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    1. Darked13 8 yrs ago


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Sorry for my delay~ :|
A ʀ ᴄ ʜ ᴇ ɴ ᴇ

The shadow of a tree darkened. Slowly becoming darker and darker to the point it seemed to be as dark as the void in between the stars. From it, a hooded god emerged. The god slowly lowered his hood. It had been a long while since he had gone to the island. He doesn't remember coming to his hall ever since the incident with that pesky forest god. She wasn't all that bad though.

He looked about, simply walking towards his hall. He saw halls of all kinds on his way... certainly many wouldn't be coming back. And those who were, may not be coming any time soon. He stood in front of it, it was as if the hall had been carved into an endless onyx block. The floor was rougher than usual, the walls were cracked... and deep inside the hall. It was as empty as always however. Just a quiet, dark room. That one quiet and dark room he repeat enough times that others shouldn't make noise into. He sighed... being the only own allowed to make any noise there, it was all perfectly fine. The 'room' however, was as vast as it always was, maybe slightly smaller, but nothing that he cared. He favored place was still as he was, then again, anywhere quiet within the room was his favored place.

He spent sometime in the room, wandering until its ends, and back until he was out of the hall. This time he had a purpose to be there. He was known for avoiding the politics of Charybdis often enough, only coming at times to note that if someone wished to harm Acruan they should think twice, or more, before taking action. While that made him lose some lands for mostly fighting alone, he also got to be known as one who didn't start wars.

At least, that was how he was known until the god of a forest by his kingdom came into his hall asking for help against some other god to the east of him. Acruan was larger at the time, stretching until beyond its eastern mountains. The goddess had chosen, the wrong moment, place and person to ask for help however. Not only he did not help her, but the whole forest was cursed with what was called The Curse of Eternal Silence. No birds sang, animals grew confused... and her fledgling nation was destroyed not soon after.

He walked to the central room. Not truly surprised to see that there were already others there. That Goddess of Fortune... of the most perfectly brief conversations, and that young god of the east. While his nation truly had little to do with the nation of sands and gold far to the southeast of his own, Acruan was not too far from Horus. If Acruan was still as big as it once was, they may even have their own conflicts... but it was far smaller nowadays. "I see that, there others here already. My most sincere greetings, to the two of you." And yes, they were sincere however pained he was for having to say them.

K ɪ ɴ ɢ ᴅ ᴏ ᴍ ᴏ ғ A ᴄ ʀ ᴜ ᴀ ɴ

Acruan was as it always was. Warriors still had their fancy competitions to see who was the better at using a sword. Merchants still sold their wares in markets while pondering trade with foreigners. Scholars were still had their eyes upon books and scrolls. And the people still went on through their daily lives. Nothing had changed. Nothing ever changes in Acruan, is what the old saying was. It was because even with the loss of half a country once upon the time, people weeped... but then lived on. Holding no grudges was something any exemplary Acruani tried to do, especially those of the current Ruling House and the Council members.

From time to time, however, any Acruani from the Capital who went to the eastern mountains would ask themselves, 'will this be ours in my lifetime?' But then they would look to the west as always. It wasn't the right time yet. It is never the right time.

Step after step, he walked. A walk, however, did not properly explain his action for a walk implied a mere unhurried attempt to move from a location to another and nothing more. The most accurate description for his action would be a leisurely, unhurried stroll through the outskirts of Ominar, regardless of how swift or quick he was.

His eyes were not focused on the way he was going. While at times he would look ahead, he seemed unusually distracted by whatever minor detail caught his attention. A weed on the ground, the rumpled clothes of a passerby who avoided him, the sky. It felt good to see those things, yet he knew that he would grow tired of them. Any given location was bound to feel repetitive given enough observation, at least, anywhere he has been to.

With a sigh, Archene slowed his pace and looked at the sky once more. 'This should be the right time,' he thought to himself as he walked towards the entrance of the warehouse. Before entering, he took a brief look around to see if there were any real counter-measures were made in case their enemy came, but he gave up before seeing anything, 'It still feels rather strange to be on this side of a fight.'

