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K a z u o

> > > Mizushima Household, Sapporo (Japan) < < <
April 7th ~~ Kazuo's Kitchen

"Well it's about time I get going," Kazuo said with a calm smile as he rose from the kitchen table. He'd just finished the huge spread of a breakfast his mother had made him and was ready for orientation and his first day at Ishin Academy.

"Are you sure? Your father was going to stop by to see you off before work," His mother, Akane, spoke softly as he brought his plate to the sink. She'd never quite gotten on board with his father's way of thinking. She believed that he was too strict and harsh. If that wasn’t bad enough he was generally unsupportive of the choices his children, or even she, made.

"Yeah, he sent me a message earlier. He was called in early." Kazuo replied simply. In all due honesty, he had the feeling that even if his dad had come, things would not have gone as well as Akane might have hoped. He turned back to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Besides, it's not like he's ecstatic about me going into the hero course anyway." The young man continued on to the front of the house where he knelt down to slip his shoes on.

"Okay, well, at the very least call Natsumi later. She wants to talk to you."

Kazuo couldn't help, but laugh at this. "Really?" It wasn't like he didn't understand the sentiment or her excitement that he was also pressing onward into the world of heroics. But he couldn't help but wonder what else his sister could possibly have to say that she hadn't conveyed in any of her 143 messages. "Okay," he chuckled a bit more. "I'll do it at lunch or something." He finally said after a soft slap to the back of his head by his doting mother. And so, without another word he was on his way to the beginning of his journey as a hero-in-training.

> > > Ishin Academy, Sapporo (Japan) < < <
April 7th ~~ School Grounds

Kazuo sighed as he approached Ishin Academy, pushing open the doors to the building in order to make his way toward the auditorium of this seemingly prestigious school. In truth, he was a bit nervous about his starting here, even if it didn’t show. He hadn’t heard anything in particular, but he was pretty sure nobody he knew in any notable form would be joining him at the school. Still, this could be more liberating than he gave credit. Here he wasn't anything more than another face in the crowd. Still, if he wanted to make a mark and really continue to seriously pursue his dream, he’d need to do something. He had to make himself stand out as he was sure so many other heroes once had to do when they were in his position. The young man was prepared for whatever this place might throw at him, though he had something of an idea of what might be coming his way considering the old man had pushed so hard for him to come to this school if he wasn't going to become a police officer.

”I don’t know what he’s planning, but one thing’s for sure,” the young man spoke to nobody as he navigated his way to the auditorium, ”I’m not gonna let anything get in my way.” He smirked pounding his right fist into the open palm of his left hand.

Luckily, he was alone for this brief bit of psyching himself up. Thus, there was nothing left for him to do. He was at the auditorium. People were already there. So, that was something. Although it was already clear that some were already having full blown conversations. He wasn’t planning on busting in just yet. Besides, it’d been a long day, even if the day has just begun, and he wanted to see how things might be and what they would be like. His ears perked up here and there at varying voices, though he made no outward expression of interest.

“Looks like this is gonna be more interesting than I thought.” He said to nobody in particular as he made his way to an empty seat. As he sat down he reached into the pocket of the jersey of his school uniform and pulled out a jawbreaker. He squeezed the empty part of the wrapped and used a bit of his strength to pop it open via the air trapped inside. It flew up a few feet as he took the seat and leaned back, throwing his feet up on the empty chair in front of him. The jawbreaker came down landing in his mouth almost perfectly, he’d had to move his head a bit to the side to actually catch it, once he was in a more relaxed position.

”Hope this thing starts soon.” He mumbled as he moved the candy from one side of his mouth to the other, pulling out his phone to scroll through some of his sister’s messages. How did her head never explode from the sheer carnage that was her train of thought? He laughed a bit to himself.

