Avatar of Camille Endora
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Camille-Endora
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 263 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Camille Endora 10 yrs ago
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Roxas was about to reach is destination when he felt the arrow rush past his head. "God damn it. I just wanted to change." He sighed to himself and quickly turned around. Not expecting what came next. All he could feel was a cold hand against his jaw and then one on his forehead. "Oh it's on!" He thought as he was fighting to get away. Immediately after the hands touched him, he grabbed whoever was attacking him hand flung them to the ground. Readying his glaive and his creepy smile crossing his face as his eyes change again back to the blood red. "listen, I've had a very long day. I'm covered with blood and I just want to change into my normal clothes. You really don't want to mess with me right now." He threatened as he brought his glaive to his attackers throat.

Ophelia was thrown to the ground, but before her hands let go of his face, her fingers curled around his mask and tugged it off with her. She landed hard, and if she needed to breathe, her breath would have been knocked right out of her.Before doing anything else, she grabs her arrow. "I'm not afraid of you, human," she snarled through her fangs, bearing them at him after picking herself up off the ground only to be met by his weapon at her throat. She smiles, tilting her head back as if to invite him to try and kill her, and reached her arm out quickly, wrapping her fingers around his injured wrist and pulling him forward towards her, kicking her leg out around his to trip him to her side, his weapon slicing her throat slightly and she presses a bare foot down heavily onto his face, trying to get a good look at him, pressing her arrow down onto his back.
Ophelia opened up her eyes again after a short while, deciding finally to go hunt. She moved quickly, almost a blur through the rooms of the house, grabbing her bow and quiver, as well as her. She wrapped the cloak around her and put the hood up, the silver lining framing her face and hair with perfect symmetry. Silently, she made her way down to street level and locked the door behind her, double checking it by twisting the handle before turning and moving into the night towards the side of the city closest to the Salikawood forest. There were often people unconscious, drunk, or high near this side of the city, and it made for easy hunting. Despite the fact that Ophelia was a gentle person, she had come to realize early on in her Vampirism that she had one very important need that had to be met often, and accepted the fact that this could and would hurt other beings, whether they be human, non human, or animal. The moon was rising up into the sky at a decent pace, and her grey-blue eyes easily adjusted, her night vision extremely good.

A little while had passed by the time Ophelia finally arrived at the edge of the city, and she could hear moans and random babbling from people around her in the surrounding area. She breathed in long and and slow through her nose and took in the scents, focusing on one in particular that smelled fresh and clean, but also dark somehow. The scent drew her in instinctively, and she began to move towards the person the scent was coming from. Finally her eyes came to rest on a tall male with dark hair and pale skin, a mask covering most of his face. He wore a long black jacket which matched the rest of his dark clothing. She took in his features quickly but finally her eyes came to rest on his wrist, noticing his injury.

Ophelia kept herself hidden behind some trees, moving silent with bare feet, and took her bow from her back, placing a silver tipped arrow into the knock and drawing the string back, moving her body steadily as her target walked towards the city. Finally as he had his back turned to her, she released the arrow aimed at his right shoulder blade, but her arm moves just slightly up, causing the arrow to just barely graze the top of his shoulder and she shifts herself to hide behind a the tree again, her nostrils flared angrily. After a few moments to collect herself, she places her bow very carefully, along with the quiver and cloak, on the ground, doing all of this with utter silence. Once her items are placed on the ground, she moves again in a blur towards the male, reaching her perfectly manicured hands out to grab him, one hand placed on his jaw, the other on his forehead, prepared to snap his neck to the side.
Ophelia sat silently in front of the fireplace which threw heat toward her and crackled in the evening air. She watched as the flames danced and played together, creating a story for her to watch. Her mind wasn't really on anything in particular, and she chewed at her bottom lip, her fangs pressing into the cold flesh sharply, though the pain didn't phase her. Her throat burned slightly with thirst and she considered waiting another night to feed, but knew that she'd be starting some new classes at the Silvermoon Pier Alliance within a couple of days, and figured it would be a bad idea to wait.

Where she went to hunt depended on how thirsty she was. If her throat burned like acid, she would feed on humans who she knew were homeless and had no family. If not, she fed on animals to just satisfy. She shook her head gently to erase the thought from her mind for a while, and pulled the throw blanket over her legs more snugly and shut her eyes.
Name: Ophelia Kariana
Age: 24

Weapons: Silver whip. Silver bow and arrows.
Personality: Ophelia is very soft spoken. Always thinking about others over herself. She tends to take on a motherly type of role and has searched her entire life for love, finding it very important. She can sometimes be stubborn, but always does what she thinks is right. She tends to be calm in the face of danger, and not many people have seen her at her worst.
Other: Vampire.
Pets: None.
Name: Maevah Morgan

Age: 23

Gender: Female


Title/Rank/Occupation: Healer/Medicine maker for the Thane of Ballara. She also teaches or apprentices other healers, helping them learn.

Skills/achievements/etc: Maevah possesses pretty much any skill that would be needed for living, such as hunting, cooking, sewing, ect. As well as an in depth knowledge of making medicines and healing.

Personality/(Dis)likes/hobbies/etc: Maevah likes the quiet, and often prefers to be alone unless she is helping someone in need. She often comes across as broody and serious, though she is extremely approachable if you look passed that. As for her more complex personality traits, people don't often get close enough to her to know her on a deeper level.

