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    1. DancingEagle 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current See you Space Cowboy.
8 yrs ago
In other news, a solider missed a 97% shot and now he's dead. Never change, XCOM 2
8 yrs ago
Quick interest check: Combat-focused action RP in Steampunk world where PCs are airship pirates.
8 yrs ago
Also started replaying Dishonored for the first time since 2012-3. Still love the world and atheistic. Stealth route is not as satisfying but more fulfilling.
8 yrs ago
I started playing through XCOM 2 for the first time since Feb. There's a lot of BS still going on, but it's addictive as ever.
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Indie Game Dev Sometimes | Graphic Designer | Video Editor & After Effects Person | IRL Dungeon Master | Does Stuff for halalit.tv

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Lilith watches @SkeletonShadow with curiosity. She had never seen anything like it. "Wow, that's... that's pretty cool. All the barkeeps I ever interacted with were jaded minimum-wage 20-somethings with no special powers!"
"Thank God for fake IDs", she mutters under her breath, "that was the shit back in the day."

Lilith raises the glass and says with almost nationalist pride: "For the Fatherland!" and takes a sip. "Just as I remember it."

Lilith looks around for someone to strike a conversation with. "You look like an interesting bloke". Lilith points towards @POOHEAD189, and grabs a chair right next to Ben, with her drink still at hand. "Hey, I'm Fatherland, nice to meet you." she exclaims with glee, and pats Ben on the back.
Lilith smashes the door open, runs in, and spins in her place. When her momentum stops, she makes a finger gun gesture with her left hand, and promptly "fires" her gun while whispering "bang". She giggles in joy, and then says excitingly:

"Sup, everybody! I sincerely apologize for that flashy enterance, I just wanted to do this for so long! With the rushing in and the fingerguns... there's more to it than that but I think that's enough for now."
She pauses, and starts stepping towards the bar with a song in her heart.
"I, uh, didn't plan very far. Pff, of course." She proclaims, in a slightly tense tone. She stops for a moment, as her brain slowly begins to process the situation.
"This... this ended up being awkward than funny. But hey, another entry removed from my bucket list, I guess."
She continues walking towards the bar, and sits down, seemingly unfazed by the whole ordeal. "I'll take a Whiskey with some Tonic Water, if you please."
Lilith "Fatherland" Gravehart

"Life is short, ladies and gentlemen. Why not have some fun while we're at it?"

Lilith has long, dark hair and never leaves the house without a black bowler hat or a top hat. She also wears a black suit with a yellow tie, and long, black trousers. She has scars and burns on her face from previous battles and struggles. Prefers to be called by her nickname: "Fatherland". Goes around with her automatic shotgun, which she nicknamed "Violence", and a glowing sword.



De Facto Leader of The Revenge Fantasy and self-proclaimed Professional Asshole

Nothing above a human being's abilities

Scouting, shooting, CQC, leadership, playing piano

In short: Lilith is a person who doesn't care about how she is perceived by others. This leads to situations where she says exactly she thinks, often being brutally honest with others, and using foul language. She also doesn't take anything or anyone particularly seriously - including herself - and frequently makes jokes about herself, her personality and her demeanor.
While she enjoys violence, Lilith doesn't endorse it and would prefer to use it only when necessary.
With that being said, even though she doesn't care about what comes out of her mouth (especially in front of strangers), Lilith has a soft spot for the people she's close to, and genuinely cares for them.

Lilith had a steady childhood in a generally well-off family, where she was influenced by media and pop culture and were generally introverted. When she was 18, her country was nuked for mysterious reasons, and Lilith ended up being one of the only survivors. She began training herself in the art of war and quickly built a small anarchic group called The Revenge Fantasy, consisting of fellow survivors. Her goal is to unite the people of her land and fight against the powers that brought fourth the nuclear holocaust.

Violence and weaponry, fancy suits, alcohol, personal stories, intellectuals.

Ignorance and stupidity, planning, large groups, loud electronic music, extremists, when things don't go exactly her way, when people tell her what to do

Torture, disbanding The Revenge Fantasy, betrayal, being lied to, small spaces, being left alone.

Besides her irreverence, Lilith is also arrogant and prefers to face conflicts head-on. She believes her improvisational skills and knowledge would get her everywhere and loathes careful planning. She hates being told what to do and is quick to completely lose her mind when things don't go the way she intended.

Theme Song:
"I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters
I can't stress how relevant Galavant are is to this RP, it fits your plot and tone pitch almost perfectly. Seriously, give it a go, you'll probably like it.

Also, here's my character.

Name: Carrow
Age: Older than you, boy
Sex: Not these days, no
Class: Never had no schoolin'
Race: Human
Weapon: Whatever comes to hand
Armour: Anything that can be strapped on

Strength: Strong enough to put you on your arse, kid.
Dexterity: The hand is certainly quicker than the eye...
Constitution: I've lived this long, haven't I?
Intelligence: I know a dirk from a shiv, that's about it.
Wisdom: Not much, I'm still wandering around with a sword, aren't I?
Charisma: Have you seen my face?
Alignment: A whatnow?

Description: Sturdy looking and scarred, Carrow is a hard man's hard man. His face is so battered and scraped looking it could easily pass for a battering ram, his nose is so flattened and twisted it looks like a troll has tap danced on it and his knuckles are scabbed and cracked. In short, he looks like a man well used to giving out and receiving violence.

You've been accepted. Post your character over on the "Characters" subsection and feel free to join the intro song.
Also I'll get to Galavant soon :)
Bump. Seems like the folks that were interested in the concept aren't here yet :c
Got my introduction up. ^^" Hope it's ok.

Let me know if I need to fix anything. ^^"

Yeah, it's cool, thanks :)
@Guardian Angel Haruki

As I said you have been accepted! Feel free to join in to the opening song.
Name: Alteah Stone
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Class: Wizard
Race: Human
Weapon: Quarterstaff, Spellbook, and Arcane Focus
Armor: None

(Note: take NONE of the following seriously and just make some jokes. You can even skip this part if you want to. And yes, you start on Level 1.)
Strength: 9 ("Hey! I can't carry all these books! Help? Please? ;_;")
Dexterity: 14 (Nimble...?)
Constitution: 15 (Not a Sickly little old lady!)
Intelligence: 16 (Smarty Pants!)
Wisdom: 13 (Not old so not quite wise)
Charisma: 11 (Spent many years studying in a tower, and not enough time to go to parties)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Description: Brown hair, heterochromic eyes (one blue, and one green), wears grey robes. Absent minded professor and occasional straight man. Comes up with Rube Goldberg solutions to problems and overlooks simple solutions.

Welcome, @ElfLordElphias! Hope you have fun.
Also is that a Danganronpa reference there.
As this is the closest to a Galavant RP there will likely ever be and your premise so cleanly outlines what you want and how it should be done, consider me interested!

Thank you! I'm glad you are interested.

I've never watched Galavant by the way, my main sources of inspiration for this RP are South Park The Movie and Avenue Q (as well as many D&D sessions with buddies).
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