Avatar of corneredbliss
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  • Old Guild Username: corneredbliss
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The name's Bliss.
It's been a while.
Hopefully we can be friends.

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The officer began moving towards her and Kitt readied herself to help him in whatever way he needed. But he was talking, as well, and talking nonsense, at that. Calculations of situations and a recall of facts that she knew all computed and solved and refreshed themselves in her brain. 'Riot', 'pulling strings'... Was Officer Ito implying that this whole mess was started on purpose? How would that even be possible? The entire point of this station was to prevent something like this, and being someone who's worked for as long as Ito has here, shouldn't he know this? His questions didn't make sense, at all! Who would want such a bad day like today? Was he trying to confuse her? If so, that wouldn't be very nice of him. And here she was, just trying to do her job and get him to their designated location.

Furthermore, asking her to ignore her programming?!

If robots could look mildly offended, Kitt's face would be just that.

But she tried to answer nonetheless, watching him as he paused just behind the bars that separated them. In truth, she wasn't sure what he meant by that second question; was he implying that the Captain would want to cause the ship harm? Captain Burchill was one of the people who was most kind to her! How could he be behind all of this silly chaos?

"Yes, Captain Burchill sent me. He asked me to find any survivors and bring them to safety in the office. He is there, along with Officer Benton and a med-bot. They are injured, but alright."

"I do not understand your second question, sir. Captain Burchill is simply trying to get you to safety - why would he want to trigger the riots?" She knew he had a mild bump on his head from an earlier injury, and tried to use that as an explanation for his strange talk. "You may have hit your head a little too hard, Officer Ito. Would you like me to contact a med-bot for you, as well?"

A n d r o m e d a B a i r

26 | 5'7" | 134 lbs






Eury, Isola

Former Occupation

Madam of one of Isola's leading escort services. More bluntly put: she ran a brothel.


Andromeda is a woman of luxury. Her honey-golden locks fall at the middle of her back when they're loose, but more commonly she wears it half-up/half-down, making sure that it's voluminous and mane-like. That's a pretty accurate parallel to make; Andromeda can be best described as a lioness. Her figure is full and unapologetic, yet fit. Most of her outfits consist of high-end dresses and heels sharp enough to carve with. She is usually adorned with tasteful jewelry, the only constant being a thin, simple, silver ring she wears around her pinky.


The whole lioness metaphor is applicable to her personality, as well. To work in her field, one cannot be a sheep; Andromeda is an exceptional example. She is strong-willed and silver-tongued, yet it takes a lot for her to get angry for petty reasons. It's a quiet yet piercing confidence she possesses; one that assures everyone knows of her presence and character even if she doesn't make a sound. In spite of all this, however, she's not much for small talk, and really keeps to herself unless it's necessary for her to engage another. The one thing Andi is quick to do is defend herself or her principles, and if there's even a whiff of threat to either, she will pounce.

Hobbies / Interests

As a woman of luxury, Andromeda's hobbies include rolling in sheets of silk and drinking champagne in a bubble bath. Cleanliness and organization are both important to her, so she spends whatever energy needed making sure her possessions are in order, and that the house never falls below her standards. She also enjoys reading historical texts, as well as those that explore the psyche; mostly to educate herself on the human condition. With knowledge comes power, after all.

Skills / Talents

Make no mistake; while Andi - as only a rare few know her - has cravings for the finer things, she also knows how to get her hands dirty. As a Madam, she's had to learn how to assert herself from the more uncivil characters that slip into the rooms and foolishly try to cheat their bills or take advantage of her. She is passable at hand-to-hand combat and is definitely not afraid to deliver a swift kick between the legs. She also has a particular knowledge of how people tick, and therefore can charm people to her way of thinking.

Motivation/Crime Committed

Andromeda dealt with the most classified clientele that passed through the house. Surprisingly - or perhaps, unsurprisingly, really - a good percentage of those VIP were members of the hallowed Executive Consortium. One such Executive had a particularly promiscuous daughter, who began working on Andi's team of girls under a different identity. Unfortunately for the girl's poor father, he found out after having accidentally been brought to her room for the night. As one can imagine, all hell broke loose - the Executive raged on and on about the immorality of the place and eventually managed to shut the entire operation down, claiming that Andi was using magic to trick the girls into working for her. The other major clients, not wanting to have their names tarnished by multiple visits to the brothel, supported the claim. This of course was not the case; all the girls that worked at Miss Neela's were there voluntarily, either for pleasure or for profit.

