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8 yrs ago
Current @Lady Amalthea, does that mean every post is a Horocrux?


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Location: Diamond District

Part of Mali that was previously tensed relaxed when she didn't spot anything immediately suspicious on Helga. It wasn't any external component of her body, but an internal mechanism. The mechanism did not lose all tension, but it slackened just enough so she could just enjoy the rest of the massage without actually trying to structure it or the remaining shopping stops into some kind of plan that somehow ends with her and the people she'd just met all alive and doing well.

And then she was alone again. Mali sat up and reflexively ran a hand through her hair. She had no idea where she was supposed to go next, although if she had to guess, Zoie, Wayne an attendant like Genny or some combination of the three would be waiting right outside. Mali hopped off of the tables and did a few stretches, feeling much more limber than she had before the massage, like some pasta cooked al dente. Speaking of which, she grabbed a bottle and downed it all at once, crushed it in her hand and dumped it into the recycle. Lastly she donned her robe once again and picked up the business card, looking over both sides before pocketing the paper and leaving the room. She could only hope that this card wouldn't be as significant as the last card she'd been handed.
Cyne (Defense)

Location: Tower
Interacting with:Undead

The inquisitiveness about the undead and its potential true purpose in this situation melted away into fury when the thing grabbed her throat. The inherent disgust at its very existence was still there, only amplified by the fact that it was touching her, but she was more pissed at herself for the fact that the thing made a move on her while she was distracted by her curiosity. She was in the middle of a fight, there was a turned Dire Wolf not 30 feet away from her. Now was not the time to be trying to investigate the hooded figure's motives.

The bear raised a paw up and planted it squarely in the center of the undead's chest, pushing down upon it with as much force as she could manage with a hand squeezing her windpipe. A loud ripping noise cut through the clamor of battle as the thing's grip failed under the force it was subjected to, but not before claiming a souvenir in the form of a patch of fur from her neck, the underlying skin bloodied in its absence. Yet despite this, the undead was still unharmed. That wasn't normal.
Playing lawyer is hard without a fleshed out legal system to lawyer

Harry Kingsfield


Harry didn't really expect the old man to know anything about the information he gave him, so he couldn't really be disappointed. Yes this was a small town, but that didn't change the fact that people with that large an age gap tended not to interact without some sort of familial tie that obligated a relationship of some sort. He wasn't directly related to Riley, and from the sound of it, none of his potential family would be knowledgeable about the social circles that the missing girl seemed to inhabit most frequently.

"Would you mind allowing me to examine it?" Harry's eyes zeroed in on the clothing, they scanned every bit they could examine. Any little detail could end up being a vital clue if it was really a piece of Riley's clothes, or perhaps even her kidnapper's. The Private I stepped forward, hand outstretched and open. In the back of his head, he made a reminder to write down all the contents of this little interaction down in his notebook before he could have the chance to forget an important detail since he couldn't at that moment.

Location: Diamond District

Mali had been expecting so much from Helga that she was almost disappointed when she didn't have hands that alternated between the modes of hydraulic press, industrial pistons and vice grips. Regardless of unfulfilled built up expectations, Mali appreciated the thoughtfulness in the technique and form inherent in the massage. Even with the low resolution tactile image provided by the back, she could tell that the masseuse really wanted her to enjoy this.

The past few weeks had been so stressful that she'd been in a near constant cycle of tightening up like a coiled spring, realizing that she had gotten worked up and then trying to relax to varying degrees of success. She wasn't an easygoing, carefree person by nature, but getting tangled up in Juno seemed to amplify any preexisting penchants for worry, doubt and over-analysis. This was her chance to completely relax for once and completely noodle out. And yet, as she rolled over, she couldn't stop herself from checking Helga for a ♀ in the very unlikely chance that this was some form of elaborate trap.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 205->Room 202

"A muzzle would work just as well for dampening the noise, my dear," Giosue replied under his breath, clearly not overly fond of all the hooting and hollering going on outside. If he knew what room that newcomer would be staying in, he would have rigged it up with something very special indeed. But he didn't, and now was not the time to try to personalize, guess or attempt to bias their gifts in some way or another.

When Nancy signalled for him to be quiet, he had just finished up with everything he had wanted to accomplish in the room and was almost about to leave. When he spotted her gesture, he froze like a rabbit that had spotted a great wolf, making nary a sound. He couldn't hear much of the conversation on the other side of the door save for merely the muted voices, nor was he very much interested in learning the contents of said discussion as they were unlikely to be very important for the time being.

"Perhaps it would be best to nix trying to give everyone a greeting gift so we don't have to sacrifice either the costume or the script. The costume gives the whole thing life and believability." He and Nancy had also worked very hard on all the aspects of that and was loathe to give any part of it up so easily. They had plenty of time for pranks later down the line, but they would only be able to pull this off when the Paradoxes were fresh and unaware of the circumstances around them.

"Quickly, we must return to my room without being seen. There we can finish all our preparations, hopefully without incident. I'll check first, make sure the coast is clear." Having a lock and key certainly helped in regards to setting up a private dressing room/theater. Gently, he moved to the door and poked out his bald head to purview the hallway. When he found the hallway empty and deemed that good, he nudged the door open and tip-toed outside whilst motioning for Nancy to follow and shut the door. They might not have been rigging every room with a prank now, but it would be a waste to discard the work he's already done so far.
Will post when I'm not on the verge of passing out at any moment
Will post when I'm not on the verge of passing out at any moment
Go even dumber. Make a framewerk that turns into a gun a la G1 Megatron.

Location: Tower
Interacting with:Undead

The very substantial part of Cyne that saw the undead as an affront to nature and everything good and right in the world wanted to just crush the undead right there. Its chest was directly underneath the bear's paw, and with the great power that she had in this form, it would be a trifle to simply press down and end its wretched existence right then and there, making the world a slightly better place. But her senses were telling her that there was something more to this whole situation. The way the hooded figure was acting felt off, and the fact that this was an apparently ordinary, if mostly fresh undead when they had seen much worse evidently under his control piqued her curiosity.

Wondering what more she could learn from this undead, rather than simply cleansing everyone of its presence, Cyne took the sheet and pulled it even further until the thing was more or less completely exposed to the world. It wore similar pants and boots as the figure, with a crest of some sort on it, but nothing she could easily recognize. She half expected the thing to try going after her, but it just laid there staring and grunting dumbly. Any deeper connection required more information or someone smarter than her to try putting things together.
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