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Current Just opened up a new Fairy Tail rp, enjoy :) - roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Made an interest check for an upcoming Fairy Tail rp :) - roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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4 yrs ago
Fishing rods and Big Freakin Guns - youtu.be/U4lz8MN6MQA
5 yrs ago
A question thread of mine has become possibly be useful for everyone. Thanks @OwO roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Character sheets are necessary for GMs to make sure you have an idea of what you're doing and aren't going to pull random nonsense. Also necessary for guaging power scale.


I'm just a dude who likes vidya games, anime, Star Wars, all that cool nerd shit. Proud of it.

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Accepted! Welcome Kuro :)
Hello there sinner ^^
Roleplay has been made and opened :)

Naruto: Cold Contention


✖ ‖ N a m e
Rashiku Karata

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
12, December 16th

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Short and Skinny, but not frail or thin.

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n
The Karata, while officially a clan, was more of a small family rather then established estate like the Hyuuga or Uchiha. What made this clan unique was its focused art which would be taught to any who wished to be Shinobi. Rather then a special ninjutsu or power, the Karata focused heavily on the art of swordsmanship. Jutsu was of course encouraged for the Shinobi world, but it would be up to each individual as to how he or she would tie that in to the sword style.
Because of the family-like nature, the Karata slowly diminished over the years, and now, Rashiku is the last one, though he doesn't realize the significance of that fact.

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Ransu Karata (Deceased)
Mother: Shizuku Karata (Deceased)
Siblings: Older brother, Raizen Karata (Deceased), and Slightly Younger Adopted Sister, Marianne Runshin

✖ ‖ R a n k
Genin / Battalion 1

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Snowy, Rashi (causes much annoyance)

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Usually quiet and soft spoken. He is friendly and gentle most of the time, but when he gets into a fight he tends to be focused and competitive. He has difficulty with social situations, not due to being shy, but more because of being naive and misinterpreting people's actions and words. This is particularly problematic with him often taking things literally, and not understanding slang terms most of the time unless they are extremely obvious.
He is also extremely protective of things he cares about. Once someone is on his list of people he likes/loves, he will go to extreme lengths to ensure their safety.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- Teriyaki
- Swords and Dueling
- Acrobatics and Parkour
- Animals
- Girls

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Fireworks
- Bandits and Thugs
- Sneaking
- Vinegar
- Finances

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"To be the shield of those important to me. To protect all those I care for, and to be their blade when needed. That is my Ninja way."

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Rashiku was orphaned while traveling with his family. It was a vacation they went on while his parents were getting paid to escort a festival caravan. While walking down the road bandits attacked the caravan, the first shot hitting the stockpile of fireworks, causing fire and chaos. Rashiku's parents were caught in the explosion, dying from the heat and shockwave impact. The boy witnessed it happen infront of him, his parent's bodies being torn apart before his eyes, and his brother was buried under large burning crates. In order to protect himself and his sister, he reluctantly took the sword his father owned, and had trained him with.
For the next few days, he was forced to hide, scavenge, and occasionally fight to survive as a select few of the bandits went into hunting him and his sister after he (mostly by accident) killed one of them in the process of getting away.
It is unknown whether or not he actually recovered from the experience, but it is obvious that he has been forever changed, where when he was once outgoing and excitable, to being more quiet and calm.
Afterwards, Rashiku focused on making sure that the support money from inheritance and the village's orphan assistance program was coming in correctly, especially since Marianne had technically by now been orphaned twice. This caused complications with the financial paperwork. While these were being worked on to be settled, Rashiku dedicated himself mostly to training. His father had left him many scrolls with techniques that had been passed down for many generations, some specific to the clan, and many other more general jutsu. Through these self-taught techniques, as well as what he had already been taught directly by his father, made him much strong enough to qualify as a genin.

When the paperwork was finally cleared for Marianne, it was determined that her claim was to be denied due to being under the Karata clan's care, despite the fact that Rashiku was the only Karata left. They were not receiving enough money for their expenses, and it was unlikely for them to get adopted due to the unfortunate amount of other orphans or single parents in Konoha. They were also too young to be hired anywhere. There was only one other option Rashiku knew he could manage to get into. Becoming a shinobi, and receiving payment from missions.

He waited until graduation and team placement day to show up to the academy, as he didn't know the rules about the process of graduating. When he showed up out of nowhere, asking to be put in a squad and saying he was ready for becoming a genin, he was met with immediate dismissal due to his lack of any previous recorded classes. The proctors believed him to be a random civilian wasting their time, and he was pretty much told to start from 'kindergarten' level classes. Rashiku did not have the time, the patience, or lack of skill to do something so time-consuming and humiliating. So, to prove a point, he used his sense chakra ability to see a student at the front of the class who had a decently above average chakra signature. He went up to the student, and challenged him to a duel.

