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Current I'm now back to work working 6.30am till 5.30pm and then I also have my etsy shop so replies are slower! When I'm on sometimes I'm brain dead. Trying to catch up! Bare with me!
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Survived 7 days of self isolation. Tomorrow going out to hunt for food. Monday back to work. O.O
5 yrs ago
Signed off sick for the next 2 weeks so things will be spotty. Will try and get replies to people as I feel up to it!
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5 yrs ago
When you come to the realisation that you're too old to be able to survive on less than 4 hours sleep :x
5 yrs ago
Long weekend as have Monday off. Time to design more stickers! And fit in writing when I can xD


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In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Okay, so he was mad at her. Ryleigh had been planning to reply to his comments but instead she stayed silent. She felt like a child in trouble. She felt like Matt was disappointed in her. How had she been so stupid as to follow him? It had been a stupid mistake. She really regretted it and knew that next time she'd listen. It was better not to know.

The car stopped and Ryleigh listened to Matt. He spoke about the first kill and she tried not to flinch at the admittance that he'd killed someone before. Again though, she naively thought that it was to protect someone. After all, he was a bodyguard. It gave him the right to kill if his client needed protecting and saw in danger.

"I just want to forget about it. Please, let's not talk about it. I just want to go to my room and study. I won't go near the window. I promise." Ryleigh almost sounded like a robot. But she got out the car and did as she had said. She left Matt to do what he wanted to do and she went upstairs, grabbed her books and papers from her desk, and went and sat on her massive bed with them well out of the viewpoint of the window.

It was hard to do what she wanted when someone was trying to kill her, and when she'd watched a man die. She was writing lists. Re-writing lists, making new schedules, her OCD going well over the top as a mechanism to try and cope with how messed up things were becoming. Nothing was normal and someone wanted to kill her.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Hmm I think we should build up the tension before her parents die at least. I was thinking of having them get closer before her parents die... My original plan was for Ryleigh to get caught up in love possibly, with Matt, before things went tits up. But, saying that, maybe it would be interesting to have things go tits up to see if Ryleigh could actually trust him again, because seeing him actually kill her parents is going to be really hard, unless another assassin killed them and he was trying to stop it. XD so many options. I can leave that up to you depending on how you want to play it really, and how we want the story to develop :D I'm so indecisive!!
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
I can imagine. It changes everything. But I think Ryleigh realises it was for her own good. I think she plans to just forget it as much as possible and focus on the real things, though it'll always be at the back of her mind. She's reasoned that Matt was protecting her and isn't scared of him or anything xD
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
It wasn't just him though. It was her too. Ryleigh just stood watching as Matt seemed to clean up the scene with normalcy. Ryleigh was at a complete loss at what to do. It wasn't right to hide a crime. All she did was good things. But he was her bodyguard. He was here to protect her. He was here to save her life. Her father knew what he was doing and so did Mathias. Maybe it wasn't a crime. Who was she kidding, it was a crime. Instead, she just stood there awkwardly. Matt hadn't killed the man, though. She knew that much. She'd seen him stab in self defence. And something else had happened to the man afterwards. Matt had been protecting them.

But it was a crime to hide the body...

But Matt had saved her life. If her father hadn't of hired Matt today, and she'd have turned up at the party, the man probably would have killed her. It had been crowded and full of drunk people. No one would have known who the attacker was because she knew he would have been long gone as she'd collapsed dead or dying. All she could do was nod as Matt said they were leaving. All Ryleigh wanted to do now was leave. She wanted to leave and get back to her lists and her studies and her reading and forget about the whole thing. If she forgot about it, then it never happened.

She hadn't even registered that he'd called her by her first name. She didn't argue about leaving. She just walked quietly away with him, texting Lainy and telling her that she was tired and leaving. She'd lasted over an hour at the party anyway. And she was suddenly exhausted.

"Thank you for protecting me, Matt." She finally said at some point on the way home.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
xD Ryleigh is too curious for her own nature. Curiosity kills the cat D:
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ryleigh stood there completely shocked and terrified. Of course she hadn't listened to Matt. Curiosity had caught her attention and she saw him moving to someone. Then they disappeared. She knew it was none of her business to be following, but she did. And now she regretted it as she heard what the man threatened and in moments he was on the floor. Ryleigh wanted to run. She wanted to run and hide and pretend this wasn't happening. But as the words sank in, she knew that they were aimed at her. He had wanted to kill her and now he was dead. And she had seen him die and how were they going to explain it to the police...

It was obvious that she was on the verge of panicking just from her expression. Ryleigh could be read like a book. She was already pulling out her phone to call an ambulance. That was the right thing to do. Even if he was going to kill her, he was injured and help was needed. Then the police could help. Okay so her father was right to get Matt involved. She had to admit that now. But... maybe she was daydreaming. Or having a nightmare. Or maybe she had gotten drunk!

"An ambulance. I'll call an ambulance."

Of course, Ryleigh hadn't had a drop of alcohol. She was stone cold sober. And that made everything worse. She'd seen the men fighting and then Matt stabbing him and then the man had died. She'd never seen a dead man before and she didn't like it. It was like the naivety and innocence Ryleigh held had suddenly left with her colour. She looked as white as a ghost as her fingers shook and struggled to hit the right keys.

