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Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"At this rate we're going to end up dirtying all the dishes in the house by the time everyone's been served," Gio chided, but moved to prepare the grounds for Andromeda's coffee regardless. In a way, it was only mildly inconvenient. The water was already being boiled for tea, some of it could be used for coffee, but that didn't stop him from thinking over how to delegate the task of cleaning all the used dishes after the conversation was over in the back of his head. Time loop or no, it wouldn't do to have a pile of unwashed glasses sitting around. Chances were that he'd have to do it if he wanted them done properly, but the only bothered him slightly.

Despite the mundane nature of his complaint, the forefront of Gio's thoughts were centered around the real discussion at hand. He hadn't been planning on asking her anything of interest, she seemed like she had been quizzed quite enough when he arrived at the scene. He thought she'd just have her drink and then sent on her merry way. Evidently Gilbert had other plans. Plans that immediately bore fruit. The Watch really had no idea what to make of this information. He could immediately invent all sorts of explanations for all this, but all the possible explanations left him with no real recourse on how they should move forward with what they did know now. It made him almost consider changing his choice of beverage to something with more punch as well.

In the middle of pouring grounds into the glass container of the coffee maker, the Emendator stopped and shot his peer a glare from his peripheral vision at the pun, but otherwise said nothing and continued what he had been doing. He had his own questions as well, but it'd do no good to overburden the conversation with too many at once. He had time. Perhaps they would answer him without having to utter a word.
Mali Anson

Location: Grimaldi Books
Skills: N/A

Mali stopped in her tracks after getting called out by Zoie. So much for not interrupting the moment they were having. She turned towards the two women and gave them a little wave and a nervous smile before proceeding again. She was put on the spot in an awkward situation, and could introduce herself properly later. Perhaps if she was in a better state of mind she'd be able to come up with some other course of action, but the biological urges were really starting to press on her mind. The urge hadn't been so bad when she'd been in the truck, but now that reprieve was in sight, her bladder decided that the time was now.

"What, I'm not just going to say no and then go in at the same time anyways." Mali answered Zoie, as she opened the door and held it open for her companion. She gaze her something of a perplexed look at the "back teeth are floating" line. It wasn't a phrase she'd heard before, but wrote it off as one of those Southern sayings she threw around. "Knowing our luck though, all the stalls are going to be packed. If that's the case, I'll rip off the door and you throw the occupant out, capiche?" She wasn't serious about the latter half, but the idea certainly appealed to the primal, selfish monkey brain.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Carnival Set Up->Kitchen House
Skills: N/A

"Thank you, Miss Ruthie," for answering the question he had directed at Gil when the Emendator had failed to. It was a relief that Peter's reasons for wanting his remains removed didn't involve some dire end outcome for the Camp that they wouldn't have been able to see coming. But at the same time it was rather disappointing and vexing that he was doing this for such a selfish reason. And how does he know that he's stuck in this loop because his body's on the grounds? Sure the place itself is in a time loop, but that hasn't stopped anyone else from being able to move on. It wouldn't surprise Gio if it was Peter's own psychological hang ups that were still keeping him in this life.

A vindictive part of Gio wanted to say "Maybe we should just let Peter's remains stay on the grounds for a bit longer then. Take our time removing them." He wasn't exactly mad at Peter, but when all was said and done, he had far more important things to do. The afterlife situation of Paradoxes, let alone one who had fallen to his own disregard for the rules, was rather low on his list of concerns. So far low that it was a topic he had ceased thinking about seriously some centuries ago. But it wouldn't be right to just leave him to his fate like that, now that he had asked for help. If Gilbert wanted to have the remains removed today, he wouldn't object, but as it was, the Paradox could stand to wait a bit longer.

"Indeed. There's no reason you wouldn't be able to accompany us, Miss Andromeda," for now, "I doubt that anything of interest for you will come about, however." Gio answered before he followed Gilbert to the Kitchen House. He wasn't too cognizant of the Camp's alcohol storage, but he had full confidence that Gilbert did given the amount of time he spent in the kitchen. Certainly they could find something for such an interesting woman.

"Salutations," he casually greeted the Paradoxes and Ben, but otherwise paid them no mind. Sophia and James were on the more responsible end of the spectrum, so he felt no compulsion to keep track of what they were doing with the young man here. "A cup of tea would be delightful. And how about you, Andromeda? Would you like a cup as well, or does something else tickle your fancy?"
Mali Anson

Location: Grimaldi Books
Skills: N/A

Mali would be lying if she claimed that the first thing she looked for wasn't the restroom, but more important was the scene in front of her, with Zoie and Adelaide. They were clearly having a moment here, and Mali wasn't sure what to do from here. If she approached them, then she'd probably ruin the whole thing, but it'd also be rude to just ignore them entirely. Not to mention she did need to tell Zoie about Caesar. The various residents of Boston Heights were something she neglected to mention up until this point to either Relic or Zoie due to a lack of relevance, but if he was here, than who knew what else was going on outside of their peripheral vision. And hey, a free meal was in it for them as well.

