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Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 102->Room 202
Skills: Ancient Greek

Alicia's ravings, followed by her speech to the Paradoxes, while also a bit out of line and perhaps a bit too on-the-nose seemed to get through to them. However, he couldn't help but notice Alicia stick Evelina's pipe in her mouth and sneer as she left. That was so gross. The Dice had been around for so long, her mouth contained who knows how many different kinds of bacteria and pathogens that were harmless to her, but who knew what kind of illnesses anyone else could contract from it. To willingly stick that in one's mouth was thoughtlessness incarnate.

But putting that aside, with Nancy's exit and the impending departure of Gilbert and Andromeda, he was to be in charge of the Camp, which was what he volunteered for. Alicia might be fine to send off alone, but there was no way he was going to allow her to govern the place alone. No, he had to maintain an eye on the place. If need be in the future The Hat would be an acceptable substitute, but it left a lot fewer options for maneuvering. That could be planned in detail later. Right now he had more pressing matters to attend to, namely setting up the Camp for tonight. It wasn't even a thought to him to not have the guests over tonight. Evelina's disappearance was a most concerning matter, but that didn't mean that ritual was to be cast aside or routine to be forgotten. To allow such things to slip would be a sign that the Camp was truly slipping into chaos and would be soon to perish.

All the Emendators had their responsibilities, and this was his. He had his troubled thoughts and hypotheses brewing in his head, but keeping the place running as smoothly as possible was paramount. Issues of Evelina could be given more mind when the others returned. Party preparations were going to have to adjust with the fewer hands on deck, and he had to account for them now while he had the time. Being the last one to leave the room, Gio shut the door behind him and made his way to his room to work out the logistics of the celebrations tonight.
Mali Anson

Location: Zoie's Farm
Skills: N/A

Well, it seemed as if she didn't actually have time to try deciding whether she wanted to go on this trip or not. Zoie was about to leave, so it was now or never. Well what reason did she have to stay? Although she asked it to herself, she couldn't really think up any reasons to do so. She was rather certain her apartment was highly unsafe, so she'd need to find a place to relocate. It's not like she had to worry about a trip like this ruining her routine or her ability to compete, that handy little injury had done that plenty enough. And now that she was really thinking about it, she kind of hated the place. There hadn't been enough time to really experience all facets of Justice, but the place felt hollow. Like coming across a fancy, but sketchy looking car, and opening the hood to find the engine had half rusted away. The place lacked soul.

Mali could come up with plenty of reasons to not go, but staying really didn't have any appeal. And it sounded like Zoie really wanted her to go. As worried as she was about being an outsider, both siblings were rather keen to have her along. Mali shut the book and set it on the nightstand with a sigh. Ten minutes wasn't really enough time to pack, even if it was an excursion that'd only be a few days long, so the best she could do before Zoie could leave without her was grab some of the clothes that had been bought for her, what few personal items she'd had on her person, the little bone thingamajig and the books that she'd picked out and arranged them in the suitcase in a mildly organized manner. As packed as she was going to be in such a short span of time, Mali took her luggage and walked out to the car.

Chief Hermetic Scribe

Location: The Ramblings

There was a chaotic peace that had settled across the streets of the Ramblings. No more was there the active hate and destruction of the night prior, but in its stead emerged confusion, suspicion and an unshakeable sense of doom. You could see it in the eyes of the passersby if you looked hard enough, a panicked emptiness that didn't know what the future held. Or even if there was a future to be had at all. In some there was a gilding of anger, in others victimhood, but among them shared a loss of faith. Faith in the Castle and the Queen. In the society they had built their lives atop of. For some, the very foundation of being.

But his eyes were different. His eyes were cold and they cut through the miasma that surrounded him. They were focused on something, a future that none that shared the streets with him could grasp. No, he alone knew what lie ahead. And that vision drove him forward. The man, shrouded in blue moved silently through the streets, nobody truly taking notice of him. Nobody save for one individual.