The other student accepted, thinking that it would be an easy fight. And it was. But not for who everyone was expecting. Using only his fists due to not wanting to deal actual damage to the other student, Rashiku fought against the student who was going all out with earth jutsu and kunai. To those inexperienced watching, it would have appeared that Rashiku was struggling, on the run, and only doing what he could to not get hit. But in reality, he was slowly inching closer, making the other genin back up against a wall without his knowledge. As soon as the earth user bumped against the back of the wall, Rashiku charged, dodging rocks and shuriken along the way. Once the snow-haired child was upclose, the duel switched to taijutsu, which the other genin was quite proficient at. Unfortunately for him, this was where Rashiku more than excelled, blocking, dodging, and easily countering against his opponent's strong fist style. Within another moment, Rashiku finished off the earth-user after stepping back, dodging a powerful hook going towards his body. With the attack missed, he used his favorite jutsu, opportunity strike, and calculated in a split second the most effective counter, which was to bring his leg up and to the side, kicking the other student across the temple. It may have been too far to go considering the level of the opponent, but Rashiku knew he had a point to prove. He needed to put the other student on the ground, unconscious, face in the dirt, with the snow-haired boy standing without a scratch. And that kick completed that goal.

Defeating the other student in combat was mainly for showing the proctors that he was not just an average civilian child, and that he was properly trained for the rank. Or actually, on a proficiency higher than many of the graduates. With that shown, they allowed him to take the standard genin knowledge and jutsu tests, which he was able to pass. He was assigned to the elite 1st Battalion.

✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i
Karata Eye - The Karata clan naturally has a strong affinity towards dojutsu, and when the clan was still with Kumogakure, they attempted to create a power which could rival or surpass the Sharingan of the Konoha's Uchiha. The end result was that they were unable to replicate the hidden powers of the higher sharingan, but instead were able to surpass it in the use of perception.

A user can put chakra into his eyes and focus on everything he perceives, and also slow down all of his senses. This technique makes the world seem like it is moving in slow motion, allowing him to react as efficiently as possible to whatever situation he notices. However, even if he can see and hear, or smell what is happening, this ability does not increase his bodily speed. If an attack is fast enough, he will still see it coming, but may not have time to effectively avoid it.

The Karata Eye also provides the ability to sense chakra upon focusing, along with the strength of the signature. The perception even can detect chakra through solid objects like a wall. It cannot differentiate between specific chakra signatures, or the element of the chakra. It can only sense the presence of, and how powerful it is. Though, the user can sometimes guess a specific person by recognizing their exact chakra strength. But only if they know said person well.
This makes it very difficult for enemies to sneak up on a user of Karata Eye, as even non-shinobi have weak signatures the give their position away. While this jutsu is active, the user's eyes glow an intense, bright blue, like their normal color except as if neon. This makes a user very easy to spot if he tries to use it while sneaking.

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s
Swordsmanship - Rashiku is quite skilled with bladed weaponry. Particularly in the sword arts that originate from his clan.

Self-training - He is able to teach himself techniques very proficiently. He almost works best this way, provided he has the necessary tools and instructions to learn.

Drawing - Rashiku could potentially make a successful alternate career out of drawing manga if his story-writing abilities were any good. He frequently draws in secret, with varying amounts of ecchi.

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Basic Jutsu

Fuuton | Wind Nature

Raiton | Lightning Nature

Taijutsu and Kenjutsu

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Aotsume - Blue Talon - Rashiku uses a sword with two blades going the same direction. Meant for easier deflection of projectiles, along with harsher wounds inflicted on enemies. This makes the sword noticeably heavier than a standard one of equal size. The length puts it just above the classification of Katana and into Odachi, the blade in total being three and a half feet long.

Rashiku also uses Kunai for ranged attacks, sometimes employing explosive tags along with them. More frequently, he uses flash tags as a distraction and cover for his movements, as he doesn't like using the truly explosive ones. While he doesn't enjoy the blasts, their desctructive power and applications cannot be ignored.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Rashiku's fighting style focuses on speed, tactics, and getting in a strike at the perfect opportunity. He is forward and aggressive, but also defensive in the aggression. That means he will attack in order to make the opponent attack, giving him an opportunity for them to make a mistake for him to counter.

