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Mali Anson

Location: Diamond District

Crisis averted, she didn't react in any way to the probing question that would illicit an extended period of awkward silence. Still, she decided she would prefer to keep her mouth shut to Shela's reply rather than actually say something else that would make the rest of her stay with this particular beautician awkward. Unfortunately, this meant that she would largely have to keep herself entertained in her own head for the meantime.

"You shouldn't be cracking jokes if you don't want me to break this mask," Mali teasingly derided Shela. "I would really appreciate a bottle of water, thanks." And Mali was left alone again. This was unexpected, and made her regret making Helga wait when she would have had some time to organize her thoughts now. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all.

Letting her mind wander, she came across something she didn't really expect to think about: whether or not she'd watch the new Star Wars movie coming out in the winter. She'd seen the last one when that came out, but mostly because it felt like such a big event that it'd be a huge waste to not go. She had liked it well enough at the time, but the new Star Wars smell had worn off, and she wasn't so sure she really wanted to go see another one. Maybe Relic would be interested in going, and that could be a solid reason to go. Get the kid out away from a computer or device for awhile. Did he even like Star Wars? Now that she thought about it, he might be more of a Star Trek guy.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 202
Skills: N/A

"Bold words, Nancy, but if you attempted to perform a reading in such a manner, you would just make a mess of the cards and have to reassemble the deck from the shambles lying on the ground." If she were to actually go so far as to try performing a reading with her toes, she'd probably keep going and try to pick up all the cards with her feet as well. Worst case scenario, it would take all day for the reading to actually be placed and interpreted.

As for the reading Nancy was doing right now, Gio had spent enough time with her to get a general idea of what each card meant even without an explanation. He wasn't anywhere close to Nancy's level of foresight, but he could tell a good reading from a bad one, and oh boy was this a whopper of a bad one. He couldn't even bring himself to reply to her remark about throwing out his back in a way that might have invited some levity into the situation or try to find some potential interpretation of the cards that were less overtly ominous.

"We need to tell the others about this," he stated finally. "The plan can wait until the next loop if it's a necessity. A reading like this on All Hallow's Eve," Gio didn't finish his sentence mostly because he himself wasn't entirely certain what the full implications were. However, something in the back of his head told him that it was more than a little likely that there would not be "another" time loop.

Location: Tower
Interacting with:Boar B

One moment Nor's got that hooded bastard in a dominated position, one wink later and he's on the floor. By the time her turned around, both he and half of the room's inhabitants vanished into thin air. In their place were two giant boars. Under his breath he cursed spellcasters for being arrogant defilers of the natural order. Anyone else would at least have the courtesy of freeing himself in a way that made sense.

Well at least they were beasts. He could understand how beasts worked, and if worst came to worst, then they'd be having ham for dinner tonight. But before that, he had to take some things into account. He was small and those boars were quite large. Yes, he might be wearing full plate, but that wouldn't protect him from obscene amounts of blunt force. Furthermore, his short stature made him more vulnerable to their primary weapons of tusks and hooves.

So clearly the place to be was above the cheeky pigs, where he'd also coincidentally be in position to stab its pretty little neck. The dwarf pushed off from the ground and in the span of a moment sprung from the ground and latched on the boar as a baby gorilla clings to its mother's fur. His grip held fast as the porker thrashed in protest to his presence, and before his turn was up, he managed to seat himself right on top of the summoned creature.

Harry Kingsfield


When really scary things suddenly occur, the human body doesn't work with anything more sophisticated than possible. Things like rational decision making were slow; relying on such processes were a good way to end up as snake food in the days of old. When aggressive and predator-sounding made itself known, the first thing the body was wired to do was freeze, like when a rabbit spots a coyote, which was Harry's first reaction was.

As the growling got louder, he wrested control of his body up to the next lowest level of sophistication his body could muster: figure out what the hell was the danger. Around this time he managed to spot the black smoke rolling through the trees and the growling turned into an actual voice. Alright, so he had no idea what the hell the thing was so his body moved onto the next process it had built in for dealing with mysterious spooky danger: fight or flight.

Harry slowly walked away from the impending danger and drew out his gun, as lightweight as it was and pointed it at the fog, hands shaking and unloaded several rounds into it. Somebody who could rationally assess the situation would be able to point out quite readily that a bullet wouldn't be an effective weapon against a mass of gas, but the thing about irrational fear is that it made a lot of dumb choices.
Mali Anson

Location: Diamond District

Mali knew it was most likely just for the purpose of shortening down "hydradermabrasion" down to something that could be remembered by normal people, but naming any sort of beauty treatment after a greek monster of any sort intentionally or no was not a way to make it sound appealing. Sure there were worse options to pick from (say, the Medusa Treatment: "beauty so stunning he'll be frozen in awe"), but a multi-headed lizard that was constantly being beheaded was not some sort of ideal to strive for, unless a detail that was never carried over into English tellings was how baby-smooth the beast's hide was as Iolaus burned its bleeding neck stumps with a torch.

