally free to speak up. "Jin-Kun... my god..." Ryoma spoke with clear worry for them, his expression was pained with a hint of guilt.

Suddenly a glowing blue card with the number XX on it materialized in front of Ryoma's face. Ryoma looked at knowing full well what to do. It would seem to be this card is different from the mind's eye version. It was a signal for Persona users. Rather it was a warning or not Ryoma didn't know but it would a sign of his ability to Jin. If what will happen next doesn't already prove that. He let go of Ai's hand and lifted that hand up to the card before crushing it. " I can help you... Anubis!" Ryoma yelled out as he brought the hand that crushed the card to his chest, Anubis appeared behind Ryoma and lifted the same arm that Ryoma used to crush the card. Suddenly a healing light surround Jin which should heal the majority of their wounds.

Ryoma hopes it will be enough. Ryoma can't handle losing a friend no matter how brief.

Ryoma killed the final table in a show of darkly divine power, but he can't keep fighting alone like this, Ryoma's mind has already laid out his capabilities, and they all pointed to a role of support with only one of his four abilities being offensive, while he has doubts he would be useful to have around with his impressive healing capability but he lacks the fire power to deal any amount of damage to the frozen samurai, which he figured out by its cool observation of his powers.

Ryoma needs others to help him out of this. Ryoma glared at the Samurai prepared for another attack, but yet, it stood still undisturbed by the brutal destruction of its lackeys, its gazes deep into Ryoma and Ai, but it did not move an inch at it stared at them nor did Ryoma move himself. Ryoma stared at its great Yumi.

Finally it moved.

Not in the manner he expected, instead the giant monster places the giant Yumi on its back and lifted up a guntleted hand and raise each of its fingers, then it stepped to the side, in a show of good well, a show of dominance, the hand dropped towards its blade, telling the two what it wants to do.

It wants to hunt and its giving them a five minute head start.

Ryoma let out a low growl before finally he looked over to Ai and grabbed her hand gently and he pulled her along at a comfortably fast pace for the two of them, his abdomen is still hurting and maybe even bleeding still, but he needs to take this opportunity to get his second wind back and hopefully find someone else with a Persona, while he doesn't like taking a monster's deal, it was the only thing he could do keep the both of them safe, even for a moment.

As Ryoma and Ai ran past the Samurai Ryoma looked at where its face should be as they ran past and give it a look of determination in a show that it hasn't won this battle yet, nor will it ever.

Ryoma looked forward to see where the two could run and hopefully find others. Ryoma thought he heard yelling a ways behind the samurai a bit ago but he was too focused on the tables to question it, maybe there's still somebody there. Ryoma hopes they're still alive.

Ryoma's stabbing and kick wasn't enough as he thought. But it gave him and Ai breathing room, if only slightly. The green fluid oozed out disgustingly and the broken arrow still dug deep in its body. It swayed with anger and sucker twitched. It then proceed to glare at him with its strange compound eyes, well, Ryoma guessed it was glaring at him. It then charged at him with its sucker with the intent to kill and drain him of his life, it aimed at his chest ready to pierce his heart with its sucker.

Ryoma rolled to his side, to dodge under the sucker, even with his body screaming out in pain as he did so, as he was rolling the image of the number XX appeared in his mind and he quickly shattered the the image as he finished rolling and stood up. "Anubis!" as he yell out its name, Anubis appeared above Ryoma and lifted his arm in a display of power and then would attempt to surround the desk monster in a hellish red and black vortex, which should tear it apart, but not at the same extent as the previous attack.

Ryoma's mind was starting to be pushed to its limits with this many summonings in such a short time span, but he still has to fight. For Ai. And himself.

Ai's hesitance, cut deeper then any monster's fist. But luckily for Ryoma, it only lasted for a few moments before her expression became more knowing, and her motions were firm, compared to the previous fragility of her motions just moments ago. With another word of encouragement and another promise, Ryoma's resolve stayed fortified, at least for now. Ryoma nodded confidently at Ai's word. "I swear to keep that promise." Ryoma responded firmly.

Ryoma's Eiha tore the monster apart as viciously as he thought it would, it left no body, nor even its greenish goo for blood. It was at this moment that Ryoma noticed Samurai monster's level headed observation of his spellcasting, if its not attacking or even considering of dodging, it must mean it can brush off this particular spell's element. Ryoma couldn't in a hundred years understand how a monster can resist or be immune to being ripped apart from the inside by a swirling void of cursed destruction, but this place seems to defy all understanding. Its an enigma laid on top of a mystery.

The frozen samurai gestured and the final table monster leap forward with a horrid shriek, with it's limbs ready to tear him apart limb from limb. Ryoma would barely have time to dodge, let alone summon Anubis. Ryoma dodged to the side with one of its wild limbs to scratch his upper arm deeply, if it wasn't for his Diarama, he would've worried about infection, but he knew if he heals himself after this it won't get infected, he hoped. But his dodge got him behind the table monster and while from this distance the table monster has a clear shot to kill him before he could summon Anubis he has to think fast.