Andromeda was consequently arrested for human trafficking and illegal use of magic, but since the Consortium couldn't prove that she had done anything to deserve a heavier sentence, she remained in a general correctional facility with Jaemy. Still, she was furious. The house was the only remaining memory she had of her mother, and the only family she had were the women in it; and it had all been taken away from her by selfish hypocrites. This, coupled with the abuse she was experiencing from the guards who prattled on about how "she should be used to this after working in a whore house", was enough to warrant a festering need for vengeance. She got her hands on a small, sharpened piece of metal fashioned from an old razor blade, and when the guards invaded her cell for their weekly fun at her expense, Andi stabbed their smug grins right off their faces. This earned her a sentence of death.


Raised by a single mother who had really only used her biological father to produce a child, it was no wonder Andromeda turned into the resolute woman she was. Neela Bair, born and raised in a humble farm in France by two honest parents, wanted more than the green grass and fresh milk her childhood had to offer her. It was a comfortable, yet predictable life the Bairs lived - but Neela was never one to need comfort or routine. She spent her nights out with men, for pleasure and for sport, unbeknownst to her parents, who thought she was the picture of innocence. Independent and hungry for something else, she dropped out of college during her second year and moved away from home without much resistance from them, who only wanted her happiness. She found refuge on a trading ship heading to the country of Isola, and it was on this ship that she met Wesley Pryce. Wesley was instantly taken by her and offered her sanctuary in his room, and Neela, excited though not really interested, played her part by his side.

In the city of Eury, she lived with Wesley and yet did not belong to him; she had countless affairs with other men while they were together, and while Wesley suspected something of this, she would charm him back to content every time. Eventually she understood what it was that Isola needed from her; a business for women, by a woman. It was then that she began Miss Neela's, though on a much smaller scale, and after it's rapid growth and eventual stability, Neela decided that it was time to sever ties with Wesley. But first, she would get her own companion from him.

Nine months after the breakup, Andromeda was born.

Contrary to what one might think of having a Madam as a mother, Neela dutifully kept her daughter from the house and made sure Andi had a good home away from business. She sent countless pictures and letters back to her parents in France, making sure they knew their daughter was alive and well, and more importantly, that they now had a beautiful granddaughter. While she made sure her parents knew nothing of what she actually did, Neela made sure to be honest with Andi, and told her little tidbits of her occupation as she grew older. Andi absolutely admired her mother, and absorbed everything the woman had to teach her like a sponge.

Other than her mother's unconventional job, Andromeda (who wasn't really magically inclined) was just like any other girl. She sang to herself, played with dresses, and had a best girl friend; Jaemy Galland, who, interestingly enough, was born to a woman who worked closely with Neela in the bordello. Andromeda's mother promptly offered to have the child stay at the Bair residence during work hours, and Andi was more than happy to have a friend. Being a few years older than Jaemy was, she took lead and cared after the girl, simultaneously a mother and a sister.

In school, she was intelligent and keen to learn - regardless of the disapproving looks, and sometimes words, she received from teachers and parents who had hunches of what her mother did. While all this negativity probably nestled itself somewhere deep in Andromeda's psyche, she refused to let it touch her and instead became incredibly excited to join her mother in the business. Only when Andi turned sixteen did Neela finally allow her to step foot into the workplace, and after years of having taught her that it was not anything to be ashamed of, Andromeda welcomed the house and its girls with open arms. She began learning the ropes of the business in terms of how to run such a place, with the most important rule being that there should never be a woman under that roof that didn't want to be there. The place was a sort of sanctuary for girls that needed or wanted to be there, and the Bairs treated it as such.

It was around the tail end of Andromeda's seventeenth year that her mother developed lung cancer from the years of smoking. Neela Bair passed away on Andi's nineteenth birthday, and she promptly dropped out of college to tend to the only remaining link she had with her mother. Business flourished thanks to Andromeda's proactivity, although she herself was never involved in anything behind closed doors. It was her job to get paying men in and out, and so she swooned and sweet-talked clients into spending evenings in their rooms. Eventually, hushed word carried up into the big leagues, and her rooms began filling with Executives from the Consortium. All was going swimmingly until the incident, and the rest is history.



Significant Others

Jaemy Galland
- Andromeda's right-hand woman at Miss Neela's, and possibly the only person she trusted aside from her mother. The two were basically sisters; Jaemy's mother worked for Neela, so she was a frequenter at the Bair residence for playdates with Andi while their mothers worked. Jaemy was also arrested during the incident, but the two were separated after Andromeda was sentenced to death.


