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    1. CorpusMundus 10 yrs ago


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Isaac turned towards the young girl, it was rather surprising that she could understand him, or that he could understand her. In an instant his three guardians were on their feet, creating a protective semi-circle around the Grand confessor. The green mist of Tiberium gas hung around the Confessor, and he took a moment to regard the girl in front of him. He waved his guardians aside and took a few steps towards the girl.

"My dear child, you seem to misunderstand us. We do not intend to go around picking needless fights, or terrorizing innocent people like common thugs. No, what we seek is to simply lift these people from squalor, to provide them with the power to make better lives for themselves. Power after all comes in many forms, not simply martial prowess or physical strength. That is perhaps the most base example of power. The power we speak of comes from liberation, breaking free from the bonds of one's oppressors and embracing the purity of Tiberium. A purity and power forseen by Kane himself. My brothers and I have simply taken an oath before God and Kane to aid these poor people. With us we have brought the key to their liberation, their elevation from squalor through learning and understanding of God's gifts and Kane's teachings. I can understand your worry, but believe me when I say what we do is for their benefit."

The tall man offered her his armored hand, the movement brushing his cloak past his shoulders. Upon his chest was a bright red symbol, a scorpion's tail within a triangle. "I am Brother Isaac of the Black Hand, Grand Confessor of the Brotherhood of Nod. We bring with us the Technology of Peace."

"The Technology of Peace!" His retinued echoed.

"Would you like to join us in our mission?"

@Raineh Daze
The Brotherhood of Nod has arrived in the slums.

The time had come, at last, after so many long years of fighting. Ascension was at hand. The prophet Kane had led the faithful to victory, and with the great tower left by the visitors, transcended from humanity's cradle into the heavens above, ready to follow the messiah into a glorious new future! Or so Isaac thought. But instead of being at Kane's side, with the Brotherhood, the Grand Confessor found himself amidst the streets of an unfamiliar city. It wasn't the vast bunkers and cathedrals of a Nod settlement, nor was it the high-rising cityscape of a GDI held zone.

Despite the unfamiliar surroundings, it was comforting to see his most loyal men at his side. Soldiers who had stood by him during Kane's absence, and during the great heresy which nearly destroyed the messiah's dream of ascension. Ephraim, Ishmael, and Joseph of the Black Hand, his finest soldiers and protectors, there to guard their Grand confessor with their lives. They were as crusaders of yore, clad in holy armor and armed with the weapons of the faith. Holy fire and tiberium-based chemical weapons to purge heathens, heretics, and apostates. Red cloaks were draped across their shoulders, concealing their weapons and much of their bodies. They waited without a word for their Confessor's commands, ever dutiful and pious.

Ezekiel, a veteran of the third and fourth Tiberium Wars, and one of the finest saboteurs available to the brotherhood. Beneath the domed head-case of his hazmat suit, glowing red eyes barely outlined his skeletal features, dark and expressionless as always. Slender mechanical fingers danced across a datapad and a sigh of annoyance hissed from the suit. "My Confessor, I cannot reach any Nod outpost or patrol, what's more I cannot detect any sort of transmission, be it Brotherhood or GDI."

A soft chuckle came from Adam, veteran Nod Shadow and at times the Grand Confessor's own personal assassin. "Perhaps something went wrong with the ascension. Alien technology tends to be rather fickle after all." The man looked rather comical standing next to the Black Hand disciples in his slim and form-fitting stealth-suit.

"Nonsense! Kane himself oversaw the calibration of the great tower. He would not have made any miscalculations, there should not have been any errors in our ascension!" The saboteur hissed, voice soft and full of venom.

Isaac simply stood there, taking in their new surroundings. A city of great antiquity it seemed, the likes of which he had only ever read about in the scriptoriums of Nod temples. It was rather peaceful, quaint. A far cry from the war-torn badlands he was born into, with the Tiberium fields growing closer and closer every day. For a while he simply wandered through the back alleys of the city, silently contemplating to himself as his faithful defenders kept in close step behind him. All the while a trail of green tiberium gas trailed behind, lingering for a few moments before dissipating completely. They passed rotting homes and tenements, crumbling hovels and rat-infested camps. The people were weak, filthy, and looked upon the black-armored strangers in a mixture of awe and fear, shuffling away from them as they passed. Eventually, Isaac stopped, and quickly turned to face his brothers.

