Avatar of BubblegumQueen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 452 (0.17 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. BubblegumQueen 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current *tap tap* hey, is this thing on?
3 yrs ago
this is probably a bad idea buuuuut screw it, i'm back!
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3 yrs ago
internet was out for a few days buuuut i’m back and desperate for writing!
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4 yrs ago
Wow, I'm back on the Guild! Ah, I've really missed it here~ Excited to jump back in!
5 yrs ago
Gonna be out of town for the day for a last minute thing - Will respond to my partners tomorrow!
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Fun Fact: I am horrible with confrontation.

Most Recent Posts

Wowza, I haven't bumped this in a while. But there are some spots opening up for 1x1 roleplays! Just PM me if interested in something!
Eep! Was gone for a few days but yes! I am still really interested in this, curious as to where it is going.

And um, is there a specific order we're going in? Or are we just winging it? I'm only asking so that I won't be holding any of you guys up in case someone is waiting on me but then I don't know and then it gets confusing and... yeah.

Christina Howards

General Information

name:// Christina Howards
age:// 21
birth date:// 11/10
gender:// Female
occupation:// Personal Assistant at Tech Company

height:// 5'8
weight:// 112
hair color:// Dirty Blonde
eye color:// Green
tattoos, scars, piercings:// 67 tattooed on her index finger. No scars. Ears pierced and a tongue stud.

ability:// Telekenitic

personality:// Christina was always the quiet type. Preferring to just go by her day and by her own beat. Would wake up, spend all day following after a selfish CEO and doing her best to make him look good for a shitty paycheck, and then return at night with sore feet to a cup of ramen and a cigarette. She was able to hang out with her friends on the odd weekend but mostly spent her time alone. It was a lonely existence but at least it kept her busy. She hated boredom more than she hated her job.

Then, she moved a pencil. Just knocked it off a table after staring at it in silent boredom for the longest. For the longest time she'd thought she'd gone mad. How else would she explain it? Eventually she started picking up on patterns of when she was able to use it the easiest but it didn't really mean much. She was a normal woman with a normal job and a surprisingly low grip on her sanity. She didn't want some superpower she'd never really get to use, didn't think it did her any good at least. All it did was further isolate herself and put her further off tempo then the rest of the world. I mean, could you see the headlines?: The Incredible Assistant! What will she do next? Get her boss a coffee probably... with her mind!

She likes to think that she's a pretty okay person, polite at least, if a bit curt and short. But, she already had 3 really good friends. What else did she need, really? There was no point to her being nice... nothing good came from it, she found. It would hold no baring on her life, at least. She had more important things to worry about than if she was cold to a random passerby on the street. She's not a good person but she's not a bad one either. She prefers the term... neutral.

family history://
  • Francine Howards, alive, no abilities, somewhere in Flordia last she checked
  • James Howards, deceased, Telekenetic, location unknown

Miscellaneous Information
Christina hates sweet things, much preferring spice and sour. (Unless it's ice cream because... ice cream.)

Christina was actually mute for almost 5 years after her pet dog Jamie died.

Christina is almost constantly in a state of boredom, and finds most people to be boring. Hence her disconnect to most of the world around her.
No, no, no, it's too messy. The pieces don't fit properly. Ivory thought irately, staring off blankly into the direction that Jock Teach was dragged. Although she seemed passive as usual, her mind was racing at the glitch she was seeing before her.

Why would Jock do that? Why would he purposely try and get thrown into solitary? Because despite my own distaste towards his type, he is not a complete idiot so...

And just then, it occurred to her.

Her hands clenched her book tightly before she finally closed it a bit more softer than even she expected. Ivory's eyes moved away from the door to the table, more specifically to the only person she actually somewhat enjoyed that could give her answers in a manner she could stand. Although, judging by some of their faces, she'd perhaps be right in assuming that this plan of Teach's wasn't shared to the rest of the Scooby Gang.

Didn't we just agree not to get involved in this? They are either going to get caught and given extra 'treatments' for their insolence or, and this is very possible, they'll be killed for conspiracy to escape. We do not want to deal with that right now.

