Avatar of Dao Ma
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  • Posts: 57 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Dao Ma 2 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Ahh, yes. Squirrel brain activated.
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2 yrs ago
Okay, maybe accepting ONE MORE 1x1. Maybe. Tempted. We shall see.
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2 yrs ago
Ginger, lemon and honey tea is supposed to help soothe the throat. Man I wish I had some now…
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2 yrs ago
HNNG!! The Bad Batch has a season 2 trailer! I'm super hyped!!
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2 yrs ago
Oh man it feels to nice getting in the groove of building characters


About Me
• I go by Dao (pronouns: She/Her/They)
• I am age 18+
• I live in California (timezone PST)
• I work M-F 8AM-5PM
• I currently play/DM D&D and play SW5e
• I recently became obsessed with Animal Crossing New Horizons
• Current anime favs: Jujutsu Kaisen, Sengoku BASARA (always!), My Dress Up Darling
• Current watches: SW: Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Bad Batch
• Current podcasts: Old Gods of Appalachia, The Magnus Archives, Noble Blood, Criminalia, Lore
• Current reads: None :(
• Discord: Dao Ma#4587

Roleplay Information
• Group RP > 1x1 RP
• Anime/illustrated pics > Real Pics
• Will only rp romance with 18+ players, other relationships are OK though!
• Plays male and female characters (prefer male characters)
• Casual to Advanced RPer
• Lover of OOC communication with partners
• Open to try different genres and themes!

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It was amusing how Rosalinde could see Cyprian's expression change as he looked over the topic at hand. It was enough to bore anyone to tears. She was sure at least five of the council members would fall asleep during the meeting. Almost a guarantee. Her smile broadened as he placed down the parchment, and she reached out to spread her hands over it to keep it open.

Her attention went to the parchment briefly, reading over it as an overview until Cyprian caught her attention. Was he really asking her to meet with him alone? The thought made her heart flutter. He was charming, even if he seemed to ramble on... All he needed to do was ask to have a moment alone with her. Excuses weren't necessary. It was endearing though. Delicate fingers pushed locks of hair back behind her ear as he spoke and a small silent chuckle escaped her as he was interrupted by the High Councilor. For now, Cyprian's request would have to go unanswered.

Rosalinde took her seat, carefully pushing Cyprian's parchment back to him as she looked over her own. Though she found it incredibly boring, she listened and focused. It was, regardless of how insignificant it seemed, something that could lead to distress among the common citizen. Even so, the woman couldn't help but steal glances at the dracon beside her. How he carried himself, even in such a situation, she found charming.

Once the intermission started, Rosalinde stood from her seat and stretched, arms going above her head and fingers fanning up to the ceiling. She arched her back and once satisfied, relaxed back. Hearing the beginnings of her name, she tilted her head to look at Cyprian. Turning, she leaned against the edge of the table so that she could face him. "You may." She said, coy smile returning as she listened to him revise his request.

The setting sun in Omciria was always beautiful, especially when the sun reflected off of the water. It was one of her favorite things about this city. Her own homeland had been a landlocked area, surrounded by rich forest and spires of marble and stone. She had shared a home with elves, and it was rather obvious in how she held herself at times. "Yes, I believe that is a wonderful idea. I heard the ocean air does wonders to clear the mind." She gave a small laugh as she reached out, gently tracing fingertips across the dracon's forearm as she pushed off from the table, leaving her space to begin walking towards one of the nearest doors. She only made a few steps though, waiting for Cyprian to accompany her.
It was a serious matter, and all of the council was to attend. If was these kinds of meetings that bred posturing and pompous attempts at making one seem more important than another. Every mage was out for themselves while playing the act of a concerned citizen of Omicria. Rosalinde knew better, and knew how to spot power that went beyond one's words and rank. Even though she herself, had both rank and pedegree backing her own social standing, she was well known for her own magical prowess. One that couldn't possibly be passed down through lineage. She was of a new age, where someone made something of themselves with their own desire and determination. And she was hellbent on propagating that ideal.

She made her way into the council chambers, eyes scanning over all those that were in the room. Some were in their places at their own designated chair, while others meandered, finding time to converse before the meeting began. Rosalinde was known not for small talk, but for seeking out conversations with those she could see strength and potential in. It did create an air to be desired by some, envied by others when she made her way around the room. Occasional glances monitored who she spoke to, how long, and who she decided to remain by. There was always someone watching Rosalinde, waiting for her to make her choice-- like an oracle pronouncing their prophesized one.

