Avatar of Cohors
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    1. Cohors 10 yrs ago


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Sing for the lurker.
Sing for the one with horns.
We pity the feathers,
we devour the wing....
I sang for the swans.

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@Jerkchicken That's a pretty interesting site, perhaps I'll take some mechanics from it. Thank you.
Use a super hero themed roleplay game

This is my idea, thus why the roleplay is to be settled on OPM universe rather than being based off it.
You should remove the first phrase of your post, one does not at any moment get tired of Fallout roleplays. One also is eager for more Fallout roleplays, because Fallout is God.

I'm interested, mainly because it's Fallout.
I'm interested, but a problem that arises here is that (in the canon) pretty much all of the heroes that aren't S-class are unimpressive even by their own standards. Only a few A-class heroes were actually competent and even capable of taking on "weak" monsters. So that brings up an issue of power-scaling, because C-class heroes won't be any stronger than a normal human being (and B isn't much better).

True. My thoughts were that our characters, regardless of their true competency, would all join in the C-rank (similarly to Saitama). Basically, although the characters have great potential and are indeed strong, they begin inexperienced so they really can't achieve their true potential. Nonetheless that's a point I really got to look forward.

I'm also quite happy that four people are interested :D perhaps I should begin creating the OOC, then. Once again, if anyone has suggestions about any mechanics I can use in the roleplay (how monsters shows, how to limit people's strengths, etcetera) or any doubts feel free to speak.
Greetings! Here I am, typing in this boring night to present you an idea that sprouted in my mind: a roleplay settled in the One-Punch-Man universe filled with heroes and monsters that pop out of nothingness. The overall plot would be that our characters form a group, similar to the Blizzard Group, aspiring to become S-Ranked heroes. That's it. We would defeat monsters, face adversary heroes, all this sort of stuff. The coolest thing is the openmindedness in the One-Punch-Man universe would also be found here! You can be any type of hero, folks. You can be a crime-fighting cacti. You can be a crime-fighting steampunk dog. You can be a crime-fighting cyborg. YOU CAN BE WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT.

More specific details, overall plot, etcetera; well, these are yet to be resolved (I'm sleepy, ay) but I'm thinking about leaving a simple, wide and - most importantly - fun roleplay.

If you're thinking, "Meh. I don't want roleplay a freaking anime, bro", don't think about roleplaying it as an anime; instead, think about a regular superhero roleplay.

FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW ONE PUNCH MAN AND ARE INTERESTED, well go watch the anime fools! FEAR NOT! I will give a brief explanation of the important aspects from the anime that would be used throughout the (planned) roleplay:

- HEROES ORGANIZATION: Mhm hmm. This anime has a hero organization which registers every single hero. It is called Hero Association. It is a corporation that organizes the surveillance and intelligence of all cities in Japan, from A to Z, against threats.

- RANKING: Heroes are ranked into four tiers: C, B, A and S ranks; C being the lower and S the higher. In order to rise from a rank to another, you must be the first positioned in your respective tier.

- MONSTERS: A great variety of monsters tend to appear out of sheer inexistence solemnly to cause havoc. They seldom have a backstory, or a plot (as they tend to be killed in four, five minutes). Therefore, monsters in this roleplay would come of two types - those which are weak and can be controlled by a fellow roleplayer (like the crabman from ep1) or stronger foes, which requires, somewhat, a plot (like the Sea People from eps 8-9).

- THREAT CLASSIFICATION: Needless to say, a monster is a threat. The Heroes Organization classifies into five (four in the anime): Wolf (presents threat to few individuals), Tiger (presents threat to many individuals), Demon (presents threat to a whole city), Dragon (presents threat to more than one city) and God (whole humanity shall bite the dust).

- HEROES: Our characters would begin weak. By weak I don't mean puny, fragile, and so forth. I mean unexperienced, undisciplined. We have amazing potential, but we can't use it quite terrifically currently. Or perhaps we don't, that's up to you. The point is: as a beginner hero, our characters are weak. HOWEVER, our characters (heroes) can be of whatever type your twisted mind desires. Seriously, after Puri-Puri Prisoner I'm accepting ANY TYPE OF HERO AT ALL. (as long it fits in the rules)

- SETTING: You live in a city, from A-Z. You're a regular human who wants applied to become a hero. Based on your abilities, you have a hero name. You are appointed to do stuff, like fighting monsters. You rank up on the hero rank. Then you get home and work. Then you fight monsters again. Yeah. Sounds fun, right? That's just the basics. I didn't get into any... detail... at all. (the details makes everything more clear, ay?)


I have a character sheet template, which one again, is open to suggestions of improvement.

Mid-Period or Full-Time Hero: (has a job or not)

Hero Name:
Abilities: (boy, I really will have to explain non-knowers-of-OPM how abilities works)
Rank (in the C-tier): (From 390 to 300)
Hero Appearance (if is different from regular appearance):

VOILA! Should this get some love I will began building the prototypes of the actual roleplay.
Forgive any mispelling, grammar mistake, typo, redundancy, or poor vocabulary. Sleepiness is mudering me.

If you are interested or has suggestions (whether or not they are good) or questions (again, whether or not they are good) feel free to question.
Lol chap. That's a lot of bumps.

By the way, I'm interested in the Fallout plot. Really interested tbh. (as long it isn't based in fo4 which I can't play u.u)
Interesting. Mercenary warriors are always interesting.
Sure thing. I like zombie roleplays, what I dislike is stupidity and cliche crap. Yet on this one you detailed how zombies work (and by this I mean the ONLY way zombies should work). I'm surely going to get on this.
Yeah, that'd be cool. I never did 1x1 RP. I have time to post at least once per day. What matters is, what type of RP would you be up to do?
Attack on Titan is cool. Roleplaying is cool. This sounds cool. I've not read the mangas entirely, but a good part of it. I was thinking you would make an alternative storyline tho. If you're willing to do it, then let us go. I'm able to post more than once a day, and range from mild casual to low advanced.
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