Avatar of DarthSeverus394
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    1. DarthSeverus394 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
If youre planning on starting a Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings fan fic...im your guy.


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@Natsucooldude Thats probably the best entry so far. Good stuff. Do you plan for your doctor to turn on the Regime fully down the road?
@The Grey Dust You make guud wurds. Yo sentences is purdy. lol thats a lot to think about. I am open to whatever the group decides is the best origin for pokemon in this particular universe.
Sam Fisher

Sam didnt know who this man was, but he knew he wasnt Regime. He had spent his whole life fighting and running from Regime soldiers, and could sniff them out well enough now. The man was alone and cautious, feeling him out. Sam was not afraid of a single man, or anyone for that matter. He decided to get risky and tell all to the man. Worst case scenario, he and Bo would fight their way out. If there was one thing he was good at, it was fighting his way out of a corner. "My name is Sam Fisher. I am a member of the Rebellion. Maybe youve heard of me?" he asked. Many times when meeting fellow Rebels, they tell Sam stories theyve heard of him and his "fire dog". Sam did the man one better and slowly extended his palms out to the side, showing that he carried no weapons. "Bo here is my pokemon, were heading to Manhattan Island to hopefully meet up with other Rebel agents there. If youd show yourself plainly for me to see id be more than happy to have Bo here stand down. He's a friendly pup."

So far there are 3 votes against the communication device between us and the pokemon. I personally dont mind either way, so unless more votes come in for it, we will forgo the device. Pokemon to human communication will be like the show. Enough time spent around your pokemon added in with a strong bond will allow you understand them easier.
@Natsucooldude Youre not the first to bring up the animal issue. We can make pokemon an alien race or genetically engineered if thats what everyone wants. I essentially dont want to deal with them being carnivores because im not willing to determine a food chain chart for hundreds of pokemon.

To all: I like the eagerness and questions but for much of this youll have to use common sense. I am not in the business of mapping out an entire lore system at this stage. Many seem to be asking questions that realistically are not going to pertain to you in the RP whatsoever. Who cares if you can milk your Miltank...? Is that a crucial detail needed in a pivotal plot changing moment? Or is it just something you thought of to hopefully make one sentence out of it. "I milked Miltank. I drank the milk. It was good." I encourage the curiosity but know that I am fully admitting that I have not developed a lore for this universe outside of the things required for a good RP. Too many wanted this RP up soon so I chose not to map out hours worth of lore. It is what it is. Sorry if you expecting an answer for every little possibly detail, truthfully some things havent been brought up before now.
@Whimsley@TheUnknowable and anyone else:

Since ive edited out statistics of pokemon, I gave the RP what I think is a cool aspect. Youre pokemon is not restricted to 4 moves. It may use any move it would have been able to in the games, including from previous evolutions as well as egg moves. For example, Raichu can learn Agility (usually learned only as Pikachu). This gives you all a huge move list. AS WELL, any TM/HM that they would have been able to learn in the games, they may also use at will in the RP. If they can use it in the game in any way, its fair game here. No matter if its TM or HM, egg or pre evolved move.
@The Grey Dust I would prefer to have some variety as far as how we all meet. Whimsley has started his character right next to mine and we will meet right off the bat it seems. Also, Tattooed girl is free to attain her second pokemon however she would like as long as it makes sense. It wont be too difficult to explain.
Also, I need feedback. I saw one of the characters was a former Regime scientist. Should we have them be the creator of a human-to-pokemon communication device or should we keep it like the tv show, being that pokemon are sentient and talk using their names as words and if you spend enough time with them you will eventually understand them to an extent. Please PM me your vote. Ive already concluded all pokemon are sentient beings in some way. Magikarp arent the brightest, but theyre not going to jump to their death into a pool of acid. All pokemon have common sense, many with more than that.

Side note in IC. NYC is a major city and port controlled by the Regime. My character has heard rumors of heavy activity on both sides and is planning on sneaking onto Manhattan island, which wont be easy. This isnt a full frontal attack. Also, please read IC posts and pay attention. I.e. somebody use their introductory scene to jump in to Overlord's characters first scene of him fighting Regime officers.

