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Current Time to get back into this! It's been too long.
7 yrs ago
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
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A crowd had seemed to gather instantly at the ring of the gong. Within fractions of a second, the two women launched towards each other, plowing forward at full force, arms splayed behind their backs with their speed. It was not long before they clashed, an overhead slash from Ichika was parried sidewards by a twisting roll of her opponent's palm to her ribs. Rolling her knees, Kuree continued her assault by attempting a left high kick, aimed directly for the Uchiha's temple. Ichika barely had time to reposition and bring her wooden wakizashi to bear, wrist tilted upwards in order to point her 'blade' backward. Blocking the strike.

Where a normal fighter would take a moment to pause and gather themselves, Kuree's assault did not relent. A flurry of kicks to the legs and ribs of the Uchiha before her were unleashed in rapid succession. Ichika was being pressed, hard. She's fast!She had thought to herself, unable to keep up with the Suna native's assault despite her best efforts to check the leg kicks by bending the corresponding knees. Quickly, flourishing her wakizashi in a sweeping circle, switching into a reverse grip Ichika slammed the pommel of her weapon into Kuree's solar plexus and leaped backward. Creating some space between the two fighters.

The black pupils of the Uchiha shifted and seemed to bleed as the circling wheel of her Sharingan whirled to life in her eyes. Ichika then crossed her pointer and index on both hands, while still holding her weapon Ichika performed the shadow clone jutsu. But unbeknownst to Kuree she had fallen into a genjutsu when Ichikas sharingan awakened. To spectators, Ichika created 3 clones. But for Kuree she saw 25 team’s worth of Ichikas. Kuree was impressed by Ichika’s deep well of chakra but be it 1 or 100 she remained confident and poised.

In preparation for the oncoming horde, Kuree placed one hand on the ground "Lightning Release! Cutting kicks!" Kuree spoke before unleashing volley of electric waves in every direction by throwing herself around her arm, spinning on her back, and back up to her arms to keep her rotation going, spinning at top like speeds. Clearing the clones Kuree spins back to one knee, feeling a little dizzy she can see three to six Ichika’s standing at a distance from her, shaking her head and slamming her fist on the ground she re-orients herself, the surrounding ichika’s had all vanished

Kuree rises quickly and just behind her is ichika, Kuree quickly performed the tiger seal to body flicker behind her and deliver a strong kick to her center back…it was a shadow clone. Before taking the time to think Kuree activated Earth release: Earth spear, planting her feet by widening her stance, Kuree opened her hands and connects her middle fingers and breaths in as her open palms rise up her body begins to darken as her earth chakra covers her body ending when her open palms are fully extended above her head. Ichika appeared next to Kuree and sent a kick into her abdominal region that would send most flying, the shockwave cracked across the field. But the mountain stood firm.

Ichika had begun to smile as the battle progressed, the blonde Suna native was displaying quite extensive Taijutsu prowess. Though it was quite fortunate for Ichika that Kuree had as of yet been unable to see through her Genjutsu; which the Uchiha had engineered to convince her opponent that more shadow clones had been created than the actual amount conjured by Ichika's jutsu.

Kuree grabbing Ichika’s leg in her stomach spun her around to expose her back, Kuree then hooked her arms underneath Ichika’s and sent them flying into the air in an arch and its apex left ichika’s shoulders, head, and back exposed to the earth speeding towards beneath them "Suto Suplex!" Kuree boomed as they were careening towards the ground. The impact of the suplex caused a brief cloud of dust and dirt and once it cleared it revealed…It was another clone.

As the numerous plumes of smoke from her clones dissipated, Ichika stood tall some twenty meters from Kuree's position. A murderous grin etched across her face. "You're fast Suto, and your use of the body flicker is commendable. I'll give you that; but my Sharingan is beginning to become accustomed to your movements. And that was naught but the beginning of my assault! Ichika cackled, before swiftly weaving the two signs she had become known for. Boar, Tiger.

Instantaneously, a swamp that measured roughly thirty feet in diameter began to emerge from the training field's ground. "Sooo, this is the black swamp. I'm glad to hear your just getting started...So am I!" Kuree exclaimed and let out a fierce punch charged with lightning nature chakra, on herself?! "Ow! You see ichika I read your file, I learned that the only way I could counter a genjutsu is if I cause myself harm before you do." Kuree said while still recovering from her own punch, she knew this would leave her exposed but at least she could move.

This rather ingenious method of breaking free from Genjutsu has to be commended. Ichika had thought to herself as she began to ruthlessly rush her opponent, ready to demonstrate what Ichika believed to be the true threat of the Sharingan. The copy wheel eye. In the brief opening the real Ichika had been provided whilst Kuree had been dispatching copies of the Uchiha whom in reality did not exist; Ichika was able to perfectly trace the Suto's movements and memorize them as the more tomboyish of the two women had made incredible use of her 'Suto Suplex'.

With a brief zig-zag moments before the Uchiha came within five feet of Kuree, Ichika was able to pass the stunned Shinobi's guard and take her from behind in a burst of such speed it almost made her appear to be naught but a crimson blur. Replaying the event she had just witnessed but with her body, rather than her imagination, Ichika wrapped her arms around Kuree's muscular frame in the exact same positioning her opponent had beforehand. With a mighty roar, the ebony-haired woman used all the natural strength she had, while simultaneously infusing enough chakra to bolster that strength in order to mimic the soaring suplex.

Whilst airborne, the two spiraled and twisted ninety degrees, before Kuree was brought crashing down onto her shoulders. The force of their impact on the ground was enough to leave behind a small crater as the two warriors came crashing to the ground. After a brief scurry, Ichika was able to place her left hand upon the scroll that Kuree had affixed to her waist, much as the Uchiha had herself. It's Over. Ichika thought to herself, as she fired off her chakra, activating the Flying Raijin seal formulae associated with her kunai.

Instantaneously, the space-time ninjutsu translocated Ichika into the circle she had previously marked out.

After impact Kuree was very thankful she activated earth spear when she did "Ha! it's not over till I!-" Kuree said confidently as she deactivated earth spear and tried to use her charged aura technique to enhance her body speed to catch Ichika but in a blink of an eye Ichika was in her ring's centre, panting slightly but smiling all the way. "Oh...well I guess it is over ha ha ha!" Kuree laughed as she realized she made her self look a little foolish, feeling a little embarrassed. "Well that was fun! I guess we should head back to the Hokage's office now."


Akira Senju


Akira had been frozen in place the entire time as the other students went about their business following the classroom antics caused by the Akimchi. That piece of work doesn't even deserve to be in this classroom, let alone pass as a Shinobi. Such a disgrace brought shame to the Will of Fire, set in place by my forefathers. The Senju thought to himself as he adjusted the fitting of his regal blue cloak, it's silky fabrics embroided with slate grey flames in its corners that bordered a pair of Senju clan insignias.

The Senju child was far and out the youngest in the classroom, having blitzed his way through the written tests with such incredible passing grades that it was determined that he be moved ahead two years. His frame seemed frail compared to those of his peers, though despite this, Akira was among the class' tallest students. His white hair and eccentric attire coupled with this gap in age made him stand out among the others like a sore thumb.

As Hana-Sensei had tossed the binder containing the documents to assist Burai with his special requirements, Akira noticed her gaze divert to the young Senju, who was sat in the middle row on the right hand side of the classroom. He blushed as their eyes met for a brief moment. It was pretty common knowledge among the children in the class that Akira had something of a crush on their teacher, a fact he was constantly teased for. Hana-Sensei was the only thing in the world that was capable of distraction the boy from his work.

By the time that Akira had pulled his attention away from his teacher and onto the blackboard, the boy was stunned by what he saw, as his eyes were met with the sight of his team's composition. Natsuo Aburame and the singularly named Tomoyuki, one was too introverted for his own good and the other was like a machine. Singularly minded and lacking in initiative of his own whom in the eyes of Akira, could never hope to amount to anything. Why have they stuck me with these delinquents? There must be some kind of mistake! No...Hana-Sensei never makes mistakes. He began thinking to himself, before reading the name of the person who would become his new master. Ichika Uchiha. Just perfect. To top it all off, our new Sensei had to be a damned Uchiha.

Akira stormed out of the room the moment class was dismissed, he left alone as the other students all began to mingle briefly. Even on regular days the Senju boy didn't care for such things, but with the panic racing through his mind of being forced to associate with such people...Akira felt a serious sensation of anxiety rushing through his body, and because of that; he had to escape. Flee into the woods as fast as he could.

So that's just what he did, bursting out of the academy at full speed; Akira headed in the direction of the academy's training field. Alone. The moment he was free of the bustle of the main village, Akira slowed his pace, reaching into his sachel and pulling out his journal, which much like his cloak was branded with the Senju insignia. Faint etchings that read 'A Fuinjutsu Compendium, written by Akira Senju' branded on its cover. It was as he turned the book to a page covering the Spellbinding Chains sealing jutsu, that he heard the unmistakable sound of the academy's training grounds gong. Without a moment's pause he slapped the compendium shut, and darted off in the direction of the field.

Ichika smirked as Kuree readied herself, seemingly poised to strike at any moment. Red scarf and blonde hair a stark contrast to the leaf green shirt and black pants and sleeves that she wore. "You may wish to slow your roll slightly my dearest Kuree. We have yet to agree upon terms of this training. Often we Shinobi favour ring out or the first to be upon our backs, though I fear that due to the specifics of both of our skill sets that this may lead to myself gaining an unfair advantage; and that just won't do, wouldn't you agree? the Uchiha stated bluntly, her demeanour almost instantly shifting from the relative warmth she had shown the Suna native beforehand to the cold harshness that most Konoha Shinobi knew her for.

