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In the distant future a great disaster floods the globe, fortunately a decades before a large number of the worlds wealthiest citizens combined their resources to have a huge floating city built, Utopia, a floating pleasure palace so that they may escape the nations of the mainland and subsequently survive the annihilation of the human race.

The descendants of the Founders would make their homes in the tallest, brightest and most vibrant parts of the Utopian Upper City, below them would be the children of the Architects, and then the children of Foremen and the Farmers would be in the lowest parts of the Upper City.

But those whose sweat and blood actually built the city were rewarded with positions in it when Utopia was finished, after all without them, who would operate and maintain all of the city's factories and machines. Their descendants live in the smog filled Undercity, alongside the very machines and reactors that they maintain.

A few factions have risen since the creation of the City:

The Revolution is a group mainly compiled of Undercity workers and a few Uppercity citizens who believe that this new age caste system must come to an end. Most of their demonstrations are peaceful but recently some of the more extreme members have attacked Founders and Architects. Rumor has it that these extremists will either secede or take over the faction.

The Unwanted are the refugees of the old world, living in parts of the Undercity that are borderline lethal to human beings. These people are unwanted by nearly all Utopian Citizens, even the workers of the Undercity see them as parasites who have not earned a place in this city. There are a few who see the Unwanted as a cheap espionage resource in the Undercity.

The Security Force was founded to keep the peace among ALL of Utopia's inhabitants but as of late the Director has turned them into the bodyguards of the Uppercity. Most of the SF is made of Undercity citizens looking for a higher residence and more power. Rumor has it that if the Revolution and the becomes more aggressive the SF will have to start making offensive deployments into the Undercity for the first time.

You will all play key players in each faction and will play out whether or not Utopia goes to war with itself.

We'll Need These Players:
Founder Council Members(2-3) Upper class, powerful and someone needs to sympathize with the lower class because this is the group who have the power to order the SF into becoming a standing army.
Security Chief This position will be held by someone who is likely from the upper city but I wouldn't mind if they came from the Undercity and are
Security Officer Undercity Officer who'll likely be there when the SF are deployed.
Revolution Leader One of three leaders in the Revolution, I'd rather they be non extremist but that isn't set in stone.
Revolution Activist An activist who wants change but in a non lethal way
Revolution Extremist An activist who wants change and will take it by force if they must.
Uppercity Spy Likely a Foreman or an Architect who sympathizes with the Revolution and will inform them of the uppercity workings.
Unwanted Spy An unwanted refugee who is on the payroll of the SF for information on the Revolution.
Years Ago

"Weston, you know I've been monitoring the progress of your affliction and I felt you should know now that in 10 years time you will lose the usage of your arms and legs... I'd could get into the gritty bits but-" Doc Watts was cut off by his young patient

"Tell me, I want to know, I need to know." Weston looked up at his doctor, but he didn't feel sadness to the news that he wouldn't walk or feel or have limbs in a decade, he felt challenged to do the impossible.

"When that decade runs out your arms and legs will be so useless that we will have to remove them, because it only starts with your limbs, then it moves inwards and the best way to keep you alive is amputation... It isn't what we want to do but it's all we can do." Watts was concerned, he saw a young man who should be devisated by this information and all he was getting back from his patient was what seemed like a combination of anger and determination.

Weston wasn't going out quietly and if he lost his life curing himself then so be it. He left the family clinic with a purpose, a mission and a fire in his eyes and it would be no time soon before he knew if he would succeed or fail.

4 Years later

"I wasn't fast enough" he would have slammed his fist on his lab desk if it would have shattered his wrist like it had a number of times before. "I'm cured, but now I'm just this frail freak in a chair!"

"Oh yeah, a freak who cured not only his own disease but a few others along the way is such a hindrance to society. I don't understand why your inability to walk and punch someone makes you useless. You have a genius mind and when you put your mind to it you have completed amazing tasks. Chair or not, you're still a genius." Weston spun around in his chair and glared at Watts as the doctor stood just within the doorway.

"I know- what- but what do I do to get out of this chair? Make a muscle serum or a super protein shake? I can't regrow muscle, I don't want this restriction, I don't want to live this kind of life, if I have such a genius mind then why can't I fix my fucking limbs!" The two were silent for a moment before Watts noticed something in Weston's eyes, something he saw 4 years ago that lead to a miracle cure. Little did he know just what was going to happen next.

Present Day

"Welcome to Yo Jo Coffee, what can I get for you today?" Said the intercom of the drive thru as Guardian tossed the first goon into the drive thru menu.

"Yeah, I'll take an iced coffee, extra shot-" Another goon jumped at him with a knife and he swiftly kicked him in the jaw with a roundhouse "of espresso and just throw some whipped cream on top... You guys want anything?" He knew the other 6 muggers wouldn't want anything unless it were on him, cheap bastards.

They gave each other a glance and he was sure they were all about to attack at once, it could have worked if they were a bit more subtle about it. Guardian made an evasive leap as the thugs attacked landing by the window of the drive thru, he wondered if they would have his coffee by the time his attackers were on their feet again.
Imma make a second character, that okay?
@Revans Exile I agree with the GM, you focus for half of your bio was she is hot, guys like her and she just wants to be a tom boy. Then the rest of it was this disconnected crap that doesn't explain why you use a bow, what sort of monster or corporation you were dealing with and if you were to work with Israeli agency THEN YOU SAY YOUR WORKING FOR AN ISRAELI AGENCY. A name like mossad could mean any middle eastern group to someone that doesn't know.
I'll try but I haven't been in touch with digimon in a while, any resources I can use.
Usually people band together for a common goal, and while fighting crime and saving people is good reason any hero can do that on their own. One reason to bring heroes together is that there is something too big for just one to take on like some sort of massive monster or a evil organization. Another way we could do this is that they are invited to do so by a hero with a lot of pull and popularity.
GM is cold
Name: Weston 'Doc Lok' Lokrin
Alias: "Guardian"
Age: 28

Equipment: Cybernetic arms and legs, Spinal augmentation, an advanced first aid kit.
Skill: Vast medical and Cybernetics knowledge, Cybernetic augmentations {Uncanny strength, speed, and leaping[Unaffected reflexes]}
Backstory: Weston was born into a wealthy family but also with a degenerative disease that if it managed to run its course he would have to lose his arms, legs and slowly rot away in a hospital before he turned 30. But Weston wasn't about to let himself go out quietly and with the support of his family and years studying and testing he discovered the cure for his disease at the age of 20. Sadly what was left of his body was weak and no therapist or gym membership would bring him back to full functionality, so Weston turned his R&D focus on to robotics and cybernetics. Through hard work and a large portion of his families wealth within 6 years he had designed and built new arms, legs, and spinal augmentations that not only brought him from his weakened state but gave him many new advantages. Weston was alive and well and bored, with his life back he did know what to do with it. While he could be a doctor for a hospital and save people who have been hurt, why not stop them from being injured at all and fight against crime and disaster. From then on Weston took on the alias of Guardian, the protector to the little people.
Personality: Determined, Stubborn, Blunt, so when the Doc puts his mind to it he gets it done but he will only do it his way and won't mind telling you he won't change his mind and how wrong he thinks you are.

Future Equipment: Guardian's Wings[Flight], Stemgel[First Aid Fix All], Guardian's Shield[Weapon]
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