Most of his abilities focus on the excellent use of swordsmanship. Body Flicker technique helps a lot with evasive maneuvering and getting in a strike where his opponent doesn't suspect it. While Rashiku specializes in close-combat, he knows very well how to use kunai to his advantage.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y


✖ ‖ N a m e
Kenshiro Hyuuga

✖ ‖ A g e / B i r t h d a y
28 / October 12th

✖ ‖ G e n d e r

✖ ‖ B o d y T y p e
Average Height and Physique

✖ ‖ V i l l a g e

✖ ‖ C l a n

✖ ‖ F a m i l y
Father: Saigen Hyuuga
Mother: Rana Hyuuga
Siblings: Shou Hyuuga
Wife: Rose Hyuuga, formerly Suzuki
Daughter: Ro Hyuuga

✖ ‖ R a n k
Jounin / Battalion 1

✖ ‖ S p e c i a l S t a t u s
Hyuuga Branch Family

✖ ‖ T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
Ken, He-Ro

✖ ‖ P e r s o n a l i t y
Kenshiro is generally calm and relaxed, acting quite casual. He is certainly not lazy, but he goes at problems with a relaxed and clear-headed demeanor. His specialty is strategy and organization. He was in charge of coordinating many missions and the forming of teams.

His laid back demeanor goes along well with his affinity for others. He understands people quite well and tends to be easy to get along with. It also makes management much easier and more effective. The best part of this talent is his ability to deal with children who are on the more difficult side. Able to figure out ways to teach them and help them grow. Because of these skills he's been given the task of overseeing one of the three Elite Battalions.

✖ ‖ L i k e s
- The Suzuki Clan
- His Family
- Manga
- Strategy Games
- Gambling and bets

✖ ‖ D i s l i k e s
- Hyuuga Main Branch
- Arrogance
- Snobbery
- Destruction
- Bad Manners

✖ ‖ N i n d o
"Support all into the best path for themselves. So all can find their way home."

✖ ‖ B i o g r a p h y
Kenshiro didn't start with very much ambition. While not lazy, he wasn't going to aim towards great heights within the shinobi world. Partly so he wouldn't possibly be seen as a threat to the Hyuuga clan as a Branch member, but mostly it was just his more laid back demeanor. This continued into his beginning year as a genin, and only began to shift as he neared becoming a chunin.

In the later parts of being genin, Kenshiro's knack for strategy and getting along with teammates ended up with him entrusted to lead parts of his battalion during missions. With him now in charge of his friends' safety, the effort he put in was increased tenfold, and he excelled in the task given to him. Coordinating was his nature, and after becoming a chunin, he went on to startegize and coordinate many, many teams and missions himself. Even obtaining the rank of Tokubetsu Jounin early, assisting other jounin in planning out missions and team assigments.

Kenshiro found comfort in his rank as Chunin with Tokubetsu status, and continued to coast for some time. Until something wonderful, if irresponsible, happened when he was sixteen years of age. His girlfriend at the time, Rose Suzuki, became pregnant. It certainly surprised those around them with how responsible the two of them seemed to be, but they were both happy about it, and were married within the year.

It was a wonderful thing, Kenshiro being happy with his new family. A great wife, and an adorable baby girl named Ro. However, the time came when the little girl was given a cursed seal, trapped under the system of the Hyuuga that Kenshiro had learned to live with. While he'd always hated the system, his laid back nature never made it a problem. But now he had a little girl, who he already knew was independant and strong-willed. The thought of her freedom being trampled on infuriated Kenshiro, and there was nothing he could do to stop it... at least not then.

Since Ro had her curse seal put on her, the man has trained hard to become much stronger. Now a full-fledged Jounin capable of leading the new Elite Battalions, in which his daughter is in. Kenshiro has put himself to where he can protect his little girl, and guide her the best he can. And plans improve himself more in order to find a way to make her curse seal no longer a factor.

✖ ‖ K e k k e i G e n k a i

✖ ‖ N a t u r e s

✖ ‖ T a l e n t s

Training Courses and Equipment - Kenshiro is very talented at designing ways to train his students in whatever way they wish. He can also assist his fellow instructors in creating equipment for their lessons.

Manners and Etiquette - He is still a Hyuuga.

Battle tactics and Strategy - Kenshiro has learned a lot about plans for missions and leading in the midst of combat.

✖ ‖ J u t s u
Gentle Fist

Water Release

Gentle Tides - This is a Single Jutsu that works with all of Kenshiro's previous techniques, along with adding in even more new uses.

This technique forms a large coating of water over both of Kenshiro's arms, hands, and shoulders. It can act as a weak armor coating, but its main purpose is to be able to move with his movements and will to give him much more range and attacking ability in melee. It allows him to use his gentle fist techniques through the water, it having the capability to transfer tenketsu chakra through it to strike an opponents chakra points. It can also be another point of origin for water based techniques, allowing moves like water pistol and cannon to be fired from his arms rather than mouth.