• Namimori Town •
Namimori High Cultural Festival

Aleksandr Minamoto had had something of a patience-trying day so far. It seemed as though a festival brought out the worst in various people. Whether it was the delinquents who tried to vandalize quieter parts of the school while the attention was on the event, or thugs trying to continuing their extortion of business and even students who ran booths that could earn any money. He couldn't stand to see the hard work and effort of his peers be trampled by people who couldn't comprehend the pseudo-arms race that had been started among the school and had lasted for years, even to the present day. He had the members of the disciplinary committee constantly patrolling the school grounds. He didn't have a heavy concentration on the festival area itself though, which may have seemed odd. He'd taken to personally patrolling the main event himself with a few others spread throughout in order to make sure the campus in its entirety was well guarded and secured.

"Another downside to being in this position is being unable to properly enjoy the festival at its peak." He spoke to himself as he strolled through the crowd. Honestly, the only thing that could bother him more right now that all the idiocy he'd had to deal with was if he'd had to deal with Akira Komaeda's nagging. He would wholeheartedly admit that their butting heads and stopping some of Komaeda's more extreme shows of power and plans was fun, but today he couldn't be bothered. Already he'd had to forcefully remove a number of individuals from the festival grounds and he was expecting that to change. At least, when they experienced a lull he could take a break and hang out... At least, that's what he'd say. The truth was, the job of the Student Disciplinary Committee was essentially full time. Especially if you were it's leader.

Still, any off time would have been relished, which was partially why he looked forward to hanging out with his best friend. Ienari was not, by any scale of measure, the most willing to put work and activity before lazing about. That's probably why he was so sure he could count on him to give them both an excuse to relax a bit. That is until he received the Sawada boy's text. "Of course," he sighed. He couldn't blame him. It was understandable. They both had things to do.

We've both got a lot on our platrs
Sent to Namimori Student Administration Line Group (9)

He facepalmed at the mistakes in his writing, accentuating the messages with an sticker, much like Ienari's. However, Alek's was a anime-styled dog with his eyes shut, a nervous smile and a drop of sweat at his forehead.

"I suppose I'll have to find another way to de-stress and entertain myself." He said with a small laugh to another Student Disciplinary member he had been walking with. "Do make sure you take a break as well Mirio." He said to the young man with a smile before his eyes shot up in the direction of another booth. He saw it as it began. It was almost in slow motion. Some guy grabbed a hold of another students purse. She'd just placed it down. He began to run. Mirio began to run as well. Aleksandr, however, reach back into his pocket. He grabbed a small weight, only about 1.15kg (a little over 2.5lbs), and threw it with extreme accuracy. It flew quickly into the the back of the knee of the perpetrator causing him to promptly drop to one knee on the ground.

"I got him!" Mirio shout as he took it upon himself to tackle the man.

Aleksandr winced at the display. "Sorry about that." He spoke to the young lady. "This festival brings out the best and worst of us all." He smiled as Mirio brought the young lady he bag. The perpetrator was being escorted off campus by other members of the committee. That's when Alek caught another girl in the corner of his eye. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Mirio-kun will take care of anything else you might need." And with that, Alek was on his way moving towards the, somewhat out of place, girl he'd recognized.

"Curtiss-San? I didn't know you'd be attending the festival as well." He said once he was close enough to her. "How have you been holding up?"
Wafer D. Kite - Preparations complete. Kite's renewed resolve!

Kite had spent much of his time trying to follow the events of each contest. He'd been so caught up in the eccentricities of each participant and the amazing abilities he'd witnessed that he could barely bring himself to engage with others. Watching, he couldn't help but wonder if he was even worthy of being in the presence of such amazing people. Caesar, Slick, Bonesword, even the members of Runch's crew were beyond amazing in there own right. Seeing the skill of the drunken master of a doctor and the power of the lion man left him in awe. How would he fair if he were to have to fight them. He had strength for sure from all the time he'd spent working on ships. He had skills, of course, from his time as a ship captain and all he'd studied in preparation for his time on the open seas. But even so, could he truly measure up.

Kite glanced back and around at the members of his crew, his new family. Lilliana, Feya, Captain Boone and himself were all that were left for the remaining competitions. He took a deep breath. It was probably best that they save the best for last. He would take up the next challenge. He had to show that he could step up should the need arrive. He wanted to prove his worth as more than a tag along into the wild world that was the Grand Line.