"My dear brothers. Do not be disheartened, and do not lose your faith. I have thought deeply on our situation, and it seems to me that this is a test. A test of our faith, of our resolve, and our humanity. Look at these people, look at the lives they live. Truly they need, no they have a right to our aid! Through Kane, God in all his infinite wisdom has sent us here, with the teachings of the Brotherhood. We are to be their saviors, and spread the word of Kane as the messiah had to us! His eminence spoke of a great universe for us to conquer, and now I see that it will not be by blood and steel alone we do it! Pray with me brothers, that we might be granted the strength and the wisdom to honor Kane's path!"

The four knelt and bowed their heads in prayer, weapons lain upon the ground. The Grand confessor passed his censer before each of them, the green fog surrounding them as they softly chanted prayers. People gathered cautiously to watch the strange ceremony, at a safe distance of course. Eyes peering from broken windows and shabby tents watched on, and children in rags clung to their parents as they tried to gain a glimpse of the strange knights in black. Soon the chanting ceased, and Isaac raised his hands as he praised the name of Kane.


@Burning Kitty
Well the brotherhood is not above false flag operations and slaughtering entire villages/refugee camps/towns if they see it as a threat or as a chance to hurt GDI's image. Nor are they above human experimentation with an alien, non-carbon based element that both produces poisonous gas, and is radioactive. They actually sort of worship the stuff.
@Lmpkio The Brotherhood could have a chat with Vader, it seems like they might hit it off. They do after all share a taste for fashion.
Name: Isaac Helms

Title: Grand Confessor

Gender: Male


Personality: A charismatic and zealous man, who truly believes in the power of Tiberium, and the vision of Kane. Peace through power.

Ideals: To Isaac, Tiberium is the future, the way forward for humanity. Living his entire live within the brotherhood and under its teachings, his faith to Kane and the brotherhood is what drives him above all. In the face of traitors, cowards, and self-serving apostates he has stood fast, and eliminated threat after threat to the prophet's vision.

Biography: Raised in yellow zone Y-6, which was formerly the south east of the United States of America, Isaac was quick to join the brotherhood of Nod, inspired by the message of the Prophet and the chance for a better life, a better humanity. His devotion and knack for rhetoric and preaching soon saw him raised from the rabble into the priesthood of the Brotherhood of nod: The Black Hand. While the Black Hand is an organization within itself, as a Confessor, Isaac's duties have always been to lead, guide, and teach the file and rank of Nod's army. When Kane was once more thought defeated, he kept the faith alive, preaching to the disheartened and downtrodden that soon their salvation would arrive, along with their Prophet. When Kane did re-emerge after the third Tiberium war, Isaac stood by his master's decision to join GDI in an attempt to make Earth habitable once more, and denounced the traitor Gideon with terrifying zeal. One of the few of the Old Guard priesthood remaining, many began to grant him the once prestigious title of Grand Confessor. As one of the few still upholding the word of Kane and the message of Tiberium, it seemed fitting, though it was not till Kane Himself blessed the title upon Isaac that he recognized it as his own. Since gaining the title, he has fulfilled his duty of leading Nod's intelligence agents and shepherding the flock, always beholden to the path paved by his master.

Powers: Gifted orator and demagogue, able to easily proselytize and inspire people around him using the teachings of the Black Hand and his own natural charisma.

Weapons: Combat knife, 9mm sidearm, hallucinogenic grenades, and a Nod rotary rifle.

Equipment: Nod datapad with EVA, Mark 3 Nod combat armor. He keeps on his person a large chunk of tiberium stored within his censer, spreading a small cloud of Tiberium gas wherever he goes. Accompanying Isaac is his personal retinue. Three Black Hand soldiers, a Nod Shadow, and a Nod Engineer/saboteur.

Universe of Origin: Command & Conquer
Name: Isaac Helms

Title: Grand Confessor

Gender: Male


Personality: A charismatic and zealous man, who truly believes in the power of Tiberium, and the vision of Kane. Peace through power.