"Oh! you're right, I was just so excited I forgot." Kuree Dropped her stance and scratched the back of her head "Hmmm... I know! it's a game we used to play in Suna, but it is very effective in its simplicity, its called Capture the Scroll; we each have a scroll and the goal is to take it from the other person, usually we would play this in teams on sand dunes, but I think Shinobi of our caliber will do just fine on our own." Kuree said and then checked her pockets only to remember she doesn't carry any with her, she would laugh and say "Say... you wouldn't happen to have any would you?! haha"

" I do not, however. This is predicament is most easily rectified." Ichika responded, before baring her teeth and biting hard onto the tip of her thumb, piercing both skin and flesh before shifting and moulding her chakra into her right hand, slamming it down to the ground, a seal instantly appearing upon its surface. "Summoning Jutsu!" Erupted her voice from her lungs, causing the heads of the few who were nearby to turn their direction. But an instant later, a small brown otter with a few black markings here and there upon its fur appeared. Sporting a leather satchel upon its back.

The Uchiha woman knleed and began petting and fussing over the small swampland creature, cooing it as though it were a child. Reaching into her pockets Ichika pulled forth a few crumbs of bread, feeding them to the otter as she reached into the satchel. Pulling out four scrolls one by one as her summoned critter gleefully snatched up the crumbs.

"Will these two do?" Ichika asked frankly, before affixing one of the four scrolls she now possessed to her waist and continuing. "I presume that this is how the game is played?" Kuree Was busy envying the chance to pet the cute otter until Ichika spoke to her a second time "Um, close. Sorry I should have elaborated further, I was going to do it when I found some, but I will explain now, we only need two, we both have one scroll on us, useually attached on our back, our belt or wherever, and the goal is to take the other persons scroll and return it to their 'base'. So I will draw a circle on my end of the field and you make a circle on your side. So the first person to take the scroll and return to their circle wins!" without a word, Ichika dropped one of the scrolls on the ground before allowing the remaining two to unfurl in her hands. Revealing an inscription of the word 'sword' briefly as they fell down before the seal lit up and the scroll turned to smoke. With two wooden wakizashi having appeared suddenly, with one in each of Ichika's hands.

"From what I have read and what I have been told, I gather that you shan't be requiring one of these. Though please forgive me if I am incorrect. I shall throw you one over if you so desire." Responded the Uchiha, never once breaking eye contact with Kuree as she spoke. Once she had finished speaking, Ichika awkwardly held both training swords with her off-hand in order to unsheath her weapon before twirling its handle around betwixt her slender fingers and shifting her grip so as to hold the wakizashi by its blade. Upon completing this motion, the otter which had been summond prior timidly grabbed the sword by its handle with its mouth before scurrying off to the sidelines. Seemingly anxious to watch its master fight.

"You are correct, only thing I need is my body, so long as I have that I'm ready for anything!" Kuree said after cracking her neck and popping her knuckles on both hands in an attempt to shake her body loose a little. While warming up, Ichika kicked the scroll across the center field and Kuree would bend over to pick it up and attach it to her belt infront of her. Now feeling warmed up again Kuree spotted the Signal gong used for signaling the start and end of the excersise period at the academy, she then picked up a rock and walked to the other end of the center field and with the back of her boot heel drew a circle on the ground with a fast sweeping kick "Alright once I ring that gong with this rock, we can begin, and it aught to be enough for any nearby students to come watch.. are you ready?" Kuree asked as she tossed the rock up and down.

Ichika's cold demeanour dropped for a one tenth of aa second as she watched the spingy Suna native ready herself for combat. The Anbu agent had to force the smile that had begun to form on her face away, it couldn't be helped. Ichika could see something within this woman, a great untapped potential just roaring to be allowed out. During the midst of a quaint stroll to her side of the field, Ichika sheathed the spare wakizashi before creating her own circle with the wooden blade of the stil drawn sword. With a huff and a wolven smile, Ichika drew forth her kunai and slammed it blade first into the ground within her circle.

"I am sufficiently prepared, if you are ready; go" Spoke Ichika and with confirmation Kuree grabbed hold of the rock tightly and threw it at the gong from her side, its speed causing the unrefined edges to whistle against the air and upon making connection to the gong it shattered and the gong rung out loudly and filled the feild and the near by area around them with sound "Lets do this" Kuree said with much determination and took her stance inside her ring.

"Let us indeed." Ichika responded, containing the urge to activate her Sharingan as she analysed Kuree's posture. The Uchiha wasn't certain if the Suto even knew what the Sharingan was, let alone if she understood the intricacies of the Dojutsu. For this reason alone, Ichika felt it pertinent to keep that information under wraps for the time being.


✖ ‖ N a m e
Akira Senju

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
10 / September 13th

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Tall for his age and wire-framed, Akira is physically weak in comparison to his peers.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
The Senju

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Aoki Senju - Grandson of Hashirama Senju, Aoki is the former much loved head of the Senju, having stepped down due to his old age.
Mother: Remi Senju - An Uzumaki whom married into the clan due to tradition. Remi is highly protective of her only child.

✖ ‖ R a n k
Genin / (Ex: Jounin//Battalion 1)

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Inaffectionately called Fauxbirama by those who pick on him, due to his obsession with both the second and first Hokages.

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Greatly intelligent and a bit of a social pariah as a result of it, Akira can be known to hyper fixate on singular things. Such as his dream to become Hokage; and desire to emulate his forebearers. Whilst usually a good thing, which he puts into practice in order to achieve results, he is prone to suffering tunnel vision wherein he will only see his method as being the correct path.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Hashirama Senju
- Tobirama Senju
- Seiji Hyuuga
- Reading
- Climbing

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Running
- The Uchiha
- Ramen
- Physical training
- Frogs

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"I'm gonna be the greatest Hokage ever! Even better than Grandpa Hashirama and Great Uncle Tobirama!"

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Born into the prestigious Senju clan, as the grandson of the First Hokage. Akira was always touted for brillaince, especially once his resemblance to Tobirama was noted as he matured. Without much choice in the matter, he was sent off to the Hidden Leaf's ninja academy as soon as he was of age. There, he was categorised as a sensory type and he would begin to realise his true love. Studying. Passing the entrance exam with the highest score of any other entrants that year, Akira was placed a few years ahead. He realised the moment he entered his first classroom why it was he was born so weak of body, it was because he was born strong of mind. It did not take long for him to understand the basics of nature transformation chakra control, and once he understood that he was born with an affinity for Earth and Water Release it took him even less time to unlock the famed Senju Kekkei Genkai of Wood Release.

Being put in a class of older kids resulted in Akira being bullied a lot at first, though he never retaliated. After a while, the other kids realised that his grandfather was the First Hokage, and he was left alone mostly after that. Though a select few others persisted. His true talents however, would later go on to be discovered whilst he trained to become a Genin. The Senju's latent talent in the art of sealing techniques was unprecedented at his age, and he quickly began to grasp concepts that his peers couldn't even begin to understand. It was in all actuality, his affinity for this ability which enabled him tk graduate. In the top third of his class overall, though it is worth noting that he would have placed higher if not for his abysmal physical scores.

✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
Wood Release

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Earth and Water.

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Naturally studious and a bookworm as a result, Akira is capable of absorbing information incredibly fast as well as practically applying it and rarely needs to repeat an action more than three times to get the hang of it if he has read about it. His love for climbing has made him highly talented at it, and it is rare to find something Akira is entirely unwilling to attempt to climb. Additionally, he is a decent sensory ninja and his skill with sealing techniques is almost unheard of for someone of his age, having a complete understanding of the concept of Fuinjutsu thanks to his studiousness.

✖ ‖ J u t s u

[Wood Style]

[Wood Clone Technique]
Thanks to his understanding of his kekkei genkai and with his studies granting him excessive knowledge of the basics of ninja training, Akira has been able to figure out of his own volition how to merge his Wood Release with the creation of a standard clone jutsu. Though he is only able to create one of these clones, it will not dissappear upon being attacked, and it can merge with natural surroundings. Making it an excellent tool for ambush scenarios.

[Tree Limb Technique]
Akira is able to summon forth up to four thick tree roots from the ground. These roots can then be used to shelter, shield, or impale, depending on his whim. Unfortunately for him, this is a fairly close range attack.

[Wood Prison]

Akira utilitises his kekkei genkai to convert chakra into timber beneath the ground and forces it to grow rapidly, while forming it into a wooden prison. With a range of a mere five meters, it is difficult for the young Senju to make use of this ability in combat. Although it is not impossible.

[Fuinjutsu/Sealing Jutsu]

[Chakra Draining Seal]

After placing a seal on an opponent, Akira will drain their chakra, in order to use it for himself. He has theorised that if he were to capture an enemy ninja, this jutsu would be effective in keeping them restrained.

[Sealed Calligraphy]

By channeling his chakra into a writing utensil, Akira is able to write messages which can only be read by either the person the message was intended for; or another skilled sealing specialist.

[Finger Engraving Seal]
By concentrating chakra into his finger and using the heat from this action, Akira is able to inscribe messages on whatever he desires. This allows him to write on the skin of animals, iron plates, or any number of other things, however when doing so it requires him to be very delicate with his chakra control. This jutsu causes slight discomfort for a living target and if it is utilised on flesh, it will scar.

Akira's current study task is to learn the following fuinjutsu technique. He spends most of his spare time trying to understand it's intricacies. Though so far he has had made no progess.

