Avatar of Ceta de Cloyes
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    1. Ceta de Cloyes 8 yrs ago
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Name: Zashahim Gemelgaid

Age: 24

Race: Syborn

Occupation: Engineer

Personality: Zash is a generous and sincere soul, with a somewhat unapproachable mien. He means well, but is shyly awkward and envious of others, especially of the ease with which they interact, frequently marring his outward expressions with frustration and discontent. He has a dry wit and can be described as mild mannered, as well as descreet and careful, never causing offense or attracting much attention. Earnestly supportive and observant, Zash is a good friend to have with his easygoing lifestyle and enthusiastic positivity.

Religion: Kitalohiya, or just Kital, is a loosely structured belief system centered on the core concepts of self-invention and an evolving world. The religion is a blend of spiritual and technical, faith and fact. Priests are called savants, beneath them are students, taught one-on-one in the style of a master and an apprentice, though sometimes a savant will have more than one student. Students become adepts before savants, defined as knowledgeable but untested.

- Fluent in Komunaj, Tralian, and Esperanto.
- Swimming, free diving.
- Waterworld life skills.
- Proficient ability in carpentry, pottery, and metallurgy.
- Proficient understanding of mathematics, biology, and engineering.

Weapons: Zash has a collection of sharp and pointy bits from his various attempts at weaponsmithing, and aside from a sturdy harpoon most are short swords with asymmetric blades, but his weapon of choice is a crossbow made for him by his former teacher.

- Adept's Toolbox,
+ Miscellaneous Tools.
+ Electric blowtorch.
+ Grappling hook.
+ Wires, nails, screws.
+ Batteries.
- Portable solar charger.
- Loose linen clothing, leather boots, woolen coat.
- Dive kit,
+ Diving mask, scuba fins, air bladder.
- Multicolored plastic hammock.
- Orange bonsai tree.
- Seven peables on an anklet.


- 173 cm, 5'8 ft.
- 73 kg, 161 lbs.
- Black hair, naturally curly but usually slicked back.
- Athletic build, light brown skin tone.
- Bar code tattoo on the right side of his neck.
- Loose clothes in light colors.
- Various wire bracelets, cord necklaces.

Background: Zash's mother, Rama, was born in Tamzin. She grew up there with seven siblings and no parents, but she was intelligent and clever. When her family lost everything in a fire, she made a plan to leave it all behind and forge a new life for herself. Her first stop was Bogorta chasing rumors of the Domini, and there she found a Scholar of the Musaeum who was hoping to meet up with the Syans. She told him of her wish and he took her on as a student, and together they found passage to Kilimazia where the Syans was meant to dock next. It was a few years before the Dominus ship came, but by then she had refined her plan to be foolproof.

Zash spent his first year of life aboard the Syans, but his mother wasn't fit to join them and soon they sent the two back into the world. They took his fingerprints and recorded his information in case they heard from him again, and upon his mother's request they granted him an identification card. Later she would arrange to have the ID's bar code tattooed on the right side of his neck, a mark of pride that her child was special. It was all part of his mother's plan; to acquire a child that would be healthy and smart, and then use that promised potential to secure a place on a less restricted Dominus. Rama, Zash, and Dean, their Scholar friend, left to seek out the next step in their voyage; the Jackal.

Let off at Sigarmyth, they settled in to wait for the ship's arrival. Dean took over a local school, tutoring both Zash and his mother on the side, while Rama became a sort of handywoman, fixing and repairing everything from furniture to air tanks to jewelry. The Jackal came when Zash was four, he and Rama said their farewells and bartered their way aboard. In exchange for a place on the Dominus ship itself she would trade the honey preserves she'd been saving, and her Syborn son would become an apprentice to someone of rank and status. It was not as smooth a deal as she had thought it would be, the Dominus ships were exclusive for a reason, but she made it work. For a while.