✖ ‖ W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
Wedding Ring - Kenshiro's wedding ring contains a tiny summoning seal on it, which when used with water will instantly create a set of long, sharp bladed vines. A gift from Rose.

Waterskin - A container of water to assist with water-based techniques.

✖ ‖ F i g h t i n g S t y l e
Kenshiro fights with a combination of Gentle Fist interfused with water jutsu. He both uses traditional ranged water jutsu, and his own variations that he can use along with his gentle fist techniques, such as whips made of the water.

While primarily focused on water techniques, Kenshiro also has wind jutsu that he uses in a similar fashion. Usually at higher ranges or if he needs a strike with more force behind it.

✖ ‖ T h e m e S o n g

✖ ‖ P l a y e d B y

Roleplayers and Characters

The characters he plays are :
|| Kenshiro Hyuuga
|| Rashiku Karata

The character he plays is :
|| Shizuka Morikaze

The characters he plays are :
|| Miho Senju
|| Chokuro Akimichi

Helios J Mears
The character he plays is :
|| Takayuki Mekakushi

The character he plays is :
|| Jozu Kagune

The character(s) he/she plays is/are :
100x100 image || Name




Konohagakure Shinobi and Teams

Iwagakure Shinobi and Teams

Kumogakure Shinobi and Teams

Kirigakure Shinobi and Teams

Sunagakure Shinobi and Teams

Unaffiliated Missing Nin



Limit of two Jinchurikii per village.

Shukaku "One-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Matatabi "Two-Tailed"

Isobu "Three-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Son-Goku "Four-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Kokuou "Five-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Saiken "Six-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Choumei "Seven-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Gyuuki "Eight-Tailed"
Character || Roleplayer || Village
100x100 image

Kurama "Nine-Tailed"


Clans - Limit 4 Characters total per Clan. NPCs or major characters played by myself do not count towards this.
More than just these are available of Canon Clans, these are simply examples.
Any original character clans are also welcome on this list. If you wish to have your clan on here, this means that it is open for anyone else to join it. If you do not wish for anyone to join, it will be left off the list with no hard feelings. (Heck, even my own character's isn't on here because his clan is wiped out.)

Akimichi 1/4

Hyuuga 0/4

Kagune 1/4

Mekakushi 1/4

Morikaze 1/4

Senju 1/4

Character Sheets

Please use the following code format for your character sheet, and when you have it completed, please send it, along with a 100x100 size image of your character, either into the OOC Thread, or Pm it to me, and I will review it as soon as possible. ^-^

Remember that criticism is not a rejection! I will work with you with any issues that may arise.

[center][img]YOUR CHARACTER IMAGE[/img][/center]
[indent][color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] N a m e
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert name[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] A g e / B i r t h d a y
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert age / Birthday[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] G e n d e r
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert gender[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] B o d y T y p e
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Skinny, tall, short, muscular? Up to you.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] V i l l a g e
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert village[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] C l a n
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert clan name and description[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] F a m i l y
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] R a n k
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert rank/team (Ex: Jounin//Battalion 1)[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T a i l e d B e a s t
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert tailed beast (Delete section if none.)[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] S p e c i a l S t a t u s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert any special titles, or if you are apart of some organization (The seven swordsman of the mist, and which sword, for example.) Delete Section if none.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T i t l e s / N i c k n a m e s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert any nick names or Title your character may go by. (Ex: Kakashi of the Sharingan , Pervy Sage.)[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] P e r s o n a l i t y
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert Personality.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] L i k e s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor][color=slategray]✖[/color] - Insert likes in a list, you don't have to fill them all out, but some would be nice.
[color=slategray]✖[/color] -
[color=slategray]✖[/color] -
[color=slategray]✖[/color] -
[color=slategray]✖[/color] - [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] D i s l i k e s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor][color=slategray]✖[/color] - insert in a list, you don't have to fill them all out, but some would be nice.
[color=slategray]✖[/color] -
[color=slategray]✖[/color] -
[color=slategray]✖[/color] -
[color=slategray]✖[/color] - [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] N i n d o
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert your character's Ninja way.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] B i o g r a p h y
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert biography, at least a paragraph.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] K e k k e i G e n k a i
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert Kekkei Genkai, describe if made up, send naruto wiki link if canon, though you may be questioned as to why your character has a specific Kekkei Genkai. (Delete section if none.)[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] N a t u r e s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert nature release(s). You will be limited to a maximum of three here, but please be reasonable, I don't want to see everyone with more than two. If you have any question, please ask me.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T a l e n t s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert any natural or trained talents or skills that aren't summed up within specific techniques. Such as swordsmanship, enhanced hearing, or an impressive affinity for cooking.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] J u t s u
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert all of your jutsu here. No Wiki Links, make your own descriptions[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] W e a p o n s A n d T o o l s
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert any special or common tools that your character carries with them.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] F i g h t i n g S t y l e
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]describe fighting style[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] T h e m e S o n g
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Link to your themesong. (Optional)[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]
[color=slategray] ✖ ‖[/color] P l a y e d B y
[indent][indent][indent][color=yourcolor]Insert your username.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]