But when it came down to it, the body won out and Mali charted a path well around the two women so she could use the restroom with a minimal amount of invasion on their grieving. It'd at least be a few minutes until she was out, hopefully by then, they would be done and she could introduce herself. If they weren't? Well she would just go wait by the truck again. At the very least, her worst imaginings of the situation had shown themselves to merely be fiction this time.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

Gilbert's reply was rather vague, but Gio simply interpreted that as the nature of the events that transpired being confidential, not to be talked about before the current crowd, whether that be the rousties or the Paradoxes. Understandable. Likewise, he didn't want to share what he had learned right at this time either. It was no big deal, they could go over the details later, in private.

"Gio," he gave in response to Ruthie's introduction. It was only common courtesy. But the claim that she could speak to the dead would be something that he'd normally disregard as a simple ruse in order to procure money or attention. Yet, stranger things had happened before, and the one who appeared to be swayed was Gilbert. So it could be entirely reasonable that she really did possess the ability advertised. At least, that was his though process before the woman spoke up again. That was all it took to settle his mind as far as this matter stood.

"Well, there it is," Giosue said, as he gave an open-handed gesture that indicated that the facts had been laid bare. "Did Peter say why we should relocate his remains? And where would we put it anyways?" Just because she was talking to him didn't mean he was right. He wasn't going to dig up someone's body and relocate it to who knows where on a whim or unfounded paranoia. If he simply wanted to be buried somewhere close to home, he'd just have to deal with the inconvenience in the afterlife.
Mali Anson

Location: Grimaldi Books
Skills: Perception

"No, not from Boston Heights. It's for our friend Marc. He died very recently in a barn fire probably trying to save all the animals. I don't know. We weren't there until it was too late." It was really convenient that she actually wasn't in the Chicago area for any investigative reasons (as far as she knew), so she didn't have to have some sort of cover story or set of half truths in this conversation. Yet, she felt a twinge of guilt that even indirectly she felt relief from Marc's death. Remorse compounded by the feeling that if she hadn't been such a coward he might still be alive. But it seemed that the senior Gonzalez had picked up on the same thing she had.

Perhaps it was simply the fact that she couldn't keep herself entirely focused on the conversation with the "call of the wild" constantly nagging in the back of her head, but Mali couldn't help but keep shifting her gaze back and forth between Caesar and Grimaldi Books. During one of these glances, she noticed Claire suddenly react to something going on in there. Chances were that the news Zoie brought wasn't going over well. Hopefully nothing too bad was going on in there. She doubted that Marc's friend would do anything like fly into an irrational rage, but she'd heard of reactions to deaths like that before. But she was probably just overthinking things again. But then again, Caesar probably had a far more refined sense for danger than she.

"Yeah, if you want to catch up later, here's a number you can use. Give me a call when you're done with whatever it is you're doing here." Mali scrabbled around for a stray piece of paper and a writing utensil, upon which she jotted down the number of her current phone. She left the truck and handed the piece of paper over to Caesar. Networking (and a free meal) didn't stop being important because she was traveling. She was fairly certain Caesar was trustworthy, and if she managed to get in the good graces of the heads of two major private security providers, that would put her in a uniquely advantaged position in this game. But it wasn't all that important to her at the moment. Her priorities were Zoie first, bathroom second. So with a casual wave she made her way to the book store.

Well first on her way she noticed the built cockney. As she walked past, she gave him a look over and gave him the nod of approval from a fellow swole folk.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Carnival Set Up
Skills: N/A

As Gio entered the Carnival Set-Up proper, what he was met with, he was unimpressed by. Anybody that looked at him would be able to tell at a glance that he wasn't pleased to be there. The Rousties were all grimy individuals, physically and in character, but that was common knowledge. When he agreed to let them set up, he sacrificed the relative cleanliness of the Camp. But he didn't catch anything he found unforgivable when he scanned the site as he made his way towards Gilbert. All he could hope now was that when they did finish their set-up, the final result would at least be of adequate spectacle and novelty.

His focus wasn't explicitly on locating Gilbert. That required no effort. One knew where their hand was without having to look at it. In much the same way, he was able to locate a nearby Emendator without difficulty.

