Avatar of Breo
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    1. Breo 7 yrs ago
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Student, RPer, videogame and anime fan, movie guy. Also memist, but that's par the course. In other words, your garden-variety nerd. Not much else to say, really.

Yeah, I'm a rather bogstandard individual, sue me.

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He laughed at the strong and protected the weak. He defeated many evils and had many adventures.

Yes, that man had surely left behind a great legend.

He lost all that mattered in the end. He could not protect a single thing close to him in the end.

Yes, that man had surely left behind a tragic legend.

So then, why bother? What is the point now? That legacy has already been carved into your legend. The definition has already been thrust upon your existence as one of the stars of man.

...But even so, it was still something worthwhile. Still something beautiful.

For that alone, it did not matter what history branded him as. It did not matter what humanity defined him as. It did not matter what he thought of himself as.

The legend is wrong.

“I won’t let anything slip away anymore.”

Surpass it.

—The promise was selfish. It was thoughtless. It was arrogant. It was defiant.

And beyond anything else, it was the promise of a hero.


Shinto Town, Canals

A rolling swirl of ether. A bright, impossible light. And, where there had only been one figure, now there were two.

The man standing at the center of the circle frankly looked like a classical statue come to life. The exposed half of his chest and arms surged with great, powerful muscles that looked like they could easily snap a tree in half.

Perhaps, however, if one were to grade the oddities about the situation and got past the entire premise, the one that would rank the “highest” would be the odd, large belt he was holding over his left shoulder.

For the first few moments, the man made of ether simply smiled at the boy in front of him and held up a hand in the universal ‘a second, please’ gesture. Turning to the side and bouncing on the balls of his sandaled feet, he gave a few light jabs with his free hand.

(Well, the magus would probably recognize said “light” jabs as more likely to literally punch someone’s head off than stun them, but semantics)

Well, he was still working at satisfactory levels, so that was nice. Now, what else…

Ah. Of course.

“Hey, hey, hey, T, my man, my boy, how’s it hangin’!”

About as well as it could, he supposed. It seemed like he would be relying on his Father in the coming tasks, as well.

“Don’t worry my dude, ‘s all-right, 's all good, just you wait t’see how many favors I can get from the fam, they’re already going craaaaazy requesting viewing permission!”

…Ah, in that case, please ban—

“And nope, nu-uh, no can do…I mean I would if you asked, so please don’t ask, you know how Donnie gets when he gets mad yo! Throw me a bone here, T.”

…Damnit. Fine.

“That’s what I’m talking about! Come on T, show the camera those pearly whites and let’s see where this goes! Talk to ya later!”

He felt the presence retreat just a bit, turning around to face the young man that stood in front of him.

Well. Dad did ask.

So, putting on a smile full of confidence and flexing his free arm, he laughed before taking the large belt with both hands and lifting it upward, letting the sun shine off the gold.

“Here and now, I answer your summons!” He hollered, voice deep and powerful. “Congrats on winning the War by drawing me, Master! You got nothin’ to fear, your Servant, Saber, is ready to rumble!”

Ah, yeah, truly an introduction worthy of a hero such as himself, was it not?


Rahma Alinejad

Shinto Town, Café Oasis

“Well, if you are going to stay around here, might as well do things the way they go in the modern era, no?” The man spoke plainly, rummaging through the cabinets of another employee area he had guided the Servant to. “We aren’t in my home, Archer, but we are in the place I earn my livelihood...or one of them, at any rate. I sent my employees away because the city was bound to get rowdy, but I don’t intend on closing up, and in case any other Master tries to do anything untoward, having you close at hand would also be helpful.”

There was a pause, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, the other coming up with some appropriate articles of clothing, as well as a similar apron to the one he was wearing. He turned to look at Archer again, then cocked an eyebrow.

“I thought the Grail updated your knowledge? At any rate, pretty women and handsome men on staff usually attract customers, Archer, for what I hope should be obvious reasons even without that. Now throw these on and—”

There was a knocking at the door. At the same time, the Command Mantra on the back of his had were burning up.

…Well. Look at that.

