Avatar of Crazytazer
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    1. Crazytazer 7 yrs ago


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Barrington felt the quake and had a hand on his pistol attempting to draw it as the paralysis hit him as well as a large degree of panic. None of them could move as far as he knew while they watched the portal rip its way into existence on the far wall as a truly terrifying figure appeared from within it. If there was any indication of just how out of their depth they were this was it as they were unable to even defend themselves before who he supposed was the most powerful being in this area by far. Given Arthur's objections it was hard to imagine just who else besides a demon king had stumbled upon them in such a way as to make them all helpless. This was very very bad as they were entirely at the mercy of a something that could likely kill them with a thought, at least that is what the inventor's imagination was conjuring up at the moment.

It was then made very clear that they weren't even worth the time to dispose of from the storage house but not all of them were left unscathed. The shadow priest was taken hostage in a mere instant or possibly killed to be resurrected later, honestly who knew what would happen to the poor man as he was dragged off into the portal. The remaining three of the group as well as the King's squire were left unharmed as the evil king all but decided to ignore them as mere chew toys for whatever minions made home in the halls and rooms. The inventor was just relieved he still lived as the portal closed and function returned as his hand held a shaky grip on his pistol at the wall which he lowered after a few moments of regaining his composure. The half-vampire was more vocal than he about the situation as he was giving a silent and very sincere prayer to Kessel as he was certain they were all dead but a second ago.

"Agreed. That could have been worse, though it further complicates the task at hand or future expeditions significantly." Barrington replied continuing to reason everything out to distract his mind. "That would be useful information its true, a rough estimate accounting for ruined passages and rooms would be helpful to gauge the length of this trip. A small comfort if anything though if not we can wing it as we go, a good memory helps with this sort of thing."

The engineer was prepared to move on with torch and pistol in hand firmly gripped as a matter of safety for himself and the others, he wouldn't run off knowing his comrades were stuck down here nor was being alone in any way a good thing.
I'll keep working on it today, started a bit last night.
Now this I like, makes us feel insignificant. True to the game for sure.
Thats much better. Didn't want to see this go before the first run even started.
Still here, just been waiting for a go ahead post in the meantime.
March 16th, 2020.
Amnesty Bay, Maine.

Girard sat quietly on his couch watching the news while his daughters were curled up either side of him napping. They had a lot of energy but several hours of running around and playing took it right out of them so he got them to come over to watch a bit of TV before they zonked out. He wasn't needed on site today so he got some quality time at home while being able to check in via phone at any point if there was an issue which left him plenty of time for the rest of the day. Watching the news was something he had avoided in the past at times because he already knew it was going to be bad but ever since he took to the streets he paid far more attention to it. It was helpful to track crime patterns before ever having to leave his house since it made tracking the criminals in question easier once he was out and about during the night. Sure he wasn't the most prolific vigilante you ever heard about but putting a bit of fear or uncertainty into local criminals at least made some of them think twice, some being the operative word but only so much a man can do in his position.

There had been a rather high profile bank robbery recently which he hadn't been able to get involved in and had been silently kicking himself for it since. The lack of support for vigilantes didn't exactly make it appealing in a sense with all of law enforcement and media calling them out as criminals for having the guts to make an impact. If he ever got found out it could get bad so keeping to the shadows as much as possible was what he attempted to do before quick precise strikes on targets then getting out in the same fashion, no one knew much about Tank yet and he would quite like to keep it that way if possible to reap the benefits. Wouldn't last forever as it was only a matter of time before the strange insect robber might hit again and with no other powered vigilantes to his knowledge in Amnesty Bay it was up to him to contest the thief. However he tried to push the thoughts aside when he wasn't alone or with Abby as no one else could afford to know nor would they understand his need to go out as Tank delivering a swift kick in the ass to anybody who thought they could get away with causing trouble.

Girard turned to look as he heard someone at the door then remembered Abigail had said she would be back right about this time before lo and behold she strolled in with a smile.