It is currently a time of peace. A tense, volatile, very temporary peace. All five nations are in a state of cold war, wondering who will strike first. Other, smaller villages see the tension as opportunity to rise up and take over, and outside of the Shinobi cities, the overall economy is suffering badly. Civilians are restless, with crime and banditry constantly on the rise. In this climate of tension, where many are wondering which war will erupt first, many Genin students graduate and take their first steps into the turbulent shinobi world. Placed into Battalions containing between twenty and thirty members, where they will learn from multiple Jounin instructors alongside their fellow teammates.

Alongside the normal battalions, three have been set aside and put into a category of their own. With this new generation the Village of Konohagakure has formed a new program. The village needs a special force, groups to stand above and beyond the rank and file. Trying to obtain this, the ANBU program is born from these three Battalions, each filled with hand picked genin with either elite skill or potential. Battalions 1st, 2nd, and 3rd are to be the Elite units, specialist forces meant to handle on their own, missions that would require the force of four normal battalions at least. Each of these new units are being developed in different ways, Konoha looking to see which methods will become the standard development of Elite operatives. The genin thrust into these units have an even more turbulent road ahead of them than their peers.

Current Events

June 3rd - Border Incident - Konoha has detected that Sunagakure and Kirigakure are both on the move into the southern area of the Country of Fire. Both groups have battle-ready forces and appear to be converging into one area. The 1st Battalion is dispatched to find out what is happening, and if needed, eliminate all hostiles. This is the Battalion's first major mission, two months into their training.

Kirigakure's View - A murderer and a thief has been found hiding within the Fire Country. Eight Months past, she had slain one of the seven swordsman, and stolen the Executioner's Blade. She must die, and the sword must be reclaimed. It is of no consequence if she is killed on the spot, but preferably she should be captured and brought back to the village for public torture and execution by the sword she stole.

Sunagakure's View - Chasing a missing-nin from their own village, Suna has received a tip-off that she was spotted fleeing towards the Land of Fire. They've deployed a team of shinobi to intercept the missing-nin with the supposed intent of arrest. The team is led by Lola Shigetsu, the Kazekage's personal bodyguard and sister of the missing-nin, whom they hope can talk down the criminal without casualties.

Alternate Universe

As this is an alternate universe roleplay, many aspects of the Naruto world will be changed, the most important being the history, and origin of chakra.

All canon characters, unless specifically mentioned below, do not exist, nor have ever existed.

Konohagakure's current Hokage is the second to obtain the rank.

Genjutsu has not been developed so will not be able to be used, even with Sharingan.

The Sharingan's abilities are limited in this roleplay. In particular, they do not gain access to the "Eye of Hypnotism" powers, and any linked Genjutsu. The "Eye of Insight" abilities do not automatically give enough information to copy others' abilities and jutsu. However, this can be trained through a large amount of effort and natural ability.
Sharingan can upgrade to Mangekyo, but will only recieve one single special ability chosen by the player and approved by the thread leader. This does not have to be from the canon, and in fact, many of the canon abilities would be far too powerful to accept. Such as Kamui. You may come up with your own, unique Mangekyo ability to be discussed when the time comes.

Rinnegan does not exist.

Sage Chakra works differently than in canon. Rather than simply being a power boost, it gives a fully alternate set of abilities that one can not gain without nature chakra. While using one of these 'sage modes', the sage usually cuts off access to all of their non-sage techniques. Sage forms are powerful, but come with plenty of drawbacks, such as reduced mobility.

Tailed Beasts have a new ability when they are within a Jinchurikii host. By focusing their chakra, they can very partially manifest outside their host as a spiritual entity. Normally this serves extremely little practical purpose, with the abilities of the spirit being extremely limited. At most, it can lightly interact with small objects with some focus and effort. Most of the time, the Bijuu manifest out of boredom, in order to view the surrounding area, and interact with their host.