Strong, rough hands reached out from the shadows of the alley and pulled the blue clad figure into the dark. Roughly, he was shoved against the stone wall, a forearm shoved against his throat. His hood now cast aside, his face was revealed for the world to see, yet it was hidden by a mask, which hid away all except the eyes, that locked on to his attacker. The assailant was a thin, but firmly built man with fair hair and eyes that still carried remnants of tears.

"Do you know who I am?" The attacker spoke with the accent of one from the Land of Long Nights, but his clothes were that of a Castle inhabitant. There was no movement on the masked man's part to struggle away, and his eyes only stared forward.

"Of course you don't, but I know all to well who you are. You think you're so above it all! But I know what you've done and what you're after. The destruction out there, it's all your fault. Because of you, my brother's dead. But I'm going to stop you. To make sure that nothing like that has to happen again." And with that said, the foreigner produced a dagger he'd been concealing up to this point, given away only by a stray reflection caught from below. He began to vigorously thrust, stabbing repeatedly into the masked man's abdomen. In the span of a few seconds he'd managed to inflict several punctures in the torso.

Before he could finish the job, the world suddenly jolted out of place and he found himself on the opposite side of the alley. It took him a few seconds longer to process what had occurred. A powerful ache throbbed through his forehead. He had been head-butted? By the time he managed to return focus back to the mask man, the attacker found himself staring straight into those cold eyes. They contained no rage, only intent focus. And down in his hand was a drawn pistol, pointed directly his way.

The hooded man grabbed the bleeding garments he wore as he put up his pistol. Whatever business he had in mind previously would have to wait. Without medical attention soon, he'd be as dead as the ghost of the Young Army soldier not 20 paces away. But something caught his attention. Spilled out from the body was a small notebook. Slowly, he reached down and plucked it from the ground. It was leather bound, rough and worn from constant use. It was barely held together by the glue that was used to construct it, but it held together nonetheless.

On the inside cover was a name, scrawled out in pen: Aki Odinsen. The masked man flipped through the pages of the book, finding most of it dreadfully dull. For the most part it was a journal of mundane doings that barely held the interest of the one who experienced it firsthand. But he found one thing that made the distraction worthwhile. One of the items he was searching for. It had been in the Land of Long Nights as well. Had. But it was enough. Tossing away the journal, he covered his wounds from sight with his cloak and pulled his hood up. The man stumbled out from that alleyway, his gaze more focused than they had mere minutes prior.

"Foolishness," he said to himself as he walked down the streets once more. "I cannot stop. I shall overcome this."

Atkin Bowman

Location: Wizard Tower

When Arya suddenly snapped at him, he couldn't help but not say anything. His previously lightened mood soured back to what it'd been before he'd been visited by cats. Not only did his stomach drop low from being chastised and making Arya mad, but the reminder of his family, and the fact that he might not even have all of his family anymore suddenly made the entire situation seem that much darker. And yeah, he had been quite thoughtless there, but he didn't know how this shit worked. For all he knew the stones only activated when a draw was called.

But even through the shame and anxiety, he noticed Cuyler's reaction. Standing back there scared like he was the one getting chewed out. Atkin had made the observation yesterday, but he'd never imagine it'd be so accurate. Cuyler really was like a dog, acting like he'd be caught peeing on the carpet. How pathetic, grow a spine for god's sake. Or better yet a pair of balls, or was he fixed too? With his luck he'd probably have to spend the rest of the day with this wimp, which would only worsen his mood further.

"So what are we going to do with this?" Atkin asked Arya in reference to news of Meliscente's murder. "Like, we need to get it out there that Valda didn't kill her mum somehow, but I dunno if people are going to believe it, at least immediately and without any proof of it. One thing's sure, we can't keep going with everyone thinking their Queen's a murderer." If this Esren was indeed the same one who was behind everything shitty over the past day, it was at once a relief and infuriating that she was dead. She wouldn't really be able to cause trouble anymore, but at the same time, he still really wanted to punch her in the face. But if there was any real solace to be had at the moment, it was that he didn't have to worry about Valda secretly being some kind of matricidal lunatic, and that at least somebody had a chance to clear their name.