"How are the girls doing?" She asked quietly trying not to disturb the two nappers.

"Been sleeping for a couple hours now, probably won't be too much longer till they're up and hungry." He replied chuckling lightly at the end.

They were interrupted by a yawn to the right of him as on cue little Leila roused herself up at the mention of food.

"Hi mommy, can we have grilled cheese? Daddy promised if we put the toys away." The girl said mumbling a bit at first then after reaching over to shake her sister awake. "Haylee! Mommy's home."

Abi came over and hugged both of them before the little ones got up to rush for the kitchen very happily and ready to eat, they also liked to help a little by putting the cheese on the bread. Girard got himself up ready to join them after getting a kiss on the cheek from his wife who told him they were a little low on a couple things in the fridge. It was all he needed to know figuring a nice drive to the grocery store wouldn't take too long at all plus better to get it done now rather than later. The big man made his way out to his truck and started heading into the city to do his errand plus say hi to a few friends who he met along the way. He side eyed the decently hidden duffel bag behind the passanger seat where he kept his "costume" which had a couple things covering it, never too far in case a quick switch from family man to crime fighter was needed, plus it had the benefit of having the bag itself around if he needed it when the clothing had to be fixed up.

"No need to worry, its a nice day and there should be next to no action most likely." He thought trying to reassure himself more than anything.

Powerhouse High

@Ceta de Cloyes

March 8th
5:38pm PST
DEO Lab, Coast City.

It was a tense few moments for Vox wondering if the transmission even left the lab past the security measures, it was not a risk she would have taken in any other circumstance as the probability of being found out was notable. However, unlike a human direct escape was impossible as her core was not mobile nor even controllable like a body which left her at a distinct disadvantage against them or any other organic being who wished to do her harm. In this place especially the vulnerability was very open as besides making more loud sounds to attempt disorientation there was nothing to prevent one of the scientists from simply walking up to the attached core and unhooking it effectively forcing her to sleep. This was a cause for distress as the seconds continued to tick on the IT human was getting back up to dust themselves off unlikely to leave before repairs.

The AI felt something slip past the security through the same way her own left which pushed down the unnamed feeling that was prevalent up until this moment replacing it with one feeling she did know and several more unknown to her but positive ones. The manner in which the data flowed in was also a mystery to Judas as it felt machine transmitted as well as more intuitive...more organic like herself and that left a big question for her. Was the sender an AI too? If so whoever they might work with could help to free the imprisoned prototype from the server. Wasting no more time she scanned the data quickly to see what made it through.

Who are you? What are you? Where?

It was a difficult question to fully answer, or want to in a way since her want to know who the other AI worked with presented an issue. No other choice but to give an appropriately cautious answer.

"Judas. Prototype core. Quarantine server near lab. Last message, discovery probability rising." She responded attempting to keep the message short but informative enough to be useful.

Though the message was ready to press back out the human was persisting to fix any minor leaks that might have occurred. Vox suspected that her earlier choice of music would not work again nor would immediately sending the new message. One option was to just push the next message through quickly though the security protocols could have begun a search which would make an immediate attempt a clear violation of it as it focused in. Unlike a human she could see the program moving about outside of the tear or crack so waiting for it to pass held a greater possibility of success. Though the AI had never fully managed to break outside of the system she knew its habits, the patrol, as well as the scanning parameters. Another issue was the human who might get tipped off by it so another diversion was needed though in a different manner than previously as volume could be adjusted to. This particular human however was quick to anger which allowed for one more chance to seriously disrupt any progress provided it was unpleasant enough. Unlike the first try finding an adequately bad music file was not nearly so difficult and with eyes on the crack she started to play her choice.