"Football, huh?" He asked as he stood up from the seat he'd taken at some point throughout the matches. "I'll give it a shot." He'd played when he was young, and a bit with his old crew here and there for fun, though using a cannon ball would be difficult. Still, he was a strong and nothing if not prepared to put his body on the line for the crew he'd joined. Was he nervous? Why wouldn't he be? He shook the nerves from his body and began to walk to the established arena. The worst that could happen was he would lose. But he wasn't planning on that, so there was no reason to worry over such things. He would win. No matter what, he would win.

"I can already tell you're a tough guy." He grinned as he came to a stop face to face with Pike. "Anything else I should know before we get this game underway?" He asked as he cracked his knuckles.

• Namimori Town •
{We should think of a date}

With the battle complete Mamoru was left with an accomplished goal and fading power. It wasn't until the effects of Dying Will Mode wore off that his face began to glow a shade of red rivaling the inner like of his hoodie. "Oh shi... Um... I... I'm so... I don't..." He began to immediately stumble over his words in an attempt to apologize as he turned away to look for Ringo's bag. "I didn't mean... I didn't think..." The young mafioso began to shuffle around like a chicken without its head until finally he tripped over the bag in question.

"H-here!" He finally shouted as he slid the bag across the floor to her and turn to face the wall. He was breathing heavily, still internally freaking out. But other thoughts popped into his head (not like that). She should have been prepared for battle at a moment's notice. She should always have clothes that wouldn't burn off when introduced to the Dying Will energy. She'd really been slacking in her preparation and probably more so in his basic Mafioso training. It was upsetting to say the least. She had one of the largest, most powerful Mafia families to care for and nurture. Even if it wasn't ideal, even if it wasn't normal, they'd talked about this, dreamed about it even, since they were younger.

Mamoru almost turned to glance at her, but remembered the situation and calmed his nerves. That would just be more embarrassment. For both of them.

• Old Abandoned Library •
Some Day, Some Time

"Bastards!" Hakuryu shouted as he continued his charge forward. Prelati wouldn't be easy to get to. He might have hated this kind of a battle of attrition. He'd much rather go head to head. "Hide behind these piles of junk all you want!" He shouted as he drove a powerful kick into side of a knight that attempted to get in his way. Even so, another row of them came to him. "We'll get you either way!" He growled a hint of aggression growing in his voice. He stared down the row of knights and cracked his knuckles. This was the perfect opportunity to give it a shot.

First Stance: Basaltic Fist. Hakuryu took a breath, his eyes closed. He could feel an attack coming at him from one of the knights before him. Then, his eyes snapped open. He stepped forward his left arm extended partway, bent at the elbow the palm side of his fist facing upward a he pivoted his body. He turned at the waist thrusting his right fist forward to deliver a powerful punch to the chest plate of the armor, interrupting his enemy's attack. Second Stance: Phoenix Kick. He continue forward. Hakuryu had shifted his weight onto his left leg, lifting his right only to bring it down before him. He kicked the ground, the force creating a powerful shockwave. The knight before him was surrounded by the wave that rose upward from the ground. The knight was a bit too large to be lifted off the ground, which might have happened with a lesser being, but it was still rocked off balance. And so, Hakuryu pressed forward.

A few knights came at him as he continued his assault. They would attack all at once. He needed to be very careful as he moved on. Third Stance: White Tiger's Dance. He began with a punch, transitioning into a high kick, lean back, dodge, right punch, forward, twist and left kick, chop with the right, left hook, forward, right low kick, right upper kick, left body, right punch to bring them down.

