Avatar of Charnobylisk
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    1. Charnobylisk 8 yrs ago


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Richard Johnson

Location: Building B: His Room

As her lips left his, Richard raised his fingers to his mouth and rested them there as he hid the smirk that was playing on his lips. Nothing like an attractive woman that didn’t entirely hate his guts to take his mind off what was going on right now. He nodded in acknowledgement to her words and waved her off as she left to go get ready at her place. Looking around to make sure Ryan hadn’t snuck back inside, Richard moved over to the door and saw Miss Sally shooting Sana a look. He knew all too well what that look was for but it only made him smirk even more. Closing the door over, Richard leaned his back against it and looked down at his bag that he’d left sitting by the door.

He shook his head and kicked the bag further into the corner before making his way upstairs to his room. He winced when he saw the damage he’d done to Zoie’s things and he instantly regretted his rampage. He went to work tidying up the mess he’d made and hoped to god he hadn’t ruined anything too badly. There were a few books that were pretty fucked up and he chewed the inside of his cheek as the hurt sank in. Ryan was right on one thing, he had treated all her belongings like relics but his anger had been so much that he didn’t even stop to think. How could Zoie not have told him about her family?

“Daisy, why’d ya never open up to me? Ya had a god damn twin sister fer cryin’ out loud. That’s the kind o’ shit ya usually tell someone yer supposed to be in love with.” He wasn’t speaking loud enough that anyone outside the room could hear him, despite the open window. This wasn’t something new, it was perhaps something that he hadn’t done for a while, but Richard spoke to Zoie as if she was listening in on him from wherever she was now. “I didn’t mean t’wreck yer shit but I got so fuckin’ mad at ya, Daisy. It’s like ya’d lied t’me…” A loud sigh sounded out as he finished clearing his mess up. It was double standards, he knew it, but he hadn't been the one that had went and died and left her behind. A piece of him went with her when she left, he wasn't the same.

He looked at the empty space where the CD player had lived and he rolled his eyes. “Guess Riley got her fuckin’ CD player after all.” He still half hoped it was broken beyond repair after he’d thrown it out the window but that was more so Whiplash had one thing to not be 100% happy about but even then Richard knew that there was nothing he could do to ruin this day for him. Short of doing something that was even beyond Richard to do.

Realising that it had taken him longer to get tidied up than expected, Richard went across the room to the cupboard that was storing the suit that Miss Sally had insisted that he take “just in case”. The old lady was right once again and Richard was waiting for the “told you so” from her later that day when she saw him but oh well, it is what it is. He made his way to the bathroom and saw how long his beard and hair had become. He’d need to get a haircut at some point but was going to wait until he wasn’t in the bad books to ask for one otherwise they’d probably just shave it all off to spite him. The beard on the other hand was something he could do a little something about.

Grabbing a pair of scissors, Richard started to trim the mess down until it was neater and a little more presentable. He knew if he didn’t he’d get an earful from Froggy as well as Miss Sally and Sana. Satisfied, the scissors were put away and Richard combed his hair out and slicked it back with some water. That’d do. He moved into his room and started to get dressed. He remembered the last time he’d worn a suit like this, it was for Tony’s funeral. He was glad right then that there wasn’t a mirror or he’d have broken down into tears. Another death that he was responsible for that he’d never gotten over.

Swallowing the lump down his throat, Richard finished getting ready and sat on the edge of his bed. He hadn’t been able to do anything about the ruined sheets but was he hell going to ask for more, he'd survived with less than this so he wasn’t going to kick up a stink about the sheets he’d just ruined out of rage. The room was cold and Richard shut the window over as he looked out onto the streets below. He could count on one hand how many people in this town would care if he left tomorrow and that person was willing to leave with him. Maybe now was the time. Maybe if he apologised to Ash tonight about his reaction today then maybe he’d even give them some supplies for the road. It’s not like they had to leave in the middle of the night to be able to get out of Newnan, they were free to leave as they pleased, right? He’d play it by ear and see what happened tonight, it was something to consider at least. Might be best not to burn bridges with the community that hated him, for Sana’s sake.

Agnes Brynja Johannsson

Location: Building H: Her Room --> Hallway

Reaching the house after only falling over once in the snow was an achievement for Bryn and she made a b-line for the bathroom to take a shower. She soaked in the warm water for a whole half a minute before remembering she’d end up washing in icy water if she didn’t hurry up. Quickly cleaning and shaving herself in the areas that had not been touched in far too long, Bryn got herself squared away before shutting the shower off and drying herself down with a towel.

She made her way across the landing and into her bedroom, the door barely closed behind her as she heard the downstairs door slamming shut and the sound of pounding feet running up the stairs. Sana was home. She half wanted to go out and ask her how it all went but she also didn’t want to encourage her interactions with Dick so she chose to leave it for now. Bryn made her way over to the chest of clothing that she had inherited from her now absent friends; Astrid and Bridgette. She smiled as she ran her hand across the grain of the wood and carefully opened it up.

