Avatar of chukklehed
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    1. chukklehed 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current If you bought the Pikachu version instead of the Eevee version, I'm afraid we cant be friends anymore.
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7 yrs ago
Enjoying Road Trip Simulator 2016, AKA Final Fantasy XV


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On a side note, I've been taking a creative writing class while we've been gone.

I'm waiting for a group of hunters to stumble through my forest on the way to something or other. Probably spiders

Don't forget that Azu has two Weapons. She has a sword strapped to her back.
Shame he'd be so promising if he could just get over his anger and bias.
She'll mostly be disappointed in him, honestly.
Still would have been funny in the long run, but getting to the plot is a bit more the focus than comedic value right now.
it seemed appropriate to me that Silme would run off half cocked without even looking at the map.
Right, but he could be insulting humans, dandy assholes, silver spooned morons without being racist against himself
Somehow Azu isn't failing at teamwork the most. Also why does Silme keep saying "Atlesian" like a racial slur? HE'S an Atlesian.
Or I just leave. I just apologized for the reaction I gave and said I understood, and you could have just said "Don't let it happen again", but you just had to take one more shot at me, telling me to "watch my behavior" like I'm a misbehaving child. I'm not even that invested in this story, I was only really staying around because I don't like to quit midway. I am, however, getting sick of your condescending attitude, so before you can further insult me I will take my leave.
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