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Current Time to get back into this! It's been too long.
7 yrs ago
Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
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Hello everyone! Thank you for popping by this thread, I have had this idea for a Fallout RP set in the Mojave for quite a while. Below is a very brief synopsis.

Six years after the events of Fallout: New Vegas, in which Courier 6 elected to overtake New Vegas with the help of Yes Man. The Mojave proper is in chaos, with Caesar's Legion and the various tribes battling against the Securitrons of the Courier's fascist regime. The NCR, having made new alliances all across America, have established a special task group in orderbto retake the Mojave. By any means necessary.

That's a pretty brief rundown of what I have in mind for the RP, I hope to see some of you guys there! As a side note, character creation will allow for you to be from almost any walk of life. For obvious reasons currently serving legionaries are one of the exceptions to this.
ICHIKA UCHIHA “Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”

The concentration and strain present in the cloud-nin's posture was highly apparent, his muscles flexing and tensing as he spoke his reply; the jutsu seemingly requiring a great deal of effort to maintain. "I will... try to buy us time..." He had responded with a grunt and a nod, prompting Ichika to respond in kind, despite having not even looked back at Botan. The others likely didn't notice, as the back of her crimson armour was turned to the majority of them, but the Uchiha's eyes squinted and were strained with pain.

Without so much as another word, the maiden of the Uchiha broke into full sprint off of what would have been the bow, had they been aboard any ordinary vessel. But with a great leap from the head of Katsuyu, Ichika began focusing her chakra into her toes, landing in sprint on the water's surface at almost the maximum speed her natural physique would allow her. She did not enhance her physicality with her now relatively limited reserve of chakra as all shinobi ordinarily would. No, she knew that in order for her gambit to pay off, she would have to be meticulous with the expenditure of her chakra. One miscalculation. One missed step, and she would fail.

The ebbing flow of the oceans waves began to rustle and hasten, becoming more violent by the second as the woman ran ahead, closing in on the shore, her crimson visage like a streak of blood as she broke into full sprint. But moments later an enormous wave erupted from the surface, it was obvious to even an untrained eye that this was no natural occurrence. As the wave soared and climbed in height, Ichika closed in on what she could only assume was the combined jutsu of multiple lower class shinobi. Seconds before the mighty wave was set to collide with the Uchiha kunoichi, Ichika readied her wakazashi, and pooled an amount of chakra far greater than one would ordinarily use for such a simple technique as a nin-jump into her feet and lower legs.

With a deafening roar and an upwards thrust, Ichika propelled herself directly into the mighty wave. The increased force provided by the chakra jump allowing the point of her blade to break the surface tension of the wave, and for her body to cleave it's way out to the other side. With a tuck and roll in mid-air, Ichika flipped herself forward, instantly crossing her fingers and forming the seal for the shadow clone jutsu. In a puff of smoke, a physical apparition of the Uchiha jonin appeared beside the real one, and although this would be a heavy tax on her remaining chakra reserves...what she had remaining would have to be enough. he pair then landed feet first upon the back of the now monstrous wave, which was headed directly for the rest of the assault party, and slid down onto the now comparative flat of the ocean, continuing their charge.

The duo then began making serpentine movements, crossing over each others pathways numerous times as they advanced; in the same manner a conman with dice in a cup would in order to fool his victims. The speed at which the paired Ichikas repeatedly switched sides was awe-inspiring, allowing them to both evade incoming fire, of which there was plenty. But also to successfully cause the defending rogues to lose track of which Ichika was the real one. A storm of arrows, kunai and jutsu had begun to target the pair, demonstrating that the defenders were at the very least beginning to focus a significant portion of their fire upon the two women. In response, without any notice to the other whatsoever, they both began to weave seals, too fast to tell for what jutsu specifically, but it was clear that they were not the same series of motions. One of the kunoichi surged forward in a straight line even faster than the two had already been moving, and the other dived under the water's surface.

The two became like Yin and Yang as one made landfall onto the beach, and the other crept her way ever closer to the underwater shoreline. As she made contact, she activated her 'Hiding in Earth' jutsu, and began the peculiar shift of swimming in water, to swimming through land. Meanwhile above the surface, the Ichika whom had now made landfall slammed her hands into the ground and conjured forth a wide wall of earth from the sand. Creating a hefty area of cover for her comrades behind her, whom would surely not be too far behind now.