The teens movements lulled for a moment as he prepared for the next stance. He didn't have much time, but he could do this. He practiced often. And even though he had been accumulating damage, cuts and bruises here and there, he wasn't about to back down now. Fourth Stance. With the first three forms he'd created the flow of air. He had to take control of it. The young man moved to manipulate it as he'd been taught, as he'd seen his master do on multiple occasions. Blue Dragon's... He swallowed, moving to drive the "dragon" forward in the direction of his mental opponent. Storm! The flow of air, the beast he'd created, became something of a driving force. It "ate" through the series of armors standing in his wake as it moved towards Prelati. It was powerful, though not as powerful as when his master performed it. He still had a long way to go. Even so, it was impressive to watch as it hurdled towards his target.

With any luck it would hit her and end this mission, but it was possible a large enough armor would stop it. That wouldn't stop the wanton destruction it caused throughout the library. He was sure it wouldn't hurt Auriola and Dimitri. But even so, normally, Hakuryu shouldn't have, and wouldn't have taken that risk. He was acting strange. It had been happening occasionally whenever in the middle of a spar or battle. His aggression rose and he became more reckless, more ruthless. He didn't seem to notice on average though and he was back to normal almost immediately. It was something that might warrant investigation if anybody noticed.
Wafer D. Kite - An unhealthy body and an unhealthy mind! Kite's wavering nerves!

Kite had followed each match closely. From the unexpected defeat of Caesar, to the morale boosting victory of Slick. He'd studied each player. The mink, the oil man, the vector woman. He was intent on learning all he could. And why wouldn't he have been?! THEY WERE ALL SO DAMN COOL!! Things he'd never seen, things he'd never dreamed of seeing. He loved it so much. Well, maybe he didn't like the part where his crew mates got hurt. But the rest of it was great! Especially if it didn't end in the destruction of his newfound home among the Red Rum Pirates. He would have hoped to build his own ship for them to sail at some point, but right now, the Rum Runner was theirs.

Still, something of a foreboding thought sneaked its way into the ship sailing the waves of his mind. What if he lost? As it were, his time on the Rum Runner was short. Not long had passed since their battle with Krabbe and his crew. On top of that, he'd already been through quite an ordeal as his prisoner. That didn't include the time spent patching up and fixing the Rum Runner, along with the his lack of sleep, and the minimal time he'd spent relaxing. What if he couldn't win? He swallowed hard. No, that wasn't a good train of thought. If he left things like that, he would surely lose. Besides, a crew wasn't the individual. It was all of them. Even if he couldn't manage, he would just have to believe in the other members of the crew. He nodded, continuing to watch as things played out.

"So, what comes next?" He asked nobody in particular after a brief silence. "Will Bonesword fight next? I mean, we're not the only Pirates on in hot water here." He glanced at Runch and his crew. It wasn't just the Red Rums anymore was it. At least not while they were traveling together. Well shit. Guess they were all in hot water. Or... Hot milk in the case of the Cereal Man and his crew.
K a z u o

Personal Dossier

Mizushima Kazuo


Sapporo, Japan

Physical Description
Kazuo is roughly 5'4" tall with a lean, but muscular physique. Contrary to what many would believe based on his quirk his body is not built like a tank. It is built compact, efficient muscle mass, strength and mobility. Most at a first glance probably wouldn't expect him to be a bit scrawnier at a first glance. This is because of his choice of clothing. It is typically form fitting, though a bit on the baggier side for comfort and mobility. His hair is dark brown, bordering black, and almost always worn in the same seemingly styled, unkempt manner. Pulling his look together is his eyes, which are a dulled yellow usually set to express and calm or bored demeanor even if he generally wears a smile and rarely a scowl.

  • Competitive
  • Confident
  • Indulgent
  • Playful
  • Rebellious
  • Resolute
  • Snarky
  • Truthful

Personal History
Kazuo Mizushima was born into a family of three. He was loved, but that didn’t take away from his having to deal with something of an unbearable father.

