Avatar of Canidae
  • Last Seen: 6 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 186 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Canidae 7 yrs ago


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Welcome to my profile page

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I guess it really isn't that hard though either.

I've been on this site for two years and I haven't written a bio, but I figured it's better late than never :P

I like to play a variety of different characters, but most tend to be humans in a modern setting. I feel like I tend to relate better if they're human, and I like roleplay plots that center more around the characters themselves and character development, versus magic or some "quest" going on.

My favorite genres are modern, slice of life, horror, and a good helping of romance on the side. However, I dislike 1x1 roleplays and like for romance to be a casual side plot rather than the center of the roleplay.

I enjoy characters with unusual personalities, but are fairly normal and well adjusted. They don't need pages of backstory or personality, they just need to sound believable to me.

I started roleplaying online about 7 years ago, and I was doing tabletop roleplaying a few years before that. I still actively participate in table top games, and my interest in roleplaying online waxes and wanes.

I like to write a lot, but I find the standards in a lot of advanced roleplaying sections to be rather intimidating, so I stick to casual or free roleplays.

I (like many other people on this site), think wayy too much about their characters and their backstories. I really hope to animate one day or get my characters out to the world in a more professional way, but for now I enjoy roleplaying them and seeing how they change and develop.

Thanks for reading :)

Most Recent Posts

I hate it when I forget to refresh and I send my post in only to find out other people have posted before me.
Removed to keep clarity of plot line.

"Yelling never solves anything, you're right. I don't like it very much either, but I feel like arguing is only going to make things worse. As for myself... "
I paused for a moment, debating on how much I should share. Sharing my thoughts with others always made me feel rather exposed. I felt like I could trust this artificial intelligence however, as we were all just here, trying to escape.
"Well, to be completely honest with you, I was terrified while I was wandering out there. It was like everything you loved and knew were suddenly gone and I was afraid it was going to be that way forever." I noticed Kludd was looking at me, as though he was waiting for me to finish up this conversation I was having.
"I think Kludd's waiting on us. But, before I go, what is your name?"

"Oh good! You can. I just had to be sure, that's all." I was about to close the communication line when I remembered something that made me open it in the first place, "Oh, I have one more thing, are you okay? I couldn't help but notice that you seemed really upset. I hope you don't mind me asking."

I was going to leave it at that, but Kludd made it clear. Maybe a little too clear based on everyone else's reactions.
"Um, yeah, sure."
I tried to concentrate and collect myself enough to ask my question. If I was too distracted or emotional, the machines wouldn't be able to "hear" me.
"Um, lights, could you please turn on? I know you're probably um, upset because we've been destroying the house and um, threatening your existence, but we're only trying to get out. I promise we um, won't be destroying anything else."
I waited a moment. For a second I thought the lights were too upset by the recent destruction going on to answer when there was a slight buzzing noise. The lights began to flicker before turning on,
"Thank you, we'll be leaving um, soon ."

I could hear someone screaming into their beanie. Actually, I was starting to feel frustrated and upset. These aren't my feelings, what's going on? I turned to look at the person, who had now composed themselves enough to speak. They were talking about new rules. I simply nodded but my mind was elsewhere. I was curious about this being. I don't think they're...human? Only one way to find out.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I sent to them telepathically. If they were what I suspected, they should be able to hear me and respond as long as I keep communication open. I hadn't tried this in some time though, as using telepathy to communicate with technology often gave me headaches. I supposed it was because organic and inorganic minds were so different. I could hear the girl who exploded the wall start yelling, but it was difficult to follow her as my mental energy was centered elsewhere.

@alex arcc

You should move the roleplay part of your post to the "IC" tab. This section is for discussion.

I heard a shout and a tall form- who I assumed was Kludd, come plunging into the darkness. I could feel his hand reach my shoulder and instantly I was pulled into a tight hug. I moved my head up to get some air,
"It's um, nice to see you too. Do you know where we um, are?"
I thought I saw movement from the other side of the hole. Just as I was about to ask if anyone else was here I heard a voice,
“You guys can canoodle all you want later, but I suggest we first find a safe spot. We’ve already had one person fall into an invisible trapdoor here before, who knows what else could be lurking.”
I let go of Kludd and looked to see the girl who said that. I quietly nodded, feeling a little embarrassed she had to call us out like that, but she was also right. It's probably not safe to be standing here.

I walked forward to the other side of the hole and outside the void. As I glanced around, I noticed that there was a girl talking about lighting something up with febreeze. Actually, it sounded like everyone was talking about getting a light source. I was going to suggest that I could probably get the lights on when a person who's gender I couldn't immediately identify with a robotic arm pulled out a lighter. I think they were going to use the lighter as a light source when the girl suddenly snatched it from them and lit a peice of rope before throwing it at the wall, causing it to explode.

Honestly, I was a little shaken from that,
"Maybe we should um, be a little more careful next time...? I don't um, really know but I feel like if we um, start exploding too many walls the house might um, fall down...or um, something. I don't really know. As for um, light, if there are any in this um, house, I might be able to get them to come on." I mumbled.


Oof. That's a rip for Isaac right there. Though they're an android, right? I was thinking and Fillan might be able to sense their pain since I think Isaac counts as technology. Though if you don't want to count them or anything that's fine.
Fillan might be able to get the lights on. I can make a post tommorow, it's pretty late for me right now.

I woke up. Or I thought I did. When I opened my eyes there was just pure blackness all around. At first I thought I was still asleep until I felt a slight draft of cold air pass me. Where am I? I flipped over and crawled forward a few inches on my hands and knees before slowly standing up. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, as far out as I could see. I could feel my fear bubbling up within me. My head hurt slightly and this blank canvas of a surrounding was starting to mess with my sense of balance. Hesistantly, I took a few steps forward.

I continued walking down...wherever I was going. I had no clue how long I'd even been walking for. Why am I even walking? I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I thought to myself, frustrated. This doesn't make any sense at all...what if I'm stuck here, forever? I shook the thought away, Now's not the time to be thinking like that. Still, the idea of being stuck in pitch darkness lingered in the back of my mind. It was terrifying.

What would Kludd do? He's always seems to know just what to do... Just then, there was a noise and a tremor raced through the ground. My heart beat loudly within my chest. Oh no! How am I supposed to defend myself!? I can't even see... Not knowing what else to do, I ducked down and covered my head with my hands. I doubted it would do very much, but since when have I been able to do much of anything? This would be an awful way to die. A thought whispered in my head.

There was a crash, and despite trying to commit myself to ducking, I leapt back in fear. Up ahead, light flooded in through a hole. I could hear voices. People! They might be able to help me! I quickly paced up towards the light, but refrained slightly because I was still in utter darkness. Then I heard the words,
"Don't do that again."
My eyes grew as big as saucers,
"Kludd!? Kludd is that you!?" I tried raising my voice, but I felt like I was straining it already. I forgot caution in that moment and raced over to the light.

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