Harry Kingsfield

Red Lake B&B Attic

The attic was about what he was expecting. It smelled old and musty, and even with the weather outside, it was uncomfortably hot and stuffy. As he made his way through the attic, he made note of all the different packages and belongings that were left up here, abandoned really. Given the thought that they would one day be pulled out and used, but then left to sit out of recollection forever afterwards. The fact that he was up here in the first place was probably more human exposure some of these items had than they'd received in years.

As poetic as pondering the existence of the majority of the denizens of the attic were, they weren't what he was here for. That box. That was probably it. First he dusted it off and tried to get a better look at it. His first instinct was to open it up, but he both lacked the means to do so (it was nailed shut and he lacked the tools on hand to undo them), and he had the very strong feeling not to open it up at the same time (supernatural phenomena appeared to have been ingrained in the town and this family from the very beginning, and the fact that there was a very old box nailed shut and still intact meant there was probably something very nasty sealed inside). Before he could open it up, he needed some verification for what could actually be inside it.

He needed more information. Perhaps he had visited that reservation too soon. Maybe the chief knew more about what was going on here than Harry had initially gathered. But first the box. The PI gave the box and good pull. He wanted to see if he could carry this thing out of here. He didn't like being up here, and if he could keep it stashed away in his room, it would be more easily available, and if it just happened to have mundane, but useful pieces of the puzzle inside, he wouldn't have to make multiple trips in and out to move them someplace secure. But it was pretty big box.

Atkin Bowman

Location: Wizard Tower

Well, Cuyler's little hypothesis on why the castle had been infiltrated recently certainly would have made sense if it had been anywhere else but the Wizard Tower. Well it made sense for the place as well, but he wasn't convinced that it was strictly due to someone breaking into the second floor. For all he knew somebody cast a spell that horribly backfired and caused an explosion that blew out that window. Or some Magykal creature escaped through that window before flying away. Or, well there were a lot of different explanations he could fabricate for the newly replaced window, so he wasn't going to buy the guy's intrusion story until he'd found more proof for it. But at least it was grounded in the real world this time.

As he followed Arya into the side room, the floor decided to chime in again, but at this point he'd stopped paying attention to it, so he didn't even see it say:


No, he was focused on the insides of the chamber. So this was the pot in question. It didn't seem all that special to him. Just a big dumb pot full of rocks. But Cuyler and Sylvi probably didn't get the whole reason she was making a fuss about them, so he decided to fill in the explanation.

"So there used to be a thing called the Queste. It was originally set up by the first Extraordinary Wizard as a sort of bonus journey some apprentices could take, but it was sabotaged by his friend so that anyone who took it would be killed. How it works is during a big gathering off all the ExtraOrdinary Wizards past and present, the pot appears and the current apprentice has to draw a stone from the pot." Atkin reached into the pot without and picked out a stone at random to illustrate the point. "And if it's marked, you gotta go on a Queste. All the old Questing stones were picked out ages ago, but somehow somebody managed to put in more. How that happened beats me."
Mali Anson

Location: Zoie's Farm
Skills: Research

So this was something of a conundrum. She hadn't expected to so readily stumble upon validation for Zoie's gut feeling so easily. Well, she wasn't surprised at the parallels between pantheons. Not only was there active cultural exchange between civilizations like Egypt and Greece, but as human society evolved, they tended to take the same ideas and recycle them again and again, refining the ideas further each time. Same idea applied to religious systems as well. But the picture. That was the big one. And she wasn't entirely sure what to do with this information. She could go try to tell Zoie and Relic right now, but it wasn't really the time to do so, and she doubted that either of them were really in the proper frame of mind to follow up on it at the moment.

But at the same time, she really should let them know sooner rather than later. If she'd managed to actually stumble on something significant, they needed to act on it as quickly as possible before it could get caught by someone else. This was something of a race after all, even if the other racers didn't know she was competing. Not to mention it would be really awkward to bring up if she waited too long. "Oh hey I learned this really important thing weeks ago but never bothered to tell you." That wouldn't go over well. She'd let them know tomorrow at the latest. Assuming nothing crazy went down between now and then. And there was a good chance that it would. For the time being, she dog-eared the page with the relevant photograph and decided to keep reading.