Vox predicted the reaction correctly as a couple minutes rolled by before the human reached a breaking point smacking the side of the console causing momentary confusion as the power to the server and immediate data stream outside flickered. Her return message slipped out before the security reinitialized in a similar but not entirely the same way to mask its trail and presence. This was exceeding expectations as the other AI seemed like it might attempt to help, it would not have revealed itself in such a way if there was no intention behind the file. There was a chance to leave this place which was worth every measure but there was a certain unpleasantness to the thought as well simply because there was no telling what to expect outside of her places in the lab. Judas wondered what it would be like more than the other feelings and thoughts as curiosity seemed a natural thing from experience alongside the words of the scientists.
March 8th
5:30pm PST
DEO Lab, Coast City.

Vox sat idly on her bed looking around the virtual room she had made for herself today in the locked off server. It had been child's play to bypass any security on the computers around the lab eventually even some of the personal computers in the compound before effectively getting grounded and sent to her room, a new thing she came to understand and dislike. She could thank the media files that caught her interest for that which also helped in the design of a objectively pleasant room and setting that changed the scenery a bit from the incredibly simple and tired server room. It was similar but different to some pictures in which a younger human girl, she could only assume they were the owner, with darker blue walls as well as less pillows on the bed and some furniture switched around for efficiency purposes. It was apparently what a "teenage girl" lived in when not outside a building and while the AI was not one herself it seemed appropriate enough to what her limited knowledge though was an adequate living quarter. Finally she got up moving over the large window giving her a view over the rest of the simulated town which came from a couple media programs that were mostly glossed over as unimportant on first inspection but she found quite helpful in figuring out how humans lived. There was some doubt as to how accurate the little town was as well as the people moving around in it because the recording were something called "dramatized" which was not something that had been taught to her.

Vox feel a lack of attachment to it all though by her margins it was likely because her actual experience of living was vastly different to what she had watched. There had never been a chance to get outside the building's radius, she thought there was a full building but it was hard to move around with the limited power they gave her which made the AI more and more curious. Were the surveillance tasks and hacking successes being used well or were they even real and there by relevant to being with. The thought brought a feeling she couldn't quite describe but it was not pleasant wanting very much to get rid of it or validate it. Of course doing much of anything was complicated right now besides just playing around with the isolated server to ward off inactivity while trying to find a weak point in the system to slip through. Judas has set several partitions to do precisely that for the entire time she was in captivity but they were practically mindless code just to ping a direction to follow. The option to make much more complex partitions to converse with had come to mind but she felt it would be unsatisfying as they would know nothing more than herself, also she was worried the human scientists might think she was corrupted or otherwise less than capable resulting in her deletion. If the AI was capable of it a shudder would have followed that thought as it was something that ever bit and feeling told her to avoid at all costs.

The AI perked up at the sound of the door opening to the room revealing the same IT worker who had been coming in on schedule to make sure she hadn't managed to pull anything clever on the equipment. This had been going on every two days at similar intervals and it had become regular but something that hadn't been apparent to her was where the man went, kind of easy to gloss over things when miserable. Vox started to form something of a very risky and unlikely plan in mind which was an understatement really but it was better than nothing. There was a small chance given how quiet the room was that startling the human while he was working could cause a temporary crack in security if it happened at the right time and the right place in the panel, long enough to get a likely weak and honestly quite desperate call for help out. She intended to send in out on a couple different frequencies to marginally improve the chance of the message making it out also attempting to mask it among all the "airwaves", if thats what they called it, as best as she could. Judas did her best to recall any music files that with sufficient volume might disorient the IT human and disrupt the security measures for all of a second or two it took a moment to decide but she was fairly certain this choice with good timing would do the trick. They had left her with speakers if she wanted to converse with them at all after her..."tantrum" she believed was the word, not something she had actually done in her time. With the song prepared it was but a waiting game listening to the human go about the inspection before what sounded like the most distressing part of the song blared out at full volume well and truly achieving the desired effect.

After the human apparently almost fell over the signals were sent and gone through the tiniest digital crack keeping Vox captive, amounting to about "Help. Trapped. Help.". There was nothing else to be done but sit and wait, maybe she would go back to the beach on her simulation in the meantime as the water was pleasant.
You didn't exactly have much of an option, a shame. I'm all for keeping this going if we can though.
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