Ivory chewed roughly on her lip, just barely not ripping the delicate skin. She, of course, knew that if she got involved with them, she could be getting herself the kind of attention she really does not need but...

I doesn't have to work with them, really. I just want answers. I'll talk to Sugar Cookie and see if they are in on the plan. If they aren't, I'll leave them be and wait to talk to Teach myself to see what he found out from Roger. I mean, come on. That is obviously what he's doing and considering the guards just escorted him off, it only serves to prove the idiocy of those that are 'above her'. Ahem, that aside: If they are in on it, I'll at least work on extending an olive branch to Sugar Cookie now rather than later. I only hesitate to do it regardless due to the fact that, if Teach is killed or ends up permanently locked in Solitary Confinement or, worse, ends up being interrogated before being subject to one or the other, I don't want any ties to the group. Just thinking logically here.

This all took about 30 seconds to roughly come together into some semblance of a plan and, before she realized it, she was on her feet. She got a few looks before they all eventually looked away, Ivory once again glad for her ability to remain under the radar. Leaving her book in her seat, she quickly and rather silently made her way to the Mystery Gang's, casually snatching a chair from a nearby empty table on her path.

Setting it down behind and a little to the right of Sugar Cookie's – ah, well, Fey's – chair, she pointedly cleared her throat, face decidedly blank to not gain much attention from anyone looking in. After all, this isn't the first time she's talked to someone else (Fey being the only one, actually.) so her behavior should be seen as rare but not out of character. Of course, this is the first time she'd been around other people while with Fey but hopefully they'll see her exceptionally stiff posture and understand that she is not there for them and is uncomfortable with even being around others.

“What's the deal with Teach?” She quietly asked once she'd gained Fey's attention, not in the mood to beat around the bush. All she wants is the truth so that she could decide her next course of action.
Ah, alrighty!

I'll see what I can do about getting something out tonight!
Nice to have you back!
Same, Rabid.

Also, after Lemons it'll be my turn, kinda, so I'll have a post up too afterwards.
Just a heads up, I just added a new original plot idea and added a fandom or two to my list. Just an update.
We will be freed soon.

We will be freed soon.


Ivory gave a slow blink, eyes following Roger as he was forcefully dragged from the common room. She let her eyes flicker around the room at the faces around her, looking for reactions, and she was not surprised to see most go back to their prior activities, not wanting to risk facing the same fate as Robert. Ivory felt a swell of... something in her stomach, and she wasn't sure whether it was pleasant or unpleasant.

But, she did what she did best and forced her feelings to the side and instead focused on those who actually had a reaction to Roger's words.

Edgy teen, Jock Teach, Stabby Chick, Sugar Cookie, and... She frowned a little, already aware of the small number and not really needing to go any further. She was hoping that more people would have shown some kind of visual interest in the rather foreboding words spouted out by the older Apostle but apparently not. They were too scared of seeming curious, too worried about the potential consequences.

Her lips curled a little, even as her eyes stayed locked on the tiny script she was reading. Don't have much use for those too broken or weak-minded to be of any help. And it was as she thought this that a small voice in her head popped up, condescending tone and all.

Help? Help with what, exactly? Sure, Roger said something about being freed but... do you really want to put all your eggs in that basket? You've done well so far. Have kept your head done and your mouth shut... have observed inconspicuously and have kept your distance. You're surviving. So... what are you going to do with this information? With the people you've chosen to be more interesting or just more... what? Curious? What do you think is going to happen? You're gonna form a little band of misfits and try to burst your way out of here? Come on, you're not an idiot. Just push that man's words out of your head and go back to your routine.

It's for the best.

Absently licking her thumb, whilst managing to keep her usual blank expression in place, she turned the page of the novel, Amped. Yet, the faint sound of whispering made her eyes flicker over to the table where the... curious people sat. Her head twitched a little as she naturally fought the urge to tilt her head and blatantly stare in curiosity like she wanted. But, she knew that guards would be watching a lot more closely after the outburst from Roger.

Too risky.

Making a small hum under her breath, she crossed her legs in the armchair she'd silently chosen as her own, forcing herself to focus on the story of oppression that she had in her lap.

Sorry for the long post, everyone. Didn't mean to take up much room...
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