Avatar of Chrononaut
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  • Posts: 426 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Chrononaut 10 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current youtube.com/watch?v=ftEz-m0… Top 10 christmas banger right here.
3 yrs ago
Ok besides maybe domestic terrorism against corps, but don't tell Jeff Bezos that.
3 yrs ago
@Blackmist16 There is nothing cooler than bouncing on a homies dick, fam!
1 like
3 yrs ago
Tick tick tock, it's salvia o clock, slapping around Shkreli with my digital cock. 9/11 inside job, click click, spent three fucking hours bouncing on my BOYS DICK
5 yrs ago
No discord? But I had some really spicy opinions about the blacks!
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OK, I think I fixed the "temporary links to font image websites being unusable because they're temporary" problem. Working on a final pass for the first IC post.

4E, 243. Titus II is dead. Havfyg has taken his place. Under his banner, The Imperial Empire is nearly fully restored. The Aldmeri Dominion have all but been pushed to their home, the Summer Isles. Emperor Havfyg I readies his armies to wage war, to commit genocide upon the entire Altmeri race. But first, you have some work to do. For The Empire.

Unwilling. Uncooperative. Persuaded. You all have been given a task by The Emperor, in exchange for your freedom. If you fail this task, the ring around your finger will kill you. Slowly. But it will not be the final death. It has never been the final death.


A three act roleplay, focusing on the metaphysicaland political aspects of Elder Scrolls. There will be moments of calm and when the storm hits, there will be bloodbaths Mehrunes Dagon would be proud of. Politics will be player influenced. The roleplay is a kitchen sink of ideas that I've always wanted to explore in Elder Scrolls, but never had the opportunity to.

Characters can be fairly badass. Don't worry, there's always a bigger fish.

Quick wit will be rewarded. Violence will be necessary. Harm will happen to you and those you interact with. You have been warned.

But hey, have fun!

Character Concerns:

  • As far as your abilities, you are likely fairly talented in at least one area. Whether a warrior, a professional thief, or a educated mage, you aren't imprisoned because you weren't important or skilled, even if that skill is a thorn in the Empires side.
  • You did something that warranted permanent imprisonment, rather than instant execution. It was against Imperial interests, or simply against the law.
  • Yes, you can be a vampire or werewolf. No more than one of each. If you were imprisoned, it's likely that you're starving as a vampire. Don't worry, future vampire and werewolf characters are possible (I will allow characters to contract the disease), but for the purposes of the roleplay, it's not likely many would be imprisoned.
  • Imperials have mostly accepted Havfyg as their defacto ruler, given his claims of being the reincarnation of Talos, however, his fourty year war of genocide has lead to higher taxes to fund the war effort, along with a few mandatory drafting periods when the war got desperate. Many Imperial are not happy about this.
  • The Nords are doing much better. Havfyg has actually avoided taxing them at all, and they're some of his most staunch followers.
  • The Breton, along with the Redguards, were conquered early into Havfygs reign and have been drafted far more than Imperials or Nords. This is due to their natural tendencies towards spellblades and martial prowess, respectively. The Breton have mostly taken this well as many have also been given free education at the College of Whispers or Synod with only a year of military service required on their part. The Redguard are less pleased.
  • Altmeri are slaughtered on sight, typically. However, you won't be. Feel free to have your character be as snarky about this as possible.
  • Elves aren't treated very well by The Empire. However, most Imperial citizens feel rather bad for Dunmer and Bosmeri, given their recent history of just sort of existing and being treated like second hand citizens.
  • Orcs. One the one hand, they have been given far more respect in Havfygs Empire than they ever had previously, to the point that some of them have ceased to worship Malacath. On the other hand, their population has dwindled over the years due constantly being drafted and sent into the most dangerous battles the Yellow War has ever seen.
  • For Argonians, few Hist trees remain in the world. Many were destroyed in The Black Marsh Razing of 4e 2021. Three reside in Cyrodil, and are kept by the Emperor as a threat to Argonians, should they think of abandoning his rule. You are understandably not happy about this.
  • As a Khajiit, your people have been rebelling ever since The Emperor began a moon sugar tax twenty years ago, then a full on moon sugar ban nine years ago that was temporarily lifted mere days before a moon sugar purge occurred. Every legal farm was destroyed and those that remain sell Skooma at a very, very high price. The Empire pays well for informants.
  • It is possible to have been trained by The Imperial College in Thu'um. You will only know a few words, because it takes years of training if you aren't the Dovahkhiin. Don't worry, like any other character, I will allow your character to learn more of these skills as the plot progresses.

Character sheet:

Discord, for those interested. discord.gg/XQasp75

Book idea I've been plinking on and off on for a few years started with me and Leidenschaft collaborating in creating a fantasy race for a roleplay that never made it off the ground because the GM disappeared, so yeah, I'd say so.
I enjoyed it, and appreciated it for what it did and what it was, but it is undoubtedly my least favourite of the main series of Doom games. I'm not sure at all how any of them will hold up next to Doom Eternal though.
Shit looks dope.

A Doom game bringing back the demon designs from the original game? Introducing heaven, a concept only explored in doom wad packs like Eviternity? Literal fallen angels (presumably) to be torn in half? A melee combat system that's faster, allowing for more mobile gameplay? Wide open arenas of death, which will presumably have multiple sides facing each other in giant, unrelenting spectacles of carnage?