[Spellbinding Chains]
A devastating sealing jutsu, Akira intends to use this technique to channel his chakra in order to etch a seal, and hurl sharp chains towards his foes, lashing them with painful effect or more likely, trapping them in their grasp.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Akira carries with him his Great Uncle's katana, a brace of kunai and a pouch of shuriken. Much like most shinobi.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Due to his weak stature and initial classification as a sensory type, Akira tries his best to avoid confrontation. Though when it is forced upon him he will always open battles by conjuring his wood clone. From there, he will attempt to disengage and whittle his opponent down in a battle of attrition, using his various sealing jutsus alongside the wood style to gain any advantage possible.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y

Ichika bowed her head slightly as her Hokage spoke to her, debriefing the Uchiha woman and seemingly readying himself to rebrief her for another mission. This was unexpected to be sure, but not unwelcome. In a way, Ichika felt as though she lived to serve the village; and by extension Seiji Hyuuga. But she was okay with that and in fact, she was more than happy to. In serving her village, she was able to travel the world in her pursuit of power.

"I will do whatever is asked of me, Lord Fourth." Ichika replied softly to the Hokage's question. Although the response that she was met was stern, it carried slight undertones of care for the woman before him. "That's not what I asked."

With a deep sigh before locking eyes with the Hokage, Ichika nodded and continued their conversation. "Yes...Lord Fourth. I will be ready. What are the paramaters of this joint operation?" She enquired, ever the inquisitor when it came to the details of her next mission. Sat completely straight backed, with her eyes never breaking contact with Seiji. His scarred features commanded the respect of those who met him.

At least that was what Ichika believed were people's initial impressions when they met the Hokage. Though she knew all to well that in actuality, it was his personality and strength of convictions, along with his accolades that inspired the respect of others. Not his outward appearance. Though it certainly didn't hurt.

Ichika had always felt uneasy in that office, from an early age Uchiha children were taught not to trust people from outside the clan and its close circles. But life had taught her otherwise, the Hyuuga could be trusted. Seiji could be trusted. However, a childhood of indoctrination lived during wartime was a difficult thing to shake. Even with all this information, still the Uchiha felt out of place. As though she did not belong.

After a brief rest in order to restore her chakra reserves and a small investigation of the surrounding area, Ichika recovered her kunai from the corpse of the first man she killed. Along with removing his headband as evidence. With her Sharingan no longer active and her wounds wiped clean, her face had become the monochrome vision of elegance that she was known for amongst her clan. With a swivel of her heels, Ichika turned back to the Genin whom she had placed under genjutsu in the earlier engagement and walked towards him;which caused visible distress for the man. Without saying anything, she retrieved the length of rope which she kept at her hip on her right side and began to restrain the rogue Genin with it. I wonder what Takayuki is doing right now... Ichika thought to herself.

Placing a hand on his shoulder once she had finished, Ichika closed her eyes and and blocked off her external sense. This was something she hated doing, but it was a necessity when making use of the Flying Thunder God technique to transport herself long distances. It was especially required when the Uchiha intended to transport another person along with herself. Searching her tenketsu network for the formulae connected to the space-time ninjutsu's seals. It took a moment, but she eventually found the secret seal which she had hidden roughly one hundred meters from the front entrance of the Hokage's office building.

Got it. She thought to herself, prompting a confused response from her captive before the pair suddenly transported to an alley parralel to the central road of the hidden Leaf once the Uchiha had finished infusing her chakra. Once they appeared, the first immediate sight for them, was a seal with the words 'Duty' 'Power' and 'Kindness' worked into its design. The Hokage's office came into clear sight as she pushed her charge around the corner. He whimpered and panted in an anxious stupor as he realised where he was, but not understanding how.

Ichika's sudden arrival within the leaf with a prisoner sparked a few cheers from those that she passed, random citizens and a few faces that she recognised. Her face never once changing expression. The same was said for the Uchiha woman when her presence was met with sneers and looks of vehement disgust. Because of her brother's actions during the Nine-Tails' rampage years before, there were many within the villlage whom did not trust the Uchiha any more. Believing them to serve their own interests, and their interests alone.

But none of that mattered to Ichika, all that mattered to her was that she served her village and by extension, her Hokage. To the best of her ability. As far as she was concerned, that was all anybody who resided within the Land of Fire should worry about. Power earned through service to a just cause was absolute in her opinion. This was made evident by the fact that it was her, bringing home this man as a prisoner and not the othet eay around.

After a short while, Ichika made it to the gates that prevented crowds and queues from forming outside the Hokage's office. They also served as an additional layer of defense in the event of an invasion. Upon arrival, she was met by one of Seiji Hyuuga's aides. Ichika handed off her prisoner, requesting that they have the rogue shinobi taken to ANBU headquarters for interrogation, before ignoring anything else that they had to say; almost brushing off their entire existence thereafter.

It did not take Ichika long to navigate her way to the door of the Hokage's office itself. A few of the workers had attempted to stop her whilst she was walking in order to make casual conversation. But that was not what she was here for, and so the Uchiha had ignored all such attempts at small talk. With a trio of knocks at the door, Ichika was welcomed into the room with a stern, authoritative tone. "Come in."

Opening the door gently, Ichika strolled silently into the room and knelt before Seiji Hyuuga and nowed her head as she did so. Her respect for the man was absolute, and she always made that abundantly clear. "Lord Hokage, I bring you information from my investigation in the north. Additionally, I captured one of the belligerents; he is being taken to ANBU headquarters as we speak my Lord." She explained, never once raising her head to meet his gaze as she awaited his gaze. Instead, she pulled the steel container from her back and held it before her with upward facing open palms.

The winds at the north-western border of the land of fire were harsh, despite it being summer. For the past three days, a sole figure clad in crimson armour had been dashing across the terrain, hunting for it's quarry. But now, it seemed, the figure had a lead. Stopping for the first time in what had amounted to sixteen hours of constant pace, the crimson armoured figure had finally ceased it's hustle. A black mask in the image of an otter, typical of the ANBU of the Leaf village covered their face as they perched on their knees at the peak of a hillside. Which overlooked a small, desolate outpost, which consised of a grouping of nine seperate wooden buildings. Their long, ebony mane flowing in the summer winds. With a set of deep black irises set in the eyes beneath the mask. It was a menacing sight to behold. It became even more so, once their eyes shifted and turned a bloody red, with three equidistant tomoe surrounding the pupil in a triangular formation.

Hmm. Quite a few large chakra signatures down there, along with numerous others, though those are significantly more faint in nature. Probably two, maybe three Jounin. This could prove troublesome if I do not handle this correctly. The figure thought, before removing it's mask for a brief moment. Revealing the soft skin and refined, flawless features of Ichika Uchiha. Her black brow furrowed to become perpendicular with her sharp cheekbones as she utilised her Sharingan to assess the situation in the rogue camp below. Most of the signatures seemed to be idle, as though they were waiting for something. I shall give you all something to make your wait worthwhile. She thought to herself, before lowering her mask once more and beginning to slide on her back down the hillside.

As her speed quickened, a quaint smile came to Ichika's previously pursed heart-shaped lips beneath her mask before making the ram hand seal as the Uchiha woman descended rapidly towards the outpost. "Earth Style: Hidden in the Earth Jutsu." She proclaimed to herself quietly, as she allowed her chakra to flow gently towards her body's earth release tenketsu point. Allowing her sliding form to fade into the ground beneath her back, but the crimson armoured ANBU operative lost no momentum as a result of this technique's use. If anything, Ichika felt as though she had gained pace due to a complete lack of surface tension and friction.

Now moving at incredibly high speeds, it took only a moment for Ichika to reach the base of the hillside, which in all actuality amounted to a small mountain. As she did so, she corrected her position and rose from the ground. Revealing herself once more. "Release!" Once again she felt her body feel a little bit more 'real'. Ichika knew that she was perfectly tangible and still existed on a physical level when she utilised the Hidden in the Earth technique, but that didn't ease her feelings of bodily dissociation whenever she put it to use. It was a peculiar feeling, and one that she felt she would never get used to.

Instantly breaking into full sprint, Ichika readied her Kunai in her left hand with a reverse grip and quickly reached for her wakizashi, tearing it from it's sheath as she made herself ready for the coming engagement. Zig-zagging left and right, her tall figure became blurred as she moved with sickening pace, quickly closing the gap between the open ground and the outpost.

With little to no noise, the famed Uchiha slid on her knees into cover behind a short barricade to the outpost's southern quadrant. It was as she finished performing this action, that she heard the pitter-patter of a patrol group. That must be the three weak chakra signatures that I observed. Definitely Genin. Ichika thought to herself, suppressing her own chakra so as to avoid detection by any potential sensory types among the defenders. Steadying her breath into silence, the woman readied herself. Awaiting the opportune moment to strike.

"Man, I don't see why we always get put in patrol. We're vets! We should get to guard the main building while the big wigs plan our next move. Not those damn greenhorns!" Came the voice of one of the men, who sounded as though he were nearing his forties and was certainly approaching her direction. An embarrassment as far as Ichika was concerned, approaching that age and not being Jounin level demonstrated either his complete lack of latent potential or an inability to commit to greatness. She wasn't certain which she deemed to be worse. Moments later, she he heard the footsteps cease, directly on the other side of the barricade. Here we go.

Ichika believed she did not have a moment to waste, formulating her plan of attack instantly. With two, hard bangs from the pommel of her wakizashi against the wooden defensive structure, she managed to arouse their intrigue. "What the fuck was that?" Came the earlier voice, his husky tones growing closer as he peered over the edge of the barrier. Without the faintest idea what fate awaited him on the other side.