Ideals: To Isaac, Tiberium is the future, the way forward for humanity. Living his entire live within the brotherhood and under its teachings, his faith to Kane and the brotherhood is what drives him above all. In the face of traitors, cowards, and self-serving apostates he has stood fast, and eliminated threat after threat to the prophet's vision.

Biography: Raised in yellow zone Y-6, which was formerly the south east of the United States of America, Isaac was quick to join the brotherhood of Nod, inspired by the message of the Prophet and the chance for a better life, a better humanity. His devotion and knack for rhetoric and preaching soon saw him raised from the rabble into the priesthood of the Brotherhood of nod: The Black Hand. While the Black Hand is an organization within itself, as a Confessor, Isaac's duties have always been to lead, guide, and teach the file and rank of Nod's army. When Kane was once more thought defeated, he kept the faith alive, preaching to the disheartened and downtrodden that soon their salvation would arrive, along with their Prophet. When Kane did re-emerge after the third Tiberium war, Isaac stood by his master's decision to join GDI in an attempt to make Earth habitable once more, and denounced the traitor Gideon with terrifying zeal. One of the few of the Old Guard priesthood remaining, many began to grant him the once prestigious title of Grand Confessor. As one of the few still upholding the word of Kane and the message of Tiberium, it seemed fitting, though it was not till Kane Himself blessed the title upon Isaac that he recognized it as his own. Since gaining the title, he has fulfilled his duty of leading Nod's intelligence agents and shepherding the flock, always beholden to the path paved by his master.

Powers: Gifted orator and demagogue, able to easily proselytize and inspire people around him using the teachings of the Black Hand and his own natural charisma.

Weapons: Combat knife, 9mm sidearm, hallucinogenic grenades, and a Nod rotary rifle.

Equipment: Nod datapad with EVA, Mark 3 Nod combat armor. He keeps on his person a large chunk of tiberium stored within his censer, spreading a small cloud of Tiberium gas wherever he goes. Accompanying Isaac is his personal retinue. Three Black Hand soldiers, a Nod Shadow, and a Nod Engineer/saboteur.

Universe of Origin: Command & Conquer
This seems like it could be fun, hope it gets off the ground!
@True Creator

"I thank you, Prince of the Warp. Now, we must make haste, prepare your men and their transports, I will lead you to the device which will bring us to my own world. We will have allies waiting for us on the other side but there will be much for us to do, I can assure you of that." The confessor gave the daemon prince a curt nod before moving to take his place among the cultists within one of the APCs they had with them.

As he sat within the vehicle, Isaac lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and began to pray. The hour was almost upon them, they would liberate his brothers and sisters, the children of Nod and Kane. GDI would be weakened by the loss of Tiberium, the economy crippled and their forces stretched thin to say the least. The removal of Tiberium would also allow former nation states to rise from the conflict to reclaim their borders from GDI and Nod, and perhaps expand even further. It would be utter chaos.
@True Creator

Munich, Germany

The time was at hand. Soon the forgotten children of Nod would be returned to a shepherd of Kane. upon contacting LEGION, Isaac had explained his predicament, and that it stood as an opportunity for Nod to reap the benefits of Tiberium once more. So, the Marked of Kane would rise, free the most extreme of those loyal to nod, as well as their engineers and sabotours. Meanwhile he would preach to the average man, bringing hundreds of millions of Nod followers with him back to this world. However, he would require more than just words, he would require force. An ally, so to speak.

So, he had made his way, his EVR and datapad in tow (LEGION was more than capable of using the Scrin tower to trace the origin of Isaac's own signal), towards the only entity he had met that was at least somewhat civil, despite its horrific apperance. The journey had taken less than half an hour by car, soon he found himself once more within the domain of the daemon prince. It appeared to him that the cultists had taken to fortifying the city, mainly the building the Prince of the Warp had taken as his 'palace'. Again the confessor stood before the daemon, proud as a man who has the will and faith to stare down such horrors.

"Prince of the Warp, I apologize for another intrusion, but I have an offer to make towards you. I seek alliance so that I might spread my Brotherhood across this land, and rescue those souls left behind in the land of ignorance. Aid me with your forces, and I promise to grant you your own lands free of the Brotherhood's law. The exact terms we might negotiate further, but what say you daemon?"
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