Avatar of ClocktowerEchos
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    1. ClocktowerEchos 9 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current I was gone for a lot longer than I thought >.>"
2 yrs ago
Sorry for my absence! A Volunteering position suddenly turned into a Volunteer Leadership position I was not expecting at all so things have been hectic.
2 yrs ago
Look at you posers, having to bang dragons or sell your soul for magic when you could just play a lute for some. Anyways, here's Wonderwall. - Bards
2 yrs ago
Sometimes we live in a society. Other times, a society lives in us. Occasionally, society.
2 yrs ago
I am fucking screaming. Why are there so many fucking MLMs posing as actual marketing/advertising agencies. Just give me an actual fucking job reeeeeeeee



Most Recent Posts

Court Council

The President-King while powerful, does not rule alone and so has a council of individuals to advise and delegate tasks for him. Being appointed to the Court Council is usually seen as a great honor and recognition for either skill, trust or power within the realm. Being on the Court Council however demands that the individual live within Wasentown, sometimes even within the White Palace or the Grand Courthouse, forcing those on the Council to hand control of their holdings over to someone else who can manage it while they are away.

Vice Prince

The Vice Prince/Princess is the most powerful position behind the President King and is directly appointed by them. They speak and act with the authority of the President themselves in their place. Such an office is incredibly prestigious and grants a person great power with Houses boasting about ancestors with the assignment. If the President is strong, the VP is an agent of their will who can let them execute multiple plans at once without being present everywhere. If the President is weak, it is often the VP who is the true power in the Five Kingdoms. Beyond their duties as right hand of the king, the VP is also the chief diplomat who speaks on behalf of the President with other lords of the realm or with outsiders.

Master at Arms

Also known as the Chief Commander, they are responsible for organizing and training the militay forces of Atlantics. They organize muster rolls, manage levies, keep track of all the mercenaries, free companies, men at arms and knights in the kingdom. Workshop and smithies that produce the weapons of war are also under their preview as armories and the strongholds of the River Guard must be kept at fighting condition. They also are responsible for the Honor Guard, sworn bodyguards of the President King. While many Masters at Arms have been exceptional fighters in their own right, it is not required for the office; there have been Masters at Arms who could barely hold a sword but proved incredibly adept at their job regardless.

Master of Law

The chief minster of laws and regulations. They are usually well studied individuals who give advice on legal matters, managing the dungeon, organizing feudal contracts, keeping track of bloodlines and claims and giving the king reminders on local customs when they visit the different crowns of the realm. Although at a first glance it seems like a simple job, claims to the throne can very quickly become very messy and local lords are sometimes known to implement laws that are wildly different than their surroundings. Sometimes the best skill for a Master of Law to have isn't reading or even knowledge of law, but patience and willpower to get through all of the bullshit their job inevitably runs into.

Master of Coin

Although rich in its own right, the kingdom still requires an individual skilled with money to manage its finances. Anything related to the economy and resources is the domain of the Master of Coin who manages the king's household finances, internal and external trading, public works projects, maintaining resource stockpiles and managing harvest quotas. Becoming the Master of Coin is notoriously difficult and usually a sign of great trust as there is a common (if not well founded) fear of the Master of Coin syphoning off the king's coffers to enrich themselves.

Director of Information

The Spymaster who lurks in the shadows like a spider. They inform the king on matters of sensitive information and espionage, both foreign and domestic, and are always on the look out for plots and schemes as well as more nefarious secrets which can be used for blackmail. The Director of Information is the King's ears although sometimes they go just a little bit deaf. They command the Secret Service although they're also called the "Black Orchestra". The Director can be the single most powerful individual on the council, even more so than the VP or king themselves, so great trust is invested into the position and more than once it has been filled by the President's spouse or secret lover.

Court Representative

The religious advisor of the Faith for the king who represents the Congress of Founders in court. They serve equal parts spiritual advisor and scholarly record keeper and unlike the other positions, it is not directly filled by the king. Instead, the Speaker of the Faith presents a list of candidates that he believes are pious and suitable for a life at court advising the king. While most of the time the candidates are Representatives, sometimes an especially devout noble or lord can also become a candidate.
Big post since a few things need to be put down for the record.

RP Starting Event: A House Divided

So this is based on whats been going on in the Discord and what the opening events of the RP will be. So far its been decided that Franklin is going to die and his two sons will start a civil war over the throne and players will pick who between: George and Alexander.