Archene proceeded inside the warehouse, his gentle steps catching only the keenest ears; brief, slightly indifferent eyes awaited those who peered curiously at him. His glances took more than a moment when looking at the Prae as he reasoned with himself that they have their reasons to come. Whether they are good or bad, he would certainly find out, eventually. Seeing the Licentia steering away from the Prae, he sighed quietly shaking his head, 'They have become too docile... it seems.'

Looking around more properly, he met an interesting scene to said the least — rebels from many walks of life, of even different races coming together for a single cause. Or at least trying. Some people looked at him with curious eyes. The reasons might vary, but the clothes were certainly not helping him to be inconspicuous. After all, who'd wear something like a haori for an event of such kind... on that side of the world... in a location where it was more likely to get dirty for no real reason? The answer for the question could be easily obtained by looking at him. The why or what kind of person, however, were entirely different affairs, and would need more time to answer than the observers were likely to have in hands.

It was not as if he was attempting to avoid attention in any case — not that anyone right in their minds would attempt to avoid attention or even vaguely hide themselves in such clothes — he had, in fact, come personally to ensure that his presence would be noticed and that was exactly what he was going to do. His liking for the clothes themselves was, among many other things, part of an entirely different affair. They were also comfortable in any case, so why not?

Sparing no further glances to the people congregating, Archene thought briefly on the possible outcomes and ramifications of the events he planned to presentiate himself. If nothing went wrong, he'd have more things in his favors later on, whether by getting himself to a considerable position in this revolution. If things went wrong, the possibilities were boundless, but mostly acceptable — it was not as if his death would be prioritized because of his presence here. Furthermore, there was much he had to hear from the... rebels.
~~~~ ~~~~ Nx Ps
@wxps350 Not a problem. Feel free to come back if you have time in the future.

It looks like we will be starting today. I will make a starting post relatively soon with all the background for what we are doing.

*peers about*
M ᴀ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴏ ғ ᴛ ʜ ᴇ T ᴇ ɴ T ʜ ᴏ ᴜ s ᴀ ɴ ᴅ T ʜ ᴏ ʀ ɴ s

"Tʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏ sᴜᴄʜ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀs ᴀ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪғ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴀs, I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ."

M ᴀ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ᴏ ғ ᴛ ʜ ᴇ T ᴇ ɴ T ʜ ᴏ ᴜ s ᴀ ɴ ᴅ T ʜ ᴏ ʀ ɴ s

"Tʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏ sᴜᴄʜ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀs ᴀ ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪғ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴀs, I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ."

@yoshua171 I've just been thinking of what kind of Licenti to make. >.< But I was wondering more about what kind of powers to give it and everything. I thought of a Licenti that had a very human-looking form with its main magic being shapeshifting among some body enhancement magic. But so far I've been wondering more about how exactly does a Licenti work and trying to understand the terms better and everything. (I'm just a bit overwhelmed with the info.)
@OppositionJ I had added an explaination for it on the god's extra info. Basically, he had a far more fickle personality in the past which lead to a nature's god demise, despite the god not being his enemy.

I added some detail to the description of the event as well.
Deity Info:

Name: Archene

Domain(s): Shadows and Silence

Domain Ability: Both of his domains ability are usually seen in the form of large area curses, taking the light and sound away from area of varying sizes. While usually usuable on large, the abilities can also be used on individuals themselves.

Common Appearance: A tall and thin male seemed to be covered by a murky cloak of shadows. His hood usually doesn't cover his head, allowing others to see his rather plain pale face and silver eyes. With a color rather similar to his eyes, his silverish hair is curly and short.

Personality: He is quiet and calm. While he rarely goes out of his way to speak with others, he rarely minds when others break silence to speak with him, even for the most trivial matters. Many gods, however, know that his rare bouts of anger bring very disproportional retribution, leading to some gods uneasiness to go to him. Who would

Direct or Indirect: Indirect

Description of Mage Powers/Hero Powers & Artifacts:
Shadow Veil - One of the most elementary shadow spells. It allows mages to coat themselves with shadows. The spell's main use is to protect the mage's identity, but it is known that it also gives the mage a small resistence against heat and general physical attacks.