Since everyone chose Rebel ill be controlling certain Regime antagonists of note, and perhaps even making CS for them if I like them enough or you all would like me to. Ill also control legendaries.

Hopefully I will post again today, if not tomorrow. Lots of errands and things going on as I prepare to move into a new house. Two days would be the max, and I dont think that will happen. I am active, dont worry about me leaving.
Pokemon are able to communicate with other pokemon fully, just like the tv show. Ghost pokemon are going to be tastefully edited. Meaning your ghost pokemon can use attacks such as Faint Attack and such and become immune to CERTAIN attacks while in this state, but they cannot hold this state forever, as it would require energy. Use common sense. Psychic pokemon again will require tasteful editing. Seeing a trend here? They can assault minds and what not and use psychic attacks, but to have the free will to just enter peoples minds and read them as they please would be a skill I reserve for Mew or Mewtwo, assuming they come into play. LEGENDARIES ARE NOT THE POINT OF THIS RP, SO DONT FOCUS ON THEM TOO MUCH. Dark types, common sense to edit them. I would say resistant to psychic attacks but for the sake of the RP and peoples free choice on pokemon, ill go out on a limb and say theres no real immunities in the roleplay, just resistances. Pokemon battling is more a means of survival now. Gyms exist but are regulated by the Regime. If you go into a gym and defeat the leader there, odds are the Regime will be there or there shortly after to confiscate your pokemon and use it for themselves. REBEL WORKINGS: There is no true leadership as of now. It is more of a shared ideal of resistance. This can easily change however if I receive feedback wanting it. I was thinking that it is more like known safehouses spread throughout the country. Like the Underground Railroad, safehouses from the game The Division, or situations similar to Jewish people hiding from Nazis during WW2. The Rebellion does have numbers though. There is some communication through members who know each other. True there is no real leadership or headquarters, but we are still effective at disrupting the Regime thanks to our power. In general, we have our pokemon as partners and there is a bond. Our pokemon are stronger than theirs. Their pokemon are essentially bred into a life of captivity and obedience. That is why they travel in numbers, our bond with our pokemon make them stronger since they are being properly raised. Even as a civilian, you are allowed pokemon, assuming youre a known and registered supporter of the Regime. If your pokemon is deemed too rare or strong, it will be taken. So it is not rare to civilians with pokemon. If you want true freedom with them however, you would need to pick a side. The everyday police officer would be equipped with their pokemon and other utilities, i.e. handcuffs. Im choosing to forgo the use/existence of firearms in order to keep us focused on the RP and not give it too many facets or layers. "I had an Oddish until a police officer blew its head off with a 12 guage". My thoughts though are that there are some variety to what they carry. Normal officers you can expect to see Rattata, Pidgey, Bug Pokemon, really anything that isnt too rare and that can be caught and reproduced easily including their evolved states. You wont see 50 police officers all with a Growlithe. More advanced units sent to kill or capture Rebel agents will be better trained with better pokemon. I.e. Poliwhirl, Cyndaquil, Treeko. Any other crimes before the Regime are still present, and the Regime may even control some. Smuggling goods and such. Somebody gets murdered in the streets is still a fairly rare occurence, but depending on who it is that dies will determine punishment. You killed a Rebel in cold blood? Good job. Heres a reward. You killed a normal Regime supporting civilian? Due process. Pokemon eat pokemon food. Again this is purely because you all are coming to me with questions beyond what I even thought about. Pokemon arent carnivores in this RP and any resources from animals will come from the actual animals. You get milk from a cow, not a Miltank. Pokemon dont replace animals, they just exist as well. @Ganelon
@A Tattooed Girl Ill allow a second one, assuming you have an original idea as to how youve come across the luxury of two pokemon without being a Regime member. As stated pokeballs are hard to come by. Rebel agents scrap and scrounge for anything we can get when it comes to pokemon. Generally a Rebel agent stays mobile, always running from the Regime. We tend to have one pokemon because of practicality, ease of travel, and to reduce resource intake (food, water, etc.) Two is fine, just make sure youre original and be aware that you would be a rare case to have two.

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