Ryoma recovering from the attack as quickly as he could pulled his still uninjured arm and pulled out a bamboo arrow and he would use it to stab the table in its large back and then proceed to kick it with his strong leg if he got the stab off. Ryoma doubt this pair of attacks will kill it, but it will give him some much needed breathing room. Ryoma abdomen ached but he has to wait a bit before he can ease its pain. But Ryoma hopes for the best, this is only chance to get this attack off without risking a Persona summoning so close to the monster.

Ryoma looked relived when Ai stood up without his support and made to him with no issues. Anubis' healing spell is powerful. Ai looked at the Persona summoner with a worried expression asking if he was okay. Honestly? Not really. He's in pain, his soul is still recoiling from the trauma of summon a metaphysical representation of his mind, and his mind is still reeling from all the new information it had generated without a word due to the creation revolving around his new supernatural abilities, and not to mention the fact he still hurting physically due to the direct hit from the table just moments ago.

Ryoma looked at Ai with an exhausted but nevertheless hopeful expression. "Not by a long shot Ai-chan, but I will make those things feel a lot then me right now; And I can heal myself, fracturing my mind by forcibly confronting my whole social facade gave me a few pointers on how to fight... lucky me..." Ryoma grimly joked, he didn't want to filter his words anymore, he's tired of controlling his every word and action with nothing to get out of it but wariness in return. He wants to be free of the chains that chained him to a lonely adolescence.

Ai said the pair need to run away, Ryoma shakes his head, they need to stand their ground, at least for now, "I have to fight them, our backs are to the wall, or spikes in this case, and our only escape is closed off by that samurai and I can tell he won't let us run by... even if he's toying with us... especially because he's toying with us." Ryoma said with a clear voice, its hasn't been this clear in years.

Ryoma looked at Ai with a gentler expression compared to just moments. "We made a promise, we will both get out of here, let me help us keep it." Ryoma spoke hopefully, he can't remember the last time he was hopeful for anything, expect, maybe earlier today. Today really seems to want him to change, even before this whole mess started.

Ryoma expression steeled when he glared at the tables and samurai. His mind cleared. The number of XX appeared again. He shattered it with his mind's eye. Ryoma glared at the nearest table demon, "Come out! Anubis!" With his master's call Anubis appeared above Ryoma and pointed at the nearest Table demon and a black and red cloud surround it and if it hit it would proceed to rip it apart more violently compared to it's it earlier ally.

Ryoma felt a ting of pain shoot up his abdomen as he cast the spell, but he has to beat the tables first. If he heals it would give them enough time to attack him or Ai. Once its just them and the Demon samurai, he can heal himself enough to deal with it more conventionally.

Ryoma watched, no, Judged the strange mockery of a samurai. It pulled at the bow string slowly, in a mocking manner, as if bemused by his miracle. Ryoma glared at the table monsters as well, he knew he could kill each of them with a single blow, but the samurai is a problem, Ryoma knew he couldn't kill it one shot like the tables, even if he got off a direct hit. And they both knew it.

Suddenly, Ryoma was dragged by the great force of the samurai's arrow, and he found himself hanging off a wall by the ruff of his shirt, it was a mocking gesture, the thing could've killed him right there and then but it didn't. Ryoma let out a pained gasp as his body slammed against the wall and his insides rang out with pain again, causing him to let out a bloody cough. Ryoma glared at it with pained eyes but still determined expression.

It wants a game. It wants to show its power, and kill them like a cat with a mouse. Ryoma didn't have the time to waste on playing with this monster. Ryoma gathered his thoughts and replaced an arrow from his quiver and chipped away at the arrow as quickly as he could. Five solid strikes should break the ice.

Ryoma fell to the ground with a thud as he landed on his hands and knees. After catching his breath, Ryoma looked up and glared at the monsters with such intensity that was only seen with archery targets previously. Ryoma stood up, ignoring the pain coming from his gut and then looked at Ai, his expression soften at her, before he let out a breath and he unlocked the visual from within his mind's eye, the number XX. Then he shattered the thought.

"Anubis, give us strength! Diarama!" Ryoma yelled out as he lifted his arm forward towards Ai. Anubis appeared over Ryoma in a blue glow and lifted his arm up gently and a glowing light envelops Ai. The light would feel warm and comforting like the sun in a warm spring day, pain and injury are eased and healed extraordinarily. Ryoma with the help of Anubis had the power of life and healing, while also causing death with Curses.

Ryoma will not squander this gift.

Ryoma dug deep, he twisted the arrow inside the monster's skull, the arrow nicked the monster's eye in a nightmarish show display of violence. What could only be called green eye fluid came gushing out of the eye onto the floor in a small puddle. Some even got onto his pant legs. But it still wasn't enough. Ryoma felt the arrow snap in his hands before he could feel the extra force of resistance of digging an arrow though its skull. But the monster trashed like a bucking bull. One of its many legs snapped forward and hit him square in the stomach, it was a direct hit and he let out a pained gasp as he collapse down to one knee. The force of the hit must've caused some damage, even internal bleeding as he grab at his midsection and had to force his eyes to stay open though the searing pain. But it would seem his kneeling was fortuitous, as it prevented a further barrage of limbs to hit where his chest and face were just at moments ago. But he didn't think of it as good luck beyond that.

