Avatar of DisturbedSpec
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    1. DisturbedSpec 6 yrs ago
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5 yrs ago
Current So I'm pursuing a PhD in Philosophy (Ethics, specifically) and meanwhile I can't for the life of me make any quick choice when it comes to coffee. Am I fighting an uphill battle here?
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5 yrs ago
Hooray for upcoming surprise CT Scan! :/
6 yrs ago
Did someone say Disturbed?
6 yrs ago
"...You haven't changed at all, Snake."
6 yrs ago
Underwent cavity repair yesterday and woke up to blood pouring out of my nose and mouth at irregular intervals. Ain't life grand?


Heyo! Just your friendly neighborhood Disturbed Spec here. Avid Roleplay addict, writer, reader and gamer who owns for baby birds (because honestly why not?) I look forward to creating amazing memories with you all on this site! Cheers!

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𝒫𝑒𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓈𝑜𝓃

As the party became more and more active, the young woman began to slowly lose concentration in her book. Submitting to a change of plans with a light huff, she once more bookmarked her page and closed it shut; resting the book in her lap as she folded her arms over the cover. Now, her head was up and looking around at each and every occupant on the rooftop setup. Try as she might, it was obvious that the wallflower wasn't (or didn't) know how to imperceptively glance at everyone without locking into an uncomfortable six-second stare. She couldn't find the will to break her people-watching spree to get up and interact with the others. The only exception to this rule was if anyone experienced an acute injury or illness in her presence. Glancing around to the various wine-coolers, food, drink and karaoke stand, Pepper almost immediately deduced that something would happen tonight. Perhaps that's how she'd make friends. Someone says 'Hold my beer and watch this!' and seconds later she's gathering their vitals and learning all about them from a patient-Medic relationship in the heat of the ensuing accident. She sighed, turning her head back to look at all of the other individuals again with a ghost of a smirk on her face. In all seriousness, however, it was back to people-watching.

Her main focus was unsurprisingly on the most talkative people of the group. Though eavesdropping, Pepper learned of new faces to match with the names- or those she'd at least seen before at a passing glance. Aria, Josah, Itzel.. Jonah and Josiah were the others she'd encountered before. It put her at ease of mind to know that no-one here was hostile toward one another. Everyone was friendly...


With a squeak, Pepper jolted upright as her phone vibrated in her pocket, catching her off guard. Face reddening from embarrassment, she quickly fished the phone out of her sweater pocket and checked the notification on the Lock screen. Chris. Usually when he texts her, it's something important. Biting her lower lip nervously, she unlocked her phone and opened the Messages app to read the beginning of the conversation.

Pepper's alertness promptly relaxed into light confusion. As she read down further, she let out a soft growl of irritation. 'Peps' was something Chris had began calling her after she'd previously snapped at him for calling her 'Doctor Pepper'. Glancing around, she took the moment of solace to dance her finger across the touch-keypad as she replied to his message.

Pepper paused at the message and mulled it over. She already knew who she had to speak to to get such a permission. Fingers flying rapidly once more, she typed her reply.

Sighing, she pressed the power button on the side of the phone as a clicked shut with its infamous locking sound. Pocketing it, she now had a new objective. Swinging her legs up and over the lawn chair, the pale ghost of a woman proceeded to stretch momentarily as she tucked her book underneath her right and arm scanned the immediate area for Josiah.
𝒫𝑒𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓈𝑜𝓃

Being approached by Jonah came as a wash of relief over her. Not to say that she didn't know the others as well, but there was something about the man that seemed to strike a chord of familiarity within her during the brief times they met one another in the local coffee shop. When he offered to accompany her up the stairs to the party, she hesitantly agreed; mentally kicking herself for forgetting the location on the flyer. 'At least I signed up.', she thought to herself. And with that following tucking her book up underneath her arm, the ascent to the rooftop began. Nevertheless as they walked and talked, Pepper tried to speak more single-syllable words to lessen the effects of her stutter. It was a new tactic, but she'd forget half the time in her speech and be stuck as square one in a matter of seconds. The man had an aura about him that put her at ease- much like Chris. Talking about his shop, she empathized with him greatly; reflecting on the time her mother struggled in opening her business when she was a little girl. What surprised her the most about him was his distinct English accent, yet he almost had the element of a Southern charm about him. Before she knew it, the duo arrived on the rooftop. When Jonah excused himself, she nodded and smiled, but the unknown fear began to creep its way back into her system.

Her smile gradually faded as she nervously eyed the scene before her; the hetero-chromatic orbs of two different contrasting colors darting over everyone in the area as she took her book by the spine with her other hand and moved over to take a seat in a white plastic lawn chair that was positioned alongside the wall of the rooftop access doorway. Taking another deep breath, she once more opened her book and began to read as she reclined back in the lawn-chair. Even though she was reading up on how to perform a chest-tube in case of Pneumothorax, she couldn't escape the feeling that this event gave her. A general sense of restlessness, coupled by anxiety with a dash of social awkwardness. Perhaps on this night, The one night during a major social event she'd never have to experience again, she could be brought out of her shell to experience what everyone celebrated. Glancing up from her book with an imperceptive glance of curiosity, the first thing she spotted were Jonah's.. Cases of beer? She'd never had alcohol in her life. Looking around further and rather comically positioned behind her book so that only her forehead, eyes and the bridge of her nose were seen, she took in every sight, sound and smell that didn't somehow intermingle with the fresh ink of her book.