It had worked. Now, the rest...was up to the other one...


Ichika Uchiha“Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”
Ichika could do nothing but wait as Katsuya made a break towards the beach head, with the shadow of anxiety and trauma racing through her mind as she relived the night of the Kyuubi attack on Konoha. Flashbacks of the terrible visage of the demon fox flashing into reality. But even still, she was not frozen with fear or anything of the likes, Ichika had steeled herself and endured far too much for such weakness to overcome her. Even if she was visibly shaken by the demonic battle raging on behind her. No, Ichika was forced to wait and charge her chakra because she literally was unable to act in any other manner. While it was true that on land, she was akin to an apex predator, with very few equals and even fewer whom were her superior; in a marine environment at this range? She was almost entirely helpless.

As Nakano's bombardment continued upon the shore, Ichika scanned the horizon with her bare eyes. Even without the Sharingan, Ichika's eyesight was impressive. The element of surprise had been completely erased, they were now forced to make a head first assault, and the rogue defenders had already begun to muster themselves and return fire. It was scattered, and imprecise in large part due to the damage being caused by Botan's jutsu, but it was not without discipline. The Uchiha wearily smiled as she gladly admitted to herself that she'd underestimated the cloud shinobi.

"Botan-san, do you believe you can maintain this jutsu for long enough for me to secure a foothold on the beach? My chakra reserves are beginning to run low, and as such I do not have the chakra remaining to both perform Hiraishin and secure a position for landfall. But I have a plan, and if you can keep it up, I believe it's possible." Ichika asked, a newfound trust in the cloud shinobi evident from her change in demeanor as she turned towards him as she spoke, arrows, kunai and ranged jutsu whizzing over and past their heads as they spoke. Crouching as she looked back towards the rallying defences almost immediately after, her Sharingan blazing to life.

"Mizuraki, you know that you are very dear to my heart. Thus I trust you, and now Botan too; to lead and protect the students in my absence." Ichika had continued. She wanted to give some words of encouragement to the students present, but the paled skinned woman had never been one for speeches, or heart to heart inspirational conversation. No, what Ichika knew she had to do to inspire those under her command was what she did best, and as such was sure that alongside Kamui's display of bravery and selflessness.

And that?

Was kill.


Kenji Yamanaka“I just wanna be rich and famous, is that too much to ask?!”

Kenji couldn't help but let a giggle creep from his lips at the splendour of youth as the children began to gather around. He could already tell that this team had what it took, there was the groundwork for an incredible bond which would help these children pull themselves through many tough times that would surely come.

Although when the Mist boy, Rashiku Karata seemed to be visibily peeved by the explanation of their reassignment, something seemed to switch within the Yamanaka Tokubetsu-Jōnin. With a seemingly instant switch of his facial expressions; Kenji stepped toward the white haired child with noticeable anger in his face. To an onlooker, his face seemed almost black with shade from the shadows befallen upon his face as his hung his head low.

" I had planned for us to go to my favourite restaurant in celebration of the formation of Team 2. But seeing as "Somebody" wants to be a grump, I guess we'll go straight to work. Line up. Single file behind me. We're off to Training Ground 17. My sensei tells me that there is someone there who will be able to help us with our mission. We're going to the Uchiha sector after that. He decreed, his once warm demeanor now vanished entirely from his personality. Paying the team no further heed than a snapping of the index and middle fingers of his gloved left hand as he sauntered off in the direction of the training grounds.
Kenji Yamanaka“I just wanna be rich and famous, is that too much to ask?!”

Kenji sauntered through the village with glee, as he always did. His eyes almost closed whilst a warm smile covered his features, his hands clasped behind his back has he moved. The Yamanaka teenager had such a casually light step that it almost left the dirt of the village grounds entirely undisturbed. Almost.

He whistled along to the chirping of the blue birds of the village, and eventually found himself at a small clearing which contained a quaint little park. "Well, I guess I can take a break. This is a lovely park, after all. I'm sure nobody is in immediate danger." He thought to himself aloud before running his eyes over the layout of his immediate vicinity, eyes squinting and gayly smiling as he saw two young genin sat talking on the bench. "Ah, to be that young and carefree again..."