Ryoma could hear Ai struggle a distance away, and while gasping for air, Ryoma knew it was only a matter of time before the Table demon gets another direct hit on him and collapse his innards in a bloody mess or he get hit by that sucker and it drain him of his life like a giant mosquito. Ryoma couldn't think of a way to continue fighting as this thing was way to overpowering and too close for him to deal with it, as well he being unable to move though the pain. He needs something, or someone to save him.

"Ai-chan..." Ryoma weakly let out, his words strained and airy. "I-I wasn't strong enough... to protect you... to do... anything..." Ryoma let out weakly. Only a miracle could save them.

A simple test;; can you state your name?


Is that a voice?

It wasn't his own.

Nor did it seem to come from anywhere.

It sounded like it came from within his own mind.

Rather this was his mind finally snapping from this whole insane game of cat and mouse, or not, Ryoma decided to humor the voice within his mind as a last sign of rebellion to the table demons.

His last words won't be of defeat, but him declaring his name for the monsters and the voice to remember till they're dead themselves. He will force them to remember.

"Ryoma Mikami."

Ryoma was almost taken aback by Ai's resolve to stay with him, even at the cost of her own safety. This further increase his own resolve to protect her. Ryoma's previous doubts about her melted away after seeing what the monsters really looked like. He could tell they weren't human enough to pretend, Ai was human. And Ryoma has to protect her, he cast doubt on her and he needs to apologize to her for that. And if it costs him his life, then so be it. He will keep his promise.

"...Okay." Ryoma said in response to Ai's words, it was simple but they didn't have to speak, he wanted to say lots of things to Ai.

The first arrow disgustingly pierced the leader of the table's head, it made Ryoma sick to his stomach to look at it, but he steeled himself and kept firing. The other arrows hit the leading table and it fell to the ground with an arrow hitting one of its back legs. But the two Tables behind the leading one didn't stop or hesitated, instead they sped up and leaped at Ryoma and Ai with a scream as it prepare to attack the two. Ryoma only had enough time to pull out a Bamboo arrow but he couldn't load it in time, instead, Ryoma used it as a makeshift knife and flung his armed hand forward in an attempt to dig the arrow into the nearest monster's skull. But it would lack much of the force it would have if fired, but Ryoma had no other choice. It's kill or be killed.

Ryoma nodded at her asking him to keep his promise, its all he can do right now. Ai squeezed his arm in a attempt to stay calm in the oppressive atmosphere of the classroom's hallway, which room being darkened and empty from a glance. It felt so lonely even with Ai as company.

Ryoma nodded at Ai's idea of keeping moving forward. Ai's voice was filled with worry and her expression was filled with dread. The two tried to pierce though the inky blackness and spot any other humans but it seems useless as the area seems to be devoid of life but the two of them. He wishes it would stay that way but it wouldn't be.

While Ryoma was peering into a classroom window, Ai said something before stopping mid-sentence and tugging at his sleeve and suddenly stepping back faster than Ryoma would think with her sprained ankle. When he looked at Ai then at the direction she was stepping away from, he would learn why she reacted the way she did.

Stalagmites suddenly raised from the floor making it impossible to go backwards, but before he could let out a question. A Bulbous mass emerge from the darkness up ahead. Ryoma could barely processed the monstrosity the only word that came to mind beside utter fear was, Eldritch Warrior. Ryoma could only call it a warrior with the weapons it has forcible equipped onto its body, a giant Yumi fused to one hand, while it had a sword in a sheathed onto what could tentatively called its torso. Ryoma's eyes ca barely focus on the monster's horrid appearance. It looked at him with an unreadable expression and then it suddenly started clapping for a few moments. Ryoma was paralyzed with fear.

Suddenly the Eldritch Warrior raised it arm and three monsters that could be only described as 'Fleshy Ikea furniture possessed by demons.' Ryoma wanted to wake up from this nightmare, but he knew he was wide awake. This was too deranged for his mind to make up. He only had one choice which the Eldritch Warrior seem to know he has as it seemed to egg him on to attack. He has to stand his ground and fight. He has to protect Ai. Even at the cost of his life.

"Ai... Let go of me... We only have one choice...If you see a chance... run." Ryoma grimly remarked to Ai, he felt sick at the idea of fighting such monstrosities, but he has no choice but to fight and maim what could be called tentatively living beings. But they give him little choice as they inched closer and closer.

Rather Ai Listened or not Ryoma pulled his bow off his shoulders and pulled out a bamboo arrow from his quiver. Ryoma focused with laser precision and let loose an arrow at the closest of the three 'Table Demons'. Rather it hit or not Ryoma pulled out another Bamboo Arrow after another and fired them away once more, Twice more, Thrice more. It would be a barrage of four arrows but each shot would be less accurate then the last. But Ryoma made sure each arrow had significant force behind to hopefully force them back.

Ryoma looked calm. But in actuality he was scared and on the verge of collapsing from utter fright but he was in fight mode, he wanted to fight these monsters no matter how much his body wants to run. He was fighting for Ai. And himself. Hopefully his reaction to fight instead of flight was right.
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