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    1. Cubix 10 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Found a new job that I hope I'll love! :D Gonna get to posting!
6 yrs ago
It's been a while. I think I'm ready to start again.
7 yrs ago
To all my partners, I'll start writing again next week :D A few things came up, and I need to prioritize them. My burst writing spree this week has officially ended XD
7 yrs ago
I typed out two replies to my RPs in one day rather than my usual 1 Reply = 5 Days ratio. I'm feeling pretty good and inspired.
7 yrs ago
A'right :) Managed to complete a lot of my responsibilities. Replies will soon rain from the sky... in a few days.
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Updated and revised a plot :D
Quick question, how free are the agents in terms of walking around? Can they go outside of the Blacksite, or are they required to stay on-site?
As the pulse bomb wracked through Avis' senses, the young agent failed to stop himself from clenching his eyes shut and falling to his knees as he felt sick to his core, like disgusting tingles crawling up his gut and spine. Such weapons that only affected metahumans were not unheard of in the DMA, and in fact, non-gifted handlers were expected to carry such items with them in the event that the metahuman assigned to them went rogue. However, this particular pulse wave caused a mass hysteria all around Avis' eyes, he couldn't see straight nor even stand up. In fact, it took him a good few minutes before he staggered to his feet, noticing that bullets were already being shot at their enemies. Now, in protocol, Avis was not to engage the enemy until casualties were inflicted on their side. It had always been the same routine for him and Thorne, where they would hold back until lethal force was necessary to bring a target down.

However, as he remembered the relentless tirade of insults dealt by this Nott and another metahuman, thinking as if they knew it all, a sudden surge of anger welled up within the lad. His teeth gnashed, his eyes widened in fury before he sprinted towards the spot where the two female rogues were fighting. He circled around them, hopping over cars and debris until he saw one of the overturned APCs a good few meters from the two women. Immediately, Avis climbed on top of the damaged vehicle, allowing him to get a clear, full view of their enemies. It would have been so easy. He could make them writhe on the ground, make them taste the pain of a thousand white-hot knives plunging into their skin; they would experience scalding and blinding pain from just the clothes they wore which stuck to their skin. They would have understood the wracking agony from just having the winds blow on their skin and faces. But, as he attempted to use his ability, he found himself painfully incapable of doing so. If anything, that asshole's pulse bomb interfered with his ability.

"You speak as if everyone in the DMA has a choice. You speak as if you understand our pain." Avis gritted, his breath hitching in his throat as he forced his eyes to activate their lethal ability. "Betraying the DMA, leaving them behind... it's easy to say for those who have nothing to lose but their lives. But, not us; not me, whose hands are tied." Finally, like an engine coming back to life, Avis' irises whirled in his eyes, the ominous yellow glow now taking precedence. But, before he could affect the two rogues, the cowards had bolted away, thanks to that Nott's apparent speed ability. Immediately, he shut off his Sensory Override in order not to affect Thorne or the other agents.

With a curse under his breath, Avis leaped off the APC before turning to Thorne. "They escaped." He growled, a trait unfitting of the normal Avis. "I should've taken them down." The furious thoughts raced around his head, making him feel hot and jumpy. His eyes soon caught sight of the agent responsible for disabling his ability, and with a dark and spiteful hiss, Avis stomped towards the armored agent. "You asshole," The kind, cooperative Avis became angry, furious as his yellow eye began to blink. "If it wasn't for you and your pulse bomb stunt, I would have taken them down!" Avis couldn't think straight as he only saw that agent in his field of vision. "And, as for her illusions, it's easier to get out if you don't panic! They're just motherfucking illusions!" But, perhaps, his locus of anger was rather misplaced as he glared at the agent. "I'll teach you to mess with my eyes. Let's see you pulse your way out of this."

His voice deepened just as his left eye started to glow, signalling the usage of his Pain Wrack. However, just before his ability could fully take effect, Avis immediately pulled back. The young lad staggered away from his fellow agent as he clasped his hands over his eyes. "What the fuck?! I was just about to use my ability on an agent..." His voice croaked, regret and remorse lacing every word. His hand instinctively pressed against his shock collar as he contemplated how close he was to getting electrocuted. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Avis backed off, not finding it in him to look at the agent. "I just felt so aggressive all of a sudden. Good god." He began to look around, trying to find out who was the one causing such an aggression. Avis had never been one so easily angered, so he could only attribute this sudden onslaught of rage to come from another gifted's ability. He knew Thorne was a Type 4, so that left him out of the equation. The other agent would not have been so stupid as to use whatever his ability was to instigate rage upon himself, so that also left him out. Dr. Carson had no gifts, so she was definitely a no-go.