Part of Mali couldn't help but wonder if she actually ran into something important and not some red herring. Perhaps Juno and Hera and Isis or however the fuck many of these gender locked conspiracies there happened to be already knew about this shit long ago, and this was just old hat. After all, this was just a book she pulled off the shelf. It wasn't especially hidden away or anything. Literally anyone could find it relatively easily and find the same thing. It was something you had to be looking for, but they were looking all right. She could only hope that Zoie was right and they were doing it in the wrong places.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Main House: Room 102
Skills: Ancient Greek, The Watch Act I: Time Portals

Gio remained stone faced, hand on his chin throughout the events that had gone down rapidly over the course of the morning. Whether it was Alicia's crude announcements, the following information of Evelina's evident disappearance, Nancy's reading and the ensuing confusion, his expression maintained impassive neutrality. Part of this was due to simply his emotional state, but more importantly, he was thinking. He read the note. He listened to what the others were saying, Emendator and Paradox alike. In his head, he replayed the events of the past few months over and over again, looking for errant details that he either didn't bother to bring up or might have missed entirely at the time. All the while he tried to mull over the various possibilities of their situation and what this actually meant.

"Εάν κάποιο από τα Παράδοξα ξέρει πραγματικά κάτι," He finally spoke up, yet not looking up from where he'd kept his gaze transfixed. He spoke in an even more measured manner than usual, as if every syllable were timed with a metronome. "θα έρθει στο φως δεδομένου του χρόνου και της πίεσης. Προς το παρόν, ας μην αναγκάσουμε το ζήτημα, διότι έτσι μπορούμε να αποκαλύψουμε το χέρι μας. Ίσως απομακρύνθηκε από το στρατόπεδο ως μονάδα. Όσον αφορά τη λειτουργία της ομάδας, θα μείνω εδώ. Το κάμπιγκ πρέπει να παρακολουθείται και θα έχετε την πιο δυνατή πρόσβαση σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα επιλογών διερεύνησης, αν είμαι αυτός που μένει."

"...Αφού εκτελέσετε τις αρχικές έρευνες σας, έχω μια υπόθεση ότι έχω δουλέψει σε αυτό που πρέπει να μοιραστούν μαζί μας. Θα ήθελα να δω αν ισχύει για περαιτέρω δεδομένα."
After that last pair of sentences, Gio blinked and it was if he had been freed of the Medusa's curse. From his pocket he produced The Watch and flipped it open.

"Ah yes, should be a trifle. I'll set a portal at your usual spot." And not 10 seconds later it was so. Then he directed his attention to the Paradoxes in the room. "I realize you think you might be trying to be help by offering suggestions, but you're not. You're simply being uppity and making nuisances of yourself. Especially you, Faith. Know your place. An abbreviated training cycle does not mean that you all are on the same footing as us or even Alicia."

Harry Kingsfield

Red Lake B&B Attic

"Will do. Thank you, ma'am." Harry accepted the keys from Mrs. Walker and turned away. He wasn't surprised that all the familial relics were left in the attic. It was either there or locked away in some closet if the Walkers were like most people. Those like Halsey who kept antiques like that on display were a much rarer breed. He still wasn't sure about that woman's motivations. There was nothing she said that would indicate she had ulterior motives, but her actions were far too cooperative for him to take everything she said at face value.

But that was all extraneous to the real situation at hand, going through the attic. When he saw how much of a mess the place was, the first thing her did was remove his suit coat and tie, followed with rolling up his shirt sleeves. No use getting his clothes dirtier than they needed to be, especially since he had just changed. He really wished he had also thought to ask for a duster. Nevertheless, he had to press on and search the place. He walked through the attic, getting a feel for how the place was structured and how much sorting he'd have to do to be able to thoroughly scour the place.
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