Blood instantly covered her shoulder as Ichika slammed her kunai into the underside of the man's jaw, quickly rising to her feet and using the force of her rising stature to twist her body and hip toss the man onto his back before vaulting over the structure which had been her victim's undoing. Leaving her kunai embedded in the gap between the enemy's throat and chin. In one fluid motion, Ichika ducked under an incoming coming blow from a kanabo as she vaulted the barricade, which to be honest was more akin to a fence than any sort of decent defensive structure. The menacing visage of her sharingan rising to meet the blue eyes of the man whose attack she had just evaded, pouring the chakra of her dojutsu into his mind; leaving him catatonic with her Sharingan genjutsu.

Without pause Ichika turned her head to face the last remaining genin, her earlier deductions based on their chakra signatures had obviously been correct. These men amounted to nothing when compared to her, and she intended to demonstrate that to them before they died. The final hurdle, if this lowly rogue shinobi could even be called as much; had his no-dachi raised high above his head as he began to let out a roar to accompany what would probably have been an impressive strike, if not for the fact that Ichika's response would be to jam the point of her wakazashi into the man's now open mouth and through the tip of his spine. Killing him instantly and preventing any sound escaping from his mouth as he slumped to the ground, his lifeless body still attached to the Uchiha's blade.

Ichika decided she was safe for the moment, and left both of her blades embedded in her victims. Turning to the one she had placed under genjutsu. He didn't seem to be directly under it's effects any longer, but still he stood frozen in place. Silently, the woman sauntered towards him, meeting his gaze the entire time, before standing directly in front of him in utter silence. Observing his tan uniform and Sunagakure headband, which had been scratched out. Though not very well. Amaeteurs, can't they do anything right? she thought to herself, before clasping her hands together in the snake seal.

Moulding her chakra into one of her most formidable genjutsu, the Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing technique. Loose leaves and blades of grass began to surround the man, whirlwinding around the former Sand-nin as Ichika once again allowed her Chakra to flow into his head, placing her chakra flow between the synapses of his brain. This man was so weak willed that it was sad, in a way. The Uchiha pondered if she even needed to use Sharingan genjutsu on such a man. But as the leaves and grass fell to the ground around him. He did not flee in terror, or pass out as she had expected...instead he simply whispered under his breath. "There's... There's two of you, and that wasn't a seal for a clone...what. ARE you?!

Almost shocked, she had come to the realisation that this man must have known who she was. There was no other way. Otherwise he would not be witnessing an apparition of a second Ichika. She knew this, because the genjutsu she had just ensnared him within shows the user a vision of their greatest fears come true. Or, if that visage would not be realistic at that time, it would show them any generic horrific sight.

"The most terrifying thing that could happen to you was encountering me? How cute. Then you shall be the one I allow to live." Whispered the Uchiha, before continuing. "Do not move from this position for three days. If you do, I shall hunt you down. Do you understand?" She asked, being met with a horrified, silent nod as Ichika turned and removed her wakazashi from the mouth of her previous victim. Wiping the blood from the blade with her sleeve before returning it to its sheath.

No more words needed to be said, she knew that he would obey her command. It was rare to find one so weak willed, and so she had no doubts about his obedience. Deliberately leaving her kunai in it's temporary 'sheath', Ichika began a light stroll closer the main structure of the compound. Her footsteps absolute silent as she strode, before stopping roughly forty meters from entrance of the two tiered structure.

Horse, Dog, Bird, Ox, Snake.

Ichika, under no pressure at all casually wove the seals for her mighty Earth and Stone Dragon Jutsu, infusing more than the necessary amount of chakra in order to create the largest dragon that she could without draining herself of chakra. After all she would need it for what she had planned. As the beast composed of the ground below her, and the rocks above it came into being it let out a harrowing roar. Attracting the attention of those guards whom were on the inside of the building's main entrance. As they came out, arms at the ready, they locked up at the daunting sight of the large conjured dragon.

"Earth Style: Earth and Stone Dragon jutsu!" Ichika bellowed, before directing the dragon to slam itself into her enemies, crushing them beneath it's immense weight. "UUOOOOOAH!" She screamed, commanding her dragon to continue it's voracious onslaught, pouring even more chakra out from the earth tenketsu point within her body as the dragon set about demolishing the foundation of the building and causing it to collapse before rising to a vertiginous height in the air. Slamming back down into the ruins. There is no way any of them survived that. Ichika thought to herself, before releasing the jutsu, the immense quantities of earth and stone dispersing onto the annihilated remains of the outpost's main building.

Much to her surprise, two figures rose up from the debris, one female and the other male, huffing and panting. Wearing similar uniforms to that of the man she had placed under genjutsu prior to her vicious assault. Set upon the waist of the man, was a large steel container for a scroll, held in place by a series of ropes. It was clear that this was some kind of important information and not one for use in combat by the fact that it was apparently locked.

Raising her right hand level to the Jounin with an upwards facing open palm and placing her left hand just slightly below the faded golden tsuba of her wakizashi, gripping the sheath. Ichika flicked her fingers towards herself. Daring her two enemies to approach. "Come!" the Uchiha taunted, Sharingan still active beneath her mask. A hellish vision in the faces of the two rogue shinobi.

Instead of responding to her taunt by charging her, the two former Sand shinobi kicked away some debris from beneath them and planted their feet. Both making bird hand seals. "Wind Style: Air Bullet jutsu!" They bellowed in unison, which caught Ichika off guard, she was not expecting such a perfectly synchronised attack from a pair of despicable rogue shinobi. Pirouetting to her left at the last moment, Ichika was able to dodge the first two air projectiles, but almost instantly afterwards another pair came jetting towards her, one she managed to evade, but not the second. Which blasted a small hole clean through the armour upon her left shoulder and straight out the back. "This is going to be tougher than I thought..." She thought to herself aloud grunting in pain from the damage dealt by the powerful jutsu, before dropping into a crouch and rolling backwards in order to avoid the next three bullets that came her way.

Upon stabilising her position, Ichika instantly dispatched her chakra to the earth tenketsu and got to work weaving seals. Tiger, Hare, Boar, Dog. "Earth Style: Earth Wall!" Ichika declared, bracing herself to be hit with two more bullets. There was no way she would avoid the jutsu of these Jounin forever, she had to put up some kind of defense to force them to approach her. Then she could trap them with that jutsu.

Sure enough, one air bullet flew directly through into her stomach. Though fortunately Ichika's armour had caused it to ricochet off in another direction. Though she paid no attention to which, for her mind was soley focused on raising as wide and high a barrier as possible. Moments later, the second projectile howled towards her mask, directly inbetween her eyes, though thanks to the Sharingan, she was able to make a slight adjustment to the positioning of her head at the last moment, causing the bullet to slam into but a portion of the mask, shattering it instantly but otherwise leaving Ichika unscathed. In that instant, a great wall of earth erupted from the ground, soaring twenty meters into the air.

Now's my chance! Ichika thought to herself, clasping her hands together to form the snake seal as she heard the sound of eight more projectiles slamming into her earth wall. "Earth Style: Hidden in the Earth Jutsu." muttered the woman to herself before sinking into the ground beneath her feet and beginning to navigate the soil, finding her way into the wall that she had created. Slithering up through the structure, knowing full well that her adversaries would be attempting to flank her from opposite sides. Although they had no idea that she would no longer be waiting for them in that position.

Once she made it to the wall's apex, Ichika released her jutsu which had allowed her to effortlessly sneak her way there. She looked below, witnessing their visible confusion as to their attacker's whereabouts. It was time. Her plan for a counter attack had gone off almost entirely without a hitch. With a deep breath, Ichika crossed the index and ring fingers of both of her hands, conjuring two shadow clones and began flooding a large amount of chakra, possibly one third of what she felt she had remaining after the creation of her clones; into the tenketsu point which had been engaged since the beginning of this battle she wove two seals with flawless speed and precision. Her clones mimicking the action.

Boar, Tiger.

"WELCOME TO HELL! EARTH STYLE: SWAMP OF THE UNDERWORLD JUTSU!" Roared the ANBU agent as she unleashed one of her signature jutsu, her clones doing the same. The resulting swamp was gargantuan, with almost the enitre compound becoming enveloped within it's radius. Thick, black mud took the place of the once beautiful green grass, with snakes and other creatures from the local ecosystem scurrying to escape it's clutches, but quickly becoming snagged in the thick mud, unable to move.

The two jounin looked up at Ichika and attemped to leap from the clutches of the jutsu, towards her position. However due to the sheer density of the new terrain, they were completely unable to remove their feet from the swamp's clutches. They began to trudge through the mud towards the earth wall, hoping to begin an assault on the Uchiha, whose otherwise beautiful face had now been marked with numerous small cuts from the destruction of her mask, which leaked small streams of blood down her pale white face as she ceased holding the tiger seal. Beginning to apply the slightest amount of her water nature transformation to her earth style.

Ram, Horse, Dragon.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet!" Ichika shouted, forcing some of the mud of her and the clones' swamp to rise up, and take the form of a dragon's head. It would not be long before Ichika had completely drained herself of chakra. She knew she had to finish them in this moment. At least, if her clones did not survive the encounter that was.

Instantly, the dragon's dripping muddy maw opened up, and spewed forth a barrage of projectiles which came crashing into the two Jounin. Breaking bones and forcing them deeper into the mud of the swamp. As this occured, Ichika released both of her clones, causing the swamp to begin to fade from existence. Shrinking from it's perimeter into the heart of the chakra-created swampland. In this moment, the Uchiha woman leapt from her wall, pulling her blade from its sheathe as she descended upon the male Jounin. A single fell stroke of her blade was all it took to finish off the now crippled bearer of the scroll.

His ally had fared no better in the aftermath of Ichika's relentless assault, and as the Uchiha claimed the scoll for her own; all of the strength that the other woman could muster only allowed her to mutter six words. "You're...Ichika...of the Black Swamp..." She had said through pained, gritted teeth.

