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Current I'm now back to work working 6.30am till 5.30pm and then I also have my etsy shop so replies are slower! When I'm on sometimes I'm brain dead. Trying to catch up! Bare with me!
4 yrs ago
Survived 7 days of self isolation. Tomorrow going out to hunt for food. Monday back to work. O.O
5 yrs ago
Signed off sick for the next 2 weeks so things will be spotty. Will try and get replies to people as I feel up to it!
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5 yrs ago
When you come to the realisation that you're too old to be able to survive on less than 4 hours sleep :x
5 yrs ago
Long weekend as have Monday off. Time to design more stickers! And fit in writing when I can xD


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In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
That's okay. I loved your post <3 And yeah like right now it's almost 7pm and the latest I can go to bed is 10.30pm xD

Anyway, I don't think the death should come too soon. I'm thinking that Matt and Ryleigh have time to form a bond. I think I'm planning on Lainy thinking she can set them up. But I definitely think that Matt and Ry should have some kind of bond going so that it's all that more complicated and heart-breaking and confusing when it does happen. :D

What do you think?
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ryleigh had absolutely no idea the mess her father was continuing to get himself into, along with pulling his wife and child into as well. But it didn't matter. In her eyes she didn't need a bodyguard. And Ryleigh also had no idea that Mathias was more than just a bodyguard. She had no need to think that he was a killer. A hitman. That just happened in stories and in parts of the world that she wasn't included in. The girl was naive and innocent in a lot of ways, yet she was also one of the most wary.

Lainy had listened to Mathias, watching the pair and then watching as the male moved to the window. Ryleigh was already stressing out and now she could see the mischievous glint in her friend's eye before words even left her mouth. Ryleigh was shaking her head. "Don't Lainy..." She warned.

Her warning went a unheard. Ryleigh was well used to it and well used to their differences. But as different as they were, Lainy had always been there for her when she'd needed her. "I don't know where your dad found this guy, but you're well suited for each other." She smirked. "But I've decided one of your rules can stay." She turned to Mathias. "You're to call us by our names, got it? Lain and Ry..."


Lainy rolled her eyes at her friend's interruptions. "Ry," she repeated. "And we'll call you Matt. Short and easy. Anyway, the reason I came here is because there is a campus party tonight, Ry. I was going to try and set you up simply talking with a member of the opposite sex, but Matt here can be the willing partner. Practice a lot on him. No rules. And for God sake, do not dress in a shirt and jeans. Short skirts and dresses go a long way. And don't braid your hair up either. You look so much more fiery with your hair down. I'll drop by at nine."

Before Ryleigh could get in a decline, Lainy had deliberately left with a single 'you dress up to party too, Matt' so that Ryleigh couldn't have time to decline. In the end the girl just stood there completely silent at Lainy's entrance and departure. She was definitely a lively person with no worry in the world.

"I don't have time to party." Ryleigh finally said, taking down one of her schedules, and looking at what she'd planned for the day. There was definitely no room for a party, but she knew better than to just ignore Lainy. If she wasn't ready at nine, Lainy would be dragging her kicking and screaming. But clothes wise she wasn't going to budge. Ryleigh had never been the one to dress in anything other than shirts and jeans, keeping a very conservative look about herself. And tonight she wasn't going to change that if she went.

She was already re-writing lists as she glanced over at Mathias, noting his look at her books. "Feel free to read any of them." She had every genre possible except for sci-fi and fantasy. Crime, romance, all the classics, everything else but those two genres. "Just make sure you're extremely careful with them. And they must go back in the exact order." If Mathias took a better look, he'd see that everything was perfectly placed. All the books were in an order that satisfied her and there wasn't anything that was out of order in the room.

"I need to change my schedule." Ryleigh a now talking to herself, furiously erasing something in her schedule only to crease the paper. With that, a new sheet that was perfect and clean was moved onto the desk so that she could remake the schedule with no eraser markers or creases. Everything in her life had to be perfect, it seemed and nothing was perfect right now.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I live in the UK so GMT :D
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I got it out before bed!!! Yay! Now time for my bed! I am excited to possibly read a post in the morning!!!
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ryleigh was still in shock at the whole situation as the man stood. They had numerous staff around, guards around, people all over the house that could see her every move. Now someone would be joining her outside. She looked from her father to the man in question and back again.

"Ryleigh, don't even try to argue this... It's happening. Now, I have business to attend to that is not for your eyes and ears." Her father finally spoke again after looking up from his papers to see that she hadn't left.

With a sigh, the only daughter of the CEO left the room, letting someone else close the door. Outside she eyed the male that was suddenly her protection warily. She couldn't stop this, she knew that. And she certainly wasn't happy with it, but there was nothing she could do. He looked so serious, as serious as she looked all the time if Lainy's complaints were anything to go by when her friend complained about her being too serious all the time. And Ryleigh was serious, to the point where it was almost like a disease.