It started with his sister, Hotaru Mizushima. She was on the fast track to becoming a hero despite their father’s, Shigeru Mizushima, wishes. Shigeru hated heroes. In his eyes they were a bunch of money hungry, fame crazed, showboats who thought they could do whatever they please under the guise of protecting the people. They worked around the rules, doing just enough not to get in trouble. And yet, the people idolized them. His mother, Honoka Mizushima, on the other hand, always instilled in their children the belief that whatever they did was fine so long as they were happy. It was likely because of their differing views and Shigeru’s stubbornness that he and Honoka came to be separated, though they have yet to divorce. So, in keeping with the beliefs of their mother, Hotaru was the first to follow her dream. She wanted to be a hero and she wanted to travel the world. Even now, she has found some success in America after completing her time in a university over there.

Kazuo on the other hand was left at the mercy of his father quickly after her departure from home. Shigeru was by no means a terrible man, nor was he a bad father per say. He was, however, extremely controlling and difficult to communicate with. The man would not budge on his thoughts, and though he had lost his daughter to the fantasy of being a hero, he would not lose his son. He began to train Kazuo. Combat, the law, and many other subjects were covered. In truth, Kazuo is who he is because of this. He could see there were things about his father’s way of thinking that were correct, but he refused to acknowledge that. His father had become an obstacle. That and his admiration for his sister, along with countless other heroes, drove him down the path he felt was right.

Kazuo became unsure of whether or not he could accomplish his goal, but whether or not that was the case, he figured at the very least he could use his dream as a form of rebellion. Even so, Shigeru refused to let go so easily. He convinced Kazuo to at least go to school in Sapporo. Ishin Academy was a prestigious school in it’s own right and that way he could at least be close to home. Besides, the chances of him entering U.A. were slim to none. Kazuo might have applied anyway, if not for his own doubts.

Character Development & Conceptualization
The goal behind Kazuo’s creation is to take a play around with some of the usual themes that make a hero and a shounen protagonist. Some of the basic tropes include dead parental figures, a never ending drive to become the best, and a lack of brain power in anything other than combat. Kazuo is a character who still has both of his parents, though they are separated. He respects and loves both of them, but for different reasons and to different degrees. They are both present in his life and influence his growth and the decisions he makes in different ways. He does have the drive to get better, but he does not suffer from the tunnel vision so many characters like him suffer from. His goals are not delegated to fulfill a single purpose. Additionally, he uses his mind as much as he can because of some of the adverse side effects that come with his power.

Still, Kazuo is torn in his life. His mother is supportive, but his father isn’t much a fan of heroes. He believes such work should be left to police and if they want to fight crime they should join the police. Because of this Kazuo wants to prove the worth of a hero to his father, but at the end of the day he just wants the man’s respect and an expression of pride. He is also afraid of his own strength, of his own emotion. He fears hurting somebody if he can’t control it properly, especially given the volatile nature of his quirk when faced with powerful emotion. Honestly, I think Kazuo has the making of a good character, even if he’s used more for support than as a front runner.

And I think playing him would be both fun and interesting. He has to change and move past his indecision and petty feelings. It’s simple growth in theory, but if I can manage to do it right he could be a good character to have around.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Quirk Description
Kazuo’s power stems from his Internal Furnace which is a flame located within the abdominal area, somewhere around the stomach. As a result his core body temperature is higher than the average person’s, giving him heightened resistance to varying hot and cold temperatures, though this does not equate to immunity. It also imbues him with superhuman strength and heightened durability. At base level he can lift a small car, albeit it he does struggle a bit to do so, and take powerful blows and falls from heights of at least 5 stories with no real trouble. Kazuo’s strength and durability seem to grow exponentially, and to seemingly limitless heights, depending on his mental and physical state. Even so, this supposedly limitless strength comes with a price. The power is extremely difficult to control and furthermore seems to have a strong connection to the Kazuo’s mental state, which in turn brings about various side effects.

This quirk is a double edged sword. For example, Kazuo’s abilities may be amplified or weakened depending on his emotional state. The more determined, angry, happy, etc. he gets the stronger the flame burns. As the flame burns brighter and stronger the user's strength, and durability increases, but in addition to that, he also begins to grow hotter. His body will rise in temperature adding more power to his strikes and he may even experience abilities akin to pyrokinetics. Still, eventually his skin will become hot to the touch, and small bursts of flame will sprout along his body until eventually he is set ablaze in his entirety. The heat may go to his head making him dizzy or it may possibly even cause him to pass out.