So, this only left Gray as the suspect. Avis' eyes went over to the girl who looked just as emotionless as when he first saw her. And, maybe he was jumping the gun, but more or less, Gray could have been the one who caused such intense hostilities. "Fuck," Avis shook his head before turning to Thorne, still clasping his hand over his eyes. "Sorry about that, Sarge." He apologized before clearing his throat. "What's the plan now?"
If anything, I might use the chaos of Huron and Unalim's squabble as a catalyst for Sorici to make an action against Cuwarr? If @RomanAria agrees, I might have to control Sorici as her last post where she tries to assassinate Cuwarr during the mayhem. Of course, @karamonnom is free to react as she wishes with Kalani.

But, if there are better ways for her to go, I'm all ears as well :D
To say that Avis was surprised by the arrival of a notorious Agent Gray was an exaggeration. In fact, it seemed to make sense why a dangerous agent such as her was being sent out. The shock collars around their necks was not only used to keep the metahumans under control, but it was also employed as a tool for assassinating targets who are deemed too dangerous. The young lad was willing to bet that the reason they sent a dangerous mutant out was because they were all just waiting for a chance for her to display any signs of rebellion, effectively giving the handlers legitimate excuse to execute her. The handlers performed the same scheme against Avis when the younger agent had been first sent out to the field. His ability to suppress anything in front of him was dangerous on its own, and they wanted to see whether Avis would rebel against the agents. Fortunately, Avis was not slain until this day.

So, if anything, Avis understood at least a little bit of Gray's predicament-- as far as he believed. So, like a good little boy, Avis got inside the APC, sat down at the seat nearest to the front. This way, he had a tactical advantage of seeing everyone inside the vehicle, allowing him to suppress any signs of mutiny-- a rather paranoid advice given to him by Thorne. But, when Gray sat directly opposite of him, for some reason, any urges of sleep and rest left Avis. Deep, red and grey eyes seemed to linger in his mind as the sullen agent's solemn gaze haunted Avis. Her eyes, though dull and lifeless, seemed to hold a long story behind it which could have turned her into the silent, anti-social agent that she was now. He remembered some of the captured metahumans-- they would first enter the facility kicking and hostile, an unquenchable fire in their eyes. But, a few weeks would pass, and Avis would see the same prisoner just as he was being sent out with Thorne. Broken. Whatever torture and experiments were done to them by the crackheads at the DMA slaughtered their fighting spirit, and turned them into mere shells of the humanity they once possessed.

It was sad. But, it was reality.

It was also a reality that Gray refused to avert her gaze as she just sat silent. "I like your eyes," Avis said, his voice calm and cool. "Reminds me of my old life." A gentle smile formed on his lips as the young lad reminisced on the days before his arrest. "But, for some reason, we're all prisoners now." Delicate, hesitant fingers fluttered over the deadly shock collar coiled around Avis' neck as the boy planted feathery touches on his deathtrap. "However, there's always hope. Life's only sweet promise."

And, Avis fell silent for the remainder of the trip as he leaned against the steel wall of the APC; his eyes continued to roam over the other people inside: a sleeping Thorne, a busy Dr. Carson, and a sullen Gray. They weren't much, but they were a team.


Roughly four hours passed before the APC came to a halt. Immediately, Dr. Carson ushered the agents out as Avis hopped willingly out of the cramped vehicle. His eyes roved over the wrecks of the ambush spot, spotting another agent not too far down the road while an unknown, albeit suspicious metahuman who was all too willing to reveal her identity to them. If there anything the DMA made Avis understand, it was the fact that cooperative metahumans were just psychos hiding their knives behind their backs, just waiting for the proper time to stab the scientists in the back. And, if this happy-go-lucky gifted was expecting a kind treatment because of her willingness to get captured, then, she'd never been more mistaken than the violent Type 2 who volunteered to be paired up against Avis when the DMA were still testing his abilities. She'd soon find out the horrors of the DMA-- the same horrors Avis went through. At the surge of memories, the young agent unconsciously placed a protective hand over the long scar that outlined his abdomen which was the result of one of their 'experiments'.

"Sergeant Thorne," Avis softly called to his officer as he wiped away the annoying bangs that fell in front of his eyes. "I've got it in my sights. Standing by for orders." His eyes trained on the young looking woman in a combination of strange clothing.

She was a weird one, Avis would say.

"You're an interesting one!" Avis grinned before taking a step forward. "It's not everyday people come looking for us; they often run the other way." And, for good reasons. Avis thought to himself before releasing a soft chuckle. "So, what's your name? I'm called Eyes, agent of the DMA." Oh, and it's better that you start running before I'm forced to catch you. Trust me, you don't want to be experimented on.