Biography: Maevah moved to Ballara when she was quite young. As she grew though, her mother taught her almost everything she knows about healing and medicines. Maevah learned well and learned quickly. Until an incident happened where her mother was in a deadly situation, and Maevah was unable to save her, thus creating her mission to help people heal one of extreme importance to her. Until this day she focuses almost all of her time and spirit to helping others, as well as teaching apprentices her trade.

Equipment: Mortar and pestle, vials, knives, bow and arrows, ect.

Name: Maevah Morgan

Age: 23

Gender: Female


Title/Rank/Occupation: Healer/Medicine maker for the Thane of Ballara. She also teaches or apprentices other healers, helping them learn.

Skills/achievements/etc: Maevah possesses pretty much any skill that would be needed for living, such as hunting, cooking, sewing, ect. As well as an in depth knowledge of making medicines and healing.

Personality/(Dis)likes/hobbies/etc: Maevah likes the quiet, and often prefers to be alone unless she is helping someone in need. She often comes across as broody and serious, though she is extremely approachable if you look passed that. As for her more complex personality traits, people don't often get close enough to her to know her on a deeper level.

Biography: Maevah moved to Ballara when she was quite young. As she grew though, her mother taught her almost everything she knows about healing and medicines. Maevah learned well and learned quickly. Until an incident happened where her mother was in a deadly situation, and Maevah was unable to save her, thus creating her mission to help people heal one of extreme importance to her. Until this day she focuses almost all of her time and spirit to helping others, as well as teaching apprentices her trade.

Equipment: Mortar and pestle, vials, knives, bow and arrows, ect.


Vesper turned, deciding to follow Lysander in his decision to stay elsewhere for the night, though not sure of where they could go that might be safer. She assumed that Jinx was controlling the spiders somehow from outside the grounds, and God knew what else she could do. She furrowed her brow and moved down the stairs. "Where can we go though? If she's able to reach us despite being outside of the grounds, moving to somewhere else might not even be worth it?" she said softly, mostly thinking out loud. She wondered if Jinx would really try and kill Lysander knowing it would come along with serious consequences. Nyx ruffled her feathers and kept her eyes out while Vesper spoke and thought, waiting for the two men to respond.
Silver said
Lysander stared hard at the girl behind the iron gate. He racked his mind trying to think of her possible identity, but the few assassins he knew of within Phantom did not match her description. His body was at a standstill as they faced off across the grounds, and she waited for him to reciprocate her challenge. He knew it would be unwise to turn her down, but without a better knowledge of her identity he couldn't be sure he would survive. Reluctantly, he dropped his arms and sheathed his katana. He avoided her gaze and then stepped back, trying to retain his confidence as he strode back into the building defiantly. As soon as he was out of her sight, he slid his back down the wall and sat on the floor, gasping out of anxiety. Eventually he gained control of himself and stood back up, and heard voices in the hall upstairs. He took the stairs two at a time and pulled his pistol, to find Vesper and the iron-clad man from the previous day standing outside one of the doors. He jogged over to them and glanced out the window, his hand on his pistol."Vesper," he said, pulling the blinds apart to look outside, "There's another assassin. She's in Phantom."

Vesper was just getting ready to answer Iron-Clad when Lysander came rushing up the stairs towards them. Nyx ruffled her feathers and stood to attention, her head tilting to the side to listen. Vesper listened as Lysander explained about the assassin outside, and Vesper's eyes narrowed, taking a quick step toward the window to see. She blinked, noting it was Jinx. "Her name is Jinx." Vesper recalled. Her eyes narrowed and she took a step away from the window and towards Lysander. "I am going to assume she is not willing to back down.. So would you care for assistance?" You could almost hear the smile in Vesper's voice, and her yellow eyes came to rest on Lysander's, trying to understand how he was feeling. It wasn't very often Vesper was overwhelmed by emotion, and so despite this might seem like a serious problem to others, she felt calm.
Vesper followed Jin into the dorm room, taking in the surroundings of the kitchen and living room area. Most of the area was neat and tidy. Plain white walls with dark wooden floors to accent. As Jin went to put away his weapons, Vesper took it upon herself to check out the rest of the dorm. Quickly she noticed three more doors, all made of the same color wood as the floor. She walked over to the first one, which was beside Jin's room and pushed it open easily. The room was mostly empty except for a queen sized bed in the center and a tall wooden wardrobe against the wall. Stepping back out, Vesper turned around after closing the door behind her. The other two doors were places on the wall across from her, and she walked over to those as well, opening the second as she did the first. She gathered the rooms were the same all around, except for one minor detail she noticed here.

By the bed in this room, stood a tall bird perch. She tilted her head slightly and Nyx ruffled her feathers. She figured Jin was right about the HM choosing to room Lysander, Jinx, and herself with Jin. She wondered if they would all live well together. Turning back around, she noticed Jin was finished in his room.

"And does his choice bother you?" she asked him curiously.
Vesper had began walking through the forest and toward the Guild when a screech was heard behind them, causing Vesper to shift her gaze behind her, watching as a crow fell dead to the ground. Nyx cawed out and narrowed her eyes, peering around as well. Before Vesper could fully react, she realized Jin had continued on and caught up to him quickly. Vesper didn't like the aura of the crow as it fell from the tree, and tried to shake it from her mind so she could pay attention to the layout of the grounds.

Quickly they reached the gates of the guild and she peers up at Jin. "A new member and I spent the night in one of the dorms, but we were told we would be given permanent residence today." Vesper thought about Lysander a moment, and realized she was sure he hadn't told her his name. She tilted her head slightly and pursed her lips. She stepped forward and pushed the gate open, closing it again once she and Jin were on the other side. "Which way now?"
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