Avatar of Devo
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 135 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Devo 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
8 yrs ago
Wisdom teeth's only function is to make you want to rip your mouth out ugh
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8 yrs ago
Why did George Jetson name his son Elroy? Who hates their son enough that they would do that?
8 yrs ago
After beating someone in a Pokemon battle, they asked if I could have their children and I don't know how to respond to that.
8 yrs ago
Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart-- OH GOD, I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO REALLY RIP HER HEART OUT, PUT IT BACK


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The Troll

Name: Lilerm Voigre
Blood color: Olive
Age: 7.5 sweeps.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: Lilerm is a troll of average height with a chubby build. She has almost messy hair that she pulls back into a ponytail and often slings said ponytail over her left shoulder. Her horns are extremely short and barely peek out from the top of her head. She usually is seen wearing a black shirt with her symbol on it underneath an unbuttoned olive jacket, as well as a black skirt.
Symbol: Her symbol is what seems to be like two lines of scribbles much like the scribbles you see on writing in cartoons, to match her poet persona.
Personality: Your name is LILERM VOIGRE and you are a self-proclaimed CLASSY POET. You have a penchant for SICK RHYMES, but you believe you have more class than to stoop down to rap. You are a COMPETITIVE SORT, and constantly try to one-up others for better or for worse. You spend your time writing new POEMS and enjoying your land's beautiful scenery of GRAVESTONES. You have very little psychic intuition, but what you do have manifests as EMOTION READING, letting you, surprise surprise, decipher other's emotions. You fight mainly by using a QUILL PEN which is either tickishly annoying or pointedly painful.
Lusus: Raven Mom
Sylladex: Riddle Modus- To retrieve an item, the user must answer a rhyming riddle that is based off of that item.
Strife specibus: Penkind


Handle: LukewarmLaureate [LL]
Quirk: Speaks entirely in rhyme, usually separates rhymes with a "/" much ike older poetry styles as well as replaces all commas with "/", all periods are replaced by commas.
LL: As for what I think of you / You are definitely an asshat, that much is true,


God-tier: Witch of Mind
Moon: Derse
Land: Land of Violins and Graveyards
The land is littered with many gravestones, invoking a design that, alongside Raven Mom, makes people think of Edgar Allen Poe. The sound of classical music being played on violin juxtaposes with the dark scenery, constantly playing in the background.

Ideas on Rafe's relationships with the rest of the cast:

Avery- I can see Rafe really liking when Avery shows her strength and in a way probably really looks up to her for that strength. Since he's naturally really calm and collected, I could possibly see him attempting to help when she has a panic attack? Either way, I could definitely see them as friends who probably met through one of the others.

Max- Max and Rafe's personalities would probably clash somewhat with Max being more reserved and Rafe being more than a little too detached from reality. I don't think they'd exactly be enemies, but I could see their personalities sometimes grating on each other but still being friends to begin with on a fundamental level, I think?

Alexei- You mentioned that maybe he met the group through working as IT at someone's job for a bit? Maybe he worked at the law firm Rafe works at as IT and Rafe invited him out for a few drinks and they hit it off? Just a thought.

Johanna- I agree that Rafe and Johanna probably hang as drinking buddies every once in a while. I also think Rafe trying to help with Johanna's divorce or even tried to find connections to get her a good lawyer during it might be an interesting dynamic.

Matt- Good friends. I'm definitely game for them meeting at a bar and originally disliking each other but now are really close. I could see Rafe really enjoying listening to Matt talk about his interests and maybe even getting into a couple of them just to see why Matt likes them so much. Possibly roommates if you think that'd work?

Anastasia- I could see Rafe and Anastasia's friendship to be incredibly back and forth. Since they're both sharp-tongued (although I'm betting Anastasia's way better at remarks than Rafe is) they probably snark at each other every once in a while, but I could also see Rafe glad that Anastasia takes up the mediator role in the group. Maybe somewhere between acquaintance and friends?

Luci- I could see Rafe really supporting Luci's party hardy lifestyle, thinking that no one should make themselves constantly into all-work, no play. He'd probably be totally confused about anything she says about engineering since he's really book dumb which could cause for some funny interactions. Maybe met during college?

Marcie- I could see them in a slightly bickering but friendly dynamic? Like on one hand, I could see Rafe pointing out the whole "Why are you a butcher but you never eat meat??" situation often, but at the same time often inviting her out to social drinking in hopes that she would hit it off with a girl there (or find an casting director, even though Rafe's probably too dim to realize that's a bad place to look).

Spencer- Rafe would be absolutely in love with Pepper and would be constantly trying to find excuses to play with her. They both came from middle class/lower middle class, so I could see them both understanding the value of the dollar and kinda bonding over that. They'd probably be the two working extremely hard to pay Max's loan back?
Still working on my CS! I should have it up sometime in the next couple of hours!
I'm pretty game for trolls too, tbh.
Since I'm currently re-reading Homestuck to gear up for the finale, I'm definitely interested! c:
@Shadowpenguin07 Glad to see someone taking the first step to break the ice here! c:

I'm game for that to be how Matt and Rafe became buds, tbh! It sounds like it just really really fits!

@Soldierman66 I'm sorry, but other than the two reserved places, which both have them have posted their CS's, there aren't anymore spots open. :/

@Fabricant451 Marcie is accepted! You may move her to the character tab!


Since we have all the CS's now, I think this is where we should follow shadowpenguin and start deciding and discussing what everyone's links to each other are. So, at your leisure, let's get this ball rolling!

Officially throwing in my interest! c:
I think once the last two CS's are turned in, ten is more than enough to handle this. Any more than that and I believe it'll feel way too crowded. Because of this, except for the last two CS's which are now officially reserved for kkbird and Fabricant, we won't be accepting any more CS's.
Once kkbird and Fabricant get their CS's in , I'll probably go ahead and close sign ups. Until then, places will still be open for people who still want to send something in, but once they get theirs in I won't be accepting any new ones. From there we'll be shifting to working on relations sheets and kicking around ideas for plotlines and/or little episodic plotlines that gives most if not all of the characters something to do. AKA, we'll start taking some steps to kicking up the IC!

@kkbird123@Fabricant451 Alrighty! Take your time, guys. There's no rush at all. c:

@Polaris North That sounds like a really good idea, imho! Especially since a lot of people in the group are really just starting up their careers, it'd make a lot of sense that Maximus would make sure they'd be on their feet until they could pay back the money.

@Lord Coake A little short, but it looks like you'll be going into more detail with him IC. Accepted! You may move him to the character tab!

@Shadowpenguin07 Matt is accepted! You may move him to the character tab!

@princesstee For your first time roleplaying on this site, you did a fine job with your character sheet! Anastasia has been accepted and you may move her to the character tab!
So far I'm really liking the varied group of characters we're getting for this! It's all sorts and I really like that. I recommend from here on out we start thinking about how these characters will react and what relations they will have to each other, now that we're starting to get a good number.

@Polaris North Maximus is accepted! You can move him over to the character tab at your own leisure!

@MissCapnCrunch Johanna is accepted! You may move her over to the character tab at anytime!
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