Kirigakure, The Mist, humps like rabbits. Due to the Bloody Mist's harsh nature and tendency to kill off a larger portion of their forces than their enemies, it was a wonder how they could possibly keep their own numbers up. Particularly when they eliminate at least half of their prospective genin in deadly graduation tests. It was thought about quite a bit as to how they could sustain themselves, and the answer ended up being quite simple. There are a lot of babies and prospective genin, so eliminating half of them is of little consequence, and if anything, is population control. Therefore, in addition to being very brutal and likely to kill off members at the drop of a hat, the citizens of Kirigakure are very, very engaged in sex in order to keep up their forces. And fun. Can't forget fun.

Changes to Seven Swordsman Swords - Most of the Swords of the Mist are being changed to make them all truly unique and powerful, without some being obviously more desirable than the others.

Hiramekarei (Twinsword) : No changes.

Kabutowari (Helm Splitter) : Changed from a hammer and axe into a large sword with a weighted end, being both a twohanded blade and a warhammer in one. It has the power and durability to split through nearly anything in its way. The sword is partially elemented towards earth, and the bladed portion easily splits earth and stone on contact, going through like a hot knife and butter. Metal is often merely smashed through with ease. Here is a poorly drawn MS Paint representation I made.

Kiba (Fangs) : The shape of the swords are changed to be Hook Swords. They no longer have the ability to be used without being held, and also have had their effects with lightning chakra reduced. This is due to them effectively equaling an entire lightning-specialized character in power by themselves, not to mention the user's own abilities. While they have been debuffed, their base abilities of highly amplifying lightning techniques remains, and they can still conduct natural electricity with amplified effect.

Kubikiribocho (Executioner's Blade) : The blood-absorbing ability of the Executioner's Blade is far improved over simply repairing the sword. Now, absorbing blood temporarily increases the size of the sword, with no clear limits in how large the sword can become. The user only feels the size increase at 1/4th the ratio in weight, while the swings keep all of the impact for the recieving end. Eventually the sword will still become too large to lift, but it is at a much lower rate than what would be expected.
Over time, when not drinking in the blood of victims, the blade slowly reverts back to its original size.

Nuibari (Needle) : The Needle gains actual abilities that don't require the user to already have stabbed and pierced through multiple opponents at a time. The tip of the needle can shoot out of the rest of the body, controlled in flight direction by the user's chakra. At the back of the projectile is sharpened wire, thread, attached and connected to the rest of the sword. While the wire cannot be controlled by the user's chakra, the user can maneuver the needle in such a way as to wrap around, slice, or trap an opponent with the wire.
The tip of the needle also creates a 'mark' at any place it pierces even the slightest bit. The user can then hurl the sword, and like a javelin it will immediately launch itself towards its mark in order to pierce the object or opponent. At any point during the launch, the user may zip the sword back to them by pulling on the thread they hold.

Samehada (Sharkskin) : Samehada keeps all of its abilities except the ability to fuse with the wielder and turn them into a shark-like form. The healing and regenerative abilities bestowed upon the user are also much more limited. While wounds will heal much faster than normal, even mending in the course of a fight, regrowing limbs will take a very large amount of time, and should the wielder get a fatal blow, most of the time it will not be healed in time and the user will perish. Samehada cannot bring a dead user back to life through regeneration, should a body remain after a deadly blow such as a decapitation.

Shibuki (Splash) : The explosive tags of this sword now line the blade. Swings of the weapon can be chosen to cause explosions, and any direct contact with the blade will apply tags to whatever was hit, and two seconds later will explode, allowing the wielder a short window of time to get out of the way.

List of Canon Characters
Ichiraku - Ichiraku Ramen Shop is open and ran by Ichiraku himself along with his daughter, many years before he is officially supposed to exist.

Orochimaru - Orochimaru is a powerful enemy force. Hunted down as a criminal in Konohagakure for his crimes against humanity, he hides himself within his own founded Village of Sound. His hatred for Konoha is increased tenfold, as he desires it reduced to a smoldering crater. Intelligent enough to not attack it directly, he works from the shadows towards the village's demise.

Alternate Timeline and Chakra Origin

The origin of chakra is simply that it has always been there. A spiritual energy within all life that connects all beings together. Most just were not aware of its existence. Though some people could naturally tap into this source of power much more easily than others, performing extraordinary physical feats. One of these few people was able to tap into it enough so easily that he could actually tell that it wasn't just his own natural body. There was energy, and he could wield it. The man spent many years on his own, learning specifically how he could use it, and trying to discover where it came from. While much of chakra is still not fully understood, he learned how he could use it fully at will whenever he wished, and upon returning to society, taught his knowledge to others.