"So had any luck with your love life," asked Mali when she was given the invitation to speak. She was seventy percent sure that the reason she'd asked was because she hadn't entirely left the daydream head space that she'd inhabited half a minute ago, but no matter the reason for it, she regretted the words as soon as they'd left her mouth. She didn't know this woman, and yet the second thing she asked her about was potentially deeply personal information. What kind of ice-breaker topic was that? There were a million other, less awkward things to speak about that wouldn't completely kill the intended mood of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Of course, she'd probably heard maybe ten of them a thousand times. "What's the job like?" "Do you also get work done here?" "What's your work-out routine?" Assuming she was even asked questions all that often. Mali had the gut feeling that the people usually in the chair preferred to talk at length about themselves and their own personal troubles and grievances. That was how these things were supposed to go, right?

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 202
Skills: N/A

It was a good reaction Nancy had, immediately being able to act in-character from the word go. However, she still sounded ridiculous, and he had to squish his lips together to avoid smiling or otherwise acting in such a manner that would derail the entire exercise. He could see it in his head: he slips too much and prompts Nancy to go into a long in-character tirade that only feeds his laughter. After awhile he finally regains control of himself, but gets a wild idea in his head to have Nancy break character. Next thing you know, a pillow fight ensues, there's feathers scattered all over the floor, and they used up all the practice time goofing off. To avoid such a dreadful future he had to remain strong now.

After Ashley's first response, Gio lowered his eyes to the script once again to ready another question before the Cards decided to put a hold on the whole thing. Knowing her it was probably something that she couldn't properly ad-lib, most likely a reading. Can't exactly pretend to get complex readings of the future as a Green Paradox.

"See, this is why I didn't put on the accessories. It would be quite the inconvenience to perform a reading with your hands bound, no? Hopefully by the time we have finished all our guests will have arrived and they will cease to be an obstacle." The older emendator rose from his seat and walked behind Nancy, peering over her shoulder to see what she would foresee in the Cards.

Location: Tower
Interacting with:Undead

Lots of things were going on around Cyne and the bedridden undead, and they were all quite important; however, she didn't give a damn about any of that at the moment. She was laser focused on destroying the abomination before her that had the gall to rip out her neck fur. The bear swung again at Bob, striking once again, and turned its shoulder into gravel. Another swing and the offending arm was entirely separated from Bob's body.

In the aftermath of the blow, the limb soared through the air, spraying dark biological fluid that was probably blood once all over the room. It fell to the floor with a soft thud, but it didn't remain still. Like a wind-up toy that refused to die, the damned limb flopped around ineffectually. Speaking of things refusing to die, the undead still carried on in unlife, mocking Cyne with its continued existence. With every successive attack, the druid's anger grew more with how absurdly durable it was. She was going to slay this thing if she had to spend the rest of the day tearing apart, bit by bit.

Harry Kingsfield


Harry couldn't say that he was surprised at the immediate lack of anything showing up. If he could find something at the lake with a casual scan, anyone would have been be able to and Riley wouldn't be a missing person in the first place. Still, he scribbled down any notes about the area as he walked around. For a bit he tried to draw out a rough map of the area he explored, but his lack of artistic ability quickly discouraged that course of action.

Harry looked down at the watch on his wrist, staring at it without actually reading the time. Then he turned his gaze up to the sky. It was going to be late soon, he could go back right now. But he didn't quite want to. Not just yet. The private investigator decided that he'd continue to scout out the forest some more. He stretched a few times before he sighed and continued on his path throughout the wildnerness.
Mali Anson

Location: Diamond District

"Trust me, I know how that is." Even before bulking up, Mali had a long history of dealing with the very creative names people could come up with when trying to be cute or even malicious towards others. Traumatic childhood bullying aside, she didn't really have experience with nicknames meant to abbreviate. One of the benefits of having a four letter, two syllable name. There really wasn't an effective way to go shorter without making it confusing. Ma sounded like she's somebody's mother. Li just comes off as Lee, a guy's name and the Chinese version of Jose. Mal could maybe work if it didn't literally mean bad and wrong.

"I'm going to a high-class party tonight with my date. It'll be my first time meeting a lot of people, and I want to look as good as possible. Really wow everyone there, if possible." Mali said as she sat in the other chair, the Ghost of Dentist's Past creeping into her psyche from the childhood trauma corner of her mind as she settled in.

She still wasn't sure what Zoie's real goal was for this party, but regardless, she wanted to leave a good impression on everyone there. Unbidden, her imagination drew up images of her flawlessly socializing with the other party-goers, her beauty dazzling a cute trophy wife, which draws jealous glares from Zoie. Around midnight after a few drinks she gets pulled aside to the balcony by the prostitute and after a brief, terse argument allegedly about Juno, they lock together in a passionate kiss, her lips tasting of lipstick and wine as her tongue-

Wait, what was she talking about again? Oh yeah, skin care or something.
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