Should he manage to keep conscious, Kazuo will be exposed to even worse dangers. The flame will continue to grow and will likely go out of control and "eat" him alive. On the other hand, even getting depressed or some other form of negative emotion will weaken the flame. In this case Kazuo may experience cold like symptoms, fevers, shivering, and fainting spells. Thus, he must remain in complete control, at least to a certain degree, at all times.

Other Talents & Attributes
  • Combat - Kazuo is a naturally gifted combatant and fights primarily while moving on instinct. That was likely why his father began training him to fight at such a young age. While he does not have the same resources as some individuals, being the son of a police officer, he did receive fairly good training from “the old man,” as he calls him, in Taiho Jutsu. However, he also attempted to branch out beyond the reach of his father's controlling hands. He incorporates Karate along with Savate into his fighting, although it should be stressed this is mostly self taught.
  • Cooking - Kazuo is a pretty good cook due to years of watching and helping his mom. Sometimes, however, the food he makes tends to take a turn from normal to spicy. He doesn’t usually notice this himself.
  • Law Enforcement Knowledge - Kazuo’s understanding of police procedure and the laws of his society helps him in various way. It is particular helpful in allowing him to bend the rules just enough not to break them.
  • Multilingual - Kazuo has learned to speak English and Spanish under the strict tutelage of private instructors hired by his father. It started off as a chore, but as he came to see the uses of it, he began to study more diligently for himself.

K a z u o

Personal Dossier

Mizushima Kazuo


Sapporo, Japan

Physical Description
Kazuo is roughly 5'4" tall with a lean, but muscular physique. Contrary to what many would believe based on his quirk his body is not built like a tank. It is built compact, efficient muscle mass, strength and mobility. Most at a first glance probably wouldn't expect him to be a bit scrawnier at a first glance. This is because of his choice of clothing. It is typically form fitting, though a bit on the baggier side for comfort and mobility. His hair is dark brown, bordering black, and almost always worn in the same seemingly styled, unkempt manner. Pulling his look together is his eyes, which are a dulled yellow usually set to express and calm or bored demeanor even if he generally wears a smile and rarely a scowl.

  • Competitive
  • Confident
  • Indulgent
  • Playful
  • Rebellious
  • Resolute
  • Snarky
  • Truthful

Personal History
Kazuo Mizushima was born into a family of three. He was loved, but that didn’t take away from his having to deal with something of an unbearable father.

It started with his sister, Hotaru Mizushima. She was on the fast track to becoming a hero despite their father’s, Shigeru Mizushima, wishes. Shigeru hated heroes. In his eyes they were a bunch of money hungry, fame crazed, showboats who thought they could do whatever they please under the guise of protecting the people. They worked around the rules, doing just enough not to get in trouble. And yet, the people idolized them. His mother, Honoka Mizushima, on the other hand, always instilled in their children the belief that whatever they did was fine so long as they were happy. It was likely because of their differing views and Shigeru’s stubbornness that he and Honoka came to be separated, though they have yet to divorce. So, in keeping with the beliefs of their mother, Hotaru was the first to follow her dream. She wanted to be a hero and she wanted to travel the world. Even now, she has found some success in America after completing her time in a university over there.

Kazuo on the other hand was left at the mercy of his father quickly after her departure from home. Shigeru was by no means a terrible man, nor was he a bad father per say. He was, however, extremely controlling and difficult to communicate with. The man would not budge on his thoughts, and though he had lost his daughter to the fantasy of being a hero, he would not lose his son. He began to train Kazuo. Combat, the law, and many other subjects were covered. In truth, Kazuo is who he is because of this. He could see there were things about his father’s way of thinking that were correct, but he refused to acknowledge that. His father had become an obstacle. That and his admiration for his sister, along with countless other heroes, drove him down the path he felt was right.