"And the police. Yes. The police. They'll sort this mess out. The police." Ryleigh tried to get her thoughts together so that she didn't start crying. It was stupid to cry in such a situation, especially as the man had threatened to kill her and her family.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
"Geez. I really do have to take baby steps with both of you." Lainy shook her head as she ruffled through Ryleigh's wardrobe, causing disorder to the colour coordinated and organised clothes. It was funny to see Ryleigh get more distressed over the mess Lainy was making and it was always a good teasing point, her friend thought. Ryleigh was too clean. Too tidy. Too organised. A little mess in her life wouldn't cause too much damage. "This is why you haven't got a boyfriend, Ryleigh. Too tidy and too boring."

"And you Matt, need to work on Ry and Lain. So start. We're not going to listen to any orders you give until you call us by our names. And think of all the danger we could be in if we're not listening to you."

Finally, a skirt was found and pulled out of the mess. "Here. This will do. Baby steps. Go put on the skirt." It was funny to see her horrified look, but what was even funnier was the way her cheeks went bright red, almost the colour of her hair. And when Matt added to the conversation they only went redder. "Oh God. Don't breath, Ry. Don't breath. He'll be kissing you then! Wait, can I get the same treatment if I stop breathing?" Lainy smirked, loving every minute of tormenting her friend.

In the end Ryleigh grabbed the skirt and changed in the adjoining bathroom. Coming out she looked as uncomfortable as ever. At least she could keep her shirt on. That much she was glad about. Just in a skirt, she felt too revealed.

"See, doesn't she look stunning, Matt? All the guys are going to be running after you tonight!"

"They better not be."

"They probably won't be. But I know that the girls are going to be after Matt so you better keep him close and let them know he's yours."

"He's not mine!" Ryleigh hissed, trying to not let Matt hear what they were actually talking about. But Lainy made no effort to keep quiet.

"Just you wait. A little bit of alcohol in you both and you'll be lip locked in no time!"

"One problem with your theory. I don't drink." She knew what alcohol could do and because of that, Ryleigh had decided not to touch the stuff, ever. She'd stay sober for the rest of her life. Boring just like Lainy thought she was, and now Matt probably thought it too.

By the time they actually got to the party, it was nearly ten because of Ryleigh's fussing over the make-up that Lainy insisted that she wore. The girl was laughing at her friend the entire time. Lainy found it adorable really, how Ryleigh was despite saying it made her boring. It was all just light teasing, of course, but it made Ryleigh adorable and Lainy knew that a guy just had to find Ryleigh's quirks adorable too and then she'd have someone. Finding someone that didn't find Ryleigh weird and boring though, was a challenge. She needed to find someone that could teach Ryleigh a bit about disorganisation and adventure.

Just like the party was when they got there. Lainy immediately picked up three alcoholic drinks for them all, and was off mixing with the boys, leaving Ryleigh standing there awkwardly, sticking out like a sore thumb as she didn't quite know what to do with herself and she didn't dare touch the drink she still held.
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
That's okay, I changed my mind and went to bed after that last post anyway XD and I love it!!!! Love love love it!!!!
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Woot. I might be able to get one more post up before bed tonight depending being as it's half nine already. But we'll have to see. After the post I've just added xD
In Hitman 10 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Ryleigh looked at Mathias as he started to roll off the dangers. For once it actually made her laugh. A smile first formed, as he started and she laughed as he continued. "Why would a sniper be wanting to kill me, of all people. I'm the most boring person around. You know it, Lainy knows it, my parents know it and I certainly know it. No one is going to kill me. And if they were because of my parents, it wouldn't have the desired effect."

Ryleigh was anything but stupid. And it was well known in the media that her and her parents weren't as close as they should. Ryleigh deliberately kept herself away from the media, but journalists couldn't help themselves sometimes. Ryleigh chose to ignore it all. Part of her didn't care. And to be in danger... Well that was just rediculous.

And what was more rediculous was when Matt said he'd get Lainy to leave if she really didn't want to go to the party. It had Ryleigh laughing all over again. "You obviously don't know Lainy. If you didn't want me to go, she'd still have me going. Not even you could stop her."

As if she heard that she'd been talked about, Ryleigh saw Lainy enter. She looked amazing. Definitely ready for a night out. Short skirt. Strap top. Killer heels and make up. Everything Ryleigh didn't do. "You two are useless. Well, Matt you're only partly useless. At least you got dressed. And it's a good thing I came early. I knew Ryleigh wouldn't be ready so I came prepared."

"No. I'm not getting all dolled up." Ryleigh frowned.

"Yes you are. You need to live life. Not stay in this bubble. Wearing a skirt for one night isn't going to hurt. I'll let you keep the shirt if you wear a skirt and a bit of make-up. And your boyfriend in the corner can keep an eye on you." She smirked.

"Lainy, he's not my boyfriend..."

"You're useless. He needs to start calling you Ry." She turned to Matt. "Say it. Say our names. Come on. It's not too hard. I'll say it with you. Lain and Ry. Now you try it." She grinned as she moved to her friend's wardrobe to find some decent attire, all the while waiting for Matt to repeat the words.

"You two are definitely a match made in heaven. It's only going to be a matter of time." She added, much to Ryleigh's horror.
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