At first chakra was only used for physical feats. Such as increasing one's strength or speed. Jumping to heights which would normally be impossible. Martial Artists and Samurai quickly learned how to add chakra to their fighting styles, making Taijutsu to be the first combat techniques involving chakra.

A couple generations passed by with this newfound power being used for physical feats, before some others began experimenting with the concept of strengthening life itself. Chakra could make people stronger, so maybe it could help those who were injured or feeble. The practice eventually became full medical jutsu, where doctors could help heal accidental injuries, or use chakra to aid in the cure for diseases.

With the medical advancements of chakra, training for the techniques became a lot more widespread quickly, as it was discovered that there were more uses than simply amplifying one's own body. Doctors and healers all over the world learned to use these techniques, saving many lives. However, with the discovery that chakra could be further manipulated, and the knowledge spreading like wildfire, it naturally did not take long at all after that for chakra to be weaponized.

Most Samurai only let chakra amplify their swordsmanship and physical fighting ability. But many others who were less bound by honor, along with being less stubborn, discovered ways to make chakra change into other forms of energy such as fire and lightning. They learned how to manipulate wind, water, and even the earth itself. This greatly aided the small clans of shinobi that fought alongside, and against the shoguns. Turning them from a small special operations force, into a destructive force on the battlefield. Within a few years of each other, five shinobi factions rose to great power, being mainstays on the battlefield alongside the daimyos they had pledged themselves to.

War continued for years, before finally the daimyos of the land collectively settled on peace between each other, all settling on the land they had and naming them as different countries. The shinobi villages still had many hostilities with each other however, as their conflicts had become very personal, and dangerous during the wars. Each had their own interests to protect, and they ended up fighting amongst each other for nearly a decade, until something united them.

The Juubi, a powerful demon which eclipsed mountains, had emerged out of the waters of Ushiogakure, and began destroying everything in its path. It took the collective power of the samurai, and five shinobi villages in alliance to defeat it. And even then, they could not kill the creature. The only choice they had was to split it's chakra into nine different parts, creating other monsters that were still powerful and destructive, but could be managed by the villages, if only barely. Through continued alliance, the Shinobi villages discovered ways to keep the tailed beasts prisoner. Years later, evolving the method into sealing them into living hosts. Both for their own protection, and getting themselves a new weapon.

The alliance between the Shinobi villages lasted for another fifteen years, before it finally disbanded. Even with an official disbandment, and the right to go to war, the shinobi have not moved to fight yet. Their fights had been in the past, but the wounds were still not fully healed. Mothers still have dead children, and children, now adults, have parents who had been slain. There is no war in the nation's current state. But who knows how long that will last. It has been two years since the disbandment of the alliance, and tensions are growing more and more.

World Map

Created by l l DoomFlavored
Mods l l
Status l l Open!
Accepting? l l Always! Post as soon as your character is accepted.


Long before the births of many beloved characters that we know, such as Naruto, Hinata, Rock Lee, Kakashi, and many others, many shinobi villages were founded. Five of them grew to be the largest in size, power, and fame. These were Iwagakure Hidden in the Stone, Kumogakure Hidden in the Clouds, Sunagakure Hidden in the Sand, Kirigakure Hidden in the Mist, and finally, Konohagakure Hidden in the Leaves. It is about 30 years after the founding of the major villages, with a time of current peace. Even with no war between any of the villages, tensions are still high from when the Samurai Lords of the land were battling each other. Many grudges are still held, as people can remember those family members lost to shinobi of various villages. Every once in a while, small-scale skirmishes between them can break out, with higher-ups having to do all they can to either isolate the incident, or keep the entire thing secret. There is peace, but all in the shinobi world can tell that the peace is very fragile, and a single event could send everything spiraling out of control.

An event that may begin with an incident at the Fire Country's southern border...

Welcome to the Roleplay

Hello there, glad to have you visiting the thread, and I wish to say welcome and I hope you like what you're reading. This thread is for an Alternate Universe, way-in-the-past Naruto roleplay. This roleplay will take place in the past, some of the techniques that we know haven't been created yet. You are heavily encouraged to create unique techniques for your character, rather than trying to use purely canon knowledge.

This roleplay will be keeping things at a lower scale power level. Low shippuden will be the highest things will go with experienced Jounin. The power scale is meant to reflect more of the Original Series, rather than Shippuden in general. The main focus of this roleplay will be the individual characters and how each of them develop. What path each will take. And what consequences their decisions will have upon the turbulent shinobi world.

An important note

This Naruto roleplay will have a different team setup than others. Rather than the standard 3 students and one teacher that is common, it has been switched to be one larger group with many students and multiple teachers, called a Battalion. This will allow for smoother roleplay, as there won't be rigid slots to fill, and groups can switch around as the roleplay demands or as players like. Teams can form naturally, and all students can interact with the entirety of their village players.