Kazuo became unsure of whether or not he could accomplish his goal, but whether or not that was the case, he figured at the very least he could use his dream as a form of rebellion. Even so, Shigeru refused to let go so easily. He convinced Kazuo to at least go to school in Sapporo. Ishin Academy was a prestigious school in it’s own right and that way he could at least be close to home. Besides, the chances of him entering U.A. were slim to none. Kazuo might have applied anyway, if not for his own doubts.

Character Development & Conceptualization
The goal behind Kazuo’s creation is to take a play around with some of the usual themes that make a hero and a shounen protagonist. Some of the basic tropes include dead parental figures, a never ending drive to become the best, and a lack of brain power in anything other than combat. Kazuo is a character who still has both of his parents, though they are separated. He respects and loves both of them, but for different reasons and to different degrees. They are both present in his life and influence his growth and the decisions he makes in different ways. He does have the drive to get better, but he does not suffer from the tunnel vision so many characters like him suffer from. His goals are not delegated to fulfill a single purpose. Additionally, he uses his mind as much as he can because of some of the adverse side effects that come with his power.

Still, Kazuo is torn in his life. His mother is supportive, but his father isn’t much a fan of heroes. He believes such work should be left to police and if they want to fight crime they should join the police. Because of this Kazuo wants to prove the worth of a hero to his father, but at the end of the day he just wants the man’s respect and an expression of pride. He is also afraid of his own strength, of his own emotion. He fears hurting somebody if he can’t control it properly, especially given the volatile nature of his quirk when faced with powerful emotion. Honestly, I think Kazuo has the making of a good character, even if he’s used more for support than as a front runner.

And I think playing him would be both fun and interesting. He has to change and move past his indecision and petty feelings. It’s simple growth in theory, but if I can manage to do it right he could be a good character to have around.

Abilities & Talents

Quirk Type

Quirk Description
Kazuo’s power stems from his Internal Furnace which is a flame located within the abdominal area, somewhere around the stomach. As a result his core body temperature is higher than the average person’s, giving him heightened resistance to varying hot and cold temperatures, though this does not equate to immunity. It also imbues him with superhuman strength and heightened durability. At base level he can lift a small car, albeit it he does struggle a bit to do so, and take powerful blows and falls from heights of at least 5 stories with no real trouble. Kazuo’s strength and durability seem to grow exponentially, and to seemingly limitless heights, depending on his mental and physical state. Even so, this supposedly limitless strength comes with a price. The power is extremely difficult to control and furthermore seems to have a strong connection to the Kazuo’s mental state, which in turn brings about various side effects.

This quirk is a double edged sword. For example, Kazuo’s abilities may be amplified or weakened depending on his emotional state. The more determined, angry, happy, etc. he gets the stronger the flame burns. As the flame burns brighter and stronger the user's strength, and durability increases, but in addition to that, he also begins to grow hotter. His body will rise in temperature adding more power to his strikes and he may even experience abilities akin to pyrokinetics. Still, eventually his skin will become hot to the touch, and small bursts of flame will sprout along his body until eventually he is set ablaze in his entirety. The heat may go to his head making him dizzy or it may possibly even cause him to pass out.

Should he manage to keep conscious, Kazuo will be exposed to even worse dangers. The flame will continue to grow and will likely go out of control and "eat" him alive. On the other hand, even getting depressed or some other form of negative emotion will weaken the flame. In this case Kazuo may experience cold like symptoms, fevers, shivering, and fainting spells. Thus, he must remain in complete control, at least to a certain degree, at all times.