A metal-industrial soundtrack, by Mick Gordon, patron saint of heart-thumping soundtracks?


Edit: I mean, come on, he made this. HE MADE THIS.

Well this is right fucked.
Edit: Slightly less fucked.
Edit2: MAYBE functional.

4E, 2043. Titus II is dead. Havfyg has taken his place. Under his banner, The Imperial Empire is nearly fully restored. The Aldmeri Dominion have all but been pushed to their home, the Summer Isles. Emperor Havfyg I readys his armies to wage war, to commit genocide upon the entire Altmeri race. But first, you have to collect a book. For The Empire.

Unwilling. Uncooperative. Persuaded. You all have been given a task by The Emperor, in exchange for your freedom. If you fail this task, the ring around your finger will kill you. Slowly. But it will not be the final death. It has never been the final death.


A three act roleplay, focusing on the metaphysics and multidimensional eldritch horror aspects of Elder Scrolls. There will be moments of calm and when the storm hits, there will be bloodbaths Mehrunes Dagon would be proud of. Politics will be involved, at a few points of interest. You will be able to influence them. The roleplay is a kitchen sink of ideas that I've always wanted to explore in Elder Scrolls, but never had the opportunity to.

Characters can be fairly badass. Don't worry, there's always a bigger fish.

Quick wit will be rewarded. Violence will be necessary. Harm will happen to you and those you interact with. You have been warned.

But hey, have fun!

Character Concerns:

  • As far as your abilities, you are likely fairly talented in at least one area. Whether a warrior, a professional thief, or a educated mage, you aren't imprisoned because you weren't important or skilled, even if that skill is a thorn in the Empires side.
  • You did something that warranted permanent imprisonment, rather than instant execution. It was against Imperial interests, or simply against the law.
  • Yes, you can be a vampire or werewolf. No more than one of each. If you were imprisoned, it's likely that you're starving as a vampire. Don't worry, future vampire and werewolf characters are possible (I will allow characters to contract the disease), but for the purposes of the roleplay, it's not likely many would be imprisoned.
  • Imperials have mostly accepted Havfyg as their defacto ruler, given his claims of being the reincarnation of Talos, however, his fourty year war of genocide has lead to higher taxes to fund the war effort, along with a few mandatory drafting periods when the war got desperate. Many Imperial are not happy about this.
    The Nords are doing much better. Havfyg has actually avoided taxing them at all, and they're some of his most staunch followers.
  • The Breton, along with the Redguards, were conquered early into Havfygs reign and have been drafted far more than Imperials or Nords. This is due to their natural tendencies towards spellblades and martial prowess, respectively. The Breton have mostly taken this well as many have also been given free education at the Arcane University with only a year of military service required on their part. The Redguard are less pleased.
  • Altmeri are slaughtered on sight, typically. However, you won't be. Feel free to have your character be as snarky about this as possible.
  • Elves aren't treated very well by The Empire. However, most Imperial citizens feel rather bad for Dunmer and Bosmeri, given their recent history of just sort of existing and being treated like second hand citizens.
  • Orcs. One the one hand, they have been given far more respect in Havfygs Empire than they ever had previously, to the point that some of them have ceased to worship Malacath. On the other hand, their population has dwindled over the years due constantly being drafted and sent into the most dangerous battles the Yellow War has ever seen.
  • For Argonians, the remaining Hist Trees of the world reside in Cyrodil, and are kept by the Emperor as a threat to Argonians, should they think of abandoning his rule. You are understandably not happy about this.
  • As a Khajiit, your people have been rebelling ever since The Emperor began a moon sugar tax twenty years ago, then a full on moon sugar ban nine years ago that was temporarily lifted mere days before a moon sugar purge occurred. Every legal farm was destroyed and those that remain sell Skooma at a very, very high price. The Empire pays well for informants.
  • It is possible to have been trained by The Imperial College in Thu'um. You will only know a few words, because it takes years of training if you aren't the Dovahkhin. Don't worry, like any other character, I will allow you to learn more of these skills as the plot progresses.

Character sheet:

I've been playing .hack//G.U. since the remaster went on sale and I hadn't played it since like 2007 and it's increasingly hilarious to me now that I'm familiar with MMOs how The World would be a terrible MMO if it were real. There's no system in place to opt in for PvP, it's just always active, there's no actual endgame raiding or any multiplayer content like instanced dungeons, there's no real crafting system and player shops consist of just selling items purchased from NPC vendors without any actual set market economy, and this is before getting into the out of game stuff and clear lack of genuine player account security.

But the game is still charming.


Highly recommend Crosscode if you haven't already played it. It mixes the idea of a "virtual reality MMO" but with a twist: the mmo is actually set on a alien planet with human colonial settlers, and you are playing as what is essentially a hologram. The gameplay was inspired by Alundra, which was inspired by Zelda, though it has more of a action bent. But! The puzzles in the dungeons are some of the most difficult I've ever encountered, so that might be a plus for some people.

Decided on a whim to start Doom 3 again after realizing I have never gotten through the whole thing. Loaded up the original with the ReDux mod and it looks gorgeous.

I can see where Doom fans and purists would have been turned away, but I think as an individual product this thing stands on its own very well.

Everyone I knew loved it at the time, thanks to the Co-op. I don't know if its as fun for multiple side by side playthroughs as the other dooms though.
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