"Damn right...And don't you forget it."


✖ ‖ N a m e
Ichika Uchiha

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
29 / 8th of May

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Tall in stature, and athletically built; Ichika stands at 181cm in height and weighs 135lbs.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
The Uchiha

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Hyousuke Uchiha (Deceased)
Mother: Akari Uchiha (Deceased)
Elder Brother: Rukito Uchiha
Elder Twin Brother: Aito Uchiha (Deceased)

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ S p e c i a l S t a t u s
The ANBU Black Ops.

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Ichika of the Black Swamp.

The Newborn Reliquary.

Ichi, though ONLY her brother Rukito ever refers to her by this name.

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Having served in the Third Great Ninja War, Ichika is noted by many to be of a highly cold and unforgiving demeanour; though it is said by those close to her that beneath the no-nonsense exterior, there exists a light hearted and carefree individual. Which is absolutely accurate, though few ever get to see this side of her. Stubborn and even pessimistic at times, Ichika is highly critical of her own ability, which many mistake for humbleness and is quick to praise others for their succeses, encouraging them to even greater heights. Beckoning that they become the best version of themselves due to her desire to witness the pinnacles of Shinobi potential.

Ichika greatly values traditionalism and her friends refer to her as "The Newborn Reliquary" as a result of this. She holds many an archaic viewpoint on the Shinobi world due to her upbringing, and close contact with the Hyuuga clan during the war. It is because of this traditionalist mindset, that in place of the jacket typically worn by Jounin, Ichika dons a set of tengu armour, similar to that worn by the infamous Madara Uchiha.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Mint Tea
- The Hyuuga
- Bread
- Spectating Taijutsu Battles

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Rukito Uchiha
- Gambling
- Iwagakure
- The Uzumaki
- Alcohol, and those who consume it

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute."

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Born on the day of a great storm, Ichika and her twin brother Aito, whom was born two hours before; were said by the elders of the Uchiha clan to be destined for greatness. For much of her formative years much to her parents' dismay, Ichika followed around her twin brother as though she were his shadow, the young twins of the Uchiha spent their time chasing after their brother Rukito. Whom was six years their elder, and Ichika idolised. When Rukito entered the acadamy to become a shinobi, Aito though only four years old became determined to become the greatest shinobi that the leaf... No, the world had ever seen. Having never realised that her twin looked up to their older brother as much as she did, Ichika's mind became set on becoming a Shinobi.

On the day of their sixth birthday, Ichika and Aito were in the forests surrounding the Hidden Leaf near the Valley of the End, chasing after their brother as he attempted to train on his own, which had been their usual day to day activity for the past year. The twins played blissfully, and eventually lost track of their brother. Something that would happen often, as he would deliberately lose their tail in order to avoid putting them in danger with his lightning style training, where he would stand in between the statues of Hashirama Senju, and Madara Uchiha and fire bolts of lightning at the cliffsides.

But this day was different, today, the usually high-witted twins managed to get lost in the depths of forest, and found themselves tumbling into the chasm of the final valley. Completely unaware of this at first, Rukito continued to fire off his jutsu. WAs the two children fell, many of the stray attacks which had been fired with little precision came very close to hitting both Ichika and Aito on numerous different occasions, one actually did hit the male twin, though for reasons then unknown, he was completely unharmed by the attack. Eventually, their elder brother activated his Sharingan in preparation for testing a jutsu he had been working in secret.

In this moment, Rukito was filled with dread, as he saw the chakra signatures of his younger siblings tumbling down the cliffside. His brother's ablaze with lightning chakra. Without a moment's pause, the eldest of the siblings sprung into action, dashing towards Ichika and Aito at his absolute maximum speed. It was as he drew closer, that Rukito came to the realisation that none of his attacks had hit Aito. Leaping upwards with a nin-jump, Rukito caught his siblings in mid air, holding them on his shoulders as they fell safely to the ground.

Due to his panic, the eldest of the three had failed to notice that his earlier training had caused many relatively large boulders to fall from atop the cliffside. At the last moment he looked up, hearing the whistle of one of the smaller ones headed directly for their position, Ichika raised her hands instinctively, this sight terrified Rukito, as he realised he would not have time to move any of them to safety. But unbeknownst to him, there was no need to fear. As he closed his eyes and accepted this fate of being crushed alongside his siblings... It never came. Instead came the laughter of his sister's soft and gentle voice. He looked up to discover that without realising it, he had moved out of the way at the last second.

Years passed, and on the day of the twins' induction into the academy, Rukito graduated ahead of the rest of his class. Becoming a chunin at age 16. Setting records as he went, but never forgetting that day in the valley. This inspired Ichika and Aito beyond reason, and they too enjoyed great success for four more years, before becoming Genin themselves. Ichika spent this entire time honing her skills in the earth style, which she had discovered she was born with an affinity for, unusual among the Uchiha; becoming formidable in its use. The twins had been assigned to Team twelve together, alongside another child named Saikio Hyuuga. Placed under the watchful eye of Kasumi Uzumaki, an earth style user. They were initially intended to become a sensory team, but due to the latent abilities of all three. They quickly rose to prominence among their class.

But on the day that their Chunin exams were supposed to begin, tragedy struck. The Third Great Ninja war erupted, plunging the shinobi world into chaos. Initially the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, had elected only to send experienced Genin, Chunin, and Jounin to the front lines, but as the fighting grew thicker and casualties stacked up. Eventually, even the youngest Genin were forced into battle as well, with team twelve being no exception. On the day that they left for the front, Rukito appeared before Ichika, gifting her a kunai with peculiar markings on it's oak grip. Kasumi led her team into battle on numerous occasions, utilising her signature jutsu of her own creation, the Swamp of The Underworld earth release technique to slow their enemies to such an extent, that the prodigious team of child soldiers were able to make quick work of even chunin level opponents due to the sheer disadvantage the swamp would put them in.

Things seemed to be going well for the team, all things considered. When one fateful day during a misson into the land of earth, a company of soldiers from the Hidden Stone engaged team twelve in open combat. With no clear chance for survival, Kasumi released an enormous swamp, with the intention of delaying the Stone ninja for long enough to allow her pupils to escape. Aito however, misread the situation, firing up his lighting style chakra cloak and began to engage their enemy. Instead of ordering him to retreat, Kasumi joined the fray and though at first the two appeared to be winning, tragedy struck when Aito had his chakra drained by an enemy jutsu.

Ichika looked on in horror as the blood spray from her twin brother's throat being slit by ninja from the Stone filled the air. With no medical ninja in their team, Ichika knew that her brother was already dead. As tears streamed down her face and screams erupted from her lungs, she instantly felt different, somehow she saw differently. As her irises turned red and she saw the flow of chakra in her enemies bodies; Ichika Uchiha realised that she had awakened her Sharingan.

Kasumi instantly screamed at Ichika and Saikio to flee, and the Hyuuga instantly obeyed, but the Uchiha girl couldn't take her eyes off of her brother's corpse beside their teacher. Whom flew into a fit of rage, and seemed to dumped her entire chakra reserves into the greatest swamp that either of the remaining members of team twelve had ever seen her perform. It was in this moment that Ichika first discovered the copy wheel effect of the Sharingan. Somehow, almost like the instinctive learnings of wild beasts; Ichika just knew how to perform the Swamp of the Underworld Jutsu.

Without thinking, Ichika attempted to leap into the fray rather than retreat as she had been ordered. Saikio prevented this at first, but after seeing the famed Uchiha kekkei genkai burning in her right eye, already brandishing two tomoe, he knew that there would be no stopping her. So instead, with tears in his eyes he nodded to his friend, and followed her into battle. Hours passed, and eventually, the swamps created by Kasumi and Ichika cleared, leaving behind a trail of corpses as the remainder of their enemies fled the field of battle. Team twelve had somehow managed to defeat an entire company of Stone ninja. Though Kasumi soon after died of the wounds she received during the battle.

For the remainder of the war, instead of returning home, the two survivors of team twelve set about waging a guerrilla war against the Stone, and the two had grouped up with Rukito, when he seemingly appeared from thin air one day. Using the powers of their respective dojutsu to support one another, placing traps and ambushing squads of ninja whom if not for their kekkei genkai would have definitely beeen their superiors. It was during this time, that Ichika honed her skills with the Swamp of the Underworld, and developed The Black Swamp Genjutsu. Earning her the famous moniker that she is known by to this day.

After peace was made and the war was declared to have come to an end, Ichika, her brother by blood and her brother in arms returned home to the Leaf. It was shortly after this, that the now young woman of the Uchiha began to question how her eldest brother had managed to find them. Let alone appear with neither a user of the Sharingan nor a user of the Byakugan noticing his approach.

This was when Rukito explained how he had earned the title "The Black Lightning". A completely new jutsu, never seen before by the shinobi world and one he had been developing since he was a child. The Flying Thunder God. Ichika recalled scoffing at the name, before being informed of what it allowed it's user to perform, under the correct conditions. Instantaneous teleportation, from anywhere in the world to one of the user's uniquely crafted seals. The eldest brother had put this Jutsu to devastating effect during the war, leading many villages to outright fear his arrival on the battlefield.

The realisation hit Ichika as her brother explained the jutsu to her, of how he was able to approach her and Saikio that day without being seen by either of them. He didn't... With no warning, Ichika smacked her brother in the face, tears streaming down her face and screaming at him, asking why? Why didn't he show up sooner, Aito could still be alive were it not for his delay. It was Rukito's fault, almost as much as it was Kasumi Uzumaki's and the Hidden Stone's.