An attack? No, nobody would be that brazen, not on the first day and not in the morning, and they had at least bothered to knock. Even so, there was still a potential “enemy” behind their door.

Then, the words reached him, and he looked at the clock.

Ah, they were indeed a bit behind schedule.

And then, the “face” Archer had been witness to up until this point — shifted away completely.

Coarse expression melted into a far softer one, the smirk playing across his lips turned into a smile full of kindness, and his eyes assumed the light of infinite patience. His slouched posture straightened, and a feeling of calm emanated from him.

Was this the work of magecraft? No, to begin with, it was clear that he had not used his Circuits, and the change had just occurred in a single moment. A different personality that inhabited the same body, perhaps?

In truth, it was much simpler. It something he had gained over years of grueling challenges in the war he had been fighting since before he had left his father’s shadow, something he had perfected to the point of absurdity, no doubt.

But it was still a mundane power that “anyone could attain”.

[Business Mode: Engaged]

“—As I was saying, get dressed properly, Archer. We must move to a new kind of battlefield.”

And then, he marched down toward the door, checked behind him once again to see that the main area was in order, and opened the door to the street, flipping the sing to “Open.”

“Welcome to Oasis. What kind of succor may we offer?”

He even repeated the stupid promotional line without stopping a single time or vomiting blood mid-sentence. As expected of the head of Alinejad—!

@Senseless @Reflection

Rahma Alinejad

Shinto Town, Café Oasis

The magus was silent for a bit, looking over the summoned Servant with a critical eye.

Though it was less judging, more as though he were measuring...something. This was only reinforced when he started moving around the bowman.

He nodded to himself once he had done a complete revolution, letting his arms fall to the side, and relaxing his expression a bit.

“That would be correct, yes. This nonsense Ritual pulled me in without warning, and I do not expect those without the likes of you Heroic Spirits at their side to live very long. The city is sure to become chaotic in the following days, so I needed one, as well.”

He paused.

“My mana and an anchor to the modern world in exchange for your aid — do you think it a fair trade, Archer?”

He was at least being genuine with regards to offering a hand in partnership, recognizing that they both needed each other.

“Hm, if you are going to stay around here…” He looked at him again. “...Well, your looks aren’t half bad so young girls are sure to come, and I could use help around the store. Finding a fitting uniform might be a bit harder considering those tree trunks you have for arms, but I’m sure we can make it work.”

He started walking briskly out of the room, motioning for Archer to follow him.

“Come, come, we can discuss the specifics over a warm cup of coffee or two, God knows I could use it.”

“Not even a single misstep, no matter how minor, will be forgiven. Passable is not enough. Good is not enough. Superb is not enough. You must achieve absolute perfection. Anything less is only failure. Do you understand?”

“Yes, father.”

“Then see to it that you apply it. What you hold in your hands is our life and our death, it is our past and our future, and it is your weight to carry until you entrust it to your child.”

“Yes, father.”


The child took the pot and the kettle and hurried out of the room, narrowly avoiding the boot thrown at him.

Rahma Alinejad

Shinto Town, Café Oasis

The brown-haired young man sighed as he stared at the swirling dark liquid within his cup in the privacy of his yet-to-open shop, taking a sip and setting it down before dragging a hand over his face for the upteenth time in a single hour and looking for all the world like he wanted someone to end his suffering.

Or wake up and find it all a bad dream. Sadly, he had already tried pinching, and cursed enough to make the neighbors worry when that did not pan out. His sullen gaze slipped, turning into a glare when the red markings on his right hand came into view.

Of all things, it had to happen here and now. He had thought he would have had a bigger margin but noooo, of course he had to get caught up in all this nonsense.

He sipped his coffee, this time a bit more angrily than before.

‘Oh, open a shop in Fuyuki, come for the inauguration and to train the employees for the first month or two, then you can go back to your cozy house’, they said. ‘What can go wrong?’, they said. ‘Think of it as a vacation trip from managing the main branch’, they said.

(Actually, he had been the one to say all that, rather convinced that he was the only one able to turn incompetent monkeys into acceptable baristas, but do not let that detract from his rant)

Now here he was — looking at a prospective week behind schedule and a couple of employees dismissed for it and told to take a nice holiday outside of the city at his expense for the inconveniences.