She wondered where Jonah had went off to, or if Josiah were going to show up. Who knew. Regardless, the party began. She'd never had been one to go out at all to any social occasion, and that was solely her parents to blame. Hell, if she disregarded their academic pressure she might as well have dropped out of Paramedic school. Instead, here she was. Highly educated, trained as a Paramedic- at her first social event since her High-school homecoming (which ended in disaster), and afraid of spreading her wings. 'Tonight is going to be a long night.' She thought with a sigh.

Pepper Thompson, Redwood Apartment Foyer- Interacting with: Josiah

Pepper promptly gasped in surprise; having been startled out of her reading material and jolting back into reality. As Josiah walked by, she lowered her book and imperceptively glanced his way with a partially embarrassed smile on her face. She recognized his voice, and so far could only remember him at the wee small hours of the morning; up and jovial as she herself was rushing out the door to Chris's ambulance waiting outside for her pickup. It was probably unusual to see her out in the daytime for once in her life. Nevertheless, she concurred with his statement with an audible, faint "Mm-hm!" Pepper wasn't one to let herself shy away from an encounter of any magnitude; even if she couldn't speak, she'd respond to the best of her abilities.

She glanced back behind her to the reception desk and noticed that her RVSP slip was gone. 'Seems like it has been processed.', she thought to herself. Her span trailing back to the fleeting window of interaction she had, she opened her mouth to speak, and found herself immediately shutting it as fast as she bookmarked her book. With her eyes still on Josiah, she let out a quiet sigh and decided to let the moment pass, dragging her head back to her book and opening it to continue reading where she had left off.
Pepper Thompson, Redwood Apartment Foyer - Open for Interaction

'Deep breaths, Pepper. Chris will handle them.'

Chris was her 'partner'- specifically her fellow EMT-P she deployed with for the majority of her shifts. Having served with him for a while, it was rather unnerving without him around for once- his incessant insistence that she enjoy herself at the tenant party having irritated her into going purely now out of a waning mixture of fear, curiosity, and concern. Pepper didn't go out to any social excursions, if at all. This was a first, and it was written all over her face as the ghostly-complexioned, slim and black-haired young woman made her way down the last flight of stairs to the ground floor; flyer loosely held a freckled left hand. Dressed in a form-hugging grey light sweater and faded denim jeans with black running shoes, Pepper looked well-accommodated besides how she felt. Well, she could only hope she was. She'd been here for only three months, but it felt as if she'd just arrived last week. Getting to see her fellow tenants would be a rare sight for her, since she worked the majority of the day and always got off at midnight.

The young woman kept her head down and her hands nervously wringing their wrists at her front as she briefly glanced upward to find the reception desk. When she spotted it, her head was back down and her movement straight and purposeful toward the ornate oakwood-furnished countertop. Reaching up a hand, she gingerly placed the form on the countertop and slid it forward. All the quiet woman could do was hope she was acknowledged in silence without being addressed. Moving faster than her thoughts would allow, Pepper did a swift turn on her heel, glanced up, and found an unoccupied leather chair by the fireplace. The woman practically darted over there like an unguided ballistic missile of a human and took a seat once she arrived.

Crossing her legs over one another once she sat, she kept her head lowered. the radiant, glowing orange-red flicker of the fireplace slowly began to warm her shaking hands. Blowing out a fluttering exhale, she reached her right hand inside her jacket and appeared to tug at something before the pocket finally gave way and revealed a medium-sized book; a white hardcover background against a red cross. Below the medical-looking icon were the words 'Silverdale Paramedic Procedural Guidelines, 2018 2nd ed.' Flipping open to a bookmark to the second chapter, the title read 'Different types of Code-3 emergencies.' As Pepper began to relax, she knew it was only a matter of time before the waiting game ended. Taking in a deep breath, she exhaled and began to read in silent contentment.

No idea when Lily will be back, but I'd suppose so! We seem to be filling slots quite fast.
I'm back and more sobered up! I do appreciate the help from you all, really. As for write-ups, just PM Lils o'er yonder about a typical 1-2 paragraph overview of how they'd be in their daily routine, as well as their chemistry when interacting with other characters. Hope this helps you both @KatKook and @Lady Ostara !
I am not too sure if I will be up following the offical commencement of the RP due to possibly differning timezones. Also. Mispelling because Ive been drinking (had a rough night) and sudch. I'll see you all when I see you all;, under much more sober and favorable conditions. Cherst!
@Akayaofthemoon Right?! Aah!
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