Meanwhile atop the roof, Akira's heart pumped at a dangerously high rate as he feared detection. But his plan, despite all of the 'bumps' it had to endure; had seemingly gone off without a hitch and the young Senju was able to successfully eavesdrop on his comrades' conversation. Much to his relief and somewhat his disappointment, Akira discovered that it was merely in order to relay an apology that Rashiku had pulled Ami to the side. Infuriated by the lack of camaraderie shown with this action, Akira leapt to his feet and immediately began yelling down to his teammate. "OIOIOIOI! What's the big idea ya goof?! You couldn't have just said all that in front of me?!"

Kenji chuckled lightly to himself at the commotion unfolding among the team of genin, before sitting down on an adjacent bench and crossing his legs. Flicking his scarf back behind his shoulder as it began to unfurl as his back hit the oaken panels. With a moment's reprieve, Kenji decided to take a peek at his assignment, unravelling the scroll with his gloved hands to reveal its contents. Contained within, were his orders to assume command of Team 2, as their Jonin was to he reassigned at tbe personal request of Seiji Hyuuga. Team 2, whose members consisted of Akira Senju, Ami Uzumaki and the mist refugee, Rashiku Karata.

A surly look of confusion spread across the Yamanaka's face as his eyes rapidly examined the dossiers of his first charges as a team leader, then glanced over at the genin whom he had happened upon. Then back to the dossiers, then back to the genin once again before the realization hit him that his laziness had brought about this sheer coincidence as the boy, who Kenji now realised was Rashiku was about to begin some kind of verbal exchange with the boy on the roof, who must have been Akira.

"OI!" the special Jōnin interrupted, shouting at the top of his lungs incredibly uncharacteristically lf himself in order to prevent an argument, or worse, a fight occuring immediately as he assumed command of the team. Quickly rushing over and placing his right hand on Rashiku's shoulder. "Hey kids, sorry about that. And sorry for interrupting whatever... This is. But my name is Kenji Yamanaka, and I am going to be your new teacher. Takayuki-sama has been given a very special mission by the Hokage. One that only he can complete. Sorry for all of the confusion, and sorry for all the apologies... I really wasn't expecting to bump into you guys here. If I'm completely honest haha."

Ichika Uchiha“Peace earned through communication is just and true, but without the strong to protect those who would shepherd in such an age... Everything will be lost. Power is absolute.”
As she dove deeper into the water, the previously conjured shadow clone of Ichika Uchiha paddled her feet; hastening her descent towards the slowly but surely drowning Sunagakure exchange student. Whom just so happened to be the Jinchuriki of the one-tailed beast. Her ears popped as she reached depths ordinarily unreachable by humans, but due to the physical conditioning and chakra control exhibited by Shinobi, which amongst her peers, Ichika's own were exceptional; the ebon haired Kunoichi was able to soldier on, despite the immense pressure.

But as the Uchiha closed in on Tomoyuki, she felt a sudden shift in the water. When she turned to face the source of the disturbance, her gaze was met with the presence of a trio of enormous grey sharks. "Fuck." Was the only word that came to her mind, in an incredibly out of character thought from the usually prim and proper ninja as the apex predators closed in at breakneck speeds, thirsting for blood. With no time to waste, the clone pulled her kunai from it's place at her hip and channelled chakra into the flats of her feet. With a grunt which forced bubbles of air from her lips, Ichika pushed herself upwards at the last second, as the first shark's gaping maw closed in.

Barely evading the monstrous bite of the carcharodon, Ichika sailed above the grey water borne mammal. As she passed it's nose, the Uchiha slammed her blade into the top of the shark's head, clasping onto the hilt of the kunai with both hands in a death-grip. As the beast writhed and spun in pain, Ichika held on for dear life, turning her head to face the next oncoming shark as the one she'd mounted stabilised. As the two killlers locked eyes, Ichika's sharingan whirled to life, appearing to be a blur or red light in the depths of the ocean. The Jōnin poured chakra from her dojutsu into the chakra network of her next victim, placing it under a genjutsu which sent it into a feeding frenzy. With a gutteral roar, the beast instantly yawed left, and bit into the other member of its hunting pack, tearing a huge chunk from its back before turning back to Ichika, and barrelling towards her at full speed.

The woman held resolute as the animal burst towards her at awe-inspiring speed. But once again, Ichika pushed chakra into the soles of her feet, and met the beast's eyes as it approached. Hold... she said to herself in her head as she placed one of her feet onto the ring pommel of her kunai, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. For her plan to work, the placement of the shark's bite had to be perfect. It wasn't until the beast was a mere meter from her face, that Ichika pushed off of her kunai with an underwater chakra jump. Jetting herself off and away from the fatal bite, but simultaneously ripping her kunai from its place within the other shark and into the mouth of the other as it bit down onto the top of the head of the first shark that Ichika had engaged. Killing it instantly.