(Sent to a rather convenient seminar for the sake of efficiency, to at least get something positive out of this disastrous stay in a filthy tea-ridden country)

Oh. And the possibility of death.

He looked around, almost longingly, at the spotless establishment, the laid-out menus, the perfectly cut cakes put on display.

He sipped his coffee again. Angrily.

It was getting cold.

Japan sucked.

And it was with that startling realization that he decided to quit it with the passive-aggressive sad sack act and just be aggressive, marching down the store away from prying eyes, into the back of the shop where his office was and closing the door behind him.

Taking some chalk, pushing the desk to one side of the room and carefully rolling up and putting the rug out of the way, he got to drawing.

And, not for the first time, he cursed his luck.

A while later, done and looking over his handiwork, he lifted the hand with the markings toward the circle now present in the middle of his office, nodding to himself a few times before starting the incantation.

This was not a task he could confront alone, but thankfully this nonsense War also gave nonsense means to the “Masters”.

“——Come forth! O’ Attendant of the Table!”

Like that, right? Well, probably not, but so long as it got results...

Light coalesced into his room along the artificial breeze, and Rahma covered his eyes and waited.


Sounds fun! And I do have some ideas I have yet to use in one of these things.

North it was, then. Stretching for a moment, Archer hefted his stick onto his shoulder and used his left hand to fish around the satchel at his waist. Shaking his head, he politely rejected Caster’s offer.

Rather, he brought out a black piece of flint that he rolled around with his fingers.

“I appreciate the concern, Caster, but I don’t think it’ll be necessary.”

. . .Not to mention, he was not particularly keen on receiving that guy’s gifts so easily given his background, but that was largely less than relevant compared to the more pragmatic reasons.

Archer didn’t need to travel strictly at the same speed as the mount to begin with — so long as he kept sight of them, he’d be able to fulfill his role without much of a hassle, and that would also mean their energy would be better served toward other purposes.


With his piece said, he tapped the stone just once and promptly disappeared.

. . .Well, not completely — if Caster focused, the magical emanations that were the telltale sign of at the very least presence were still present and accounted for, but from sight to sound and even smell, Archer had effectively vanished from the senses.

A Noble Phantasm that bestowed one with the capacity to act unseen and unheard — shocking for one of the vaunted knight classes to possess, but not beyond the realm of possibility if one was familiar with certain legends, such as the Green Man of Sherwood.

He’d follow along in this form, and in case issues presented themselves — he would simply act swiftly to neutralize them.
Going to make my character later, already got the appearance and basics for his stuff. Probably doing a Marine.

@Infichi Since nobody's going for it, can I reserve Rumble Rumble?

By A River?

Archer rose to his full height, imposing frame enough to cast shadows over others as he surveyed the area, straightening his clothes and running a hand through blond hair to keep the odd lock out of his face. He heaved a sigh.

Already separated, already having to work it seemed. He spared a glance at those he had landed with, concluding that the first order of business should be to find the other groups, but that much was obvious.

The separation itself was inconvenient, but not much more. Given his legend and his preference for going on ahead and working on his own, the only real issue was that he didn’t know whether his Master was alright or not. Otherwise, it would have suited him just fine.

Hm, hold that thought—

His head shifted, brow rising at the summoned help. At the very least they would take care of small fry and leave them open to pursue more important goals, but the form of summoning was still quite odd.

His gaze turned toward Caster fully this time.

“. . .Afraid not,” He spoke simply with a shrug. “Best I can do is cover ground normally and hope for the best while at it. I suppose in this situation the best we can do is stick as a group in case a fight breaks out and perhaps head for the leylines in the area to smooth things over.”

His gaze turned toward the skeletal warriors coming out from the bushes.

“If your summoned help can deal with those, it should be fine,” He concluded. “And if we run into a more troubling enemy, Lancer can take point, I harass and you can support, Caster?”

If nothing else, the formation should, by its very nature, remain strong. With two Knight-Class defenders and Caster backing them, they should be able to deal with their predicament and defend the Master relatively easily.
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