Shadow-weaving - Mages are capable of imbuing their magic upon object reinforcing them. This usually takes form as a coat of shadows over the weapon or armor. While the main effect of this is an increase in durability, it also increases sharpness of weapons slightly. The modern version of the magic has the downside that the improvement is based on the equipment it is used on, and the time required to enchant a single article. The ancient version, however tiring and time consuming, can make high quality weapons and other objects of variable malleability without any catalysts (only certain magic words and a winter solstice).
Silent Steps - Despite the name of the power, the ability takes away the ability of the target(s) to make sounds for as long as the mage sustains the spell. Average mages can silence a handful of people at the same time, the more powerful one a dozen.
Shadow Portal - One of the more advanced shadow spells. With the help of a number of catalysts two groups of mages are able to sustain a portal connecting two locations. It is a considerably energy consuming one, usually leaving all involved mages drained for a number of days for sustaining the portal for a few minutes, and nothing can be said about those who fail to completely cross the portal once it closes.

Symbol: a triangle interlaced with a circle

Other Info: In the more chaotic times of the past, Archene was known to be far more whimsical with the use of his power bringing darkness and silence to forests and cities. There was even a particular occasion when he silenced and brought darkness to the beloved forest of a Nature God who had neutral relations with him. The event caused the god's demise a few years later as the forest was labeled as cursed and belief onto them sharply fell. Though since then, he has refrained from doing that it has given him a considerably bad reputation (among the gods who would considering doing something like that bad).

Nation Info:

Nation Name: Kingdom of Acruan

Flag: A white flag with a black circle interlaced with a triangle.

Location on Map: imgur.com/pRTpZ02

Geographical Info: A large peninsula with great plains dotted with forests and separated from the rest of the continent by water and a valley.

In between the various cities and even some average size villages, there are patrolled roads usually by some nearby noble house. In between cities, it isn't uncommon to see small forts or at least watchtowers. It is also far from uncommon to see such fortifications in the center of the smaller cities as Acruani forts usually lead to the creation of a city, eventually.

Capital City: Vix'tavas - It is a massive city on top of the inner mountains overwatching the valley at the northeastern side of Acruan. The roads outside the city paved with stone as are the streets within it. In the center of the city, there is a number of large with walls made of a dark semi-precious ston; the Palace, the Dark Library, and the Great University of Acruan are among them. Each of the buildings only possibly being shadowed by the next one.

The fountains and houses around the city have different deggree of beauty to them, while a simpler black stone seems to be used, the number of adornment and details on the building quickly goes down as one leaves the richer areas of the capital.

Culture Description: The Acruani people have 3 social classes, Nobles, Scholars and Peasants. Nobles, being either descendants of a long line of warriors or merchants, are respected for being the ones that ensure that Acruan can run effectively, that scholars can research and study, and that peasants can have food and safety. They are the heart of the nation. Scholars are responsible for research of all kinds and ensuring that Acruan has a bright future. They are mages, judges, lawyers, architects, philosophers, priests and librarians. (Among many others things.) Scholars are the mind of the nation. The peasants are responsible for ensuring that the nation has the manpower to be ran. They are the ones who plow the fields, the guards who patrol the cities and about everyone else as well.

It is common for people to mutually respect each other, and moving up or down the social lader isn't rare. Anyone may become a scholar of a kind of another, specially skilled peasants may find themselves married to some lower noble. Nobles themselves have their own standards as to 'the minimum required' to be a noble. Any noble house has their own 'relic' usually some ancient magic book that the family's mages can learn from or some expertly crafted shadow sword. Lacking those takes the nobility of the house away effectively, as such, the right over such objects is usually the reason of disputes between families (noble or otherwise).

They have their superstitions and oddities, such as it being dishonorable to kill a foe from far away (backstabbing is alright interestingly enough), fish being one of the lowest possible foods to eat and remaining silent for the last night of they year. They are quite accepting of other people's way.

Military Description: The Military is lead by the Warlord which is chosen by the leaders of the higher warrior noble houses. Bellow him, each of the noble families has the own armies. The armies themselves are usually divided in smaller divisions of 50 to 150 soldiers managed by a commander.

While little can be said about the nation's nearly non-existent navy or they lack of any cavalry for war. The infantry receives considerable training in the arts of war and are taught how to keep their equipment. While the varied divisions of the army, usually have a shadow mage to both proper maintain the enchantments given to their weapons as well as to support them in combat.