- This spell allows Andromeda to alter or plant thoughts, ideas, or memories into another's psyche by way of direct eye contact. The receiver of this influence will think these new pieces of information are facts, and will not be able to differentiate between the altered/planted thoughts from their own. The duration of this spell depends on how big or notable the change in memory is; the bigger the change and the longer it needs to be planted, the more magic it requires.

- This spell allows Andromeda to turn objects of solid matter into ghostly forms of themselves, allowing for safe passage through them. For example, if Andi casts this on a section of wall, she, and whoever is touching her at the time, will be able to walk right through into the next room. This spell has a short duration and will only last for a few moments unless Andromeda recasts it.


- In another life, light-years from this one, Andromeda would have loved to be a mother.
- Contrary to what people think of her and her occupation, Andromeda could count on one hand the amount of lovers she's had to date.
- There are still scars from the guards' time with her. They only seem to appear in times of hysteria, if ever.
I've never touched Discord so I'd be NoobMaster9000 on this subject haha.

Currently eating dinner and watching game plays - I'll have my sheet edited and posted under the tab tonight.

Has anyone played Stories Untold? No spoilers if you have, I just watched the first segment of it and oh man oh man I am creeped the fuck out, lol.

EDIT: Edited and posted in character tab. Added a bit of background on Neela, and a mention of Jaemy, as well - suggests why Andi might have been a mother in another life. Also threw in a few more fun facts. Hope it's a-okay now.
Roger on that note, captain. Will type more in the history tonight if I can.

Hope everyone's day is going well!
Post is up finally - sorry for the wait!
A sight for sore eyes? Were his eyes sore? Did she need to get in contact with the Med Bay? A million and one causes for sore eyes flashed through Kitt's computerized 'mind' and as she was about to ask if he'd like her to call a med-bot for assistance, he spoke again.

"Yes, I am alone," she answered, adjusting her body outside of the vent and tilting her head now in the other direction. The second question was a strange one; did she understand what has happened? Yes, and no. Not fully, since facts were facts and Kitt, in fact, did not have all the facts. What she understood was that something was different about today, and that none of it was according to plan. Judging by the reaction of the other officers', and now Officer Ito's, reaction, it was not according to plan, at all. One of the rampaging prisoners - 0941 - had pushed her down roughly and caused her a temporary blackout, so she didn't see everything that had happened. But when she returned online, it was not a very nice sight.

"I'm not entirely sure how to answer that, sir. The prisoners have all escaped from Prison Bay. I do not know how it happened, or where they went off to - I was offline until Miro jolted me. And then I saw all of the bodies... The others are collecting them now." Ryobi would understand that when she said 'others', she meant the other robots that worked alongside them in the bay. She paused, perhaps out of respect. "I was sent out to see if I could find any survivors in the area. And I have found you, Officer Ito. My instructions are to take you back to the Captain's office."

She paused again, bulbous black camera eyes still staring at him through the slits. "Will you come with me to the Captin's office, sir?"
In C-10 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Hey, I'm so sorry for the wait, post is up.
In C-10 7 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
After a beat or two of the silence, the knocking came again, though this time it was followed by a voice.

"Mr. Cunningham? I have received notice that you have been injured. Are you alright?"

The voice sounded just like a male's, though something was just shy of authentic - there was a tinge of mechanism in the timbre, in the way the rhythm of the words were released. And it wouldn't take Jack long to realize that it was Miro, the AI that was assigned to him and the fitness center. He mainly kept the space clean and took attendance on who came in and out of the gym, what equipment was being used, etc. His demeanor was docile and friendly; he probably was reminiscent of the boy-next-door type. He served as a sort of receptionist and assistant to Jack, really. But that didn't mean he could be controlled or anything - just persuaded, if need be.

And he wasn't going to just open the door willy-nilly, in case Mr. Cunningham was changing or something inside of the closet. Though he did find it odd. "Mr. Cunningham?" Miro repeated, knocking again.
@Sypherkhode822 Just took a peek at the coding for your sheet via the handy-dandy "quote" mechanism - you just need to end the [ / sup] tags right after the titles of the sections. You currently have them located at the end of the paragraphs, making all the words in the text as tiny as the title should be. Try that and it should fix the problem!

@GreenGoat If ya need to bounce some things around, my PM box is happily open.

General note to the thread; I've started sketching out my character sheet, and it'll hopefully be done tomorrow night after my exams.
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