"Gilbert. Miss Andromeda. Ma'am. Glad to see the Camp still intact. Did anything of note occur during my absence?" It was surprising that they were mingling with the Rousties rather than letting them work in peace, but he guessed that there was something important going on here beyond the effect this would have on the party tonight. Or they found themselves bored out of their minds. Regardless, less walking made things convenient for him. Fewer stops streamlined his to do list.
Mali Anson

Location: Grimaldi Books
Skills: N/A

If there was something really appreciated about the trip so far was how mundane it was. It was far more familiar and comfortable than the past few weeks had been. Well, the excessive sitting was anything but comfortable for her butt and lower back, but these were things she was used to. Being outside of Justice let her think about things other than the Juno conspiracy, or just not think of anything and be bored for a bit. And unlike the past couple of days hanging around Relic and Zoie, there were no excessive displays of wealth and luxury that while quite enjoyable, clashed with her self image. It was almost like she were living a normal life again.

That feeling evaporated when she looked over and saw Caesar's face. She didn't have any overt change in expression, but anyone paying attention would notice an increase of tension across her body language. It'd be hard to forget a face like his, even if she hadn't lived in the same building as him and done research into his past. His presence here indicated that she hadn't actually escaped any of this bullshit at all, and now it had walked up to her and started friendly conversation when she really needed to take a piss. The woman kept herself from sighing and leaned out the window to talk to the elder man.

"Hey, I don't believe we've met officially, funny meeting you out here." Mali extended her hand to Caesar for a handshake. There was no way in Hell that he wasn't suspicious of her appearance here given the situation he was likely in, but he probably was trying to gently approach the matter at hand. At least if word choice was anything to go by. So be it. She'd feign ignorance and see how much he was going to press for before becoming confrontational. Even if it came to that, she'd need to be very careful, he had an entire security company's assets at his disposal, not to mention the staggering depths of violence he was capable of committing. But focusing on the possible negative outcomes would get he nowhere.

"This is actually my first time in the area, but I can ask if there's someplace nearby. We're on our way to a friend's funeral. What brings you up here?" What kind of food was Chicago known for anyway? Mali felt like she could answer if she wasn't pressed for time like right now, but she was only pulling blanks. If Zoie knew a place, it'd probably be a cafe or something, but it still irked her that she'd forgotten something simple like this.

Giosue Zino

Location: Ville au Camp: Front Gate
Skills: The Watch Act I: Time Portals

Gio stepped foot onto the grounds for the first time in days. In his head there was the knowledge that there shouldn't have been anything that could have happened in that time that could have gone irreparably wrong, but with group of Paradoxes, who knew. Not to mention how many things wrong transpired over the course of a single day. But at least from where he stood now, everything was calm and clear, the same as it ever was. At the very least, being out on his own for once was enough to help restructure his thoughts and come back with something approaching an optimistic mindset.

Now to find Gilbert. Gio made his way down the road towards the kitchen house. With his absence, nobody should have been able to leave the Camp, so chances were that everyone would either be hanging around the kitchen or the main house. It was around lunch time, after all. Or perhaps that carnival had been going well, they could be mingling with that ragtag bunch. Regardless, now that it occurred to him, he factored that into his plans and put that to the top of things to do. It would be the closest to him, and a quick check up on the carnies wouldn't hurt in the slightest. At worst he could kick them off if they were doing anything too untoward.
Roger Rooney had spent enough time piloting the Yeager, both in virtually and in reality that he had become as accustomed to the high G forces sustained as one could. That aspect of the trip down was easily managed. More cumbersome was the heat. He had rarely ever maintained his boosters acceleration enough to accrue the friction needed to create and maintain the temperatures in the cockpit. His home planet was not nearly warm enough, let alone humid enough to create this kind of atmosphere. It was like sitting in the machine equivalent of a busy locker room. Were it not for the circumstances, he would have opened up the cockpit to air it out, but he'd have to deal with it for the duration of the mission. At least he had the solace of knowing that he wouldn't have the presence of mind to think about it for long.

With the ground fast approaching, Rooney angled his boosters downward and lightly activated them in quick spurts. Each split second blast enough to slow its descent until it landed about as softly as a giant robot could hope to manage without resorting to gravity manipulation. He knew it could handle a rougher impact, but he was at enough risk of whiplash as it was.

On the ground, Rooney decided it would be better to take stock of the situation before acting. First thing they needed to do was deal with the beasts bum rushing them and then break the line, but an unconcerted effort would see them quickly overwhelmed by superior numbers. The others seemed to be targeting the flanks first, not surprising, but he might as well contribute to the attack before he got targeted, exposed as he was right then. Rooney moved Yeager towards 2 o' clock and opened fire on the Cruxi Beast to his right. If Black Star's gambit worked out, by his estimation his bullets would still find a mark in the War Machines behind the beast, they were still within range, but at the very least, more suppressing fire was never a bad thing.

ACTIONS: Move to G8, fire at H7
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