Zash found himself apprenticed to Rado Bladić, a savant of Kitalohiya, a technologists' religion. For fifteen years they made their living on the Jackal. Rama's plan had worked, for the most part; her son was a talented and integral member of a Dominus' community, and the more he improved and the more they invested in him, the more irreplaceable they both became. Until Chulyin of Unala arrived and brought with them news from Tamzin; Rama was the last of her siblings, her nephew Taanir was newly orphaned only months ago, with a much younger sister to take care of. Rama was not exactly living it up in the lap of luxury, but her home was safe, secure, stable, all the things she'd dreamed of and dared to hope for when growing up, but there was one thing she overlooked; she was a mother now. She always knew she'd grow attached to her son, even when she was just coming up with her grand plan, but she never expected how much it would affect her.

To her own surprise and dismay, Rama gave it all up to return to the dinky shithole of her birth to comfort and care for a family that didn't know her. Zash agreed to join her, having finished his apprenticeship and halfway to savant himself, but promised Rado he'd return. They boarded Chulyin of Unala's boat, a small steam bus, and cast off for home. Unfortunately for them, Unala was a codename that stood for West Wind, a clan of pirate mercenaries. Chulyin waited until they were well out of sight of the Jackal before making their move; mother and son woke to find themselves in chains, because you see, Chulyin had not lied to them, Taanir and his sister Jada really were newly orphaned kin of theirs, but Taanir was about to become the Governor. West Wind had dealings with his competition, and while they'd not known Zash and Rama even existed, Chulyin wasn't about to let the opportunity pass.

Their captivity lasted only three days before Zash unscrewed the bindings and cut the pirate down from behind. They nearly returned to the Jackal then and there, but decided to forge on and warn their lost family of the West Wind's alliance with their competition. A whirlwind adventure then ensued, complete with drama, politics, revelations, a fair bit of murder, and even a dash of romance. Rama reunited with Dean, the Scholar she'd left behind in Bogorta, as well as met and all but adopted her sister's children. Taanir became the Governor with a landslide victory after his opponent was revealed to have consorted with pirates, and Jada was saved from the fate of slavery. Zash kept Chulyin's steam bus, and spent the next few years helping secure his family and practicing his skills.

In time though, Zash followed in his mother's footsteps and made a grand plan of his own; the Musaeum was rumored to be headed for Sigarmyth, and when it got there he would be waiting.
Yeah I'm halfway through a character sheet, have been for a bit lmao, but I've spent like the last three days trying to wrap my head around the mechanics of this world. I want to make a sort of tinker-type character, smithing and scavenging, that type of thing, and a tiny smidge of electricity too, batteries or radios, but it's been an exercise in patience to navigate.

My thoughts here are like... wood rots and decays and wont last, and without huge landmasses covered in forests wood is going to be a premium good, but loads of metals could be scavenged and made to float, and people have to build their boats out of something right? But what kind of tools would a waterworld engineer/technician carry? How could someone be mobile when the old styles of doing things require large af forges and shizz, so I've been researching primitive blow torches and how to charge batteries, and I'm like this close to saying fuck it and rolling a bard instead- which would suck because I've put a lot of effort and thought into the backstory, the inventory, the skill set, everything, I even made a psudo-religion!
I was thinking of playing Petro from the animated Clone Wars series. He's a Jedi youngling, but has a lightsaber and a fair amount of experience due to several complications during the Clone Wars while trying to complete his groups Gathering. I think it'd be interesting to try and wrangle someone into being his master and using his appearance as a harmless child to the group's advantage.
Would we be allowed canon characters?
Good news; I fixed my internet! Bad news, I decided I don't really want to join in anymore. Sorry guys, I know thats flaky af but thems the brakes ;(
I plugged a space heater into the outlet extension the other day and it broke EVERYTHING. My internet is refusing to cooperate, my modem has like an anxiety attack every time I try to restart it. >_> I am working on it guys o7.

@1Hawkeyes I left a lot of details out about their relationship because I think it'll be fun to keep people guessing. :P Do you want me to spoil it or nah??

Nearly done with my app, just gotta do Amber's backstory/skills. :P
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