Despite this outburst, Rukito went on to teach the jutsu to his younger sister, whom he loved so dearly, little did she know, he actually loved Aito even more than her, and he too blamed himself for his death. Though she was never able to perform the Flying Thunder God with the same skill, or even at the same distances in combat scenarios it still became a jutsu that was a core part of her arsenal. As a last resort of sorts.

During this period of relative peace, for a brief time Ichika, having been promoted to Chunin became an instructor at the ninja acadamy. Selected personally by the third Hokage due to her exploits during the war. It was here that she developed her passion for the spectating of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu duels, and would often spur her students on to solve their problems in this manner before leaving the academy after only a short time. The ghost of her twin haunted the walls of the academy, and she could not bear to be within it's walls every day.

Things went well for Ichika for a while after this, she picked up the art of playing the panflute, and would spend most of her days in the Uchiha sector entertaining the clan's children. To see them dance and smiles cross their faces was the simplest bliss to her, after having only known fighting and suffering for most of her life. The woman found peace in performance. Becoming increasingly talented in the woodwind arts every day, with some speculating that she was practicing in order to learn sound-based Genjutsu.

One day, disaster struck the leaf. The Nine Tailed Fox began to rampage through the village. Many in the Uchiha sector refused to come to the aid of the rest of the leaf at large, which included her brother Rukito. Ichika however, had too much love in her heart for the village as a whole, and far too much respect for the Hyuuga to allow the rest of the Hidden Leaf to perish whilst the Uchiha survived. So once again, she leapt into action, at first doing her best to rescue and protect civilians from the flying debris of crushed homes and defenses. Eventually, she decided that despite knowing that she could not defeat it, and that she certainly lacked the knowledge in Fuinjutsu to seal it, she was going to attempt to defeat the Tailed Beast.

But as she arrived, she bore witness to the true terror of the Kyuubi. It was decimating the village defenders in droves. With but a single man holding his own, landing devastating blows whilst avoiding almost all damage from the fox's onslaught. Ichika leapt into action to assist him, literally. Throwing her newly fashioned kunai at the head of the enormous beast before instantlt teleporting in between its eyes, grabbing her kunai and stabbing into it's nose with both her wakazashi and kunai simultaneously. Holding on for dear life as the bijuu paid her no notice, seemingly entirely unaffected by the blades embedded within it's face; Ichika eventually fell, after being clawed off by the Nine Tails but was saved by the man who had been dealing the brunt of the damage to the it. Ichika looked him in the eyes as he lowered her wounded body to the ground, telling her she had done enough in this fight. Byuakugan! After becoming so close with Saikio during the war, she knew there were some powerful Hyuuga. But she had never imagined there to be a man of this calibre among them.

Rising to her feet, despite having been told she should stay down. Ichika readied her hands, Horse, Dog, Bird, Ox...Snake. Summoming forth the largest Earth and Stone Dragon she had ever conjured, but before she knew it, she awoke in a hospital bed. It turned out, that she had completely drained herself of chakra, almost dying in the process. In fact, her dragon jutsu was completely unable to do anything in the fight before instantly slumping back to ground, as Ichika herself was struck by one of the Nine-Tails' claws. To her surprise, it was not members of the Uchiha to which she awoke. But that of the Hyuuga. Saikio, and the man from the Nine-Tails' attack were waiting beside her bed when she awoke.

Ichika came to be introduced to the man by Saikio, after being informed that she had been unconscious for three days. His name was Seiji, and after Hiruzen Sarutobi had stepped down as Hokage he had been toted by many to become the fourth Hokage. One of the only other notable candidates was her own brother, Rukito. Concerned about the fact that her elder brother, and not her father was not being nominated; Ichika enquired with her long time friend and comrade Saikio as to the reason for this, to which a lull of sad silence filled the room before the young Hyuuga finally spoke up.

Your father and mother were both killed during the Nine-Tails' attack. Ichika...I'm so sorry. I tried to help them. I did my best. But it wasn't enough... Instead of crying, Ichika smiled. At least they had a good man like Saikio by their side as they passed. She took great comfort in that fact. Placing a hand on her friend's shoulder, kissing him on the cheek. Ichika thanked him, and informed Seiji that he would have her vote for the position of Hokage. She did not believe for a moment that her brother was ready, but this man. This was a man she could follow, until the day she died.

Not long after her recovery, Seiji Hyuuga was declared the fourth Hokage. Once he had taken the mantle of village leader, he personally promoted Ichika to Jounin. Which in turn, lead to her induction into the ANBU Black Ops.

✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
The Sharingan.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Earth, Lightning and Water.

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
A relatively talented swordsman, boasting a deep pool of chakra reserves, Ichika, though lacking the knowledge of an array of specialist Taijutsu or Kenjutsu techniques that she is aware of, her love for the spectating of duels has subconsciously increased her skill with a blade thanks to the Sharingan. Because of this, she is able to hold her own with those who would otherwise be above her skill level in close combat. Fit, and possessing excellent physical stamina, Ichika is incredibly agile, even being able to run across the backs of her earth dragons in combat.

Additionally, she is deftly passionate about playing woodwind instruments, and the baking of bread. The wonderous sounds of her panflute is a frequent sound heard throughout the Uchiha sector of the Leaf, where she can often be found playing for the children of her clan.

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Signature Jutsu[+]

[Sharingan Genjutsu: The Black Swamp]
| A vicious Genjutsu which earned Ichika her nickname during the Third Great Ninja War. With it, Ichika is able to make her opposition become absolutely overwhelmed by the feeling that they are being watched, and will begin to see jet black figures moving in their peripheral vision. Before eventually being convinced that the swamp is consuming them. Some weak willed opponents go mad in the early stages of this Genjutsu, and will ignore physical combatants which they know to be real, in order to seek out the shadows.

All of these things of course, serve to quicken their entrapment within the Swamp of the Underworld. Which allows Ichika to rapidly outmaneouvre her opponent. Which she would be otherwise unable to do without great cost to her chakra.

To ensnare her enemies in this Genjutsu, Ichika must meet three conditions:

First and foremost, her Sharingan MUST be active. Secondly, as the name suggests, she and her target(s) must be within a swamp. This can be one manifested by the Swamp of The Underworld Jutsu, or a naturally occuring one. Thirdly, like all Sharingan Genjutsu, eye contact is required to initiate the Genjutsu.

[Earth Release: Earth-Style Clone]
| Her own unique variation of the Shadow Clone Jutsu, Ichika is capable of infusing her earth style into her shadow clones, which when attacked with Taijutsu techniques trap their opponent in place by solidifying as the strike lands.

[Shadow Clone Jutsu] Ichikia is capable of creating upto seven clones at a time. Though she rarely exceeds three.

Earth Release [+]

[Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon]
| Ichika creates a dragon made from the ground to attack the opponent.

[Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet]
| After unleashing her signature Swamp of the Underworld, Ichika can use the muddy ground to form the head of a sneering dragon. Which will proceed to vomit forth projectiles at her target with devastating effect.

[Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall]

[Earth Release: Hidden in Earth Technique]
| This technique allows Ichika to camouflage herself with the earth around and move freely through earth surfaces undetected.

[Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld]
| By changing the surface of an object beneath the target into mud and creating a swamp, Ichika can sink her target into the mud. The adhesive, chakra-infused mud ensnares the body, making it almost impossible to recover one's strength and escape from the swamp. Time has shown Ichika to be a master of this Jutsu, being able to create vasts swamplands, which she used to devastating effect in engagements against the Hidden Stone during the Third Great Ninja War.

Genjutsu [+]

[Sharingan Genjutsu]

[Demonic illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change]

| Utilising the copy and counter abilities of the Sharingan, Ichika can reverse the Genjutsu cast on them and use it against the original user.

[Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique]

| The Hell Viewing Technique is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to bear witness to a horrifying vision. Ichika will brandish the rat hand seal to cause a circle of surrounding objects to spin and harmlessly envelop the target and then fall away. Once cast, the world will appear to be perfectly in order to the target until, they discover the illusion.

Other Jutsu [+]

[The Flying Thunder God Technique]

| A highly advanced jutsu, which requires specifically formulated seals developed by Rukito Uchiha; The Flying Thunder God is a technique which can be put to devastating effect in combat.

By entering a dimensional void, Ichika can instantly teleport to a compatible seal's location whenever she may please, though her brother is able to do this during combat regardless of distance, Ichika is only able to cover distances of one hundred meters at an absolute maximum. However when not engaged in battle, she is able to use it much more freely.

To an onlooker, it may appear similar in nature to the Body Flicker technique, but the Flying Thunder God more closely resembles the summoning jutsu.

An incomplete jutsu, and therefor an absolute menace on one's chakra reserves, Ichika will rarely use this technique mid-combat, due to it consuming a significant portion of her relatively large chakra reserves. Her elder brother however, due to possessing even larger reserves than Ichika is able to make significantly more use of this technique.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Ichika keeps but a single, standard bladed Kunai on her person, which is engraved with the seals required for the Flying Thunder God technique and a wakazashi. Additionally, Ichika carries with her a set of climbing spikes, and a line of rope.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
A support ninja, and a bit of a one trick pony, fighting Ichika in a one on one battle, or when you outnumber her doesn't truly become a dangerous task until she resorts to the Swamp of The Underworld Jutsu, and ensuing Black Swamp Genjutsu. Though against very powerful opponents, this is often how she will open the engagement.

More commonly, Ichika will maintain a safe distance and attempt to crush them with blows from her Earth and Stone Dragon, or, ensnare her opponents within Sharingan Genjutsu. Though she is no slouch when it comes to close quarters combat, she'd much prefer to decimate her enemies with minimal risk to herself, and attempts to support her allies as best as possible, in order to keep them from harm.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Dirty Dingo.
@desdamin All finished, I hope this is to your satisfaction.


