Avatar of Damiann47
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1584 (0.44 / day)
  • VMs: 2
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    1. Damiann47 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I’ve seen this argument before on the Internet. Pretty sure Drache is right because that’s literally the pronunciation found on the Nutella website.
1 like
7 yrs ago
Yeah... you just need to chill out. Look, you haven't been here for that long and you just gotta have patience. Throw your ideas and interest out there, that's all you can do to find good people.
7 yrs ago
Oh hey, someone who's not shitting all over Andromeda. It seriously fell short to meet its hype and animations were jank as hell, still wasn't a terrible game and I liked it.
7 yrs ago
Man... everytime Discord goes offline I'm reminded how important it is for my communications with people. All by myself now.
7 yrs ago
So I'm starting to feel sick, little bit of fever and all. That's the reason why I might not be too responsive.


Alright new bio because the one I had before was about... two... three years out of date? Basically I haven't touched this since I joined the site. Nothing fancy to say here, I'm a person who also happens to write stuff with other persons. Simple stuff. In a more serious note I mainly stick with 1x1s nowadays, but not for any particular reason other than that's how it worked out. I suppose the other major thing to note is if we do have an RP going, and I haven't responded for a while then feel free to get my attention. I'm also a fan of OOC chatter, its nice to have, but hey it isn't required either.

And... that's it.

Most Recent Posts

@Hostile So, still want to keep going? I'm in a better place to really get posting again now.
Sorry for not being around much, anyway the answer is yes and no. I definitely want to continue for sure, but I've also been out of sorts I guess you can say. Plus I do feel bad for making you wait like this as well.
You know, I've wanted to try something more inspired by Chinese mythology and whatnot, plus the only thing I'm even vaguely familiar with is three kingdoms. Not sure if I'll join but I'll keep an eye on this.
Ba bump.
@Hostile Sorry about not posting for a bit, I'm feeling a bit sick at the moment. Not sure if its a cold or not, but I'll let you know when I'm good to get back to writing.
Silvia wasn't sure if she should believe this man or not, sure the world was more than big enough that some society that doesn't have nobility could exist, it was definitely not unheard of but... then everything else. "I don't know what a 'technician' is." She started, not entirely sure what that was supposed to be. "But it doesn't sound impressive, are you telling me that you seriously can afford living here?! Shit you can probably fit three to four families in this place and still have room to spare!" Silvia wasn't mad, but was just astonished. "Secondly, what's... Gods I don't even want to try pronouncing whatever the hell your jacket is made of, but really, what is that stuff? Third... that holotool, I only understood what part of what it does. What's a computer? What's the 'net'? What the hell is a video?! How the fuck do you fit a board game on that thing!? I..."

With a sigh she threw her hands up, and shook her head. "Holy shit, I really am in a faraway foreign land..." Silvia looked up at Parker and pointed a finger at him. "Above all else, how in the ever-loving Gods do we even speak the same language!? Everything about your... civilization is so goddamn weird and alien that its impossible to think we share the same tongue."
Something that's more creative than just a bump.
"Oh no I understand that's all to protect you from the cold, but it's the style. Like I have no idea what your jacket is made of, it's definitely not wool." Silvia then threw a glance at the... thing that Parker keeps referring to, little did she know its function. "Then there's that... I don't know, device? The one you keep looking at. What the hell is it? Then there's you're home." She threw her arms out wide to the entire place. "Its massive! What are you? Some kind of rich merchant? A noble?"
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