Other Talents & Attributes
  • Combat - Kazuo is a naturally gifted combatant and fights primarily while moving on instinct. That was likely why his father began training him to fight at such a young age. While he does not have the same resources as some individuals, being the son of a police officer, he did receive fairly good training from “the old man,” as he calls him, in Taiho Jutsu. However, he also attempted to branch out beyond the reach of his father's controlling hands. He incorporates Karate along with Savate into his fighting, although it should be stressed this is mostly self taught.
  • Cooking - Kazuo is a pretty good cook due to years of watching and helping his mom. Sometimes, however, the food he makes tends to take a turn from normal to spicy. He doesn’t usually notice this himself.
  • Law Enforcement Knowledge - Kazuo’s understanding of police procedure and the laws of his society helps him in various way. It is particular helpful in allowing him to bend the rules just enough not to break them.
  • Multilingual - Kazuo has learned to speak English and Spanish under the strict tutelage of private instructors hired by his father. It started off as a chore, but as he came to see the uses of it, he began to study more diligently for himself.


• Old Abandoned Library •
Some Day, Some Time

Hakuryu had been shocked by the sudden appearance of the mini droid, one of Auriola's he'd remembered. Lucky he hadn't attacked. However, the voice of Prelati brought him back to his sense. And then, as though the shock of the little bot hadn't been enough, he immediately came face to face with one of the many suits of armors that filled the library.

"Tch..." he sucked his teeth as he turned quickly. He put his right hand up, using his forearm to block a swing from the suit of armor. He brought his left fist up in almost a single fluid motion. "Fudou Sajinbaku!" His fist seemed to spin as it made contact with the suit of armor. Nakajima-Sensei might have obliterated the armor with this move, but he wasn't quite there. He felt it as soon as he made contact. Even so, the Armor, though it was a bit larger than him, lifted off the ground and flew up into the ceiling.

There was another, it wasn't too big, but a smaller one had already gone after the drone. Now, Roundhouse Kick. He then though as he shifted his weight, swinging his leg in a semi-circle like motion. The kick that connecting with the mid section of the armor sent it sent it flying into the stacks to the right of Hakuryu and the armor itself. The young man took a breath, satisfied with the move as the stack began to tip over. It would fall, but likely knock over another suit of armor or two. However, he wasn't so stupid as to believe he could win this battle on his own. Though, the sound of the first suit of armor crashing down onto the floor just after his attack on the second suit was quite the confidence boost.

Still, he was lucky that Dimitri and Auriola arrive almost immediately as he turned back to face was was easily the largest suit of armor there. Dimitri seemed determined to take on the hulking behemoth right away. He could likely handle it. "I'll back you..." he had begun his confirmation of dimitri's orders, but stopped when Auriola spoke. She was right. Somebody would need to stop Prelati.

"You're right Auriola." Hakuryu said with a quick nod and a smirk before running past the group. "Sorry about the mess by the way!" he called back to the two noting the fallen book stacks and mess of armor pieces on the floor. He was charging right ahead, prepared to stopped Prelati. Though he had no idea how to do that. Maybe all he would have to do is put her out of commission himself.

"Prelati, if that is who you really are, I'll give you a chance to surrender." He said simply. "Or I'm gonna have to put you down."
Wafer D. Kite - You wanna what? I'll just be over here!

Kite groaned as the series of events laid out before him unfolded. He had worked on the ship after the trip through reverse mountain, which included cleaning and additional repairs that he hadn't had time to finish after the battle with Krabbe. On top of that, he hadn't had a proper rest in a long time. His body was still fairly fatigued, malnourished and exhausted. Even so, as the crew was called to attention and challenged he couldn't help but stand in awe of the island. It was battle ready and full of a slew of interesting people. He wanted to learn so much more until he noticed how close one of the cannon balls came.

"HEY!" he shouted angrily. "I just fixed that!"

Kite growled. Although they didn't have many options he was more than willing to agree to the challenge. However, he knew that it was possible he might be something of a liability. Still he would be as useful...

"Hey, Slick and Kite! I left my weights at home. I need to bench press you guys."

Bench him? Oh no no no. The, admittedly attractive, muscle woman was not about to bench him. He glanced at her for a second before lightly nudging Slick forward and turning immediately to watch as Caesar stepped out onto the apparent dodgeball arena. "Hmmm... This oughta be a fun watch." He said as he watched. He didn't know much about the rest of the crew overall. This was a good chance to learn more about them. At least in competitions and stuff like that.
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