✖ ‖ N a m e
Ichika Uchiha

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
29 / 8th of May

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Tall in stature, and athletically built; Ichika stands at 181cm in height and weighs 135lbs.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
The Uchiha

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Hyousuke Uchiha (Deceased)
Mother: Akari Uchiha (Deceased)
Elder Brother: Rukito Uchiha
Elder Twin Brother: Aito Uchiha (Deceased)

✖ ‖ R a n k

✖ ‖ S p e c i a l S t a t u s
The ANBU Black Ops.

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Ichika of the Black Swamp.

The Newborn Reliquary.

Ichi, though ONLY her brother Rukito ever refers to her by this name.

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Having served in the Third Great Ninja War, Ichika is noted by many to be of a highly cold and unforgiving demeanour; though it is said by those close to her that beneath the no-nonsense exterior, there exists a light hearted and carefree individual. Which is absolutely accurate, though few ever get to see this side of her. Stubborn and even pessimistic at times, Ichika is highly critical of her own ability, which many mistake for humbleness and is quick to praise others for their succeses, encouraging them to even greater heights. Beckoning that they become the best version of themselves due to her desire to witness the pinnacles of Shinobi potential.

Ichika greatly values traditionalism and her friends refer to her as "The Newborn Reliquary" as a result of this. She holds many an archaic viewpoint on the Shinobi world due to her upbringing, and close contact with the Hyuuga clan during the war. It is because of this traditionalist mindset, that in place of the jacket typically worn by Jounin, Ichika dons a set of tengu armour, similar to that worn by the infamous Madara Uchiha.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Mint Tea
- The Hyuuga
- Bread
- Spectating Taijutsu Battles

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Rukito Uchiha
- Gambling
- Iwagakure
- The Uzumaki
- Alcohol, and those who consume it

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute."

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Born on the day of a great storm, Ichika and her twin brother Aito, whom was born two hours before; were said by the elders of the Uchiha clan to be destined for greatness. For much of her formative years much to her parents' dismay, Ichika followed around her twin brother as though she were his shadow, the young twins of the Uchiha spent their time chasing after their brother Rukito. Whom was six years their elder, and Ichika idolised. When Rukito entered the acadamy to become a shinobi, Aito though only four years old became determined to become the greatest shinobi that the leaf... No, the world had ever seen. Having never realised that her twin looked up to their older brother as much as she did, Ichika's mind became set on becoming a Shinobi.

On the day of their sixth birthday, Ichika and Aito were in the forests surrounding the Hidden Leaf near the Valley of the End, chasing after their brother as he attempted to train on his own, which had been their usual day to day activity for the past year. The twins played blissfully, and eventually lost track of their brother. Something that would happen often, as he would deliberately lose their tail in order to avoid putting them in danger with his lightning style training, where he would stand in between the statues of Hashirama Senju, and Madara Uchiha and fire bolts of lightning at the cliffsides.

But this day was different, today, the usually high-witted twins managed to get lost in the depths of forest, and found themselves tumbling into the chasm of the final valley. Completely unaware of this at first, Rukito continued to fire off his jutsu. WAs the two children fell, many of the stray attacks which had been fired with little precision came very close to hitting both Ichika and Aito on numerous different occasions, one actually did hit the male twin, though for reasons then unknown, he was completely unharmed by the attack. Eventually, their elder brother activated his Sharingan in preparation for testing a jutsu he had been working in secret.

In this moment, Rukito was filled with dread, as he saw the chakra signatures of his younger siblings tumbling down the cliffside. His brother's ablaze with lightning chakra. Without a moment's pause, the eldest of the siblings sprung into action, dashing towards Ichika and Aito at his absolute maximum speed. It was as he drew closer, that Rukito came to the realisation that none of his attacks had hit Aito. Leaping upwards with a nin-jump, Rukito caught his siblings in mid air, holding them on his shoulders as they fell safely to the ground.

Due to his panic, the eldest of the three had failed to notice that his earlier training had caused many relatively large boulders to fall from atop the cliffside. At the last moment he looked up, hearing the whistle of one of the smaller ones headed directly for their position, Ichika raised her hands instinctively, this sight terrified Rukito, as he realised he would not have time to move any of them to safety. But unbeknownst to him, there was no need to fear. As he closed his eyes and accepted this fate of being crushed alongside his siblings... It never came. Instead came the laughter of his sister's soft and gentle voice. He looked up to discover that without realising it, he had moved out of the way at the last second.

Years passed, and on the day of the twins' induction into the academy, Rukito graduated ahead of the rest of his class. Becoming a chunin at age 16. Setting records as he went, but never forgetting that day in the valley. This inspired Ichika and Aito beyond reason, and they too enjoyed great success for four more years, before becoming Genin themselves. Ichika spent this entire time honing her skills in the earth style, which she had discovered she was born with an affinity for, unusual among the Uchiha; becoming formidable in its use. The twins had been assigned to Team twelve together, alongside another child named Saikio Hyuuga. Placed under the watchful eye of Kasumi Uzumaki, an earth style user. They were initially intended to become a sensory team, but due to the latent abilities of all three. They quickly rose to prominence among their class.

But on the day that their Chunin exams were supposed to begin, tragedy struck. The Third Great Ninja war erupted, plunging the shinobi world into chaos. Initially the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, had elected only to send experienced Genin, Chunin, and Jounin to the front lines, but as the fighting grew thicker and casualties stacked up. Eventually, even the youngest Genin were forced into battle as well, with team twelve being no exception. On the day that they left for the front, Rukito appeared before Ichika, gifting her a kunai with peculiar markings on it's oak grip. Kasumi led her team into battle on numerous occasions, utilising her signature jutsu of her own creation, the Swamp of The Underworld earth release technique to slow their enemies to such an extent, that the prodigious team of child soldiers were able to make quick work of even chunin level opponents due to the sheer disadvantage the swamp would put them in.

Things seemed to be going well for the team, all things considered. When one fateful day during a misson into the land of earth, a company of soldiers from the Hidden Stone engaged team twelve in open combat. With no clear chance for survival, Kasumi released an enormous swamp, with the intention of delaying the Stone ninja for long enough to allow her pupils to escape. Aito however, misread the situation, firing up his lighting style chakra cloak and began to engage their enemy. Instead of ordering him to retreat, Kasumi joined the fray and though at first the two appeared to be winning, tragedy struck when Aito had his chakra drained by an enemy jutsu.

Ichika looked on in horror as the blood spray from her twin brother's throat being slit by ninja from the Stone filled the air. With no medical ninja in their team, Ichika knew that her brother was already dead. As tears streamed down her face and screams erupted from her lungs, she instantly felt different, somehow she saw differently. As her irises turned red and she saw the flow of chakra in her enemies bodies; Ichika Uchiha realised that she had awakened her Sharingan.

Kasumi instantly screamed at Ichika and Saikio to flee, and the Hyuuga instantly obeyed, but the Uchiha girl couldn't take her eyes off of her brother's corpse beside their teacher. Whom flew into a fit of rage, and seemed to dumped her entire chakra reserves into the greatest swamp that either of the remaining members of team twelve had ever seen her perform. It was in this moment that Ichika first discovered the copy wheel effect of the Sharingan. Somehow, almost like the instinctive learnings of wild beasts; Ichika just knew how to perform the Swamp of the Underworld Jutsu.

Without thinking, Ichika attempted to leap into the fray rather than retreat as she had been ordered. Saikio prevented this at first, but after seeing the famed Uchiha kekkei genkai burning in her right eye, already brandishing two tomoe, he knew that there would be no stopping her. So instead, with tears in his eyes he nodded to his friend, and followed her into battle. Hours passed, and eventually, the swamps created by Kasumi and Ichika cleared, leaving behind a trail of corpses as the remainder of their enemies fled the field of battle. Team twelve had somehow managed to defeat an entire company of Stone ninja. Though Kasumi soon after died of the wounds she received during the battle.

For the remainder of the war, instead of returning home, the two survivors of team twelve set about waging a guerrilla war against the Stone, and the two had grouped up with Rukito, when he seemingly appeared from thin air one day. Using the powers of their respective dojutsu to support one another, placing traps and ambushing squads of ninja whom if not for their kekkei genkai would have definitely beeen their superiors. It was during this time, that Ichika honed her skills with the Swamp of the Underworld, and developed The Black Swamp Genjutsu. Earning her the famous moniker that she is known by to this day.

After peace was made and the war was declared to have come to an end, Ichika, her brother by blood and her brother in arms returned home to the Leaf. It was shortly after this, that the now young woman of the Uchiha began to question how her eldest brother had managed to find them. Let alone appear with neither a user of the Sharingan nor a user of the Byakugan noticing his approach.

This was when Rukito explained how he had earned the title "The Black Lightning". A completely new jutsu, never seen before by the shinobi world and one he had been developing since he was a child. The Flying Thunder God. Ichika recalled scoffing at the name, before being informed of what it allowed it's user to perform, under the correct conditions. Instantaneous teleportation, from anywhere in the world to one of the user's uniquely crafted seals. The eldest brother had put this Jutsu to devastating effect during the war, leading many villages to outright fear his arrival on the battlefield.

The realisation hit Ichika as her brother explained the jutsu to her, of how he was able to approach her and Saikio that day without being seen by either of them. He didn't... With no warning, Ichika smacked her brother in the face, tears streaming down her face and screaming at him, asking why? Why didn't he show up sooner, Aito could still be alive were it not for his delay. It was Rukito's fault, almost as much as it was Kasumi Uzumaki's and the Hidden Stone's.