The CEO's daughter liked to take organisation to the extreme. She had lists for everything, lists of lists, lists for shopping, lists for daily routines, lists for days out, lists for books to read, lists for movies to watch. If there was a list to be made, Ryleigh made it. She was super organised. Lainy would tease her for it all the time. But it kept Ryleigh stress free and happy, it seemed.

"If we 're hanging out together, we have to have rules." Ryleigh finally decided to start. "One..." She started walking up the stairs towards her bedroom. "I'm to be called Ryleigh. Not Ms. Anderson, and definitely not Ry. Just Ryleigh." She already felt the urge to write the man a list, and as soon as they were in her highly organised room that contained mostly books and cuddly toys of all varieties, a pencil and paper were grabbed and she started writing.

"Two. Please try to look normal. I don't want to be seen with some person in a suit. It's distracting. I study with people and I work. Which leads me to point three. When I'm working and studying please keep a good distance away. You'll scare people."

Ryleigh's list and rule making was suddenly interrupted by a high pitched squeal from behind both of them. Ryleigh knew the voice immediately and nearly put her hand to her face as the words left her friend's mouth.

"Wow... Ry. How long have you been keeping this hunk of meat hidden from me? Isn't he gorgeous? What's his name and have you claimed him already?" Lainy grinned, happy to completely embarrass her friend who she'd never seen converse with someone of the opposite sex properly.

" Look stop. I'm giving him the rules. My dad thinks I need protecting, now please let me finish the rules."

"Oh God no. You are not.., you have no idea how to converse with a guy. You do not start with rules. Do you even know his name?" With Ryleigh's silence, Lainy shook her head and turned to the male in the room. "Hey, I'm Lainy. Most people call me Lain. Forgive Ry. She has no idea how to hold a conversation with the male species, but I know how to well. Just give her time to learn."

With that, Lainy took his hand and shook it before grabbing Ry and making her do the same.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I love it! Awesome start! I will try and get a reply up before bed, if not on the way to work in the morning :)
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I feel like I am XD and woot for postage later :)
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay

Ryleigh Anderson was not your normal girl. She did not come from a normal family. Her mother, Jennifer Anderson was a successful model, even as she entered her forties. She was also teaching classes for hopeful models and introducing them into the field and giving them opportunities they might not have gotten had they not known her. Of course, Ryleigh had no interest in modelling so her mother had no interest in her. Their relationship had always been rocky, but she had long ago learned to stop trying. Her father, was just as disinterested it seemed because she was not male and in his eyes could not be the heir to his company. And to be honest, Ryleigh had no interest in technology except for her laptop.

No, despite being the daughter of millionaires, she had no interest in money or beauty, but interest in studying and reading. She had one good friend who was completely different to her, Lainy, who loved to party and socialise, but that was about it. And Ryleigh was happy with that. She was doing things that she loved, making choices that she wanted to make.

At 20, she had a part time job at a library while studying English Literature and creative writing, and didn't rely on her parents giving her money. The only thing she had from them was that she lived with them still, while saving for her own place. But she was getting there. And she was loving life.

Until her father seemed to make other plans. To keep their lifestyle, mainly for him and his wife, he'd started dabbling in a world he knew nothing about, and ignoring the warning signs of trouble. With recent threats he'd decided to take matters into his own hands and protect the one person that he knew was innocent in this mess, his daughter.

"Father, I'm just going...." Ryleigh popped her head around the door of her father's office, frowning as she saw another man there. "Sorry, I didn't..."

"Actually Ryleigh, come in. This actually concerns you."

His daughter paused before entering, obviously in trouble. Both men looked rather official. Had she actually gotten herself in trouble for the first time in her life?

"What's the matter?" She finally asked.

"I've recently had reason to grow concerned with your safety so I've hired mister Raines here to protect you. He is to be with you at all times. Your safety is most important."

And Ryleigh stood there looking at both men completely gobsmacked. The last thing she wanted was to be babysat. But if she was in danger... And she had to admit that he was kind of cute. At least it would give Lainy something to talk about when they met up. It was obvious that she wasn't impressed with this new change to her life though.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
This is a roleplay between Cream and Pathas
4. Lately there is a new criminal around that has been leaving the police baffled. Bodies have been showing up all over the city with signs of human testing involved. All DNA traces of the killer or killers have been taken off and the identity of the person just from sight has been taken by what looks like acid burns to the face, hands and feet. Their identities are found via dental records. They call him 'Shadow' being as witness reports have only seen a shadow in the area. No one knows what he or she is trying to do. And no one would have thought that it was a top CEO of a technological company as the mastermind. But they're not the only one with a secret identity in town. There is a hero in town wanting to help. He has secret powers (which can be what you want within reason and have developed with your own story). But he's here to help protect those that are potential victims and try to find the culprit behind them. Until he meets her - Savannah, daughter of the CEO, David Williams. She's a complete ditz. They know of each other from university but aren't exactly friends, he teases her with nicknames all the time, and she finds him infuriating. She's all about boys, and despite being 18, doesn't seem to be focused on much more than boys and when his secret identity and her meet, its all about him. But it seems that Shadow is starting to target Savannah. Can she be saved?

Added a last one suddenly lol!
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