It could easily be said that a number of the divisions is specialized at underhanded tactics everything from assassination of enemy officers to traps and more creative uses of the arts of war..

Government Description: Acruan is ruled in name by the Royal House Acruan, which is merely the house that currently has some ancient sword said to have been made by a powerful mage. All said that said, it is just a very resilient nameless sword.

The power to rule the nation, however, lies in the hands of the varied noble houses of Acruan making a council which passes laws and decides the future of the nation. Scholars are allowed to speak to the council.

Population (Cap 2,000,000): 1,432,576

Just Law: Your justice court is renowned for its' fairness, keeping all trials unbiased and every precautionary measure to ensure that the trial follows the laws without a single misstep.
Refined Infrastructure: Roads, wells, watchtowers, and walls are all common sights in your nation. Safe and quick passage is much more common. Armies and merchants will cross your lands with ease.
Wondrous Beauty: Adorned with beautiful fountains, churches, statues, and temples, your nation’s cities are a sight to behold. This could bring tourism into your lands. Taking this allows for a world wonder in your nation.
A Breaker of Webs: Spying in your nation is a dangerous and unpredictable game. Your agents have mastered the art of counterintelligence. Cracking the secrets of your nation takes great skill and time.
Universities: Your people are well educated, schools have qualified teachers and the schools value teaching their students things that will help them later in life. These facilities are kept clean and well organized with a happy balance of extracurricular and classes.
Immovable Object (Costs 2 points): Try as they might, no foe can trudge their way through your nations stubborn defense. You hold your ground with pride allowing no one across your borders who show any sign of ill intent.
Masters of Ambush: Your nation’s armies find better ways to attack than head on. Taking enemies by surprise in small squadrons is the specialty of your troops. A small squad of your soldiers, prepared with their traps and tricks make for a great surprise attack against a larger force.
Tacticians of War: Your nation is blessed with numerous high ranking officers and commanders hailing from great military institutes. Your strategists are brilliant and plan elaborate attacks and maneuvers in the heat of battle. Your nation understands many intricate cavalry and infantry formations.
Disciplined Troops: The troops that you command are highly skilled and disciplined, taught the art of war and all of its' great and important aspects. These men are hardened warriors with training and are ready for combat. If you take this trait along with Centurion Troops, you will have some troops that are not as well trained as others, causing an in-balance within your forces.
Tempered Equipment: Your battle force has the finest, most expensive equipment. Be it from battle armor to the weapons your soldiers use, it is made from the best resources within your nation. Though if this is paired with the Big Armies trait, it means that only some soldiers will get this good equipment leaving the rest with lesser armor giving an imbalance of equipment.
Merchant Families: Your families have been selling goods for as long as time, the way of trade coming like second nature. These families are placed high in the hierarchy and have a lot of power and are intertwined heavily in the business of foreign affairs.

Arrows In The Green: Archery is a foreign trade to your nation’s military. With bows and arrows, your troops are undisciplined, unskilled, and cowardly. Archers will be able to help less on the battlefield than the average ranger.
Lame Cavalry: Your nation’s horses are lame, swaybacked, stubborn, and weedy. It is hard to control them, and because of this, your cavalry lacks training and are comparatively weak in battle.
Torpid Navy: With hulls broken, shredded sails, and unsteady masts, your ships are very weak and easily sunk. Naval battles will not often go your way. Your fleet is a truly a pitiful sight to behold.
Flawed Leader II: After the chaotic millennia of war and strife between the gods, everything is at peace. You recall doing horrible things in the past during wartimes. This may cause other deities not to trust you.

Extra Info: The Royal Relic and the relics of the noble houses are simply magically made weapons that were made with shadow-weaving. The methods to make a good weapon of such kind is mostly lost save for a number of books scattered through varied libraries in Acruan.

In regards to culture, Acruani consider meats to be a 'higher' food while fishes a 'lower' food due to bias towards gods related each of them.

The Acruani have a Great Wonder, in the valley between the Acruani capital and the national borders, it is a giant sundial that can be easily seen by both mountain sides.

Considering the distance in between the capital and the border, there is also a number of fortresses along the frontier, and it is known that besides the routes set by the Acruani there are traps, many traps.
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