Rosalinde did as she usually would, slow sultry steps around the room until she came close to her own chair. Dark yet vivid eyes landed on one of the few more interesting people in the room. Out of all the different beings, there were only two dracon in the entire room. One, an older dracon well in his years. Wise beyond measure, but also seen as worn down by life experiences. He was not the warrior he once was, and it affected his reputation. The other though, younger, stronger, surprisingly an interesting conversationalist. And his chair was only a lean away from her's.

"Good evening, Cyprian." She said quietly, tilting her head towards him, eyes bright as a coy smile curled upon her lips. "Fine to see you so chipper for this meeting as well." She added teasingly. Meetings like these were always a drag. And as important as they were, were often boring and for formaity's sake. Did they really need all forty-nine to vote on a single matter when it really had no relevance to a good few? Thus were the tribulations of being a council member.

Made an adjustment to Maerec - he is now Second Wheel - Force- Skyborn. All other descriptions remain the same.
I have made my minor corrections for Maerec!
@Force and FuryHHHH yes thank you for catching that. I was writing something and then decided to change it but I didn't delete that sentence lmao. I'll revise. And I wouldn't be surprised if I wrote defuse wrong. I'm a collection of typos XD
Thank you!


3 4 | M A L E | P A R R E N C E | F O R C E | K N I G H T__ _ _ _ _

C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S__ _ _ _ _

Maerec stands roughly around 5'10" with an athletic physique. He is not too broad shouldered, nor too thin, making him a model for the ideal build for knighhood. He has medium brown hair that roughly falls around his jawline, often pushed back out of his face. His beard is often trimmed short, but enough to cover his defined jaw. Scars from battles past litter his body, but the two along his face are the most prominent ones that can be seen. His eyes are as blue as a cold winter's sky that holds speckles of life and light.

Maerec can often be seen in simple dark or natural toned colors. Though his station notes that it would be proper of him to wear more ornate or expensive textiles, he often settles for something akin to an 'elevated commoner' attire, finding it much more comfortable in an everyday situation. He often wears a tabard that holds his sponsor's house crest. In armor, much like the other knights of Parrence, Maerec has the standard attire. Per special request, he had the emblems for both Aun-Oraphe and Oraphe-Sept engraved on the inside of each armor piece for good luck.

Having seen both sides of living, Maerec treats commoners and nobles alike with the same politeness and compassion. By first impression, he is indiscriminately charming. He is easy to approach and easily approaches others. Conversation comes easily with Maerec, and often it will be over the simplest of things, as he doesn't seem too particularly interested in speaking politics as a casual conversation topic. He is the type of person that will ensure everyone in a room has been acknowledged at least once, so to not have anyone feel left out. It is hard to say at first that if he genuine or if it is for formality's sake. After he opens his mouth though, it would be easy to tell that he flows with an infectious compassion. He has been teasingly called a bleeding heart by some of his peers.

Even with all of his glowing optimism, Maerec isn't without his faults and flaws. There are times when he just doesn't know how to hold himself back. He isn't exactly compulsive, but he does not fair well with injustice. Treating someone unfairly may get a warning comment from the knight. Treating one with cruelty will most certainly result in a verbal lashing. There are times where he acts on instinct when it comes to protecting the defenseless whether it be someone getting bullied in court, or getting unjustly attacked. It had aided him in many battles, but also caused almost as much troubles.

Maerec, despite being so personable, is not easy to know. He rarely talks about himself and if confronted by rumors or stories of his upbringings or accomplishments, he with either give few words or find a way to turn the conversation's focus onto others. Under all of his outwardly confidence, he does not see anything outside of the idea of knighthood to be worth of interest. He finds himself rather boring, simple, and solitary. He does not have a lot of people that he finds particular closeness to, and tends to be more awkward around those that truly want to know him for him.

Ever since Maerec was young, he wanted to be a knight in every way. The idea of chivalry, and the physical attributes to go along with it has been his goal. After obtaining it, his dream had not dissolved, and instead, transformed. To be the greatest example of a knight, and to uphold his honor and the honor of his family and the house that sponsored him... that is enough.

B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _

Though Maerec's story is not anything particularly unique, it is one that has brought a lot of mixed opinions to the noble courts of Parrence. It is a story that holds the topic of controversy between the ideals of bloodline and merit. His birth was never meant to be. A love that lasted only a few short months through secret rendezvous resulted in an absent father, and a mother having to hide her shame from the scrutinizing eyes of her noble peers.