"Hiraishin!" Ichika bellowed aloud as she gripped her wakazashi's hilt, the fabric of time and space around the clone bent to her will as the space time ninjutsu of the Flying Raijin sucked the leaf kunoichi through it's network, causing her to materialise inside the mouth of the beast. With a brief moment to catch a fresh breath as she found herself inside of an air pocket, with her kunai in her off hand, and wakazashi in the other. With a relentless flurry of strikes with the speed of lightning at the soft tissue of the inside of the shark's mouth, Ichika quickly found herself launched from the beast's mouth, as it spat her out. But it had done so too late, the internal damage caused was too much for it to handle and it soon passed out from blood loss.

With the seemingly lifeless bodies of the three apex predators in her wake, Ichika pressed on deeper, paddling as fast as she could. Even stripping pieces of her armour from her body as she went deeper and deeper. Eventually, she managed to catch up to Tomoyuki's position. But as she approached the exchange student, she bore witness to a horrifying sight. The boy's eyes had glazed over completely, and were a citrime yellow, with black diamonds in their center. Her own eyes widened, as she flashed back in the moment to the day she had fought the nine-tails with the rest of the leaf village. It was going to happen again.

With a puff of smoke, the clone in the depths dissipated. And its chakra returned to the original Ichika atop Katuyu's back. With it's experiences funnelling into the mind and memory of the Uchiha Jōnin. With no time to lose, Ichika turned to Mizuraki and although only the Senju knew Ichika well enough to notice, she had an uncharacteristic display of fear in her eyes.

"We need to leave. NOW!
Akira Senju“I'm gonna be the greatest Hokage ever! Just like Grandpa Hashirama!”

Akira sighed in frustration and looked a little disappointed with his team-mates' response as the sauntered off together. But he'd become used to being left out by the other kids now, his recess periods in the magnificent Hana-sensei's classes he would occasionally work out the courage to go and sit with, play or even just talk with the other kids. But they always moved on without so much as a second glance at him, he never really understood why, and he always hated it. But that wasn't what was occurring here, Akira knew that. Seemingly so far his team and sensei had been highly accepting of him, or at least in comparison to his days at the academy.

No, what was happening here was that Rashiku was attempting to seperate Akira from the other two in order to be in private. But after what had occurred in Takayuki-sensei's apartment, he just could not in good faith allow that. What would a really good shinobi do here? Hmmm......... I GOT IT! He thought to himself before squatting down slightly and bracing his knees, pooling a slight amount of his chakra into his feet. Preparing to nin-jump.

There was an aura of nervousness in the air as the ashen-haired senju, clad in his regal blue cloak and olive green combat fatigues which he almost always wore, shook within his boots. With an anxious giggle, Akira released the chakra and jumped at the same time, but perhaps a little too hard. Or he had used too much chakra in the technique. Akira wasn't sure which was the cause but he didn't have the mind, nor the time to think upon it as he was launched over thirty feet into the air in an uncontrollable tumble, heading in the direction of Ami and Rashiku. His cloak batting away in the wind as his descent began. He wailed a little slightly as he fell, heading at high speeds towards some unsuspecting citizen's house, but he couldn't let himself just crash there. He'd go through their roof!

Before impact, Akira had concocted his plan. Clasping his hands flatly together to form one of the seals unique to Wood Style, which caused water and earth chakra to flood to their respective points as the boy fell, Akira called forth a pair of branches from the wooden roof, which stretched outwards, almost like the hands of a father catching his child whom he'd gently released into the air.

But that was the Senju boy's great miscalculation. His descent had not in any fashion been gentle, and subsequently he went crashing through his own branches and slammed shoulder first into the roof. Fortunately, at least two parts of his head plan had worked. One, he was significantly closer to Ami and Rashiku now and had a vantage point. Two, he had prevented himself from completely destroying this poor citizen's roof. With a silent groan of pain the young boy rolled over onto his stomach and began an army style crawl towards the edge of the rooftop, where he could see the other two from behind, who had parked themselves on a bench for now. He wagered that he'd likely be able to hear them from this spot too, provided the park remained quiet.
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