Despite this outburst, Rukito went on to teach the jutsu to his younger sister, whom he loved so dearly, little did she know, he actually loved Aito even more than her, and he too blamed himself for his death. Though she was never able to perform the Flying Thunder God with the same skill, or even at the same distances in combat scenarios it still became a jutsu that was a core part of her arsenal. As a last resort of sorts.

During this period of relative peace, for a brief time Ichika, having been promoted to Chunin became an instructor at the ninja acadamy. Selected personally by the third Hokage due to her exploits during the war. It was here that she developed her passion for the spectating of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu duels, and would often spur her students on to solve their problems in this manner before leaving the academy after only a short time. The ghost of her twin haunted the walls of the academy, and she could not bear to be within it's walls every day.

Things went well for Ichika for a while after this, she picked up the art of playing the panflute, and would spend most of her days in the Uchiha sector entertaining the clan's children. To see them dance and smiles cross their faces was the simplest bliss to her, after having only known fighting and suffering for most of her life. The woman found peace in performance. Becoming increasingly talented in the woodwind arts every day, with some speculating that she was practicing in order to learn sound-based Genjutsu.

One day, disaster struck the leaf. The Nine Tailed Fox began to rampage through the village. Many in the Uchiha sector refused to come to the aid of the rest of the leaf at large, which included her brother Rukito. Ichika however, had too much love in her heart for the village as a whole, and far too much respect for the Hyuuga to allow the rest of the Hidden Leaf to perish whilst the Uchiha survived. So once again, she leapt into action, at first doing her best to rescue and protect civilians from the flying debris of crushed homes and defenses. Eventually, she decided that despite knowing that she could not defeat it, and that she certainly lacked the knowledge in Fuinjutsu to seal it, she was going to attempt to defeat the Tailed Beast.

But as she arrived, she bore witness to the true terror of the Kyuubi. It was decimating the village defenders in droves. With but a single man holding his own, landing devastating blows whilst avoiding almost all damage from the fox's onslaught. Ichika leapt into action to assist him, literally. Throwing her newly fashioned kunai at the head of the enormous beast before instantlt teleporting in between its eyes, grabbing her kunai and stabbing into it's nose with both her wakazashi and kunai simultaneously. Holding on for dear life as the bijuu paid her no notice, seemingly entirely unaffected by the blades embedded within it's face; Ichika eventually fell, after being clawed off by the Nine Tails but was saved by the man who had been dealing the brunt of the damage to the it. Ichika looked him in the eyes as he lowered her wounded body to the ground, telling her she had done enough in this fight. Byuakugan! After becoming so close with Saikio during the war, she knew there were some powerful Hyuuga. But she had never imagined there to be a man of this calibre among them.

Rising to her feet, despite having been told she should stay down. Ichika readied her hands, Horse, Dog, Bird, Ox...Snake. Summoming forth the largest Earth and Stone Dragon she had ever conjured, but before she knew it, she awoke in a hospital bed. It turned out, that she had completely drained herself of chakra, almost dying in the process. In fact, her dragon jutsu was completely unable to do anything in the fight before instantly slumping back to ground, as Ichika herself was struck by one of the Nine-Tails' claws. To her surprise, it was not members of the Uchiha to which she awoke. But that of the Hyuuga. Saikio, and the man from the Nine-Tails' attack were waiting beside her bed when she awoke.

Ichika came to be introduced to the man by Saikio, after being informed that she had been unconscious for three days. His name was Seiji, and after Hiruzen Sarutobi had stepped down as Hokage he had been toted by many to become the fourth Hokage. One of the only other notable candidates was her own brother, Rukito. Concerned about the fact that her elder brother, and not her father was not being nominated; Ichika enquired with her long time friend and comrade Saikio as to the reason for this, to which a lull of sad silence filled the room before the young Hyuuga finally spoke up.

Your father and mother were both killed during the Nine-Tails' attack. Ichika...I'm so sorry. I tried to help them. I did my best. But it wasn't enough... Instead of crying, Ichika smiled. At least they had a good man like Saikio by their side as they passed. She took great comfort in that fact. Placing a hand on her friend's shoulder, kissing him on the cheek. Ichika thanked him, and informed Seiji that he would have her vote for the position of Hokage. She did not believe for a moment that her brother was ready, but this man. This was a man she could follow, until the day she died.

Not long after her recovery, Seiji Hyuuga was declared the fourth Hokage. Once he had taken the mantle of village leader, he personally promoted Ichika to Jounin. Which in turn, lead to her induction into the ANBU Black Ops.

✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
The Sharingan.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s
Earth, Lightning and Water.

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
A relatively talented swordsman, boasting a deep pool of chakra reserves, Ichika, though lacking the knowledge of an array of specialist Taijutsu or Kenjutsu techniques that she is aware of, her love for the spectating of duels has subconsciously increased her skill with a blade thanks to the Sharingan. Because of this, she is able to hold her own with those who would otherwise be above her skill level in close combat. Fit, and possessing excellent physical stamina, Ichika is incredibly agile, even being able to run across the backs of her earth dragons in combat.

Additionally, she is deftly passionate about playing woodwind instruments, and the baking of bread. The wonderous sounds of her panflute is a frequent sound heard throughout the Uchiha sector of the Leaf, where she can often be found playing for the children of her clan.

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Signature Jutsu[+]

[Sharingan Genjutsu: The Black Swamp]
| A vicious Genjutsu which earned Ichika her nickname during the Third Great Ninja War. With it, Ichika is able to make her opposition become absolutely overwhelmed by the feeling that they are being watched, and will begin to see jet black figures moving in their peripheral vision. Before eventually being convinced that the swamp is consuming them. Some weak willed opponents go mad in the early stages of this Genjutsu, and will ignore physical combatants which they know to be real, in order to seek out the shadows.

All of these things of course, serve to quicken their entrapment within the Swamp of the Underworld. Which allows Ichika to rapidly outmaneouvre her opponent. Which she would be otherwise unable to do without great cost to her chakra.

To ensnare her enemies in this Genjutsu, Ichika must meet three conditions:

First and foremost, her Sharingan MUST be active. Secondly, as the name suggests, she and her target(s) must be within a swamp. This can be one manifested by the Swamp of The Underworld Jutsu, or a naturally occuring one. Thirdly, like all Sharingan Genjutsu, eye contact is required to initiate the Genjutsu.

[Earth Release: Earth-Style Clone]
| Her own unique variation of the Shadow Clone Jutsu, Ichika is capable of infusing her earth style into her shadow clones, which when attacked with Taijutsu techniques trap their opponent in place by solidifying as the strike lands.

[Shadow Clone Jutsu] Ichikia is capable of creating upto seven clones at a time. Though she rarely exceeds three.

Earth Release [+]

[Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon]
| Ichika creates a dragon made from the ground to attack the opponent.

[Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet]
| After unleashing her signature Swamp of the Underworld, Ichika can use the muddy ground to form the head of a sneering dragon. Which will proceed to vomit forth projectiles at her target with devastating effect.

[Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall]

[Earth Release: Hidden in Earth Technique]
| This technique allows Ichika to camouflage herself with the earth around and move freely through earth surfaces undetected.

[Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld]
| By changing the surface of an object beneath the target into mud and creating a swamp, Ichika can sink her target into the mud. The adhesive, chakra-infused mud ensnares the body, making it almost impossible to recover one's strength and escape from the swamp. Time has shown Ichika to be a master of this Jutsu, being able to create vasts swamplands, which she used to devastating effect in engagements against the Hidden Stone during the Third Great Ninja War.

Genjutsu [+]

[Sharingan Genjutsu]

[Demonic illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change]

| Utilising the copy and counter abilities of the Sharingan, Ichika can reverse the Genjutsu cast on them and use it against the original user.

[Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique]

| The Hell Viewing Technique is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to bear witness to a horrifying vision. Ichika will brandish the rat hand seal to cause a circle of surrounding objects to spin and harmlessly envelop the target and then fall away. Once cast, the world will appear to be perfectly in order to the target until, they discover the illusion.

Other Jutsu [+]

[The Flying Thunder God Technique]

| A highly advanced jutsu, which requires specifically formulated seals developed by Rukito Uchiha; The Flying Thunder God is a technique which can be put to devastating effect in combat.

By entering a dimensional void, Ichika can instantly teleport to a compatible seal's location whenever she may please, though her brother is able to do this during combat regardless of distance, Ichika is only able to cover distances of one hundred meters at an absolute maximum. However when not engaged in battle, she is able to use it much more freely.

To an onlooker, it may appear similar in nature to the Body Flicker technique, but the Flying Thunder God more closely resembles the summoning jutsu.

An incomplete jutsu, and therefor an absolute menace on one's chakra reserves, Ichika will rarely use this technique mid-combat, due to it consuming a significant portion of her relatively large chakra reserves. Her elder brother however, due to possessing even larger reserves than Ichika is able to make significantly more use of this technique.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Ichika keeps but a single, standard bladed Kunai on her person, which is engraved with the seals required for the Flying Thunder God technique and a wakazashi. Additionally, Ichika carries with her a set of climbing spikes, and a line of rope.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
A support ninja, and a bit of a one trick pony, fighting Ichika in a one on one battle, or when you outnumber her doesn't truly become a dangerous task until she resorts to the Swamp of The Underworld Jutsu, and ensuing Black Swamp Genjutsu. Though against very powerful opponents, this is often how she will open the engagement.

More commonly, Ichika will maintain a safe distance and attempt to crush them with blows from her Earth and Stone Dragon, or, ensnare her opponents within Sharingan Genjutsu. Though she is no slouch when it comes to close quarters combat, she'd much prefer to decimate her enemies with minimal risk to herself, and attempts to support her allies as best as possible, in order to keep them from harm.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y
Dirty Dingo.
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