Don't be a dick, and have a spine
Disagreements are fine. Even heated ones. But start fights, needless drama, get easily offended, or have a rotten attitude, and you won't last long.
I am not a tyrant, but I will kick people out who are a negative influence in the rp.

Expect Criticism
I am, as a Thread Lead, a lot more concerned with power level and background story consistency than many others. Most character sheets that come in will need to be discussed and altered in some way. Most of the time these changes are minor, but they vary. Know beforehand that the first draft of your profile may need editing, and that any criticism is not a rejection unless outright said so. It just means that some things need altering or worked on.

Guild Rules
Follow them.

RP 101 Things
No godmodding other characters, auto-hitting, meta-roleplaying, etc.
You should know what I'm talking about with this stuff. However, if you do not, I have no issues with explaining privately. It ties largely into the first rule.

Power Level
This Naruto Roleplay will be staying close to the original series in Power scale. The highest point characters will be getting in power level will be comparable to very early Shippuden, and not everything shown there would be acceptable either.

On top of that, I'm going to be aiming for power levels between characters inside their ranks to be similar to one another.

Genins will be starting out a bit more capable than what they were at the beginning of Naruto, with them all being capable fighters. Chunins will be scaled slightly up from canon expectations, but not by a large amount. This is more to go along with the higher genin standard. Jounins will then be scaled down in comparison to the canon's capabilities, staying closer to original Naruto with the fight between Kakashi and Zabuza, rather than reaching the scale that Shippuden goes into.

No Genjutsu
Genjutsu is unfortunately extremely difficult to balance compared to nearly all other power sets. Often times in matters of roleplay, even the lower level Genjutsu can cross the border into god-modding, controlling another character's thoughts, actions, or feelings. It is very difficult to roleplay correctly and overall is just a nuisance, and all too often ends up as just an "easy stun-lock win" tactic. Because of this, I will be cutting it out from the roleplay. Genjutsu is not allowed.
Illusionary Ninjutsu though can still be used. Such as fire that doesn't actually burn but looks and smells real until someone comes in contact with it.

Canon Techniques
Some canon techniques I will be disallowing due to them being overpowered, or it being likely that they do not exist. This roleplay will be encouraging people to make their own techniques and powers for their unique characters.

No 'cloning out'
I will not allow clones to be used for escaping an attack. If you have clones out and they are being used, then please state it beforehand. As in “The real Steve is hiding in the ground, while he uses a clone to mislead and attack the target above.” Unless it is clearly said or agreed upon beforehand that the clone is the target, it will be assumed that the character being attacked is the real you.

Character Variety
Not everyone in the Naruto universe is an Uzumaki, Uchiha, or Hyuuga. There are many many many different clans to choose from, some more obscure than others, and you're even free to make your own. Bring out all your hidden ideas and make something different than the cookie cut Sasuke Clone.
Along with this rule, there will be a limit of 4 characters for each clan. First come, first serve, and most likely, I won't allow you to have two characters in the same clan as each other.
Some characters may take the name of a canon clan but not their abilities, such as being related by Marriage. These characters will not take up one of the limited slots.

Special Note on Canon Characters
For the most part, I will be saying no, since they won't be born yet, however, I will make exceptions for people to play certain canon characters if they were minor and didn't get much time to shine in the series. The more well-known ones like Rock Lee or Neji will not be allowed, but if there was a character that was in for only a few episodes, and didn't get to do anything important, and were left overall forgotten by most viewers, pitch me their character and I'll take a look at them. They may be granted a second shot in a completely different timeline.
I shall be the first one to use this alternate universe rule, and say that Ichiraku's Ramen Shop exists in this timeline, with good old Ichiraku and his daughter.

Literacy and Posts
I am going to be putting this at a casual to lightly advanced level. Do not shame others for posting less than you, or think bad of them as an rper. However, do put effort into your posts and make sure that they are legible, and have enough written for people to effectively respond to. Please refrain from posting a bunch of unnecessary fluff just to make your post longer.
With posting formats, please include your character's picture, name, and location.
Any issues, which I hope there won't be any, will be handled on a very case-by-case basis and we will find a way to work it out. Just be mindful of being considerate to others with your post length, and be willing to use the edit button if a problem arises.

I can kick out anyone I want
For any reason. I can wake up one day and decide to roll a dice and see who gets the boot. I won't actually be doing that, but the fact remains that I can.
Basically this rule is : There are no technicalities for you to hide behind. Don't test me.
Welcome everyone!
All who get accepted will get pmed a discord invitation to the server :)
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