The amount of Viking era medieval clothing was insane and Bryn genuinely didn’t know where to start. She had tried a few of them on when she had lived with Astrid and Bridgette so knew there were at least some in her size that didn’t need inches taken up at the ankles. She smirked as she thought about Bridgette and Astrid towering over her. She still missed them, even now. Sure, they’d only been friends for a short while but the three women just… worked. They were like a single-family unit within this massive community and it made Bryn feel less lost here. She had been glad that Sana had arrived in Newnan when she did, she couldn’t really remember when they started to become friends but she knew it had been natural and that was great in her books.

Refocusing on the task in hand, Bryn spotted one of the dresses that Astrid had put her in before. A red number that had actually been quite flattering once it was on. It took a little work to get it on but once it was, she didn’t regret it. Bryn had never been one to dress up before the outbreak so it felt particularly silly to be dressing up now but what the hell? They could all die tonight for all they knew. It was time to live in the moment and have a good night. Happy with her outfit choice, Bryn sat in front of her small mirror and began to braid her hair into a presentable style.

When she was finished getting ready she moved back over to the chest and found a fur collared cloak that had belonged to Bridgette. It was a little long but it could trail and would help to keep Bryn warm on the walk to the wedding venue. Swinging it over her shoulders, Bryn moved across to Sana’s room and knocked on the door. She wasn’t sure how long she had taken getting ready but she figured it wasn’t long left until everything was due to start. “Hey Sana, ready when you are.” Bryn then remembered she’d left the card she had made on the desk in her room and quickly went back inside to grab it, placing it in a pocket in the lining of the cloak for safe keeping, before moving back to Sana’s room.

Dr. Victor Bonheur

Location: Building 1: Tatiana’s Office --> Infirmary --> His Quarters >> Building F: Outside

The blood works were dated eight months ago and were of one of the women in Newnan that had been here eight months ago. Considering there were no babies born in the last eight months it was safe to assume that this blood work belonged to either Astrid, Bridgette, Sophia or Zoie. Victor chewed his bottom lip fervently as he realised that 50% of those women had slept with Richard so they were plausible. Bridgette Victor was unsure about but would not assume she had not had relations with someone, but at least it wouldn’t have been Richard. Sophia potentially could have also but from what he knew now, Niesha and she were very close.

Victor sat down in Tatiana’s chair and removed his glasses from his face before pinching the bridge of his nose, his fingers massaging gently in small circles. “Why would Astrid not tell me of this?” It was irrational but Victor felt hurt at the fact that this had been kept secret. It was short lived however as he looked at the date again and realised it was the same day as they had all died… He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. Life was complicated enough before the outbreak but now? Well, that spoke for itself. The handwriting was Astrid’s but that didn’t rule her out. Keeping hold of the blood work, Victor put his glasses back on and stood up, heading out and back downstairs to the infirmary.

As he made his way back inside Victor saw Medic and gave him a thankful smile before going over to check on Anna. She was still sound asleep. “Thank you for taking over Medic, it is appreciated as always. As the wedding is due to start shortly would you mind keeping an eye over our young patient for me? I don’t think Tatiana would forgive me if I were not ready to give her away.” He smiled warmly at the thought and gently slapped Medic on the back as he made his way to his quarters. Once he was inside he placed the blood work into his personal journal and closed it over, placing it in his safe spot underneath his mattress.

Gathering the suit that Miss Sally had given him Victor chuckled. She had certainly done well to adjust the clothing to suit his height and size. He would normally have chosen a lighter hue for himself but he knew that Meghna and Tatiana had done all they could to come back with these outfits for everyone so he would not complain. Getting dressed, Victor checked himself out and felt a sadness washing over him. He recalled his own daughter’s wedding and the emotions that had overwhelmed him on that day. This dark suit on this wedding day, of his adoptive daughter figure, was like a funeral for his own daughter but in a happier standing. He did not know if she was alive or dead but, to him at least, she was long gone.

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Victor squared himself up and grabbed the presents for Jack and Tatiana before leaving his quarters. He bid farewell to Medic and made a direct line towards Tatiana and Jack’s home. The snow was never his favourite thing and he was thankful that the sun was shining right now and had helped to thaw some of the thin ice that had formed over the cleared pathways. He was not in the mood to fall over thanks to this silly white stuff. He stood at the front door of their home and gave it a quick and rapid knock, his usual greeting when coming to visit so Tatiana would know who it was and not hesitate to open the door in fear that it was Jack coming to sneak a peek.
First night in rejects housing minus Dick. You guys seem to think he's not part of the crew. :P
@Lady Amalthea Haaaaaaaate you. <3
@Lady Amalthea But maybe I want another Gavin post. :P
@Morose I think I'll just make you wait a little longer. ;)
Aw fuck, you're all waiting on me...
@Lady Amalthea You're welcome and thank you like Mor said. I wasn't sure I could keep up with the 7 day count and I know I've had people wait a couple of times on me (which I'm sorry I can't change!) but I'm glad that the pace has been kept up. :D

@Morose Kiss arse. ;P

@Lady Amalthea He might have recessive lizard genes! YOU NEVER KNOW MAN, YOU NEVER KNOW!
Thankful? For what exactly?
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