George is the older and thus claims the crown by right of inheritance and age. He is loud, brash, brutish, narcissistic, arrogant and quiet likely some degree of insane but he's also a fearsome fighter. He is focused on the military and defense of the realm. He does not believe that any peace treaty signed by outsiders will last so it is better to bring war to them first before they bring war to the kingdom. He also wishes to expand the realm by conquest believing in a "manifest destiny" prophecy he was told and say how he will establish a link to far off California.

Alexander is the younger and claims the throne as he believes George is unfit to be king due to his madness and abrasiveness (which is entirely plausible). He would prefer the peace that his father created and would rather focus on trying to develop the realm internally; he's likely the one who would start a renaissance of learning and culture by the building of Congresses and schools. He believes that trying to establish permeant ties with California would be an expensive fool's errand and instead looks to the south, hoping to "obtain" a Caribbean island or two for the crown. However, his birth is highly disputed and some believe that he is in fact a bastard with no actual claim to the throne and thus supporting him would be going against House Ironwit.


There's two version of a map that I'm currently debating about using and give a better idea of the territory of each crown.

Ties to House Ironwit

This was mentioned in my previous post but because its at the end of the page, I want to repost it here.

So as of right now, none of the house are really connected to one another. In an effort to remedy that (and to make writing the opening events of the RP more interesting and easier), I'd like to point out that right now President-King Franklin Ironwit is married to an unnamed woman of an unnamed house and has had two kids. He also has two sisters who have been married off that could form alliances and have become mothers.
So as of right now, none of the house are really connected to one another. In an effort to remedy that (and to make writing the opening events of the RP more interesting and easier), I'd like to point out that right now President-King Franklin Ironwit is married to an unnamed woman of an unnamed house and has had two kids. He also has two sisters who have been married off that could form alliances and have become mothers.
Character sheet. This is for the main PoV you'd be playing and thus has the most info. Again, don't have to use this exact format, just the information mentioned. If you want to have other characters, feel free to make smaller CS's for them

@Paradoxial Looks interesting, here's somethings I'd like to point out.

You have a lot of titles, the ones that are listed in the House CS aren't the ones also personally assigned to the Head of the House/individuals. I don't know what each one exactly means but I imagine that Slayer of the White Bear is more a personal achievement. You'd also definitely have "Lord of Appalachia" as one of your titles since that would be a crown given one to signify your rank and ownership of the territory. I do like the idea that you have some titles that implies a sort of disconnect/isolation from the rest of the Five Kingdoms (Mountain Mother and the Digger ones especially).

The Five Kingdoms formed into their most modern incarnation around 1000 years ago just as an fyi. If you want to stick with the 400 year date, it would likely be some other clan that unified the mountains first. As an idea (don't have to take it), maybe 400 years ago the old Lord of Appalachia rebelled or sided with House Deveram during House Ironwit's coup but House Delver sided with the Ironwits and as a reward for supporting them, the Delvers were given Lordship of Appalachia instead.

Also, I'd doubt that House Delver would be the ones to "kickstart" the mining industry since it'd likely be going on even before the clans unified, but they could have easily been the ones to do major reforms like organizing the mines, giving special rights and sending out survey teams of "Stonewhispers" or "Mountain Priests" (re: geologists) to find more veins.
Lots of Lurkers
@Infinite Cosmos I'm still a bit confused on how exactly the Brewers rose to power. It seems like that they married someone who could see into the future who gave them a prophesy that told them they would rule and unite the lakes so they built a new castle and some how that gave them the title? Also, you won't be reestablishing a collage based on an ancient manuscript, its been nearly 2000 years and just scraps remain. Even the Constitution which has had been taken care of with incredible care is now reduced to scraps and shreds.

Also this a much more minor but Shedd House doesn't sound... regal? It sounds like a port side business and not really a castle. Maybe Castle Shedd or Watershedd? Again, tiny thing and ultimately its your call, I'm not going to hold you to this part as much compared to the stuff above.
@Infinite Cosmos

Yeah Warden of the Great Lakes works fine. As for history, don't be afraid to stick it all in a hider.

Looks good although I have two things:
1) The Lakelands aren't the "true north". You could keep the title of Warden of the North, but whoever takes control of the Northern Marches will likely want that title for themselves.

2) History is interesting although how did the Brewers go from holding a port and castle to becoming the Lords of the Lakelands? Intrigue? Coup? Rebellion? Marriage inheritance? Did the Ironwits name the Brewers the new Lords after the old house did something?
@Infinite Cosmos Its in the OP under the premise but here it is again: https://discord.gg/QFMgSQtT
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