I'll be posting again after 13org.
His mission was simple: take the man down. Fairly simple, if the thrasher refused to become docile, Avis would use his own ability to make him sleep. If he particularly liked the person, he would just shut down his senses, but in the case of rambunctious and arrogant ones, Avis was more than willing to make them writhe on the ground. However, the one he and Sergeant Thorne had captured six hours back was the scared and nervous one. Like a coup de grace, Avis removed the man's five senses until he couldn't even feel his own breathing. Thorne's words proved absolute, and Avis' role was to follow. That was much understood between their two-man cell, and one would even believe that the two hunters were not even friends to begin with.

But, amidst all of these thoughts, Avis couldn't help but sigh at the ceiling of his rather quaint prison. A single-sized bed laid at the right side of the rectangular cell. Opposite the bed stood a desk with a lamp and some few notebooks and pens that strewed about. At the end of the room was a separate, albeit smaller space for the toilet and the shower. A medium-sized wardrobe stood guard beside the bathroom door. While the entire set-up was unlike that of a prison, the steel metallic door that blocked Avis' room made the lad think otherwise. In fact, whenever his retainers would come to deliver his food, the young lad was required to shut his eyes until they all left the room. It wasn't weird or anything, but their hostile treatment of a rather cooperative agent was disturbing and, frankly, annoying. But, compared to Thorne's, Avis' room was indeed something that would drive a normal person mad. After all, there was no T.V or anything. So, in order to pass the time, Avis often just got to writing stories and poems. But, if one were to ask if the lad regretted willingly joining the Hunters, then, he would give out a weak nod.

At the moment, Avis rested on his back as he continued to look up at the ceiling as he laid on his bed. His heterochromic eyes danced upon the ceiling, imagining his life when he wasn't arrested and imprisoned in this place. But, if there was something that his brother used to say, it was the mere fact that everyone got to where they were now because they were meant to be there. If the fates dictated that Avis' place was meant to be in a maddeningly boring cell, then, so be it. He was just there to follow, nothing more. Of course, the years of having no means for release did mean that he had soiled his blankets more than often, but it was the only thing he could think of to prevent himself from imagining friends prancing around his room. Besides, one of the retainers promised him a T.V set if he continued to follow orders diligently, and by the gods, he was going to get that monochrome T.V.

However, as he was about to fall into a well-deserved sleep, the small metal sliding window on top of his door opened as a voice called out from the outside. "Kerch, get up. Command wants you to go to the Vehicle Depot for some briefings and tasks." One of the retainers said in a gruff and grumpy tone. "Now, shut your eyes. We're coming in."

It didn't take more than a few minutes before the group of retainers had attached an eldritch, rather uncomfortable steel cover on his eyes. The opaque steel rectangular eye-wear was bound by an arching lock which latched itself at the back of Avis' head. Whether the preparations were an overkill or not, Avis decided not to comment. Every time he was brought out of his cell and into the base grounds, he was always required to wear this crap. And, he always had escorts with him since he couldn't see from the steel eye-wear. At least, Thorne trusted him enough to not turn coats when he was without these needless apparels. So, as the triad of retainers hauled him off to the vehicle dept, Avis stumbled a few times as he couldn't really see where he was going. But, at least, he reached the vehicle depot unscathed, albeit blind.

"You can take that off. Thorne's there to keep him in check." One of the retainers instructed, causing the other two to insert a key inside the steel ring, loosening the lock which caused the steel eye-wear to fall to the ground with a noisy clatter. The triad immediately gathered the locks before bolting off back to their stations. It would seem that they were in a worry to get out of Avis' sights.

"I must say, it's really hard for everyone to trust me, isn't it?" Avis remarked coolly, blinking the dark spots away from his vision. His eyes settled on Thorne who sat inside the open APC before he performed a shoulder-bow. "Sarge," Avis acknowledged his commanding officer before turning to one of their known handlers. "Doc Carson." He smiled before turning again to his officer. "It's just been six hours since our last deployment to that psychic rogue. What ever happened to taking a break, huh?" The boy laughed as he wiped some tears out of his eyes. "What seems to be the situation, doc? It's been a while since we've been stretched like this. I'm guessing this ain't some normal, everyday case. Because, if it was, you wouldn't be sending me and Sergeant Thorne out again."

I'm a bit rusty with the first rule: does that mean that I need to have another character? I've only had one character since, and that had been good ol' Cuwarr. Other than that, I have no qualms with the other rules. Also, the Cuwarr x Kalani is still on the go.
I'm good and ready to start. As what 13org stated, there are more chances of people joining if we start posting rather than just waiting for the thread to become inactive :c
Sweet :) Deposited him in the hole already :D Looking forward to this RP taking off!
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