Maerec had thereafter become a squire for Sir Dufort. He looked up to the man as his mentor and found adoration for the Dufort family. Though, he could never understand why Lady Dufort always seemed to look at him with an expression that seemed on the verge of tears. Sometimes it was unbearable for him to acknowledge, and he was forced to look away. Sir Dufort's relationship seemed to grow quickly with Maerec and eventually to the point where Sir Dufont would jokingly tell others that the now young man was his long lost son, to which he did not know the actual truth. Seeing how much Maerec was loved by the Duforts and their peers, Lady Dufort suggested to Sir Dufort to sponsor him. Help Maerec become a knight as well. It was an idea that Sir Dufort was hesitant on, but after receiving a major injury on the battlefield to where Maerec defended Sir Dufort until he was able to receive aid, he agreed.

Maerec was recognized for risking his life to save the life of his lord and was officially sponsored by House of Dufort. From there, Maerec made his oath, and was knighted shortly after. Maerec's heart was filled with nothing but love and adoration for the Dufort family for giving him the opportunity to live out his dreams. He was requested to live with the House of Dufort, to which he couldn't decline. Portions of his stipend were given to his family back in the slums of Solenne, where his title Maerec of Solenne has a new and brighter connotation.

It has been several years since Maerec had been knighted, and Lady Hélène Dufort had eventually told Maerec about his birth (which didn't go over horribly, but not well either. Rumors had spread about their uncanny likeness which led to suspicion anyway). Maerec remains sponsored under House Dufort, which Maerec repays with unconditional loyalty.

When the young King Arcel's call for armed allies was heard, Sir Dufort offered his services. Though now, too old and worn to see the battlefield, Maerec was to be sent in his place. Maerec agreed even though Lady Dufort protested. Maerec knew the importance of the young King's call, and that he would need that chance to prove himself just as Sir Dufort had given Maerec the chance. He left House Dufort and set out for Relouse.

I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _

A description of items regularly in your character's possession or owned by them.
❖ Knight's Sword - Crafted especially for Maerec when he was knighted.
❖ Poleaxe - Secondary weapon.
❖ Partial (or half?) Plate (to allow mobility)
❖ Two pendants that he ties either onto his belt or wears around his neck of Aun-Oraphe and Oraphe-Sept.

T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _

First Wheel - Force - Skyborn
Part of Maerec's natural ability in combat comes from his strange footwork and ability to evade attacks that normally would not be avoidable. Even his hits that would require one to be surefooted he can do with ease and and then use that momentum to change directions. He may have to sacrifice big powerful hits, but in exchange he gains the ability to whittle down his opponent.

In application, Maerec will imbue his armor and weapons with this force magic, allowing him to be more agile and mobile even in heavy armor. A heavy sword becomes a light sword that is easily wielded and heavy armor becomes light armor for the duration. This allows him the ability to dodge and change directions of his attacks quickly.

In the event he needs to land a more powerful attack, he will focus impact on a single point, only to release it right before making contact. All the the kinetic energy stored up will release just before impact, allowing the blow to contain a multiplied amount of force.

S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _

Adaptable Combatant - Despite being a knight who focuses on physical prowess, Maerec can assess the battle and change his fighting accordingly. His gift with manipulating kinetic energy helps with that.
Likeable - In a social situation, Maerec has qualities that allows him to get along with all kinds of people. He can often help try to diffuse a situation as well. Having that overall likeable quality helps when making allies.
Loyal - When Maerec vows himself to something, he remains loyal to his word until the vow has been fulfilled or unto his death. Vows and loyalty are very important to him and so if he makes a vow, it is set in stone.
Insight - Maerec can generally get a good read on a person's nature upon first meeting. He is perceptive and catches small hints of notions through how people speak or hold themselves. Even the slightest flicker of a gaze can be caught by Maerec's watchful eyes.

W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _

Bleeding Heart - The idea of being a knight of the people runs deep in Maerec, and it is difficult for him to ignore those that are in need. Whether it be they are injured, or a poor maiden's tears. It has gotten him into many difficult situations.
Justice Fighter - Though not easy to temper, Maerec can be quick to temper if he sees blatant mistreatment of the defenseless. Even more so, he does not tolerate when higher stationed people mistreat commoners.
Socially (personal life) Inept - On a professional front, Maerec is witty, clever, humble, charming and charismatic. Catching him on an off day by himself, he may seem almost like the polar opposite. He doesn't like to reveal his true self-- a calm, peaceful and reserved person.
Shield Break - Because most of his skill and ability deals with being mobile, he doesn't do the greatest when he is pinned down by an enemy. Multiple strong and relentless attacks can break through his concentration and catch him off guard. Which can be fatal if he doesn't have the ability to react.

C O L O U R C O D E & O T H E R__ _ _ _ _

Your character's hex code and any other miscellaneous information. Feel free to use bullet points.
❖ Maerec has vowed to himself that he will only marry a woman who is deserving or is in dire need of his unadulterated love.

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